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Lesson Title: How many is too many?

Lesson #:12 Kathryn Grell General Objective: Understand the physical, financial and cultural constraints on immigration Specific Objectives: interacting collaboratively to solve problems Knowledge: Students will recognize that immigration policies are complex and imbedded in culture and socio-economic realities. Skill: discuss personal understanding of people or characters in context of community: engage in problem solving & critical thinking Language: students will be able to explain the terms constraints Immigration Act Immigration Waves model summarizing Introduction (i.e. Bridge): Yesterday we talked about the stats of immigration. As you can see on the stats about how many immigrant students are in local school, the population is growing. Pre-Assessment: How do you think that immigration effects us here at school? What is working well and what needs improving? Participatory Learning: Time Participation (teacher) Participation (student) 5 minutes look at growth of student # and immigrant # analyze and reflect in particular; talk about what that might mean for school 5 minutes introduce the Simulation problem: 12 students without school placement, we can listening; viewing Question sheet take up to 6 we need to figure out 1) should we take some 2) what would that mean for our class 3) how many and how we would pick 15 minute allow for small group discussion and note collaboratively work on answers to Qs taking. Monitor 15minute as a class discuss the answers to the listen, speak and work collaboratively to questions; teacher facilitates solve problems 5 minutes summarize results of discussion; explain the simulation and its purpose. Canada has listening similar constraints & must choose provide students with an overview of 12 minute Immigration laws in timeline form with viewing; listening note taking brief explanation of major points: top of timeline should exhibit immigration, bottom what is happening political As we have learned today, making 3 minutes immigration policies is difficult but necessary. For home work. Post-Assessment: assess homework homework options: please finish up the homework I assigned yesterday for tomorrow and write 1-2 sentences about what you thought of todays lesson Transition: Today we learned that immigration is a complex issue because it is effect by our society and our economy, but it also affects our society and economy. Tomorrow we will consider how immigrations are personally affected by immigration and immigration policies. Possible Modifications: provide translations of main words in native tongue: offer simplified timelines for weaker readers: if necessary turn this into 2 lessons and skip lesson13 or summarize it Research Connections: Hess, Fredrick M. (1998). Some Practical Thought on Design and Use of Social Studies Simulations. OCSS Review. Summer 1998. This work help clarify some of the potential difficulties so that I would be prepared. Piano, Mary. Chin, Jeffery(2011) MONOPOLY and Critical Theory: Gaming in a Class on the Sociology of Deviance. Simulation& Gaming. V42. N 5.p.571-588. This work discussed the importance of real goals in simulations and gaming, thus influencing our final discussion.

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