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3-5 Field Day Stations

Rope Challenge: Station 1 Students will need to be divided into groups of about 6-8. In the center of a marked circle (the NO Zone) will be a small cone with a ball on top. Crossing the center of the NO Zone will be 4 ten-foot ropes. Teammates will hold the end of a rope and attempt to move the ball from the center of the NO Zone to the hula hoop on the outside of the NO Zone. Students are not allowed to enter the NO Zone or have the ball touch the ground in the No Zone. If a team makes a mistake, they must place the ball back on the cone and try again. The first team to get the ball into their hula-hoop is the winner. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Basketball Shoot-Out: Station 2 Students will need to be divided into two even teams. One team should sit on the black sideline on one side of the large orange cone the other team will sit on the other side of the same cone. Six players at a time from each team will step out and get into a hoop on their side. When given the signal to start, all 6 players from each team will collect their ball and begin shooting at their team basket. The object of the game is to score as many baskets as they can in 30 seconds. The team with the most points wins the round. Remind the students that no points can be scored after the whistle blows.

Hula Hut: Station 3 Students will need to be divided into groups of 6. In the beginning of the game, each team will stand with a foot inside a circle painted on the ground. When the game begins, students will attempt to collect hula-hoops for building huts by throwing beanbags into a laundry basket. If a beanbag lands in the laundry basket, then the student who threw it may get a hula-hoop and take it to their teams construction site. Building the Hut Once the team has collected 6 hoops, they may begin building their hut. The first hoop is the base and lies on the floor. The next two hoops build the first walls. The hoops should form a triangle above the base. The next two hoops form the other sides of the hut and rest on the first two walls. The final hoop rests on the top of the four walls. Protecting or Knocking Down Huts Once the huts are built, the team must protect their huts while attempting to knock down any huts built by the opposing team. If any hut is knocked down, it must be rebuilt. The object of the activity is to be the first team to build three hula huts that are standing at the same time.

Construction Site

Construction Site

Construction Site

Construction Site

Launch It: Station 4 Students will get into groups of five. Once in groups, each team member will get a number 1 through 5. The partners will assume the positions mentioned below. After the launcher has completed his/her turn (launching 3 objects), then the players will rotate to the next job/number. The objective is to be the team that catches the most objects that make it past the restraining line after launching a total of 15 objects. STARTING POSITIONS ROTATION SCHEDULE Position 1 Hold stretch band; 2, 3, 4, 5 Position 2 Launcher; 3, 4, 5, 1 Position 3 Hold stretch band; 4, 5, 1, 2 Position 4 Catcher; 5, 1, 2, 3 Position 5 Catcher; 1, 2, 3, 4

Water Cup Relays: Station 5 Students will line up at their squad colored cones. When the students are lined up, take time to even the teams as much as possible by moving students to fill in spaces. Once lined up, each student will be given a cup (remind students not to squeeze the cups because they will split). Relay #1 the first person in line will move to the furthest dome from the starting line and then rest of the students will continue the process until all students are by their own dome. When the students are lined up properly, the person at the start line will fill their cup with water. When the leader says go, the first student will run to the next person in line and pour the water into their cup, this will continue until the last person in the line has their cup filled (leader may want to demonstrate the technique for the students first). When the last cup is filled, that student will run back to the starting line and hold the cup up in the air. The team that finishes first and has the most water wins the relay. Continue this relay until everyone has had a chance to start. Relay #2 (You will need to collect all cups except for the first 2 people in line.) The leader will demonstrate how to hold a cup of water on your head and pour it into another cup. The object of this relay is to see how fast the team can carry a cup of water to the last dome and back without spilling the water. The students must carry the cup above their head while they run the relay. The team to finish first with the MOST water in the cup wins. Repeat this relay as long as time allows.

Water Balloon Toss: Station 7 Before you can begin, each student must find a partner. Ask the group to stand back to back with another person. Now that each person has a partner they will stand facing each other on opposite sides of the two giant ropes. If there is a student without a partner a volunteer or parent can throw with them. When all partners are ready, the leader will hand out a beanbag so the partners can practice throwing and catching before the official water balloon toss begins. When the leader says throw, the partner with the bean bag will toss to their partner and the partner will then toss it back and stop. If successful, the partner not holding the bean bag (or water balloon) will take a giant step back and the helpers will move the giant rope back so that it is just in front of them. The activity should resume for at least three practice throws then the real water balloon toss can begin. The team who can keep their balloon intact the longest wins. Scooter Relays: Station 8 Soccer Shoot Out: Station 9 4 teams will line up at the starting point. 2 cones will be placed half way in front of each of the goals with a soccer ball on each side of the cones. The first student in each line will run up and shoot their teams soccer ball into the goal. If the student misses the goal they must retrieve the ball and try to score again. If the student makes the goal they will retrieve the ball and place it back next to the cone. When the ball is placed back next to the cone the next student in line will run up and try to kick the ball into the goal. The first team with every student to score will be the winner. Students that have scored and placed the ball back will sit in the back of the line.

Bucket Brigade: Station 10 Procedure: Each student has a cup. Divide into 4 groups. On signal, first person fills cup and pours the water into the next childs cup. So on down the line, continue until the jar flows over. Hold the Rope Relay: Station 11 1 jump rope or rope per every 5 players, 1 hat per player, or beanbag etc. INSTRUCTIONS: Place all of the hats, or objects you chose, at one end of the playing area. The teams will line up on the opposite end of the playing area. On the signal, team must race to the hats, keeping all hands on the rope. While keeping both hands on the rope, players must put all their hats on any way they can. Players may not use their hands, as all hands are still holding the rope. Once each player from the team has on their hat, they will race back to the finish line. If a player drops a hat on the way back, the team must stop and replace the hat before continuing. The first team to finish is declared the winner.

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