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Colegio Divina Pastora

Departamento de Idiomas


Ingls 5 EPO

Level:_________ Name:
Date ___________________________________________________________

1. Complete the sentences with this, that, these and those.
_______is my chair and________is your table. _________is my house and ________are my friends
Toby and Matt. ___________________are my sisters books and __________________are your
pictures ._______________are my grandparents. __________cakes are delicious!____________room
is very big.
2.-Answer these questions:
-What do you do in the bedroom?__________________________________________________________
-What do you do in the study_____________________________________________________________
- What do you do in the bathroom?_________________________________________________________
-What do you do in the kitchen?___________________________________________________________
3. Look at activity 6,write the questions and the answers.

4. Write six sentences with can:

two interrogative sentences

two affirmative sentences
two negative sentences

5. Describe this boy ( her name, age, clothes and what she can do). You can invent
clothess colours.

6. Complete with There is or There are.

1. There _____ a computer in the bedroom.
2. There _____ six chairs in the dining room.
3. There _____ some books in the library.
4. There _____ an apple on the table.
5. There ______ any apples in the fridge?

7. Add do or does to make questions an do dont does or doesnt to make short

Do you like your job? No, I dont.

___________ I speak Italian well? Yes, you _______________.
___________ you drive to work? No, I _______________.
___________ Alan smoke? No, he ________________.
___________ your sister visit you very often? yes, she ________________.
___________ he help you very much? Yes, he _______________.

8. Look at the pictura. Fill in the blanks with a prepositions:


The boy is ______________ the house.

The cat is______________ the house.
The birds is______________ the house.
The dog is______________ the windows.
The horses are______________ the house.

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