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Crystal Thomas EDU 250 RAPS IV Standard # 7 Instructional Practice, Planning for instruction 7(a) The teacher individually

and collaboratively selects and creates learning experiences that are appropriate for curriculum goals and content standards, and are relevant to learners. 7(h) The teacher understands how integrating cross disciplinary skills in instruction engages learners purposefully in applying content knowledge. NETS standard #2 Teachers design, develop and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes identified in NETS S. Activity !7 Technology in the classroo"! #ane or #oo" Consider what my boundaries will be re ardin te!hnolo y in the !lassroom" #hat will I $romote and what will I a%oid& Artifact! A handout descri$ing "y %olicies regarding technology in the classroo"& '( Personal ele!troni!s are not to be used in the !lassroom and must be turned o))* or silen!ed and +e$t in lo!+ers" ,!ell-$hones* note$ads* la$to$s et!"(" 2( #e will use the internet on our !lass !om$uters to !om$lete at least one resear!h $ro.e!t durin the year* on a to$i! rele%ant to our studies" Students will !ondu!t all ne!essary resear!h re/uired )or their $ro.e!t durin s$e!i)ied !lass times and will ather in)ormation )rom a list o) $re-a$$ro%ed websites sele!ted by me in ad%an!e"

0( 1n!e the resear!h has been !olle!ted by the students* they will use the !lass !om$uters to ty$e and $rint the needed $arts o) their $ro.e!t durin s!heduled !lass times" I will be tea!hin elementary le%el students and $lan on ha%in the use o) te!hnolo y be %ery limited in my !lassroom" 2y $rimary tool will be !om$uters and my oal will be to tea!h the students how to !ondu!t resear!h on a be inner3s le%el" Sin!e $hysi!al libraries are rarely used anymore )or resear!h $ro.e!ts and sin!e I am aware that not e%ery student will ha%e a!!ess to a !om$uter or the internet outside o) s!hool* I will ma+e sure that all resear!h is done durin !lass time" Also* students will only ha%e the o$tion o) usin sites that I ha%e %eri)ied and a$$ro%ed be)orehand so they don3t et lost in the %ast world o) the internet unsu$er%ised" 1n!e they ha%e e4$erien!ed the $ro!ess o) atherin in)ormation and are ready to !om$lete their $ro.e!t* I will ha%e them ty$e it on the !lass !om$uters so they !an be!ome )amiliar with a +eyboard and the $ro!ess o) ty$in a )ormal $a$er whi!h will be a hea%y re/uirement as they $ro ress throu h s!hool" #hile some students will not ha%e a!!ess to $ortable ele!troni!s at home* I reali5e that most students will" These ad ets howe%er will not be allowed to be used in the !lassroom be!ause I belie%e they will !ause a distra!tion and I will not be able to su$er%ise or !ontrol what in)ormation they will be re!ei%in on their $ersonal de%i!es" 'eflection 6e)ore !om$letin this a!ti%ity* I hadn3t really i%en mu!h thou ht to how I would handle te!hnolo y in the !lassroom" I .ust assumed that it would be a stru le to

+ee$ the +ids )rom usin their $ersonal ele!troni!s durin s!hool hours" I ho$e that tea!hin elementary a e students will ma+e it easier to limit te!hnolo y use" I will

e4$lain to the students how im$ortant it is )or them to be able to wor+ on !om$uters and na%i ate their way around )or resear!h and su!h* and that is what we will )o!us our use o) on" 2ost !hildren these days et $lenty o) te!hnolo y time* some would ar ue too mu!h" I intend to )o!us on the basi!s and let them et their )un use outside o) the !lassroom" I belie%e that )a!e to )a!e and hands on intera!ti%e learnin at this sta e is so mu!h more im$ortant than s$endin !o$ious amounts o) time starin at a s!reen* e%en i) it is intera!ti%e on a %irtual le%el" (o) does this activity "eet the %erfor"ance indicators, critical dis%ositions and essential *no)ledge of this standard+ Per)orman!e indi!ator 7,a( is demonstrated by sele!tin the a$$ro$riate ty$e o) te!hnolo y based learnin dire!ted by !urri!ulum needs and standards* usin te!hnolo y in a way that will hel$ students meet these a!hie%ement oals" Essential +nowled e 7,h( is met by usin !om$uters to en a e the students in the !urrent lesson and allowin them to a$$ly their +nowled e to !ondu!t resear!h and $resent it in a $ro.e!t )ormat" 8ETS standard 92 was demonstrated by desi nin resear!h $ro.e!ts that allows )or student use o) !om$uters whi!h $romotes learnin o) not only the sub.e!t matter but o) te!hnolo y as well"

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