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EF310 Unit 08 Justin CLIENT ASSESSMENT MATRIX FITT Principles Name: Justin

What frequency do you suggest? 5-7 days per week

What intensity do you suggest?

What time do you suggest?

Cardiovascular Activity

Moderate/vigorous 60 minutes per day

Muscular strength and endurance

2 to 3 days a week

75% IRM

2-3 nonconsecutive 20 minutes per sessions per week. 20 30 minutes per session per week Explain how you will utilize the overload principle for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. By gradually increasing the load (time and intensity) will increase CRF.


2 to 3 days a week


What type of activity do you suggest? Aerobic: running, cycling, in-line skating, basketball and soccer 1 to 2 sets of 810 exercises @ 8-15 reps per set of Large Muscle Groups Yoga, stretching large muscle groups. Explain how the specificity principle applies to each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. To increase CRF, Frequency, duration and intensity are key principles in fitness.

PROS Principles

Cardiovascular Activity

Explain how you will utilize the principle of progression for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. 10% increase in minutes per week.

Muscular strength and endurance

Increase weight by 5% -10% and decrease reps when a given exercise is able to be performed at a

Explain how you will utilize the principle of regularity for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. CRF increase with frequency of exercise but will level off after four days of inactivity. Therefore, doing cardio activities every other day at least would help the progresses in CRF and increase endurance. Resistance training 3-4 days a week for several weeks, then increase weight gradually over time.

Increase only when able to perform the desired number of reps in good form. Include other

Specific adaptations to imposed demands. For overall muscular strength and

EF310-01 Unit 08 CLIENT ASSESSMENT MATRIX FITT Principles Name: Jennifer

What frequency do you suggest? 5 days a week 2 3 times a week 2 3 times a week

What intensity do you suggest? Moderate to vigorous. Moderate Moderate

What time do you suggest? At least 30 min 20 30 min 20 minutes

Cardiovascular Activity Muscular strength and endurance Flexibility

What type of activity do you suggest? Elliptical or treadmill walk Free weights or Machines Yoga possess or use stretching Machine Explain how the specificity principle applies to each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. Specificity in fitness training refers to exercises that are relevant to the goal. To increase CRF, and weight loss frequency, duration and intensity are key principles in fitness.

PROS Principles

Cardiovascular Activity

Explain how you will utilize the principle of progression for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. 10% increase in minutes per week in walking program working up to a jog per workout. Introduce an interval (walk, jog, walk, jog) program.

Explain how you will utilize the principle of regularity for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. CRF increase with frequency of exercise but will level off after four days of inactivity. Therefore, every other day at least would help the progresses in CRF and increase endurance.

Muscular strength and endurance

Increase weight by 5% -10% and decrease reps when a given exercise is able to be performed at a desired load.

Weight training 34 days a week for several weeks, then increase weight gradually over time.

Explain how you will utilize the overload principle for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. In order for a muscle (including the heart) to increase strength, it must be gradually stressed by working against a load greater than it is used to. By gradually increasing the load (time and intensity) will increase fitness level. When performing an exercise becomes easy, the weight, reps, or number of sets must increase in order to gain size and strength.

Specific adaptations to imposed demands. For overall muscular strength and endurance, each major muscle group must be

EF310 Unit 08 Sally CLIENT ASSESSMENT MATRIX FITT Principles Name: Sally

What frequency do you suggest? 3 times a week

What intensity do you suggest? Low to moderate

What time do you suggest? 20 to 30 minutes day try chunking, 2 to 3 10 minutes segments of activity 20 minutes *after four weeks of regular exercise 10-15 minutes Explain how you will utilize the overload principle for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. Increase time by 10% after four weeks of consistent training

Cardiovascular Activity

What type of activity do you suggest? Walking

Muscular strength and endurance Flexibility PROS Principles

2 times a week

Low intensity

Resistance training. Easy yoga Explain how the specificity principle applies to each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. To get Sally to the recommended days and intensity level, (goal) she needs to increase frequency and duration over several weeks to be able to walk at a moderate intensity for at least 5 days a week. By slowing adding weight to achieve three sets of 8-12 reps to increase muscle strength

2 times a week Explain how you will utilize the principle of progression for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. Increase number of day after 10 days until at 5 days per week

Low intensity Explain how you will utilize the principle of regularity for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. Working towards a moderate excretion level after about 4 weeks

Cardiovascular Activity

Muscular strength and endurance

Increase to 3 times a week after several weeks

Working towards a moderate level of intensity

Increase weight to achieve a moderate level of ability @ an 8-12 rep set.

EF310-01 Unit 08 Carl CLIENT ASSESSMENT MATRIX FITT Principles Name: Carl

What frequency do you suggest? 3-5 days a week

What intensity do you suggest? Moderate to vigorous.

What time do you suggest? At least 30 minutes

Cardiovascular Activity

Muscular strength and endurance

2 -3 times per week


20 30 minutes


2 3 times a week


20 minutes

What type of activity do you suggest? (intermural games with friends) Basketball, running, (gym) elliptical or treadmill Free weights or Machines change up with circuit training. Yoga possesses or use stretching machine. Explain how the specificity principle applies to each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. To increase and maintain a level of fitness to play intramural sports and to improve physical appearance. To increase and maintain a level of fitness to play intramural sports and to improve physical appearance

PROS Principles

Cardiovascular Activity

Explain how you will utilize the principle of progression for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. Increase physical activity by 10% per 10 days.

Explain how you will utilize the principle of regularity for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. Increasing physical activity to 5-7 days a week will help Carl have more endurance.

Explain how you will utilize the overload principle for each component of fitness in your exercise prescription. Progress from short, easy tolerated boats to 45 to 60 minutes per day.

Muscular strength and endurance

Increase weight by 5% -10% and decrease reps when a given exercise is able to be performed at a desired load.

Weight training 34 days a week for several weeks, then increase weight gradually over time.

When performing an exercise becomes easy, the weight, reps, or number of sets must increase in order to gain size and strength

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