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Sample Of A Generic Grant Executive Summary

(A proposal, and Executive Summary, should state a specific dollar amount for a specific purpose.
The request for staff, equipment and renovation funds combined in one proposal, is very misleading.)

The Acme Youth Center

Executive Summary

Project Title
Youth Center
Contact Person
Jim Smith (voice 555-555-5555, fax 555-555-4444, e-mail jsmith@email.com)
Applicant Information
The Acme Youth Center
555 Generic Lane
Generic City, CA 95060

Mission Statement
The mission of the Acme Youth Center project is to enhance health, wellness, and social
activity, and to provide a single point of entry into the world of services for the youth of
Generic City.

Funding Request
We are requesting (exact dollar amount) of funding to provide five staff positions for five
years as well as equipment and renovation for program start-up.

Problem Statement
The youth population of our city is a much larger percentage of the total population than in
the country as a whole. The issues regarding young adults are well documented. Education
and teen pregnancy head the list. Unsuprevised youth are often have problems regarding
drugs, sexuality, and criminal behavior. Families are often unprepared or unable to deal with
these issues on their own.

Project Summary
Educational activities are provided through partnerships with the city college. Activities
include job preparation skills, sex education, and interaction with local law enforcement
officials to help guide troubled youth through the difficult areas of their lives.

Expected Results
The attitude and behavior of local youth improves. Crimes such as vandalism decrease
dramatically, and the entire community benefits.

Our Investment
The Acme Youth Center will provide all needed support except that detailed in the grant
request. A major effort will go into a positive outcome for the bond referendum for
permanent funding for the project staff positions.

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