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HANDOUT 1 Respect : Reading Selections Selection 1: Ms. Heaphy Nationally syndicated newspaper columnist Nat Hentoff recently pu lis!

!ed a piece titled "#s free speec! un$American%" Read t!e commentary& or t!e following summary: T!e focus of Hentoff's commentary was an incident Dec( 1)& *++1 at ,alifornia State Uni-ersity& w!ere t!e uni-ersity's commencement spea.er& /anis 0esler Heap!y& president of t!e Sacramento 0ee& was " ooed off t!e stage after fi-e minutes of !er eig!t$minute speec!(" 1s( Heap!y egan !er speec! e2pressing !er support of t!e war on terrorism& calling t!e Sept( 11 attac. an "assault on e-eryt!ing American(" S!e went on& supporting efforts to protect t!e United States from furt!er attac.& ut egan to e !ec.led w!en s!e as.ed& "3T4o w!at degree are we willing to compromise our ci-il li erties in t!e name of security%" 52pressing concern a out e2panded go-ernmental powers& racial profiling in t!e 6uestioning of )&+++ 1iddle 5astern men in t!e United States on temporary -isas& and t!e use of military tri unals( According to t!e article& "S!e said& '# a solutely agree wit! 7resident 0us!( Our li erty will not e assured until terrorism is wiped out( 0ut ((( we s!ould 6uestion w!at t!e long$term effect of t!e administration's recent policies will !a-e on our -alues(' 8it! t!ree minutes left of !er speec!& s!e could no longer e !eard& and left t!e stage( T!e ma9ority of t!e letters and e$ mails to !er newspaper& T!e Sacramento 0ee& attac.ed !er $$ not t!ose w!o suppressed !er :irst Amendment rig!t to spea.(" After re-iewing t!e letters written to Heap!y and t!e columns written on !er e!alf& Hentoff notes t!at Heap!y would !a-e finis!ed !er spea. wit! t!e following words: "America was founded on t!e elief t!at t!e freedom to t!in. as you will and spea. as you t!in. are essential to democracy( Only y e2ercising t!ose rig!ts can you ensure t!eir continued e2istence(" and as.s& "/ust w!o is t!e enemy of t!ese American -alues% Heap!y& or t!ose w!o e2ercised w!at is called& in law& "t!e !ec.ler's -eto(" Hec.ling is protected speec! $$ until t!e spea.er cannot continue( Does /o!n As!croft !a-e anyt!ing to say to t!e patriots w!o forced Heap!y and t!e :irst Amendment off t!e stage%" Situation 2: Dr. Sommers #n Decem er *++1& Stanley ;urt< wrote a column for t!e National Re-iew& "Silencing Sommers&= in w!ic! !e related t!e story of e-ents at a conference on "0oy Tal." sponsored y t!e ,enter for Su stance A use and 7re-ention of t!e Department of Healt! and Human Ser-ices( T!e conference sponsor in-ited Dr( ,!ristina Hoff Sommers to contri ute !er -iews t!at "scientific studies oug!t to e used to !elp e-aluate t!e effecti-eness of go-ernment drug$pre-ention programs(" During !er portion of t!e discussion& a professor of psyc!ology in attendance !urled a couple of o scenities at Dr( Sommers& in effect telling !er to s!ut up( T!e comment inspired laug!ter in t!e audience& ut did not curtail t!e presentation( 8!en Dr( Sommers decided to tal. a out a related program& ">irl 7ower"& t!e conference sponsor pre-ented Dr( Sommers from finis!ing !er remar.s( #n t!e wa.e of t!e contro-ersy& t!e National Association of Sc!olars wrote a press release o 9ecting to t!e treatment Dr( Sommers recei-ed( T!e administrator of t!e Su stance and 1ental Healt! Ser-ices Administration responded wit! a letter to Dr( ;urt< detailing t!e apology gi-en to Dr( Sommers( Situation 3: Ted Turner 8!ile spea.ing at National :amily 7lanning and Reproducti-e ,enter in 8as!ington& D, in 1???& Ted Turner& founder of ,NN& @ice$,!airman of AOA time$8arner& and former owner of t!e Atlanta 0ra-es and Atlanta Haws& made a num er of comments to t!e audience& including: "#f you're going to !a-e 1+ rules& # don't .now if 3 anning4 adultery s!ould e one of t!em" "T!e 7ope s!ould get wit! it( 8elcome to t!e *+t! century(" 8!en as.ed w!at !e would say to t!e 7ope& w!o is 7olis!& if !e e-er met !im& Turner .ic.ed !is foot into t!e air and as.ed& "5-er see a 7olis! BlandC mine detector%"

,!ristianity is a Dreligion for losers(" 7ro$life people are D o<os('= At anot!er spea.ing engagement at ,NN on As! 8ednesday& *++1& Turner reportedly said to t!e ,at!olic employees w!o !ad recei-ed as!es& "# reali<ed you're 9ust /esus$frea.s( S!ould you guys e wor.ing for 3ri-al networ.4 :OE%" Situation 4: John Rocker During an inter-iew wit! Sports #llustrated maga<ine in Decem er 1??? B%C& /o!n Roc.er& a relief pitc!er for t!e Atlanta 0ra-es was 6uoted as saying: "#magine !a-ing to ta.e t!e F train to t!e allpar.& loo.ing li.e you're riding t!roug! 0eirut ne2t to some !id wit! purple !air ne2t to some 6ueer wit! A#DS rig!t ne2t to some dude w!o 9ust got out of 9ail for t!e fourt! time rig!t ne2t to some *+$year$old mom wit! four .ids( #t's depressing(" "T!e iggest t!ing # don't li.e a out New Gor. are t!e foreigners( #'m not a -ery ig fan of foreigners( you can wal. an entire loc. in Times S6uare and not !ear any ody spea.ing 5nglis!( Asians and ;orean and @ietnamese and #ndians and Russians and Spanis! people and e-eryt!ing up t!ere( How t!e !HHH did t!ey get in t!is country%" Situation : !rundhati Roy #n a piece titled D8ar is 7eace= pu lis!ed in Outloo. #ndia(com in Octo er *++1& and posted on I$ maga<ine& #ndian aut!or and playwrig!t Arund!ati Roy analy<ed t!e D8ar on Terrorism(= #n a J$page column& s!e critici<es t!e U(S( and t!e #nternational ,oalition Against Terror at lengt!( Her comments included t!e following: DNot!ing can e2cuse or 9ustify an act of terrorism& w!et!er it is committed y religious fundamentalists& pri-ate militia& peopleKs resistance mo-ementsLor w!et!er itKs dressed up as a war of retri ution y a recogni<ed go-ernment(= After listing twenty countries Dt!at America !as een at war wit!Land om edLsince 8orld 8ar ##&= as.ed D8!at freedoms does it up!old% 8it!in its orders& t!e freedoms of speec!& religion& t!oug!tM of artistic e2pression& food !a its& se2ual preferences Bwell& to some e2tentC and many ot!er e2emplary& wonderful t!ings( Outside its orders& t!e freedom to dominate& !umiliate and su 9ugateL usually in t!e ser-ice of AmericaKs real religion& t!e Nfree mar.et(== ,alled DOperation #nfinite /ustice= DOperation #n9ustice= and DOperation 5nduring :reedom= D5nduring Su 9ugation= Noting t!at t!e #nternational ,oalition Against Terror is Dlargely a ca al of t!e ric!est countries in t!e world= and produces t!e most weapons& participates in t!e most wars& commits t!e most !uman rig!ts -iolations& and up!eld dictators and despots among ot!er t!ings& s!e asserts Dt!e Tali an 9ust isnKt in t!e same league(=

HANDOUT * Respect: Reading Ouestions Selection 1: Janet Heaphy"s #ommencement Speech Did 1s( Heap!y !a-e a :irst Amendment rig!t to spea. at t!e ,alifornia State Uni-ersity commencement% Do students !a-e a rig!t to oo and !ec.le% 8ere t!ere conse6uences for saying w!at t!e students did not want to !ear% Did t!e students s!ow respect for 1s( Heap!yKs rig!t to spea.% #n t!is case& did t!e students lose a c!ance to !ear an important point of -iew ecause t!ey s!owed disrespect for anot!erKs rig!t to spea.% #f t!e !ec.lers did not li.e w!at 1s( Heap!y !ad to say& w!at could t!ey !a-e done to respectfully -oice t!eir opinion% Selection 2: Dr. Sommers Did t!e employees of t!e ,enter for Su stance A use and 7re-ention B,SA7C respect Dr( SommersK rig!t to spea. at t!eir conference% Did Dr( Sommers !a-e a :irst Amendment rig!t to spea. at t!e conference% 8!y would mem ers of t!e audience try to stop Dr( Sommers from spea.ing% Did t!ey !a-e a rig!t to spea.% 8!at !ad Dr( Sommers said t!at resulted in t!e audience acting !ostile% 8!y do you t!in. citi<ens s!ould respect anot!er person's rig!t to spea. and offer t!eir opinions% 8!y is respect for anot!er person's rig!t to spea. important in a free society% Selection 3: Ted Turner Did Turner !a-e a constitutional rig!t to say t!ese t!ings a out t!e ,at!olic ,!urc!& ,!ristianity& t!e 7ope and 7olis! people% #f t!e go-ernment cannot restrict t!is type of e2pression& are t!ere any conse6uences for ma.ing t!ese statements% ,an AOA Time$8arner or 1a9or Aeague 0ase all punis! Turner for remar.s made outside of !is professional role or association wit! t!eir organi<ations& or would t!at -iolate Turner's rig!t to freedom of e2pression% Do you elie-e t!e Turner s!owed disrespect for t!e ,at!olic ,!urc!& ,!ristianity& t!e 7ope and 7olis! people% S!ould AOA Time$8arner and 1a9or Aeague 0ase all !a-e punis!ed Turner for !is remar.s% Selection 4: John Rocker Did /o!n Roc.er !a-e a :irst Amendment rig!t to ma.e t!ese comments% 8!at do you t!in. were t!e conse6uences for ma.ing t!ese statements%

Do you t!in. t!at Roc.er s!owed disrespect toward -arious et!nic groups& !omoese2uals& e2$ con-icts& unwed mot!ers& and t!e city of New Gor.% 52plain( 8e .now from t!e Ted Turner situation BPQC& t!at 1a9or Aeague 0ase all was acting wit!in its rig!ts as an employer to punis! Roc.er for !is comments( Do you t!in. t!at 0ase all s!ould !a-e punis!ed Roc.er furt!er% 8!at are some of t!e conse6uences we fact if we do not s!ow respect for ot!ers w!en we e2ercise our constitutional rig!t to freedom of e2pression% Selection : !rundhati Roy Does I maga<ine !a-e a :irst Amendment rig!t to print 1s( Roy's condemnation of U(S( policy in its maga<ineRwe site% ,ould I maga<ine face conse6uences for printing 1s( Roy's article% Do you t!in. t!at pu lications s!ould e allowed to print articles t!at critici<e U(S( policies during a time of war% Do you t!in. t!at a foreign national li.e 1s( Roy s!ould e allowed to print unflattering articles in t!e United States% Do you t!in. 1s( Roy s!owed disrespect for t!e United States or t!e American people in writing t!is article%

$%tension Supplement The &rice' &o(er and Responsi)ility o* +ree Speech Whether I am or am not a Communist is irrelevant. The question is whether American citizens, regardless of their political beliefs or s mpathies, ma en!o their constitutional rights." $$7aul Ro eson& actor& singer& and acti-ist& 1?SF( 0orn in New /ersey in 1T?T& t!e son of a freed sla-e& 7aul Ro eson decided early on to ma.e t!e most of e-ery opportunity( He e2celled on t!e foot all field and in t!e classroom( He earned ot! an academic sc!olars!ip and a position on t!e foot all team at Rutgers Uni-ersity( 0y t!e time !e graduated& Ro eson was named All$American twice& earned fifteen -arsity letters& recei-ed t!e 7!i 0eta ;appa .ey and finis!ed first in !is class( Ro eson went on to ,olum ia Aaw Sc!ool& and upon graduation in 1?*Q& did t!e e2pectedL!e 9oined a law firm( #t was t!ere t!at !is life too. an une2pected turn( 8!en a w!ite secretary refused to wor. wit! !im& t!e young lac. attorney 6uit( Ro eson decided to pursue a professional career in t!e arts( T!ere& !owe-er& !e was still una le to escape segregation and racial tension( His first lead role& in 5ugene O'Neill's All #od$s Chillun #ot Wings& cast !im as t!e !us and of a w!ite womanM t!e play opened amid media fren<y and protests( As !is acting and singing recei-ed critical acclaimL!is rendition of DOlK 1an Ri-er= in t!e 0roadway s!ow %howboat ecame !is most noted performanceL!e ecame increasing concerned wit! t!e treatment of lac.s in America( #t was not until !e tra-eled to Aondon& 5ngland t!at !e recei-ed social& as well as t!eatrical& acceptance( Reali<ing t!at lac. people were treated differently outside of America& Ro eson egan spea.ing against racial and et!nic oppression( #n 1?QS& t!e accomplis!ed performer made a trip t!at would c!ange !is life fore-er( He toured /osep! StalinKs So-iet Union( Afterward !e said& DHere& for t!e first time in my life& # wal. in full !uman dignity(= #t seemed to !im t!at& in t!e Stalinist So-iet Union& all races were treated e6ually under ,ommunist rule( #nspired& Ro eson used !is increased pu licity to promote !is political -iews( #n 1?QF& !e spo.e against Spanis! fascism and t!e Na<iKs treatment of /ews( T!e actor$turned$acti-ist made se-eral political appearances& despite warnings t!at t!ey mig!t negati-ely affect !is career( #n addition to !is pu lic efforts& Ro eson spent more time in t!e Stalinist Russia( #n 1?Q?& !e was awarded t!e Order of Aenin& t!e most prestigious award gi-en y t!e USSR to military or ci-ilian people( #t was not long until t!e American go-ernment egan to suspect t!at Ro eson !ad 9oined t!e ,ommunist 7arty( 0ecause t!e ,ommunist 7artyKs stated goal was to o-ert!row t!e go-ernment of t!e United States& t!e :ederal 0ureau of #n-estigation B:0#C decided to place Ro eson under sur-eillance( #n 1?S*& t!e House ,ommittee on Un$American Acti-ities BHUA,C added !is name to a list of presumed ,ommunists( T!e :0# issued a custodial detention card for Ro eson& w!ic! would aut!ori<e !is immediate arrest at any time deemed necessary to national security( T!e action did not!ing to suppress Ro esonKs -iews( T!e :0# would continue to monitor !im until 1?))( During t!e ,old 8ar era& t!e go-ernment continued to scrutini<e Ro esonKs actions( He testified efore t!e HUA, a num er of times( #n 1?SF& w!en as.ed if !e was a ,ommunist& !e claimed !e was Dan anti$fascist and an independent(= #n 1?)J& despite a attle wit! illness& !e accused t!e committee of eing Dt!e true un$Americans= and admonis!ed t!em: D3G4ou s!ould e as!amed of yoursel-es(= #n t!e inter-ening years& t!e State Department used t!e new #nternal Security Act to force Ro eson to swear !e was not a ,ommunist or relin6uis! !is passport( Ro eson refused and !is lawsuit against t!e State Department would e denied re-iew y t!e Supreme ,ourt until 1?)T( Ro eson !ad not escaped t!e scrutiny of t!e American pu lic eit!er( #n 1?S?& o-er eig!ty of !is U(S( concerts were canceled( T!e National Association for t!e Ad-ancement of ,olored 7eople BNAA,7C disassociated itself from Ro eson& and ot!er lac. leaders condemned !im as disloyal and un$

American after !e announced at t!e 8orld 7eace ,ongress: D#t is unt!in.a le t!at American Negroes will go to war on e!alf of t!ose w!o !a-e oppressed us for generations((( against a country 3StalinKs So-iet Union4 w!ic! in one generation !as raised our people to t!e full dignity of man.ind(= Ne-ert!eless& Ro eson !eld to !is eliefs and increased !is in-ol-ement wit! t!e So-iet Union( #n 1?)*& !e was awarded t!e Stalin 7eace 7ri<eLt!e same year t!at Stalin sent Giddis! writers to t!eir deat!s( #t<a. :effer& a friend w!o !ad warned Ro eson a out StalinKs progressi-e su ordination of t!e /ews& was one of t!e men .illed( Aater& Ro eson 9ustified !is support of Stalin w!en !e claimed& Dt!e coac! tells you w!at to do and you do it(= After t!e Supreme ,ourt finally re-iewed !is case and reinstated !is passport in 1?)T& pu lic perception of Ro eson egan to c!ange( T!e socialist go-ernment in #ndia declared a D7aul Ro eson Day= in !onor of !is J+t! irt!day( His United States concert tour en9oyed warm receptions across t!e country( He released !is auto iograp!y& &ere I %tand( He toured Aondon and 1oscow& and recei-ed an o-erw!elmingly positi-e response( :or t!e ne2t fi-e years& Ro eson di-ided !is time etween 5urope and t!e So-iet Union& wor.ing in 5ngland only upon swearing t!at !e was not a mem er of t!e ,ommunist 7arty( 1ore t!an a decade later& after !is return to t!e United States& t!e :0# closed its file on Ro eson( He died two years later& in /anuary 1?FJ( Discussion ,uestions: Did t!e United States respect 7aul Ro esonKs rig!t to free speec!% 8as t!e :0#Ks sur-eillance and su se6uent actions Bdetention card& re-ocation of passportC an encroac!ment on Ro esonKs rig!t to freedom of speec!% 52plain( Did non$go-ernment organi<ationsRindi-iduals respect Ro esonKs freedom of speec!% 52plain( Does t!e U(S( go-ernment !a-e t!e power to curtail t!e rig!ts of citi<ens w!o endorse foreign go-ernments t!at are sworn enemies of t!e United States% 52plain( Does t!e U(S( go-ernment !a-e t!e responsi ility to protect citi<ens from persons w!o associate and support go-ernments wor.ing to o-ert!row t!e American democratic system% 52plain( S!ould Ro eson !a-e s!own more respect for t!e United StatesK concern for national security% 52plain( Duplication of t!is lesson y indi-idual educators for classroom use is permitted( Howe-er& t!is lesson may not e reproduced for #nternet posting or print pu lication wit!out t!e e2press written consent of T!e 0ill of Rig!ts #nstitute& 1???$*++Q( *++ Nort! >le e Rd(& Suite 1+)+& Arlington& @A ***+Q( BF+QC T?S$ 1FFJ R infoU0illofRig!ts#nstitute(org(

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