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Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 1

Analysis Whole Class The following chart compares the number of correct answers out of 14 that each student scored on the Chapter Test, Form 2A Pre-Test and Post-Test. Students had not been too familiar with this material so the number of wrong responses is not surprising on the Pre-Test. I used this information to see which students needed extra attention while teaching the concept and which students already have a firm grasp on the material. I was glad to see such an improvement on the Post-Test. Refer to chart 1.4 below.

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Pre-Test Post-Test

Student 01 Student 02 Student 03 Student 04 Student 05 Student 06 Student 07 Student 08 Student 09 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20

Chart 1.4

Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 2

The following charts show the breakdown of how each individual answered on each specific question for the Pre-Test and the Post-Test. Refer to charts 1.5 and 1.6 below. Pre-Test (Whole Class) Key: Male=M/ Female=F Correct Answers + Incorrect Answers Absent A Student #M/F #1 F #2 M #3 M #4 F #5 F #6 M #7 M #8 M #9 F #10 M #11 F #12 M #13 F #14 F #15 M #16 F #17 M #18 M #19 M #20 M Q1 + + + + + + + A + + + + + + + + Q2 + + + + A + + + + + Q3 + + + A + + + Q4 + + + A + + Q5 A + Q6 A7 Q8 + + + A Q9 + + + + + + + A + + + + + + + Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 + + + + + A + + + + + + + + + + + + A + + + + + + + + + A A A -

+ + A A + + + + + Chart 1.5

Post-Test (Whole Class) Key: Male=M/ Female=F Correct Answers + Incorrect Answers Student #M/F #1 F #2 M #3 M Q1 + + + Q2 + + + Q3 + + Q4 + + + Q5 + + + Q6 + + A7 + + Q8 + + + Q9 + + Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 + + + + + + + + + + -

Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 3

#4 F #5 F #6 M #7 M #8 M #9 F #10 M #11 F #12 M #13 F #14 F #15 M #16 F #17 M #18 M #19 M #20 M

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + -

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + -

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Chart 1.6

+ + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + -

+ + + + + + + + -

+ + + + + + -

+ + + + + + +

Question Breakdown The following section shows how many students got each question correct on the PreTest and the percentage. Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Question 4: Question 5: Question 6: Question 7: Question 8: Question 9: Question 10: Question 11: Question 12: Question 13: Question 14: 15/20 or 75% answered correctly 9/20 or 45% answered correctly 6/20 or 30% answered correctly 5/20 or 25% answered correctly 1/20 or 5% answered correctly 0/20 or 0% answered correctly 6/20 or 30% answered correctly 3/20 or 15% answered correctly 14/20 or 70% answered correctly 12/20 or 60% answered correctly 14/20 or 60% answered correctly 0/20 or 0% answered correctly 1/20 or 55 answered correctly 4/20 or 20% answered correctly

Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 4

The following chart 1.7 shows the percentage that each student received on the Pre-test.

Student Scores
1% 0% 50% 28% 43% 64% 21% 4 Students 3 Students 3 Students 3 Students 36% 2 Students 2 Students 1 Student

Chart 1.7

The range of scores on this particular Pre-Test is 0% to 64%. Only one student scored an absolute zero on the test. The majority of the students missed questions 5, 6, and 12. No students scored over benchmark of 75%.

The following section shows how many students got each question correct on the PostTest and the percentage. Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Question 4: Question 5: Question 6: Question 7: Question 8: Question 9: Question 10: Question 11: Question 12: 18/20 or 90% answered correctly 19/20 or 95% answered correctly 12/20 or 60% answered correctly 20/20 or 100% answered correctly 16/20 or 80% answered correctly 11/20 or 55% answered correctly 15/20 or 75% answered correctly 16/20 or 80% answered correctly 18/20 or 90% answered correctly 18/20 or 90% answered correctly 11/20 or 55% answered correctly 11/20 or 55% answered correctly

Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 5

Question 13: 9/20 or 45% answered correctly Question 14: 11/20 or 55% answered correctly

The following chart 1.8 shows the percentage that each student received on the Post-test.

Student Scores
36% 50% 79% 57% 86% 93% 100% 64% 71% 6 Students 3 Students 2 Students 2 Students 2 Students 2 Students 1 Student

Chart 1.8

The range of scores on this particular Pre-Test is 36% to 100%. None of the students scored an absolute zero on the test. The majority of the students missed questions 11-14. Six students scored over benchmark of 75% but all of the students showed improvement from the Pre-Test.

Sub-Group Analysis Both female and male students shared an average at 34% of the questions correct on the PreTest. Both genders had a high score of 64% but the lowest scores came from the males with one 1% and one 0%. The lowest score for the females was 21%. The following chart 1.9 shows the similarity in percentages.

Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 6

Pre-Test Scores by Gender

Male Male Female Female






Chart 1.9

The female students did better on the Post-Test than the males but not by much of a margin. The female average was 72% and the male average was 71%. Again the scores were very close. Two male students scored 100% on the test and the highest score for the female students was 93%. The following chart 1.10 shows the percentages.

Post-Test Scores by Gender

Male Male Female Female






Chart 1.10

Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 7

The SPED student scored very low on the Pre-Test at 1% but showed improvement on the Post-Test with 64%. The hard of hearing student scored 21% on the Pre-Test and scored 57% on the Post-Test. This score is not based on ability but on the lack of motivation. The student who has a speech IEP showed significant improvement as well going from a 36% to a 64%. The following chart 1.11 shows the score comparison.


Speech IEP Student Hard of Hearing Student


SPED Student






Chart1.11 Student Score Comparison I chose three students for score comparison; one female student who scored 28% on the Pre-Test but showed significant improvement on the Post-test with an 86%, one male student who missed every question on the Pre-Test and received 36% on the Post-Test, and a male SPED student who scored very low on the Pre-Test at 1% but improved to a 64% on the Post-Test. Refer to following charts 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13. Pre-Test (students analyzed) Student Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 # M/F #1 F + + #8 M #19 M -

Q5 -

Q6 -



Q9 Q10

Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 -

+ + + + Chart 1.11 Student #1 scored 5/14, student #8 scored 0/14, student #19 scored 1/14.

Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 8

Post-Test (students analyzed) Student Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 # M/F #1 F + + + + #8 M + + + #19 M + + +

Q5 + +

Q6 + +



Q9 Q10

Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 + +

+ + + + + + + + + + Chart 1.12 Student #1 scored 12/14, student #8 scored 5/14, student #19 scored 9/14.

Student Score Comparison

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Student 1 Student 8 Student 19 Pre-test Post-Test

Chart 1.13

I picked these students because they differ so much in ability. Student # 1 is a high achiever and was tested for GATE but did not qualify. Student #1 showed great improvement on the Post-Test but this was expected since the material had not been covered yet when the Pre-test was given. Student #1 missed numbers 7 and 11 on both tests that were questions about weight, which leads me to believe that more practice, may be needed with this unit of measurement. Student #8 is capable of the work but chooses to not apply himself. A lot of encouragement is needed to keep Student #8s attention and focus. The majority of the

Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 9

assessment was about using multiplication to covert units of measurement and I just do not think he fully grasps the concept. Student #19 is a SPED student and he tries hard in class every day to do the very best. It takes a bit longer to get an understanding to come about, but when he gets there it clicks. He missed a lot of time during my math lessons getting pulled out for his math interventions. Questions 12 and 13 were missed on both tests and they were on estimating to the nearest inch and completing conversion tables. Those were the questions on the Post-Test that were missed the most by the rest of the class.

How evidence from the assessments supports or contradicts pre-assessment findings The Pre-test was administered by me to the entire class of 20 students on Monday, March 17th, 2014 in the morning before lunch. It was a short Pre-Assessment on estimation and conversion of the larger units to smaller units in the customary system. One student was absent on this day and the SPED student who is in the SPED classroom did not take it either. The PostTest was made up of the same problems and was administered on Friday, April 4, 2014. All twenty of the students who were required to take it, completed the Post-Test. The purpose of the Pre-Test was to show me the students knowledge base of the concept of units of measurement and what they knew about converting before I taught the unit. This will show me where to start when teaching and also show the students progress after I have covered the material. The purpose of the Post-Test was to give a summative assessment of what knowledge the students gained. Conversion of measurement is a difficult concept taught in the fourth grade for some students. So, it is typical that the initial scores from the Pre-Test would be low and after some instruction the Post-Test scores would be much higher. I only scored the portion of the pre and

Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 10

post that were a part of my unit plan that I was going to be teaching so number 15-17 on the tests were not used in my analysis. After the Pre-test I realized that the majority of the students had no idea how to convert measurement and did not have the basic units memorized. In order to help them with this I administered a short fill in the blank worksheet that asked for a breakdown of units of measure. Because the bulk of the fourth grade struggled so much with memorizing the basic units they were able to use a cheat sheet during the Post-Test. The scores on the Post-test were much higher. Questions 4-8 were conversion questions that were written in equation form. 75% of the class was able to get these questions correct. Questions 13 and 14 were conversion questions as well but were written in table form. This confused 50% of the class and they missed these questions again.

Discuss the assessment instruments to determine the validity of questions used to measure learning. The Pre-Test and the Post-Test included 3 questions on estimation, 10 questions on conversion, and 1 question on measurement. The estimation questions use real world objects that the students are familiar with so 81% of the class were able to answer them correctly on the Post-test. The Pre and Post- Test was the same Chapter test given district wide with the My Math program so it was a valid assessment that is aligned with the core standards and the lessons taught throughout the unit. Lesson 1 included the Pre-Test as a formative assessment but I also used the independent pages of the practice book and class discussion to ensure understanding. Students were asked to estimate the length of images and then use a ruler to measure images to nearest inch, inch, and inch. These are valid questions because they follow the objectives in the lesson and unit plan.

Teacher Work Sample

Brooks 11

The formative assessment of lesson 2 was based off of the practice book as well. Students were asked to covert customary units of length using multiplication. Students filled in conversion tables. These questions are valid because they align with the core standards and follow along with the Pre and Post-test. Lesson 3 has a formative assessment that includes estimation of capacity of images in the students practice book. This is valid because real world objects were used that students are familiar with and it aligns with core standards. The formative assessment from the practice book for lesson 4 included questions about converting units of capacity using multiplication. The questions were written in equation form and in tables. These are valid because they align with Pre and Post-test questions. Lesson 5 included a formative assessment from the practice book as well. The questions asked students to estimate the weight of images. This valid because real world objects were used which students are familiar with and it aligns with the core standards. The formative assessment form lesson 6 was from the practice book of the My Math program too. Students were asked to convert units of weight using multiplication. The questions were written in equation form and in fill in the blank conversion tables. These are valid because they connect the unit plan to the core standards and directly apply to the Pre and Post-test.

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