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Jarred Altfillisch

255 Broadway Street Platteville, Wisconsin 53818 (815) 281-0357 altfillisc a!"w#latt$ed"


%niversity of Wisconsin-Platteville, W&, 'a or( P)ysical *d"cation B-21 'inor( +ealt) *d"cation 'a or ,P-( 3$83./$0 'inor ,P-(2$03./$0 Prof$ *d"( ,P-( 3$33./$0 1verall ,P-( 3$32./$0 Wisconsin Birt)-21, *3#ected 4ece56er 201/ 7ertified in -da#ted P)ysical *d"cation



Platteville Well ess Da!s 8all, 2013 Platteville *le5entary sc)ool Platteville, Wisconsin 4evelo#ed and ta"9)t lessons in relations to 5ove5ent s:ills -da#ted c"rric"l"5 and teac)in9 style to 5eet st"dents; individ"al needs$ -da#ted lessons to acco55odate for st"dents wit) s#ecial needs$ #ela!i $ % R%&es C%'rse S#rin9, 2012 <ariety of Sc)ools in s"rro"ndin9 area Wisconsin Belayed st"dents on t)e ro#es co"rse in Willia5s 8ield +o"se Planned different lessons to :ee# st"dents entertained w)ile waitin9 for t)e co"rse$

Platteville Well ess Da!s S#rin9 2012 Platteville 'iddle Sc)ool Platteville, Wisconsin =a"9)t 3rd and /t) 9rade st"dents different s#orts 7reated lesson #lans as a 9ro"# and "sed t)e5 to teac)$ >ei9ned in ot)er class5ates w)en t)ey lost control of t)e class$ (%l' teer Teachi $ Assista t ? @5 8all 2000, S#rin9 2010 Scales 'o"nd *le5entary Sc)ool Scales 'o"nd, &llinois -ssisted wit) 9"ided readin9 instr"ction, readin9 9ro"#s, and readin9 t"torin9$ +el#ed 9rade )o5ewor: so t)at t)e teac)er co"ld :ee# foc"s on t)e lesson at )and$ +el#ed 9"ide st"dents t)ro"9) writin9 sentences to t)e #ict"res t)ey draw$ COACHING E"PERIENCE) So"t)western +i9) Sc)ool 8all 2011 A"nior <arsity 4efensive coac) +aBel ,reen, W& Provide leaders)i# and str"ct"re to #ractices and 9a5es$ P"s) every at)lete to do t)eir 6est =eac) and role 5odel s#orts5ans)i#, tea5 coo#eration, #ositive conflict resol"tion, and co55it5ent to 9oals$ B"ild self-estee5 in all #layers t)ro"9) #ositive feed6ac:$ 4evelo# s"##ortive relations)i#s wit) c)ildren, #arents, and co55"nity 5e56ers$

Jarred Altfillisch


Wal5art 2011-#resent 7"sto5er Service S"#ervisor Platteville, Wisconsin Provide C"ality c"sto5er service and effectively resolve c"sto5er concerns$ 'otivate e5#loyees to )el# t)e5 do t)e 6est t)at t)ey can do$ 4e5onstrate cal5ness and fle3i6ility d"rin9 )i9) traffic ti5es$ >e5ain cal5 and collective des#ite 9ettin9 yelled at 6y c"sto5ers$ 'a:e decisions to 5a:e everyone;s wor: day 9o easier$ Wor: inde#endently and wit)in a tea5 to 5eet sales 9oals$ Perfor5ance in town #lay 2002 and 2007 <arsity 8oot6all / Dears Bas:et6all 2 Dears



Platteville Aaycees-2 years %W-Platteville ++P 7l"6-/ Dears President of t)e Platteville Aaycees President of ++P 7l"6 Blood 4rive( 4onated 6lood-2 Dears -do#t a +i9)-way( 7lean "s a stretc) of 151 )ere in Platteville-2 Dears Sectional #"nt, #ass and :ic:-)el#ed or9aniBe t)e area #"nt, #ass and :ic: 7)air-#erson for Aaycee *aster event-l"nc) wit) t)e *aster B"nny for :ids 8o"rt) of A"ly tr"c: and tractor #"lls-)el#ed set "# fence and sell food Platteville 4airy 4ays-sell food and )ost a 6ean 6a9 to"rna5ent Sand Sales-fill sand 6o3es for t)e Platteville area fa5ilies >elay for Eife-2 years, )el#ed raise 5oney and #"t on t)e events BelieB f"ndraiser-)el#ed raise 5oney for t)e BelieB 9irl wit) cancer Scales 'o"nd >ecreation 4e#art5ent-)el#ed ref$ s#orts.serve food Fational +onor Society, 2 years >odney 7)ristiansen Sc)olars)i#-2 years 1$ S"e Fe"ser 8a5ily friend (208-330-1010) 2$ =a55ie 8ic: =eac)er for #re-st"dent teac)in9 (tfic:!s)"lls6"r9$:12$wi$"s) 3$ Aeff @orte 8a5ily friend (815-/00-8203)



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