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Bruce Rauner Platform

As of currently, Bruce Rauner has won the Republicans ballot to take on Democratic Governor Pat Quinn in the most recent primaries. He has made his point on why he should be our governor and has shown his positive stance on various issues in the state. Rauners campaign motto is recognized as Shaking up Springfield, referencing his plans to fix the issues caused by career politicians, special interest groups, and other groups that are monopolizing state power. Some of the issues include: employment and jobs, gun control, education, LGBT rights, Health Care, and various others as well. To start off, his stance on jobs in something very talked about. He hails Illinois as the Midwests worst state for unemployment. Illinois is blessed with tremendous natural resources, world-class cities and towns, and dedicated, hard-working people. Its the politicians in charge of Springfield who are holding us back (Jobs). He laments over how we have much in resources and would be put to good use if they were used and implemented properly. Instead of having revenue coming in from out of state business, Illinois is paying out millions just to keep companies in Illinois to have jobs. This has caused anti-competition vibes all across Illinois and is costing us valuable jobs. Rauner states that he wants to make cost to do business in Illinois lower, as well as make more opportunities for jobs to be created. Nothing else is more important than building the future of economic activity, businesses and jobs in Illinois, he said. If we dont have a booming economy, we cant afford health care. We cant afford good schools. Our children cant have a good future. We want to encourage an

environment where companies want to invest, grow and thrive in Illinois (Rauner, Bruce). Rauner does not give a clear stance on his views for either the environment nor veterans, but has stated that he wants to make way for a better future for all and that includes a good environment that can bring forth more profit and enhancement to Illinoiss struggling economy. Next up is his stance on gun control. Having been part of a family that hunted, Rauner knows the want to keep ones guns and is supportive of the permitting of concealed gun permits. Stating that gun violence in the state is not caused by legal gun owners, Rauner takes his place as a firm defendant of the 2nd Amendment. He does make a point to add that he does support background checks and the want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. Education is a major issue Rauner has come to address and he has made his stance on the issue very clear. He finds that the state should be directing more of the funds for the schools towards the educators and classroom equipment instead of handing it directly to the administration. As scores in testing continue to decrease in efficiency, Rauner demands a firmer stance for qualitative education available for everyone and not just a choice few who can afford it. A big issue growing in the United States is the slowly deteriation of the pension plans for those who plan to retire and are left without much except for the

Rauners running mate for this election will be Evelyn Sanguinetti. Sanguinetti is the daughter to a father who immigrated from Ecuador and a refugee mother from Cuba. Rauner describes her as living the American Dream and is sticking to his campagins motto of Shaking up Springfield with his choice. Sanguinetti moved to Chicago to attend The John Marshall Law School after graduating from Florida International University with a bachelors degree in piano performance and was happy to be Rauners pick for his running mate. She is a great choice as his running mate because she has combined talent, hard work and selfdetermination to achieve great things for herself. She an advocate to giving back to the community and despite her modest upbringing, shes always strived to make the best for herself. She is committed to making sure all the people of Illinois have a similar opportunity to succeed too. She believes that Rauner is just what Illinois needs and has worked seriously for many years to help Illinois ascend from debt.

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