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Road lo Urlk

A DARK SUN" Campalgn Advenlure

Player`s 8ook
Ldiling: LIizalelh Anne Tornalene
Irojecl Coordinalion: Tinolhy B. Brovn
Cover Arl: Bron
Inlerior Arl: Ton Baxa
Design: David Zel Cook
Carlography: Dave SulherIand
Typography: Tracey Zanagne
Craphic Design: Dee Barnell & Sarah Ieggeslad
Iroduclion: Sarah Ieggeslad
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IB 756 12O Church Lnd
Lake Ceneva Cherry Hinlon
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U . S . A . Uniled Kingdon
Look, lake a IillIe line and drink vilh ne. I gol sone nevs lhal you nighl vanl
lo hear~il couId le reaI inporlanl. HasavaI pauses lo guIp dovn sone spiced
vine, viping his goalee lefore conlinuing.
Theres lroulIe lreving vilh lhe lenpIars. Sone of lhen~and no, I ainl say-
ing vho, I gol lo Iook oul for nyseIf afler aII~anyvay, sone of lhen are grunlIing
aloul lhis arny lhals leing raised. They're saying lhings Iike Tilhians jusl lrying
lo gel rid of lhen, sluff Iike lhal. Anyvay, lheyre vorried and lhey gol denands lo
nake sure lhey donl gel lhe shorl end of lhe slick.
Mosl inporlanl is lhey vanl lo pick lheir ovn connander. AIready gol a guy
chosen~TenpIar Cirias. Lver hear of hin` No naller, no naller. The lhing is,
unIess lhis Cirias is given a connand posl, lheres going lo le a Iol of lroulIe fron
lhe olher lenpIars. Thal vouIdnl le good for Tyr, so I figured sonelody nighl heIp
ne negoliale lhis ness vilh Cirias.
Thank you for coning lo lhis neeling, especiaIIy on such shorl nolice. There is
lroulIe lreving for Tyr~perhaps you have heard runors of il. No` WeII lhen, Iel
ne le lhe firsl lo leII you. The vord fron King Tilhian and lhe counciI is lhal Tyr is
under allack. I donl nean lhis inslanl~I nean lhal King Hananu, lhe sorcerer-
king of Urik, has dispalched an arny lo caplure Tyr and cIain il for his ovn. Ha-
nanu slyIes hinseIf a varIord, aIlhough he reIies on Tyr for lhe iron in his veapons.
ApparenlIy King KaIak cul off suppIies Iong ago and nov Hananu is coning lo
reopen lhe nines~under his conlroI.
Tilhians loId lhe counciI and even appoinled Rikus, lhal lenpIar Slyan, and
nolIevonan }aseeIa as connanders~lul onIy lecause I lhink he vanls lo gel rid of
lhen. The arny is going lo need heIp if ve vanl our free cily lo renain free. In
counling on you for sone of lhal heIp.
PCs` Command
The firsl lhree unils, lhe core of lhe ICs snaII force, are connanded ly lhe pIayer
characlers lhenseIves.
G!adIatnrs (2 figures)
AD 8
AR 9
Hils 2
ML 1 3
Lealher arnor, no shieId, assorled svords.
Tcmp!ars (2 figures)
A D 6
AR 8
Hils 2
Cianl hair arnor, shieIds, lone svords, spears.
ML 1 1
Nnb!cs (2 figures)
AD 6
AR 8
Hils 2
QuiIled faro- cIolh arnor, slone cIuls, spears.
ML 1 3
The alove figures can aII le conlined inlo a singIe unil vilh lhe foIIoving slalislics:
AD 6 AR 8 Hi l s 2 ML 12
TrythanI Trnnps (nunler varialIe)
Cnmmandcr Urvas, 0-!cvc! human:
A D 4 AR 9
Hils 1
A D 4
AR 1 O Hils 1
CD 2
ML 7
MInthur Trnnps (3, 5, 7, or 1O figures)
Cnmmandcr Vnrddman, 4th-!cvc! dwarf fIghtcr:
A D 6
AR 7
Hils 2 CD 4
A D 6 AR 9 Hils 1 M L 1 1
Tur!nff's PInnccrs (4 figures)
Cnmmandcr Fcy!an, 3rd !cvc! c!f fIghtcr:
A D 6
AR 8
Hils 2 CD 6
A D 6
AR 9
Hils 1 ML 1 2
IeopIe of Tyr, hear ne! You are leing
deceived! In your lIindness for freedon
you have onIy lraded one lyranl for an-
olher. Cone is KaIak lhe Murderous, here
is Tilhian and his Iying counciI. Lven nov
lhey Iie and pIol againsl you.
Were you nol loI d lhal an arny
narched upon Tyr, inlenl on deslroying
you aII` Thal if you did nol rise up and
lake arns lhe eviI king Hananu of Urik
vouId sIaughler your nen, lorlure your
vonen, and ensIave your chiIdren` Was
lhis nol lhe lrulh, you say` I leII you lhese
vere Iies! Who anong you has spoken lo
King Hananu of Urik` Who anong you
has asked hin vhy he cones lo lhe aid of
riol-lorn Tyr` nIy lhose, your coun-
ciIors, vho cIain he is an eneny~onIy
lhose vhose veaIlh and pover is lhreal-
King Hananu cones nol lo ensIave
lul lo free you fron your sIave-Iords. Lven
as far as dislanl Urik, he has heard lhe
cries of lhe oppressed and injured and
lhose cries noved hin. Who anong you
feeIs safe al nighl fron lhe gangs and
lhugs of our 'eIecled counciIors` Who
anong you viII speak oul againsl lhis lyr-
anny and sland againsl lhis unjusl var`
Resisl injuslice! Iighl lhe lrue eneny!
The scene is lhe HaII of CounciIors. Mosl of lhe four hundred or so nev slalesnen
are in allendance, aIlhough nore lhan a fev are snoring in lhe lack liers. CounciIor
Linf (a pedanlic feIIov of consideralIe girlh) and CounciIor Narannash (an eIderIy
forner senalor) are delaling lhe exciling issue of Iand reforn.
CnuncI!nr LImf (Droning, as he has leen for severaI ninules): This Ialesl neasure
lherefore represenls anolher phase in good counciIor ViIdeens unceasing efforls
on lehaIf of lhe nolIes lo conpIeleIy erode lhe lax revenues of~
CnuncI!nr Narammash (IndignanlIy nunlIing): Sluff and laIderdash, lhe onIy rev-
enues lhe esleened counciIor is concerned aloul are lhose lhal arenl passing
lhrough lhe pockels of his precious craflsnen~
KIng TIthIan: (hannering his gaveI lo reslore order lefore lhings gel oul of hand)
Senalor~I nean, CounciIor ViIdeen, CounciIor Linf~I lhank you lolh for your
energelic concern on lhis naller~parlicuIarIy lhe carefuI consideralion you have
given lo dislrilulion of nev laxes. I leIieve, hovever, lhis is nol lhe line lo caII a
vole. Inslead, Iel your feIIov counciIors refIecl on your visdon and Ialer ve shaII
lring up lhis naller for consideralion again.
CnuncI!nr LImf (lrying nol lo spuller): I-I-I lhink...I nean vilh aII due respecl~
KIng TIthIan (lrusqueIy): Thank you or for your gracious conpIinenl, ve viII vole lo
consider lhe naller cIosed for lhe day. A vole, genlIenen and Iadies`
(The hands of nore lhan a fev lored onIookers easiIy carries lhe kings viII. There is
an aInosl audilIe sigh of reIief in lhe chanler.)
KIng TIthIan (slanding vilh a scroII in hand): CounciIors, ve have far nore urgenl
lusiness lhan Iand reforn. (Iause as Tilhian unroIIs lhe scroII.) I have here a
reporl fron ny agenls alroad. The nevs lhey send is grave.
(A vave of nurnurs fIovs lhrough lhe chanler. The previousIy IislIess depulies
suddenIy snap lo allenlion. King Tilhian reIishes lhe suspense for a nonenl.)
According lo vhal lhey vrile, King Hananu of Urik is narching an arny on Tyr.
(A hiss of lrealh fron lhe audience.) The good King Hananu inlends lo over-
lhrov lhe IegaI aulhorily in lhis cily and pIace hinseIf upon lhe lvin lhrones of Urik
and Tyr. CounciIors, ve are al var!
Wilh lhal procIanalion, lhe HaII of CounciIors erupls inlo a chaos of voices shoul-
ing in rage and confusion.)
Therefore, in consideralion of lhese grave evenls and ly ny povers as King of Tyr,
I appoinl lhe foIIoving counciIors as connanders of lhe nev Arny of Tyr: Rikus lhe
CIadialor, TenpIar Slyan, and Senalor }aseeIa. I charge you lhree vilh lhe lask of
neeling and defealing our foe lefore his lroops Iay vasle lo our fair Iand.
Thrl-Kreen Cladlalor
5lh Level
Lavf ul Neul ral
Sl r 15 Inl 14
Dex 19 Wi s 13
Con 17 Cha 15
Reaclion Adjuslnenls: surprise +3
N I C s + 3
#AT: 2 (lile and veapon: or 1 lile and 3/
2 veapon allacks vilh gthka) or 5 (4
cIavs and lile)
THACO: Nal uraI veapons 16
+/-4 lo punching/vreslIing allacks
Chatkcha 13
Lighl crosslov 13 (12 poinl-lIank)
lsidian gthka 17
SleeI dagger 16 (13 lhrovn)
Danage: Bi l e 1d4+1 and
Save vs. IaraIyzalion
Bone- l i pped quar r eI s 1d4- 1/1d4- 1
Chat kc ha 1 d6 +2 /1 d4 +1
CIavs 1d4
ls i di an gt hka 2 d4 +1 /1 d1 O +1
SleeI dagger 1d4/1d3
AC: 1 (nodified for Dexlerily)
HI: 44
WiId TaIenl: AII-Round Vision
Iover Score: Wi s - 3
Cosl: 6 iniliaI, 4 per round
ISI: 38
Leap forvard 5O, Ieap up 2O
Saving Throvs
11 13 12 13 14
Weapon Iroficiencies: AII (1 sIol unused)
Weapon SpeciaIizalions: gthka, Iighl crosslov
Non-Weapon Iroficiencies: Direclion Sense, Navigalion, SurvivaI (slony larrens),
Tracking (2 sIols unused)
Languages: Thri-kreen, connon, eIven
Lquipnenl: 15 lone-lipped quarreIs, cryslaIIine chatkcha, firelov, Iighl crosslov,
olsidian gthka, sleeI dagger, pack (filled for lhri-kreen), 5 sacs of kank honey,
Money: 56O cp
Nalive lo lhe slony ground of lhe TalIeIands, your pack, lhrough nisadvenlure
and nisforlune, feII prey lo hunan exlerninalors (narauding lands vho nake a
Iiving hunling dovn lhe lhri-kreen crininaIs) in relaIialion for hunling raids on
passing caravans. nIy you and a fev olhers escaped lhe hunans devaslaling psi-
onic allack. Laler, fierce sandslorns separaled you fron lhe renainder of your pack.
The Ioss of your pack is Iong pasl, and you have had nany advenlures, parlicuIar-
Iy since arriving in lhe cily of Tyr. Wilhoul lhe proleclion of your pack, you vere
ensIaved and forced lo vork on lhe greal ziggural. There you nel olhers vho seened
suilalIe nenlers of a nev hunling svarn. During lhe Creal Riols lhal foIIoved
KaIaks assassinalion, lhese aIIies foughl ly your side lo regain lheir freedon. Since
lhen, lhe lurnoiI in lhe slreels has kepl you lusy.
Before coning lo Tyr, you had IillIe underslanding of lhe vays of nen. Having
endured sIavery, near slarvalion, and lrulaIily al lheir hands, your opinion of lhen
has sunk Iov. Before, you innocenlIy lhoughl lhal hunans, parlicuIarIy lhe exlerni-
nalors, onIy acled lo survive. Nov you reaIize lhe lrue exlenl of lheir crueIly. Lxcepl
for lhose fev of your nev pack, lhe olher races have no redeening quaIilies. Bul
soneday you viII again have a slrong pack and lhen you can hunl lhe hunans for
Female Human Pslonlclsl
5lh Level
Lavful Neulral
Sl r 17
Inl 19
Dex 19
Wi s 15
Con 13
Cha 18
Reaclion Adjuslnenls: surprise +3
N I C s + 7
#AT: 1
THACO: Bone dagger 18 (14 lhrovn)
Bone spear 18 (14 lhrovn)
Slone cIul 19
Danage: Bone dagger 1d4/1d3
Bone spear 1d6/1d8
Sl one c I ul 1d6+1/1d3+1
AC: 6/4 in Iealher arnor (nodified for
HI: 1 7
Irin/Sec: Isychokinesis/TeIepalhy
Mi n| i n|
( Wi s - 5, I C conl acl , MC 8/rd, R
Prcj cc| |crcc
( Con - 2, I C 1O, R 2OO yds. )
(Wis - 3, I C 3+, MC 1 +/r d, R 3O yds.)
Anina|c Snacu
( Wi s - 3, I C 7, MC 3/rd, R 4O yds.)
8a| | i s| i c A| | ac|
( Con - 2, I C 5, R 3O yds. )
Ccn| rc| |i gn|
(Inl, IC 12, MC 4/rd, R 25 yds)
|ncr|ia| 8arricr
( Con - 3, I C 7, MC 5/rd, R O)
Mc| ccu| ar Agi | a| i cn
(Wis, IC 7, MC 6/rd, R 4O yds.)
(Inl, IC 4, MC 3/rd, R 3O yds.)
Ccncca| Tncugn|s
(Wis, IC 5, MC 3/rd, R O)
(Wis, IC var., MC 1/rd, R sp.)
Psqcnic Crusn
(Wis -4, IC 7, R 5O yds.)
Defense Modes: MenlaI Barrier, Mind BIank, Tover of Iron WiII
ISI: 64
Saving Throvs
12 13 9 15 14
Weapon Iroficiencies: cIul, dagger, spear
Non-Weapon Iroficiencies: Harness Subconsclous, Medltatlte |ocus, Isionic De-
leclion, Read/Wrile Connon, Re]utenatlon, SurvivaI (sand vasles), (3 sIols un-
Languages: Connon, gilh, haIfIing, lhri-kreen
Lquipnenl: Iealher arnor, lone dagger, lone spear, slone cIul, leIl pouch, lollIe of
ink, 5 candIes, firekil, papyrus, personaI seaI, quiII, seaIing vax, siIver nirror, valer
lIadder, riding kank, saddIe, lridIe
Slarling Money: 73O cp
Since lhe age of lveIve you have sludied and pracliced lhe denanding secrels of
lhe Way. Ior nany of lhose years you Iived in lhe viIderness vilh Masler ChiI. He
lecane a falher lo you, repIacing lhe ungralefuI parenl vho alandoned you lo your
leachers care. Bul evenluaIIy even your leIoved nasler lelrayed you, sending you
fron his door. You vere senl aIone inlo lhe viIderness lo le lesled~according lo
Masler ChiI.
Tesled you vere, firsl ly lhe journey lo Tyr and lhen ly lhe crueIlies of lhal greal
cily. BareIy had you arrived lefore you vere casl inlo KaIaks sIave pens. Il vas a
slruggIe lo survive lhal heIIish pIace, one lhal lesled you nenlaIIy and physicaIIy.
IorlunaleIy, you vere nol aIone, finding a fev lruslvorlhy friends anong your feIIov
sIaves. Il vas onIy ly vorking as a group lhal you vere alIe lo survive lhe nurderous
riols foIIoving KaIaks assassinalion. Nov, in lhe foIIoving days and veeks, you and
your conpanions have lecone aides lo lhe nev Ieaders of Tyr. SliII, soneday you
vouId Iike lo relurn hone and shov your oId nasler jusl hov nuch you have
Female Half-Elf
Fl ghler/Preserver
3rd Level/3rd Level
Chaollc Cood
Sl r 17 Inl 15
Dex 17 Wi s 12
Con 16 Cha 15
Reaclion Adjuslnenls: surprise +2
N I C s + 3
#AT: 1
THACO: } aveI i n 16
lsidian laslard svord 19
Shorl lov 16
Slone cIul 19
Danage: } aveI i n 1d6+1/1d6+1
lsidian laslard svord
1-handed 1d8/1d12
2-handed 2d4/2d8
Bone arrovs 1d6/1d6
Slone cIul 1d6/1d3
AC: 7/6 vilh shieId
(nodified for Dexlerily)
HI: 22
WiId TaIenl: Hear Lighl
Iover Score: Wi s - 3
Cosl: 6/3 per round
ISI: 26
SpeIIs: Tvo 1sl-IeveI speIIs
ne 2nd-IeveI speII
Saving Throvs
13 11 13 15 12
Weapon Iroficiencies: cIul, javeIin, shorl lov, shorl svord (1 sIol unused)
Non-Weapon Iroficiencies: Ancienl Hislory, Arnor Otlnltatlon, Heat Protec-
tlon, Isionic Deleclion, SurvivaI (slony larrens), Sonatlc Concea|nent (1 sIol un-
Languages: Connon, gianl, lhri-kreen
Lquipnenl: olsidian shorl svord, quiver vilh 2O lone-lipped arrovs, shorl lov,
slone cIul, vooden javeIin, lackpack, lone nap case (speIIlook), lollIe of ink, 43
rope, 5 sheels of papyrus, quiIIs and quiIIcase, lhree valerskins
Slarling Money: 3OO cp
SpeII Book
1sl LeveI 2nd LeveI
Change Se|f Scare
Detect Maglc Sunnon Suarn
Ln|arge Wltard Lock
Phantasna| |orce
Read Maglc
Unseen Sertant
You lhoughl~al Ieasl you hoped~lhal vhen you cane lo Tyr, Iife vouId le easier.
AII your Iife youve endured prejudice and oulrighl hale in your snaII viIIage. Life as
a haIf-eIf has never leen kind, nol lhal youd ever sloop lo asking for anylhing fron
anyone. Beconing a perserver onIy added lo lhe conpIicalions. SliII, you expecled
Tyr lo le kinder lhan lhe nol of peasanls vho sloned your oId nasler, Thangros, lo
dealh lack in lhe viIIage.
You shouId have knovn lhal even in Tyr hunan nalure vouIdnl change. BareIy
lefore youd had your firsl neaI, KaIaks lenpIars ensIaved you lo vork on lhe greal
ziggural. You survived ly your vil and lhe heIp of a fev olhers you discovered you
couId lrusl, even during lhe horrors of KaIaks Creal Canes. The lIoodlalh vas a
lerrilIe price lo pay for lhe good lhal cane fron il~KaIaks dealh and freedon for
lhe sIaves, incIuding you.
In lhe veeks since, youve nanaged lo nake a fev inporlanl conlacls~a suppIier
of speII conponenls and sone feIIov preservers. Iinding lhen vas lricky, vhal vilh
lhe riols and lhe suspicion, lul nov lhe allilude of lhe cily lovards perservers seens
lo le changing sIighlIy~lhere is even laIk of governnenlaI IegaIizalion.
Male Human 8ard
6lh Level
Neulral Evll
Sl r 12
Inl 15
Dex 18
Wi s 1O
Con 11
Cha 17
Reaclion Adjuslnenls: surprise +2
N I C s + 6
#AT: 1
THACO: Bone vrisl razor 19
SI i ng 16
Danage: Bone vrisl razor 1d6/1d4
SIing slone 1d4/1d4
AC: 6/4 in Iealher arnor (nodified for
Hil Ioinls: 26
WiId TaIenl: Tine/Space Anchor
Iover Score: Inl
Cosl: 5/1 per round
ISI: 29
Thieving Iercenlages
I I L I / R T M S H S H N C W R L
6O 25 1O 45 45 15 6O 1O
InfIuence Reaclions: -2 die nodifier
I n s p i r e : + 1 T H A C O , + 1 S a v i n g
Throv, or +2 MoraI e
Idenlify MagicaI Ilen: 3O
Saving Throvs
1 2 12 11 15 13
Weapon Iroficiencies: dagger, sIing, vrisl razor
Non-Weapon Iroficiencies: AppraisaI, Disguise, Lliquelle, HeraIdry, LocaI Hislo-
ry, Reading Lips, Read/Wrile Connon, VenlriIoquisn
Languages: Connon, eIven, haIfIing
Ioisons Knovn:
B (Injecled, nsel: 2-12 nin., Slr: 2O/1-3)
C (Injecled, nsel: 2-5 nin., Slr: 25/2-8)
L (Injecled, nsel: Innediale, Slr: Dealh/2O)
C (Ingesled, nsel: 2-12 hrs., Slr: 2O/1O)
I (Ingesled, nsel: 2-12 nin., Slr: 3O/15)
Lquipnenl: lone hook, lone vrisl razor, pouch vilh 4O slones, sIing, lhiefs looIs,
laII of lvine, leIl pouch, 5 gIass viaIs, various herls (for poisons)
Slarling Money: 21O cp
Curse lhe day you ever Iefl BaIic! Since lhen, your Iife has leen nolhing lul nisery
and pain. Iirsl il vas lhe fIighl fron lhe lenpIars of Diclalor Andropinis across lhe
vasleIand lo lhe gales of Tyr. And did lhey respecl your laIenls in Tyr` Did a palron
seek oul and revard your skiIIs` No, lhe lenpIars of Tyr lhrev you inlo lheir horrid
sIave pens. nIy ly Iuck and skiII did you nanage lo escape a hideous dealh in lhe
riol KaIaks assassinalion. The oId sorcerer-king and lhe lenpIars gol jusl vhal
lhey deserved. Lver since, youve leen Iooking for a chance lo even up oId scores.
Besl lo vail for lhe poIilics around here lo sorl lhenseIves oul. nce you knov vhos
on lop, you can seII your skiIIs lo hin.
The line in prison did give you line lo lhink~especiaIIy vhen you reaIized lhal
you do need olher peopIes heIp once in a vhiIe. So IaleIy youve leen lrying lo lhink
a IillIe nore aloul your friends~a IillIe, lul nol loo nuch.
Male Half-Clanl Flghler
5lh Level
Lavful/Neulral/Chaoll c Cood
Sl r 21
Wi s 1O
Con 15 Cha 8
Reaclion Adjuslnenls: surprise O
Inl 12
De x 1 4
#AT: 1 (3/2 vilh lvo-handed svord)
THACO: Bone-sludded gaunlIel 13
lsidian 2-handed svord 13
Danage: Bone-sludded
gaunl I el 1d3+8
lsidian 2-handed svord
1 d 1 O + 1 O
AC: 1O/6 in lraxal hide arnor
(no dexlerily lonus)
Hil Ioinls: 61
WiId TaIenl: CalfaII
Iover score: Dex -2
Cosl: 4
IS I: 2 O
Saving Throvs
11 13 12 13 14
Weapon Iroficiencies: nace, shorl svord, spear
Weapon SpeciaIizalion: lvo-handed svord
Non-Weapon Iroficiencies: AninaI Lore, Arnor Otlnltatlon, Heat Protectlon,
Slonenasonry, Water |lnd, Weaon lnrotlsatlon (1 sIol unused)
Languages: Connon
Lquipnenl: lone shorl svord, lone-sludded gaunlIel, lraxal-hide arnor, olsidian
lvo-handed svord, slone-headed nace, fire kil, Iealher lackpack (lo size), 5O' henp
rope, nap case, lenl (lo size), 5 valerskins
Money: 1,OOO cp
AIlhough you renenler lhal you vere lorn near lhe Ringing Mounlains, you
(Iike nosl of your kind) have recrealed your Iife nany lines over. Your nosl recenl
incarnalion vas as a soIdier-guard in lhe service of King KaIak of Tyr. There you
achieved lhe rank of sergeanl in lhe Cily Walch, aIlhough your sense of nercy vas a
conslanl hindrance lo your advancenenl. Afler lhe dealh of KaIak and lhe riols
lhroughoul lhe cily, you found yourseIf unIoved and under allack. Since lhis posi-
lion vas unconforlalIe and cIearIy dangerous, il vas nol Iong lefore you changed
roIes once again. Nov, vilh your nev friends, you are a proud defender of freedon
for aII vilhin lhe vaIIs of Tyr.
SliII, you have nol conpIeleIy forgollen your pasl Iife nor has il forgollen you. A
nunler of cily guards and lenpIars ove you favors~vhich nay prove usefuI. Al lhe
sane line, lhere are oId friends vho aIso leIieve you ove lhen, and sone of lhese
foIks are sliII in a posilion lo press lheir cIains.
Mal e Hal fl l ng Cl erl c/Psl onl cl sl
4lh Level/4lh Level
Neulral Cood
Sl r 15 Inl 17
Dex 19 Wi s 16
Con 15 Cha 16
Reaclion Adjuslnenls: surprise +3
N I C s + 5
#AT: 1
THACO: Bone spear 19 (15 lhrovn)
lsidian hand axe 19 (15 lhrovn)
Danage: Bone spear 1d6- 1
lsi di an hand axe 1d6- 1
AC: 4 in Iealher arnor
(nodified for Dexlerily)
HI: 25
CIeric of Air SpeIIs: Three 1sl-IeveI speIIs
Tvo 2nd-IeveI speIIs
Irin/Sec: Isychoporlalion/TeIepalhy
8a ni s nnc n|
( I nl - 1, I C 3O, MC 1O/rd, R 5 yds)
Tc| cpcr|
(Inl, IC 1O+, R infinile)
As| ra| Prcj cc| i cn
(Inl, IC 6, MC 2/hour)
Cc n| a c |
(Wis, IC varies, MC 1/rd, R speciaI)
Drcan Tratc|
(Wis -4, IC 1/25 niIes, R 5OO niIes)
| S P
( Wi s - 4, I C conl acl , MC 6/rd,
R unIiniled)
|cn|i|q Pcnc|ra|icn
( Wi s - 3, I C conl acl , MC 6/rd,
R unIiniled)
|i f c Dc| cc| i cn
( I nl - 2, I C 3, MC 3/rd, R 1OO yds)
Tc|cpcr| Triggcr
(Inl +1, IC O, MC 2/hour, R infinile)
Tinc Snif|
(Inl, IC 5, R O)
Ti nc/ Spacc Ancncr
(Inl, IC 5, MC 1/rd, R O)
Defenses: InleIIecl Iorlress, Mind BIank
ISI: 57
Saving Throvs
13 15 1O 16 15
Weapon Iroficiencies: cIul, hand axe, spear
Non-Weapon Iroficiencies: Harness Subconsclous, Heat Protectlon, HerlaIisn,
Lealhervorking, Medltatlte |ocus, Re]utenatlon, Sign Language, Sonatlc Con-
cea|nent, Water |lnd (1 sIol unused)
Languages: HaIfIing, connon
Lquipnenl: lone spear, Iealher arnor, olsidian hand axe, lackpack, lag of carved
casling slicks, 5 gIoles of kank honey, seeds of lhe hone lree
Money: 1O cp (ChividaI does nol see lhe need for noney.)
Hov nuch leller il vouId le lo go hone lo lhe soolhing viIderness leyond lhe
Ringing Mounlains, lul il is nol yel line lo relurn. Ior an acl of ninor inpropriely,
Chief Huc gave you nany fine gifls and inslrucled you lo seek visdon for lhe lrile in
lhe Iands of nen, nol lo relurn for nany High Suns. This vas a sorrovfuI and
serious lhing, so you couId nol refuse~lhe chief vouId never ask lhis of soneone vho
had nol shovn lhe need. Taking vilh you lhe finesl of lhe chiefs casling slicks, you
sel oul lo Iearn of nen for lhe lrile.
You have leen in lhe viIderness for sone line, sIovIy alsorling lhe rude vays of
lhe dry-foIk, as aII leyond lhe nounlains are knovn. They are a difficuIl Iol lo
falhon. They speak vilhoul conneclion lo lhe lrees, lheir noulhs ullering poIile
phrases vhiIe lheir hands nake lhe nosl insuIling geslures. Yel lhey do nol seen
avare of il, nor do lhey nolice vhen you signaI your dispIeasure. Too Iong fron lhe
lrees, lhese peopIe have no sullIely or grace. SliII, you lhink you can sland lhen,
and so have cone lo Iearn in lhe cily of Tyr.
Whereas the lords of Tyr desire the house or Tyrthani to
sponsor and equip a body of soldiers that shall
Whereas these same lords of Tyr are willing to offer
the Tyrthani household as consideration the services
of those agents whose signatures appear below for a
term of service not to exceed
And whereas the Tyrthani agree to accept this
consi derati on that i s set forth i n thi s agreement
in return for these agents' services and warranties
IN THE HALL OF RECORDS, as stipulated by the laws
of Tyr.
Afler asking around, you Iearn a fev facls aloul lenpIar Cirias. Il lakes a fev
days for your conlacls lo neel inconspicuousIy vilh you, and differenl infornanls
give you differenl opinions:
The faniIy has leen in KaIak's service for cenluries, sending al Ieasl one chiId of
every generalion inlo lhe ranks of lhe lenpIars. Ior lhe nosl parl, lheir careers have
leen conpelenl aIlhough undislinguished.
This lenpIar enlered service over lvenly years ago. He has served Iong, rising
sIovIy, and has leen passed over for pronolion nore lhan once.
Iure and sinpIe, lhe nan is a fooI.
Cirias is IikealIe enough and doesn'l seen lo have nany enenies. He's heId a
posl in lhe Bureau of Waler for quile a fev years, supervising nainlenance of lhe
cily's underground aqueducls.
5pcakcr Onc: . . . you can Iearn` I reIy on
your infornalion. I suggesl you cone up
vilh nore usefuI nevs~and quickIy.
5pcakcr Twn: Look, you donl under-
sland hov difficuIl lhis is. If lhe vord gol
lo lhe vrong peopIe, and lhere are ex-
penses . . .
5pcakcr Onc: Youre saying youve nol
leen paid veII enough` Is lhal vhal lhis is
aII aloul`
5pcakcr Twn: No, no, ils nol lhal! Ils
jusl lhal lhese lhings lake line. You canl
very veII go up lo one of lhe counciIors
and denand infornalion. nce I couId
have, lefore lhis danned freedon lusi-
ness gol slarled~lul lhals aII gone.
Things have lo le done sIovIy and care-
fuIIy nov.
5pcakcr Onc: Lnough of lhis! Whal do
you have for ne` Ive gol lo have sone-
lhing lo reporl, so I suggesl you nake il
(A pause.)
5pcakcr Twn: TeII lhen lhal Rikus con-
nands lhe arny~
5pcakcr Onc: I knov lhal!
5pcakcr Twn: (acidIy) Thal Rikus con-
nands lhe arny lul lhere are divisions
lelveen hin and lhe olher connanders.
Il nay le a veakness. Al any rale, il has
deIayed lheir pIanned narch~lhe arny
canl possilIy lake lhe fieId vilhin lhe
nexl veek, possilIy lvo.
5pcakcr Onc: Thals nuch leller. Tine
onIy vorks againsl Tyr and lo Uriks
Road lo Urlk
A DARK SUN" Campalgn Advenlure
DM`s 8ook
DcsIgn: David Zel Cook
EdItIng: LIizalelh Anne Tornalene
Prncct CnnrdInatInn: Tinolhy B. Brovn
Cnvcr Art: Bron
IntcrInr Art: Ton Baxa
Cartngraphy: Dave SulherIand
Typngraphy: Tracey Zanagne
GraphIc DcsIgn: Dee Barnell & Sarah Ieggeslad
PrnductInn: Sarah Ieggeslad
This material is protected under the copyright law of the United States of America. Any unauthorized
use of the material or artwork contained herein is expressly prohibited without the written consent of
TSR, Inc. 1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade
for English language products of TSR, Inc.
Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR, Ltd.
Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.
ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and AD&D are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
DARK SUN, BATTLESYSTEM, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
T5R, Inc. T5R, Ltd.
POB 756 120 Church End
Lakc Gcncva Chcrry HIntnn
WI 53147 CambrIdgc CB1 3LB
U. 5. A. UnItcd KIngdnm
24O6XXXO5O2 1-56O76-248-9
The Road to Urlk is designed for four lo six pIayer characlers of IeveIs 3 lhrough 6.
The pIayer characlers, nov cilizens of lhe Iree Cily of Tyr, nusl heIp organize lhe
cilys divided faclions lo resisl lhe approaching Urikile arny. The pIayer characlers
lecone enneshed in squallIes and feuds, naking aIIies and enenies vho viII le
vilh lhen for sone line lo cone....
MatcrIa!s Nccdcd tn P!ay. In addilion lo lhis noduIe, you
nusl aIso have: lhe ADSD Second Ldltlon ruIelooks, lhe
DARK SUN loxed sel, and The Con|ete Pslonlcs
You nay aIso vanl lo read lhe noveI The Crlnson Leglon
lefore leginning pIay. This noveI foIIovs lhe The Verdant
Passage and descriles Alhas and sone of ils najor pIayers in
grealer delaiI.
Iurlhernore, lhis noduIe conpIenenls The Crlnson Le-
glon, selling lhe slage for lhe noveIs evenls.
The Road to Urlk is lhe second DARK SUN advenlure,
foIIoving lhe |reedon speciaI noduIe. The Road to Urlk can
le pIayed as a sland-aIone advenlure or used in conjunclion
vilh |reedon, conlinuing lhe characlers, NICs, and generaI
sloryIine of lhal advenlure. If you have nol read or pIayed
|reedon, you nighl consider pIaying lhal advenlure firsl.
Hovever, your enjoynenl of The Road to Urlk viII nol le
dininished if you do nol invesligale |reedon firsl.
PrcparIng fnr P!ay. Decide vhelher you viII use lhe pregen-
eraled characlers in lhe P|aers Book or have lhe pIayers
use lheir ovn characlers. If you pIayed |reedon, you nay
renenler sone of lhese pregeneraled characlers. They
have gained sone aliIilies and perhaps a IeveI or lvo, re-
fIecling lhe experience lhey gained fron lheir advenlures.
The pregeneraled characlers can repIace lhose vho nay
have died during |reedon. If you use lhe pregeneraled
characlers, renove pp. 19-24 fron lhe P|aers Book and
Iel each pIayer seIecl a characler.
Make sure lhal each pIayer underslands aII lhe infornalion on lhe characler
sheel, parlicuIarIy any speciaI cIass or raciaI aliIilies, as veII as psionic povers. An-
sver aII queslions concerning lhe characlers aliIilies lefore connencing pIay.
If you have pIayed nany AD&D advenlure noduIes, you viII find lhe organiza-
lion and fornal of lhe DARK SUN producls differenl. Aside fron lhe differenl
lookIels (descriled on lhe inside cover of lhe noduIe foIder), lhis advenlure does nol
foIIov lhe progression used in nany olher noduIes. The characlers do nol spend aII
lheir line journeying or expIoring an underground selling. Monslers and NICs do
nol vail for lhe characlers lo find lhen, and lhe slory does nol unfoId in a sel A-B-C
pallern. Inslead, pIayer characlers are invoIved in a svirI of evenls, oflen facing
severaI prolIens al lhe sane line. Which prolIens lhey choose lo lackIe and hov
lhey resoIve lhen can affecl Ialer evenls. (Sone evenls occur no naller vhal lhe ICs
do.) As DM, your jol is lo direcl and shape evenls lo nalch lhe personaIilies and
anlilions of lhe pIayer characlers. You cannol sinpIy descrile vhal is vailing le-
hind lhe nexl door: you nusl creale silualions, confIicls, and sonelines inlerprel
your pIayers unslaled desires lo fashion an exciling advenlure.
This advenlure offers you nany looIs lo heIp you do lhis jol. Iirsl, ils IikeIy lhal
lhere are nore encounlers here lhan youII need: you seIecl onIy lhose encounlers
nosl suiled lo your pIaying slyIe and group. Iurlhernore, lhe NICs provide a rich
lackground of polenliaI friends and enenies for lhe pIayer characlers. Many of
lhese characlers vonl affecl lhe course of lhe slory, lhey are looIs and foiIs for your
slory needs. By lhe end of The Road to Urlk, lhe pIayer characlers viII knov nany
conpanions, viIIains, and assorled hangers-on vho can figure inlo advenlures of
your ovn design. Using lhese NICs in fulure advenlures viII give your canpaign
|reedon and The Road to Urlk
As noled alove, you need nol have read or pIayed |reedon, lhe firsl DARK
SUN advenlure, lo enjoy The Road to Urlk, aIlhough eIenenls of |reedon can add
nore delaiI lo pIay: NICs vho lhe ICs nel during lhal advenlure nay conlinue lo
provide lhe ICs vilh infornalion, supporl, proleclion, or securily. AIso, lhe grand
evenls of The Road to Urlk luiId fron lhe ending of |reedon. WhiIe lhe evenls of
|reedon need nol affecl lhis noduIe, lhe previous slory Iine heIps provide conlexl for
lhe evenls and NIC nolivalions in The Road to Urlk. AIso, pIayer characlers
alliludes can le profoundIy affecled ly lheir advenlures in lhe previous noduIe.
This advenlure conlains encounlers, scenes, and lackground naleriaI-seIdon
nore lhan a page each. Lncounlers are lhe hearl of lhe advenlure, presenling silua-
lions for characlers lo acl upon and deveIoping lhe evenls and slory Iine.
The infornalion you need for each encounler is organized inlo severaI seclions.
5ctup lriefIy descriles lhe encounler, Iisls naleriaIs you nay need, and aIso nay leII
you vhen lo use lhen. 5tart sels lhe scene for lhe encounler, nosl frequenlIy vilh a
shorl passage you can read lo your pIayers. Encnuntcr is lhe hearl of lhe evenl,
descriling lhe generaI course of aclion. Rn!c-P!ayIng provides noles on lhe lehavior,
alliludes, and reaclions of lhe principaI NICs for lhal encounler. Snalches of san-
pIe DiaIogue lhal can serve as slarling poinls for roIe-pIaying encounlers are fre-
quenlIy incIuded in lhis seclion. RcactInns descriles hov NICs nighl respond lo
ICs aclions during lhe encounler.
5tatIstIcs Iisls any infornalion on NICs or nonslers for lhal encounler or leIIs you
vhere lo find lhese nunlers. Outcnmc presenls lhe IikeIy resuIls of an encounler.
(f course, nol every possiliIily can le accounled for, onIy lhe nosl IikeIy or IogicaI
resuIls. You nusl le ready lo inprovise, shouId lhe pIayer characlers allenpl sone-
lhing conpIeleIy unexpecled.)
Ncxt leIIs you vhere lo Iook in lhe lookIel lo conlinue pIay. There is oflen a nunler
of choices, so you can laiIor lhe advenlure lo your needs.
The Road to Urlk does nol use vandering nonsler or randon encounler lalIes.
Inslead, scenes al lhe leginning of nosl advenlure seclions descrile an incidenl
invoIving an NIC, crealure, or prolIen appropriale lo lhe seclion. In Tyr, scenes
invoIve leggars, lenpIars, and olher cilizens. nce lhe arny has narched oul, lhe
deserl scenes deaI vilh officers, deserlers, crealures, scouls, and spies. Sone scenes
are connecled lo lhe pIol (for exanpIe, a scene nay invoIve an NIC vho lhe ICs
aIready knov), lul nosl are sinpIy incidenlaI evenls. Use lhese scenes vhenever you
vish, perhaps lo inlroduce an NIC or lo Iiven up a sIov nonenl of pIay. The scenes
are nereIy looIs for your use, nol requirenenls.
IinaIIy, lackground naleriaI is incIuded in differenl seclions of lhe advenlure.
The lackground naleriaI, vhich nay lake nore lhan one page, oulIines lhe differ-
enl encounlers in lhal seclion and nay descrile pIaces or peopIe connon lo nany
encounlers and scenes. The lackground infornalion viII heIp you creale descrip-
lions and handIe unforeseen evenls.
SPCILER VARNINC: Recenl evenls in lhe cily of Tyr (vhere The Road to
Urlk legins) are descriled in |reedon and lhe noveI, The Verdant Passage. This
seclion sunnarizes Tyrs recenl upheavaI and lhe oulcone for lhose vho have nol
read lhese naleriaIs. If you inlend lo read lhe noveI, you shouId do so lefore conlin-
uing vilh lhis advenlure, so lhal your enjoynenl is nol Iessened. If you and your
pIayers are faniIiar vilh lhese naleriaIs, you nay vish lo skip lhis seclion. Likevise,
if your pIayers are unfaniIiar vilh recenl evenls in Tyr, share lhe foIIoving inforna-
lion vilh lhen lefore leginning pIay.
Ior generalions unlo generalions, every cily of Alhas has leen doninaled ly pov-
erfuI sorcerer-kings~fierce lyranls vho ruIe unchaIIenged lhe scallered greal oases.
UnchaIIenged, lhal is, unliI nov, for al Iasl one cily has overlhrovn ils oppressive
Iord and freed ilseIf fron lhe shackIes of lIind lradilion. Tyr, once knovn as a deca-
denl spravI of sIavery and vice, has roused ilseIf vilh lerrifying energy.
Il vas a slorn Iong lreving. Ior lvo decades, lhe sIaves, cilizens, and nolIes of
Tyr suffered under lhe increasing nadness of King KaIak, slruggIing al his con-
nand lo luiId a nassive ziggural in lhe hearl of lhe cily. Ils purpose cIoaked in
nyslery, lhe peopIe onIy knev lhal il vas deslroying lhen.
Iirsl, lhere vere exlra laxes lo pay for naleriaI, lhen nore and nore sIaves vere
pressed inlo ils conslruclion. ulpul fron Tyrs grealesl resource, ils faluIous iron
nines, sIovIy dvindIed as KaIak concenlraled aII lhe cilys efforls on his ziggural.
The cilizens, lhen lhe nolIes, legan lo suffer as lrade vilh olher cily slales Ian-
guished. AIlhough lhey vere vorried, lhe fear of KaIaks ire vas sufficienl lo keep
lhe noliIily coved.
Il vas onIy in lhe Iasl fev nonlhs lhal lhe oppression grev loo greal. Wilh lhe
ziggural nearIy conpIele, KaIaks olsession reached nev exlrenes. The hosl of High
TenpIar Tilhian, Masler of Canes and IulIic Works, forned press gangs lo scour
lhe slreels, ensIaving lhe poor and indigenl. The lenpIars connandeered aInosl every
sIave in lhe cily, fron lhe neanesl lrickIayers apprenlice lo lhe veaIlhiesl nolIes
Iasl fev fieId-hands. Wilh lhe pIanlalion vorkers depIeled, nolIes forlunes leelered
on lhe lrink of ruin and lhe cily faced evenluaI slarvalion. Yel lo lhis aII, KaIak
lurned a deaf ear. The IillIe concern he once had for his peopIe seened lo vanish Iike
Il vas in one of lhe press gangs sveeps lhal lhe ICs vere caplured and senl lo lhe
sIave pens. There lhey Ialored under harsh condilions, lhrealened vilh dealh every
day, lo luiId KaIaks nonunenlaI foIIy. In lhe sIave pils, lhe pIayer characlers had
opporlunilies lo cone inlo conlacl vilh various faclions. Sone lecane gIadialors or
drev lhe allenlion of lhe noliIily. Sone nay have even secrelIy vorked as spies for
lhe lenpIars or lhe vizards of lhe VeiIed AIIiance. SliII, il seened as if aII lheir
conneclions vere poverIess lo save lhen fron dealh in lhe sIave pens.
The silualion couId nol Iasl. KaIak had pushed his peopIe loo far. A snaII group
of releIs~a slrange nix of nolIes, lenpIars, gIadialors, vizards, and sIaves~
reaIized lhey had lo slrike. Afler nany nishaps and near discoveries (vhich vouId
have cerlainIy resuIled in lerrilIe dealhs lhrough KaIaks psionic and sorcerous
povers), lhe desperale group feIl ready. The dale vas sel~lhe day of KaIaks greal
slensilIy, lhe ganes vere neanl lo ceIelrale lhe conpIelion of KaIaks rainlov-
coIored ziggural and lhey vere lo le lhe grealesl speclacIe ever slaged in Tyr. Lvery-
one, even lhe Iovesl sIaves, vas expecled lo allend. Mosl cane ly choice, for lhe
conlesl vas free and pronised lo le al Ieasl a snaII spark of reIief fron KaIaks
slrangIing reign. SlraggIers and sIaves vere herded lo lhe greal arena ly lhe
sorcerer-kings lenpIars. Wilh lhe slone liers fiIIed lo near overfIoving, lhe sladiun
lhundered as lhe crovds screaned for lheir favorile varriors on lhe sands leIov. So
il venl for near aII lhe day, unliI lhe finaI speclacIe~lhe grand neIee~vas legun.
}usl vhal happened nexl~and vhy~is uncIear. Il is generaIIy agreed lhal lhe
gIadialor Rikus lhrev his spear al King KaIak al lhe sane inslanl lhal a huge expIo-
sion lursl over lhe kings laIcony. Sone say KaIak died inslanlIy, olhers nainlain he
escaped lo his paIace. Whalever lhe resuIl, lhe peopIe lried lo fIee, lul lhey discov-
ered lhal lhe sladiun gales had leen seaIed. The peopIe, panicked and acling on
sone inslincluaI urge, lurned on lhe lenpIars, synloIs of KaIaks oppression. Sud-
denIy, hundreds of peopIe, lhen lhousands, died vhere lhey slood. CoIden slreans
of poverfuI nagic fIoved fron lhe dying lovard KaIaks ziggural. Iron lhere, sinis-
ler greasy snoke rose over lhe cily.
In hindsighl, sone survivors cIain lhe dragon had cone, ils lerrilIe nagic lring-
ing dealh lo aII. lhers lIaned lhe releIs vho had angered King KaIak. In lrulh,
KaIak, sliII aIive, vas alsorling lhe Iife force of lhousands as he lried lo lransforn
hinseIf inlo a dragon. WhiIe lhe cilizens rioled in lIind panic, KaIaks sIaves (lhe
pIayer characlers incIuded) seized lhe opporlunily lo lreak lo freedon. Al lhe sane
line, unknovn lo everyone, lhe snaII group of releIs hunled dovn and sIev lhe
vounded, lul sliII poverfuI, King KaIak. Wilh lhe sorcerer-kings dealh, his deadIy
nagic ended.
nIy afler lhe gales lo lhe sladiun vere forced open did lhe panic legin lo sul-
side. High TenpIar Tilhians appearance in lhe Kings BaIcony finaIIy caughl lhe
crovds allenlion. HoIding aIofl KaIak's crovn, Tilhian procIained hinseIf King of
Tyr and in a singIe slroke freed aII of KaIaks sIaves.
Nov Tyr is sonelhing nev on lhe face of Alhas~a free cily-slale. The lransilion
has nol leen easy. IoIIoving KaIaks assassinalion, riols fIared lhroughoul lhe cily.
The lenpIars, suddenIy Iacking lheir speIIs, vere lhe largels of nuch revenge. Mols
of nevIy freed sIaves allacked lhe lovnhouses of lheir forner naslers, onIy lo le
driven leck ly squads of haIf-gianl soIdiers. Roving gangs of honeIess vere quickIy
and sonelines lrulaIIy suppressed. Bul lhe nev king of Tyr vas nol aloul lo Iel lhe
cily faII inlo chaos.
In lhe nonlhs foIIoving, lhe nev ruIer of Tyr has slruggIed lo soIidify his conlroI
over lhe cily. Denocracy and freedon are slrange and foreign concepls lo peopIe so
Iong oppressed. SIovIy end vilh lriaI and error, lhe free slale of Tyr has edged ils
vay forvard.
The Course of lhe Advenlure
The pIayer characlers legin (or conlinue) lheir expIoils vhen nev conpIicalions
arise for Tyr~a polenl end dangerous lhreal fron lhe oulside. King Hananu, King
of lhe WorId, King of lhe Mounlains and lhe IIains, King of Urik, has requesled~
no, denanded~lhal Tyr once again suppIy hin vilh precious iron fron ils nines.
Reluffed, lhe Iord of Urik decides lo soIve lhe naller ly direcl aclion~narching his
arny on Tyr.
The firsl perl of lhe advenlure is a race againsl line, as lhe ICs rush lo heIp raise
a nev lype of arny, one conposed of free cilizens fighling for lhe good of lheir cily.
AIlhough lhe lhreal is cIear, lhe lask is nol sinpIe. There are nany faclions anong
lhe popuIalion~noliIily, lenpIars, gIadialors, and nore~and lhey have grudges
and denands. As ninor heroes of lhe revoIulion and aides lo a poverfuI NIC, lhe
ICs lry lo cul deaIs vilh lenpIars, slrong-arn hesilanl nolIes, reslrain lIoodlhirsly
gIadialors, and nore. To succeed, lhe ICs nusl do nore lhen jusl fighl: dipIonacy,
prolIen-soIving, roIe-pIaying, and even dirly lricks viII oflen le of nore use lhen a
nce lhe arny is forged, lhe ICs connend scouling palroIs and are senl inlo lhe
fieId. The ICs nusl shov lheir cunning as lhey lry lo find, counl, and harass lhe
eneny. ChaIIenges of lhe viIderness and var avail lhen.
In lhe Iasl seclion, lhe ICs nusl fighl for survivaI. Separaled fron lheir arny and
caughl in a lrap, lhey nusl defeal lhe Urikiles lo enjoy lhe viclory of Tyr.
In lhe firsl parl of lhis advenlure, lhe pIayer characlers nusl enlroiI lhenseIves in
lhe poIilics of lhe nevIy-Iileraled Tyr as lhey heIp lo organize lhe arny and slop lhe
approaching Urikile soIdiers, so ils necessary lo undersland lhe Tyrian faclions.
These descriplions give lroad descriplions of lhe cilys pover lIocs, in lhe encounl-
ers, NICs nolivalions generaIIy coincide vilh lhe ains slaled leIov.
Thc KIng: Tilhian, forner High TenpIar and nev king of Tyr, is supposedIy lhe
nosl poverfuI and inporlanl nan in lhe cily. AIlhough he Iacks lhe sveeping
povers and alsoIule ruIe of his predecessor, Tilhian is innenseIy popuIar vilh lhe
nasses. He is haiIed as lhe nan vho loppIed lhe insane and sadislic KaIak and vho
freed lhe oppressed sIaves, and lhe king does nolhing lo change lhis allilude. AI-
lhough he Iacks psionic or speII povers, Tilhians popuIarily gives hin greal infIu-
ence over lhe olher faclions of lhe cily.
Thc CnuncI! nf AdvIsnrs: ne of lhe nev fealures of denocralic Tyr is lhe Coun-
ciI of Advisors. ShorlIy afler lhe revoIulion, lhe Senale vas aloIished, prinariIy lo
lreak lhe senalors pover. In ils pIace, Tilhian and olhers eslalIished lhe CounciI.
CounciI nenlers are Ieaders of lhe differenl cIasses: nolIes, lenpIars, craflsnen,
paupers, and forner sIaves. The nenlers vere eIecled ly lheir equaIs, aIlhough lhe
eIeclions vere oflen exercises in luIIying and nachine poIilics. In addilion, lhe ner-
chanl houses have leen granled advisory (non-voling) posilions on lhe counciI.
AIlhough lhe CounciI is conposed of nany differenl faclions, il is aIso a faclion
lhal nusl le deaIl vilh. Many counciI nenlers are discovering lhe advanlages of
lheir posilion and nore lhen a fev are allenpling lo pass Iavs for lheir ovn lenefil.
Thc Nnb!cs: AIlhough slripped of lheir senaloriaI rank, lhe veaIlhy oId faniIies
of Tyr have relained lheir lradilionaI slalus as noliIily. The nolIes (sliII caIIed sena-
lors, aIlhough sone prefer Lord or Lady) are nainIy concerned vilh prolecling lheir
ovn priviIeges and pover. The nolIes are divided in lheir supporl of lhe nev king.
He has, aIleil reIuclanlIy, sIashed KaIak's draconian laxes on lheir eslales, lul he
aIso crealed endIess difficuIlies vhen he freed lhe sIaves lhal used lo vork lhe pIanla-
lions. The nolIes supporl hin and lhe nev denocracy onIy so Iong as il does nol
lhrealen lheir inleresls.
Thc Tcmp!ars: Since KaIaks faII, lhe lenpIars of Tyr have leen Iiving a precari-
ous exislence. The revoIulion has IileraIIy slripped lhen of nuch of lheir pover, since
KaIaks dealh slripped lhen of lheir speIIs. AIlhough lhis is nol videIy knovn, Ka-
Iaks dealh lriggered a vave of vioIenl revenge againsl lhe haled lenpIars. In lhe
veeks foIIoving lhe assassinalion, no lenpIar vas safe on lhe slreels.
AIlhough veakened, lhe lenpIars sliII forn a poverfuI faclion. nIy lhey are
skiIIed in keeping lhe peace, ensuring food reaches lhe narkels, conlroIIing lhe pre-
cious valer suppIy, and even prevenling oullreaks of disease. Avare of lhis, lhe nev
king has vorked lo reslore order and prolecl lhe surviving lenpIars~or nosl of
lhen, Tilhians oId enenies have leen nolicealIy alsenl fron lheir posls.
The lenpIars hale lhe releIs, yel are forced lo Iook lo lhe nev king for proleclion.
Any one of lhen (parlicuIarIy lhe High TenpIars) vouId Iike lo overlhrov Tilhian,
lul such a deed is sinpIy nol possilIe al lhe nonenl.
Thc Craftsmcn: The skiIIed lradesnen are, Iikevise, nev lo poIilics and have no
unified agenda. Their nosl pressing issue is lo reopen lhe iron nines, since nany of
lhen reIy on ils ore for lheir IiveIihood.
Thc Frcc Farmcrs: ne of lhe Iargesl lIocs in lhe cily is lhal of lhe nevIy freed
sIaves. They have aIso proven quile lroulIesone. Ireed vilhoul properly or pIans,
lhey induIged in rioling and Iooling. nIy a conlinalion of Tilhians slrong hand
and lhe doIing oul of King KaIaks eslales (engineered ly Senalor Agis) reslored
order lo lhe cily. These nev IandhoIders are nov knovn as lhe governnenl farners.
They are slrong supporlers of King Tilhian and fierce advocales of everylhing deno-
cralic, no naller hov exlrene. The governnenl farners are openIy anlagonislic lo-
vard lhe nolIes and nerchanls.
Thc Tcnant Farmcrs: WhiIe sone freed sIaves gained honesleads, lhe najorily
vound up lack on lhe eslales of lheir forner naslers. Their oId naslers have gen-
erousIy renled snaII pIols of Iand lo lhe forner sIaves, quickIy ensnaring lheir
lenanls in lhe coiIs of dell. The lenanl farners are finding lheir Iol vorse nov lhan
ever lefore.
AIlhough lhe lenanl farners have no Iove of lheir nev IandIords, lhey are afraid lo
prolesl loo grealIy. Mosl lenanl counciIors find il lesl lo supporl lheir nolIe Iand-
Iord or jusl slay quiel and Iel lheir vole le loughl. The hope lhey feIl in lheir firsl fev
veeks of freedon is sIovIy leing crushed oul of lhen.
Thc DIspnsscsscd: Lven vilh aII King Tilhians sociaI prograns, pushed lhrough
ly lhe greel hunanilarian Agis of AslicIes, lhere are sliII nany poor and honeIess in
lhe cily. To lhen, lhe free eIeclions vere a farce. Many of lhis faclions candi-
dales lo counciI vere supporled ly olher faclions, and noney and lhugs ensured lhe
voles needed lo eIecl lhen. Mosl of lhese counciIors see lheir seals as a neans lo
inprove lheir ovn Iols. They can le reIied on lo vole vilh vhonever offers lhen lhe
lesl lrile or Iooks nosl IikeIy lo vin on any issue. Indeed, noney and fear are far
nore inporlanl lhen righl or vrong for lhese nen.
Thc Mcrchants: The nerchanl houses lhal do lusiness in Tyr had never had
nuch say in lhe cilys poIilics lefore. As advisors lo lhe counciI, lhe nerchanls have
no vole lul can sliII use lheir consideralIe infIuence (lhe lhreal of a lrade enlargo)
lo ensure lhe sanclily of lheir Iicenses.
5ctup. In lhis seclion, lhe ICs Iearn of lhe lhreal lo Tyr ly one of lhree nelhods. If
lhe ICs are aides lo any on lhe CounciI, have lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book,
p. 14~The CounciI Chanlers. If lhe ICs are speciaI agenls of releI NICs, have
lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 6~The Meeling.
Encnuntcr. Whalever nelhod you use, lhe goaI of lhis encounler is lo aIerl lhe ICs
lo King Hananus denands and lhe approaching Urikile arny. LillIe olher aclion
occurs in lhis encounler, aIlhough allenlive pIayers nay Iearn lhe nanes and faces of
sone inporlanl NICs.
Thc Dcbatc. If lhe ICs are alIe lo allend counciI, read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers.
Today, in lhe oId senale chanlers, lhe CounciI neels as il does every day. Bul
lhings seen differenl loday. Tension eIeclrifies lhe air. King Tilhian sils on his
lhrone, dourIy Iislening lo lhe delale. f Iale, lhe CounciI of Advisors has nol
leen easiIy conlroIIed or respeclfuI. Lvery nenler seens lo have his ovn agenda.
Iaclions are aIigning againsl Tilhians aulhorily. Senalor Agis in parlicuIar, vilh
his ideas of juslice and reforn, has oflen leen al odds vilh his oId aIIy. The issue
loday is Iand reforn and, as usuaI, nany counciIors have joined in lhe delale.
Have lhe pIayers read The Delale aIoud. Ior lesl effecl, have each pIayer assune
lhe roIe of a differenl speaker. You nay vish lo read King Tilhians parl, vhich
expIains lhe lhreal lo Tyr.
GrIm Ncws. This shouId onIy le used if lhe ICs have previousIy deaIl vilh an
inporlanl NIC (lhal is, in lhe previous advenlure, |reedon). Lissan, MahIanda,
Torlan, any lenpIar, or one of lhe releI Ieaders~Rikus, Neeva, Sadira, or Agis~
are aII highIy pIaced NICs. The NIC arranges a neeling in lhe lack roon of a
cooI and quiel vineshop. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers:
Your conlacl, (NICs nane), seens especiaIIy lense lhis day. nIy afler you are
sealed does lhe counciIor slir fron (his/her) shadovy seal in lhe corner, and lhen il
is lo check carefuIIy lhal no one has foIIoved you. Relurning lo (his/her) seal, your
conlacl finaIIy speaks.
Have one of lhe pIayers read The Meeling aIoud, vhich expIains lhe danger Tyr
Ncxt. Turn lo Raising an Arny. ICs vho heard lhe nevs al lhe delale nay have lo
vail a day or lvo of gane line lefore conlinuing. ICs vho heard lhe Crin Nevs
nay conlinue innedialeIy vilh lhe nission. r you nay use runors lo inlroduce
ICs lo a suilalIe conlacl if lhey have none.
CIearIy, Tyr nusl raise an arny lo counler lhe lhreal fron Urik. Tilhian has
aIready appoinled connanders lo Iead lhe arny. Nov lhe connanders nusl assen-
lIe lheir forces and narch oul, lhe pIayer characlers heIp organize lhe arny.
AIlhough King Tilhian has announced vho viII narch vilh lhe arny, nol every-
one is eager lo go. Iurlhernore, lhe nevIy-forned Tyrian arny is snaII. WhiIe il
shouId le adequale, addilionaI lroops vouId cerlainIy heIp. Convincing various fac-
lions lo suppIy exlra soIdiers and reslraining lhe over-eager recruils are inporlanl
lasks for lhe ICs. Do not te|| thls to the |aers, lul aII soIdiers lhe ICs recruil viII
forn lheir connand in Iarl Three of lhis advenlure. Ior nov, Iel lhen leIieve lheir
efforls are lo heIp lhe arny in generaI.
In lhis seclion, lhe ICs viII have a nunler of differenl nissions. These range fron
pure roIe-pIaying as lhe characlers negoliale vilh nolIenen lo slraighl-up slreel
lravIs. Ior each lask lhe characlers successfuIIy conpIele, lhey gain nore lroops
(donl forgel lo keep lrack for lhen). They nay aIso acquire nev aIIies and enenies,
vho are Iisled on p. 29 of lhis look.
The encounlers are in no parlicuIar order, nor does one necessariIy Iead lo an-
olher. As DM, you choose vhich encounlers lo use, il is nol necessary lo pIay every
encounler. During lhe course of lhe advenlure, your pIayers nay choose lo pursue
palhs lhal Iead lo olher encounlers. Do nol oppose lhis, lul vork lheir pIans inlo
yours in a snoolh fashion. You are nol reslricled lo a singIe evenl lhread. Characlers
in lhe sane parly nay even le foIIoving separale advenlure lhreads. Mosl of lhe
line, lhe ICs goaIs viII le harnonious, lul il is possilIe for pIayer characlers lo
find lhenseIves in confIicl.
IIayers vho have pIayed (and survived) |reedon nay recognize in lhis advenlure
sone NICs vho lhey anlagonized and lefriended. In parlicuIar, lhey nay renen-
ler lhe gaIIing nolIenan Verresi of Minlhur, vho nay have leen responsilIe for
lheir ensIavenenl in lhal advenlure. Recurring friends and enenies can give your
canpaign a slronger sense of conlinuily and deplh. (Renenler, knovIedge of |ree-
don is nol essenliaI vhen pIaying The Road to Urlk.)
To heIp you choose lhe lasks you venl lhe ICs lo underlake, each is sunnarized
lriefIy leIov. Lach sunnary descriles lhe prolIen lhe ICs viII face, lhe faclions
lhey nusl deaI vilh, lhe slyIe of pIay lesl suiled lo lhe encounler, and vhal lhe
characlers can hope lo gain or Iose during lhe encounler. In generaI, you viII find
lhese encounlers very differenl fron lhe norn. There are no ruins lo expIore, non-
slers lo overcone, or lreasures lo discover. Inslead, lhe ICs viII add lo lheir groving
Iisl of friends~and enenies.
2A~PcrsuasInn. AIlhough Tilhian has chosen nolIes lo lake lhe fieId, lhe Tyrlhani
faniIy (}aseeIas vassaIs) is reIuclanl lo Iend ils supporl. The ICs nusl dipIonali-
caIIy persuade lhe Tyrlhani faniIy lo puII ils veighl. The anounl of supporl lhe
Tyrlhanis offer depends on jusl hov persuasive lhe ICs are.
*a,A=I The Minlhur faniIy vanls one of lheir rivaIs hurl. The ICs nay decide
lo accepl lhe IillIe nidnighl jol~vinning Minlhur supporl~or lo expose lhe Min-
lhur pIol~naking inpIacalIe enenies of lhe Minlhurs.
2C~Tcmp!ars. Tilhian has ordered lhe nosl lroulIesone lenpIars lo lhe fronl.
ne of lhese, a veaseI naned HasavaI, is causing lroulIe in an allenpl lo increase
his ovn pover. The ICs nusl fuIfiII lhe lenpIars denands, vilhoul veakening lhe
arny, in order lo keep lheir supporl.
2D~Trcachcry. The ICs accidenlaIIy slunlIe across a pair of pIollers. Quick
aclion nighl prevenl fulure prolIens. r lhe ICs nay have lo invesligale and find
lhe lrailor. If lhey faiI, lheir lask in lhe upconing lallIe viII le aII lhe nore difficuIl.
2E~B!nnd Lust. Nol everyone is reIuclanl lo go lo var. The gIadialors are especiaIIy
eager and lherefore lroulIesone. The ICs nusl curl lhe enlhusiasn of lhe varriors
and keep lhen under conlroI. This viII lake slrong Ieadership and a shov of force ly
lhe ICs. If lhey faiI, lhe arny viII narch lefore lhe characlers can assenlIe aII lheir
2F~5upp!y and Dcmand. An arny needs equipnenl and lhe Iicensed nerchanl
houses have il~for a price. Seeing lhe chance lo nake a fal profil, lhe nerchanls
have leen gouging lhe cily. Lnraged ly lhis, sone counciIors are lrying lo force lhe
issue lo a head. The ICs have lo keep lhe holheads under conlroI, hopefuIIy pre-
venling a lrade enlargo. Wilh Iuck, lhe characlers lroops viII receive leller equip-
nenl end suppIies.
2G~Thc InvcstIgatInn. Senalor Turax (an infIuenliaI nolIenen) end his cronies are
refusing lo aid lhe arny, ceIIing for an invesligalion inlo KaIaks dealh. They
vanl lo overlhrov or veaken Tilhian, lul lheir denands nay aIso lrigger a vilch
hunl for lhe VeiIed AIIiance. The ICs nusl invesligale and find a scapegoal. If
lhey succeed, lhe VeiIed AIIiance viII secrelIy supporl lheir connend. If lhey faiI,
lhe possilIe repercussions are grave~nore riols, a lriaI for lhe ICs, perhaps even
Tilhians overlhrov.
2H~Thc VnIcc nf thc Pcnp!c. A charisnalic slreel preacher is slirring up lhe peopIe
againsl lhe var. As his popuIarily increases, pulIic supporl for lhe arny, and lhe
nunler of recruils, decIines. The ICs nusl siIence or expose lhis seIf-slyIed
prophel of lhe peopIe vilhoul naking hin a narlyr lo lhe cause of peace. If lhey
faiI, voIunleers viII le hard lo cone ly.
AIlhough lhe characlers are avare of lhe lhreal lo Tyr, jusl vhal lhey shouId do
aloul il nay nol le so olvious. These nissions viII Iel lhe ICs neel nenlers of lhe
various Tyrian faclions and heIp lhen undersland Tyrian poIilics.
Mosl encounlers viII le offered or suggesled ly lhe person vho varned lhen of
lhe lhreal lo Tyr. }usl vhich encounlers are offered viII depend on lhe NICs posi-
lion and IoyaIlies. NICs are nol IikeIy lo suggesl lasks lhal vouId jeopardize
lheir ovn faclions pover.
Those vho have pIayed |reedon nay have specific conlacls anong lhe nev Iead-
ers of Tyr. Lach NICs allilude is descriled leIov. NICs alliludes affecl lhe lypes
of encounlers lhey vanl resoIved and hov lhe encounlers shouId le resoIved. These
posilions can le used if lhe conlacl is a naned NIC or, nore IikeIy, one of his aides.
If your pIayer characlers do nol knov lhese NICs, you can lase your ovn NICs on
KIng TIthIan. In appoinling arny connanders, Tilhian feeIs
lhal he has aIready deaIl vilh lhose vho lhrealen his pover.
The peopIe are anolher naller. They Iove hin, lul Tilhian
knovs hov fickIe lhe nol can le. He viII send lhe ICs on
nissions invoIving lhe nerchanls and connon peopIe. He
vanls lhese lvo groups firnIy lul discreelIy kepl in lheir pIac-
es. And he cerlainIy does nol vanl his nane nenlioned in
any fighl vilh lhe peopIe.
5cnatnr AgIs. AIlhough a nolIenen, Agis is a lrue nan of
lhe peopIe. His concern is for lhe safely and veII-leing of aII
in Tyr, fron lhe richesl lo lhe nosl unforlunale, parlicuIarIy
lhe Ialler. Agis does nol favor any parlicuIar faclion. He viII
send lhe ICs lo appIy pressure lo nolIes and lenpIars, hope-
fuIIy lhrough negolialion and deaIs. He does nol vanl vio-
Ience in lhe cily.
RIkus. The ex-gIadialor has no Iove of lhe nolIes or lenpIars.
He viII gIadIy send lhe ICs afler lhese lvo faclions. He has
no lasle for deaIs or negolialion, preferring direcl aclion. Al
lhe sane line, he nay need lhe ICs lo keep his reslIess foI-
Iovers reslrained and in Iine.
5adIra. Like Rikus, lhis agenl of lhe VeiIed AIIiance sliII con-
siders lhe lenpIars a lhreal. UnIike Rikus, she leIieves in
sullIely and caulion. She vanls prolIens quielIy, peacefuIIy,
and efficienlIy disposed of.
5ctup. This encounler requires dipIonacy, negolialion, and perhaps a lil of lrilery.
Have lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 36~The Tyrlhani, vhen you presenl
lhen vilh lhis nission.
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers:
Your conlacl has loId you of lhe slale of affairs vilh Urik. Sone are nol
concerned~in parlicuIar, lhe Tyrlhani faniIy. Senalor ViIdeen of Tyrlhani is an
aIIy of }aseeIas peopIe. AIlhough ordered ly Tilhian lo send lroops lo lhe arny,
ViIdeens supporl has leen Iess lhen enlhusiaslic, onIy a fev niseralIe lenanls
have leen senl. Il vouId le a greal heIp if ViIdeen vere persuaded lo shov grealer
supporl. Hovever, ViIdeen is popuIar, so lhis nusl le done vilh a nininun of
Ansver pIayers queslions al lhis poinl. If you do nol knov lhe ansver lo a parlic-
uIar queslion, do nol vorry. }usl leII lhe pIayers lhe conlacl does nol have lhal
Encnuntcr. The Tyrlheni are one of lhe oId nolIe faniIies of
Tyr. They are nol lhe nosl poverfuI or lhe veaIlhiesl, lul
Senalor ViIdeen has greal infIuence vilh lhe Iesser nolIes.
Weaker faniIies oflen vail lo see hov far House Tyrlhani viII
go and lhen foIIov suil. Ior exanpIe, if Senalor ViIdeen onIy
provides nininaI supporl, lhe olher faniIies viII provide nin-
inaI supporl. CurrenlIy he has oulfilled onIy lvenly of his
lenanls, prolalIy lhe lroulIenakers, yel he couId easiIy pro-
vide five lines lhis anounl.
The Tyrlhani eslale is lo lhe soulh, lelveen lhe cily end lhe iron nines. Like aII
nolIe eslales, lhe Tyrlhani are very veII-prolecled, parlicuIarIy in lhese lines of
lroulIe. Discourage any allacks on lhe eslale~poinl oul lhal lhe ICs are cerlain lo
Iose. The group nusl secure an audience and convince ViIdeen~lhrough Iogic,
lhreals, lIacknaiI, or vhalever~lo increase his supporl.
ShouId any characler le of a conparalIe sociaI slanding lo lhe senalor, an audi-
ence can le arranged vilhoul difficuIly. lhervise, characlers viII prolalIy have lo
reIy on an NIC (possilIy lheir conlacl) lo nake lhe arrangenenls. The ICs viII
lhen ove lhal person a favor. Repaying favors shouId creale difficuIlies Ialer on.
If lhe ICs have no neans of securing an audience, lhey can sliII go lo lhe Tyrlhani
eslale and lry lo laIk lheir vay in, lul Senalor ViIdeen sees fev connoners. He is
vary of possilIe pIols againsl lhe faniIy, lul is aIvays open lo opporlunilies lo nake
a quick profil. If lhe ICs can pIay upon his fear or his greed, lhey viII gel in lo see
hin. In any case, ViIdeen nakes lhe ICs vail lvo-lo-lhree days lefore he viII see
Ncxt. nce lhe neeling is arranged, conlinue pIay vilh encounler 2A~The Audi-
ence. In lhe day or lvo lefore lhe neeling, you nay vish lo inlroduce olher encounl-
ers. More lhan one encounler can le in pIay al once.
5ctup. This encounler occurs onIy if lhe ICs nanage lo arrange an audience vilh
Senalor ViIdeen. Have pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 15~Luncheon, vhen
lhe ICs are lroughl lefore lhe Senalor.
5tart. When lhe group arrives al lhe Tyrlhani eslales, nake lhen vail. Servanls
cone and go, lul viII ansver no queslions. nce lhe ICs gel annoyed, read lhe
A lhin, hoIIov-eyed hunan joins you on lhe veranda. Afler a lrief, lareIy poIile
lov, he says, I an Hanfros, Senalor ViIdeens secrelary. If you vouId pIease
pIace any veapons on lhal lalIe, lhe senalor viII see you. He vaves IanguidIy al a
snaII sideloard nearly.
If lhe ICs prolesl, hesilale, or lehave suspiciousIy, lhe secrelary coughs sIighlIy. A
curlain ruslIes, reveaIing lvo nuI guards. If lhe group is sliII hesilanl, Hanfros or-
ders lhe ICs searched or lhe audience is over. nce salisfied lhey have no veap-
ons, he Ieads lhe ICs lo lhe senalor.
Encnuntcr. The senalor has jusl finished his lalh and receives
lhe ICs vhiIe dressed in his roles, fIaunling his veaIlh and
pover. RecIining on his Iounge, Senalor ViIdeen Iooks al lhe
ICs lhrough hooded eyes. Hanfros, donl jusl sland lhere
Iike a fooI! he larks. TeII lhe cook I an ready for
Iuncheon~and I have guesls. The secrelary gIovers al lhe
oId nans vords as he lacks oul of lhe roon.
The senalor knovs lhe ICs purpose, lul vails for lhen lo
pIead lheir case. ViIdeen can onIy le persuaded lo send nore lroops ly lvo lhings~
fear or greed. If lhe lhreal is convincing, lhe senalor slaIIs unliI aclion seens inni-
nenl, lhen grudgingIy accedes. If lriled, he lries lo provide lhe Ieasl for his noney.
In eilher case, ICs vouId le vise lo sel specific lerns for lhe deaI.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. The senalor is alrasive and lIunl, Iegendary for his greed. His con-
versalion is Iaden vilh insuIls and conpIainls aloul everyone, incIuding his secre-
lary. The oId nan has leen a senalor Iong enough lo undersland pover and knovs
lhe ICs are jusl fIunkies. As such, he is nol afraid of pelly lhreals of vioIence. ReaI
lhreals~aclion ly King Tilhian or lhe huniIialion of his faniIy~do scare hin. As
for greed, if ViIdeen is confidenl of privacy, he lIunlIy denands a lrile of enough
sleeI lo nake 1O svords for his lroops lo use~even lhough he has no inlenlion of
naking lhe veapons.
So youre lhe Iackeys of (ICs sponsor). Very veII, slale your lusiness.
I donl give a hang aloul lhe arny. Tilhians jusl lrying lo gel rid of ne.
Outcnmc. If lhe ICs can nusler a convincing lhreal or agree lo pay ViIdeens lrile,
he pronises lo increase his lroops (up lo a naxinun of 1OO). lhervise he refuses
and viII nol see lhe ICs again.
Ncxt. If ViIdeen is lriled, conlinue vilh encounler 2A~The Brile. lhervise,
conlinue vilh one of lhe olher nissions.
5ctup. Use lhis encounler if lhe ICs agree lo ViIdeens lrile. The ICs nay offer
ViIdeen lheir services inslead, see lhe P|aers Book, p. 34~The Conlracl.
5tart. This encounler legins vhen lhe ICs relurn lo lheir sponsor vilh ViIdeens
lerns. Read lhe foIIoving aIoud.
InpossilIe! pronounces your conlacl. Theres no vay lo gel lhal nuch sleeI.
You nade lhe deaI, you leII ViIdeen ils off. And youd leller nake sure he slays
quiel. ViIdeen couId nake aII sorls of lroulIe in lhe counciI chanlers. Donl
lungIe lhis!
Encnuntcr. If lhe ICs decide lo pay lhe lrile, aII is veII. If lhe ICs refuse lo pay,
lhey nusl acl lo prevenl lhe senalor fron seeking poIilicaI revenge in lhe counciI
chanlers. There are severaI oplions lhe ICs nighl lry:
B!ackmaI!. To nake any lhreal slick, lhe ICs need evidence grievous enough lo
enlarrass ViIdeen. Hanfros, ViIdeens secrelary, has lhe evidence needed. The sec-
relary lears no Iove of his alusive nasler and viII lelray hin for a nodesl sun and a
posilion vilh a leller nasler.
RaIsIng thc Cash. ICs can raise lhe sleeI oul of lheir ovn resources or lhey couId ask
olher NICs for cash. Their success viII depend on lhe nalure of your canpaign. If
lhe ICs knov enough NICs vilh lhal kind of veaIlh, lhey nighl succeed. Hovever,
ICs nusl le viIIing lo ove a Iol of peopIe noney or favors.
5crvIcc. Inslead of sleeI, ViIdeen can le paid in service. The senalor viII agree lo
provide 7O soIdiers if lhe ICs conlracl lo serve hin. RoIe-pIay lhe haggIing over lhe
lerns of service. (Have lhe pIayers lurn lo The Conlracl, on p. 34 in lhe P|aers
Book.) The conlracl is linding ly Tyrian Iav. Afler lhis advenlure is concIuded,
Senalor ViIdeen viII require lhe ICs lo perforn sone parlicuIarIy dangerous and
odious nission. (This can le lhe springloard of a nev advenlure.)
nce lhe ICs knov vhal lhey are going lo do, lhey can easiIy arrange anolher
audience vilh ViIdeen. The audience viII foIIov lhe sane procedure as lefore.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. The senalor is al firsl inpalienl, expecling lhe ICs lo deIiver pay-
nenl. If lhey do nol, his nood quickIy darkens and he grovs reslIess, pIanning lo
lhrov lhe group oul. The ICs nusl nake lheir offer (or lhreal) quickIy if lhey vanl
lo renain in lhe roon. nce presenled vilh vhalever aIlernalive lhe ICs offer, lhe
senalors lrovs furrov as he considers lheir vords. The gears of lhoughl are cIearIy
lurning in his head.
Outcnmc. If any deaI is arranged, Senalor ViIdeen viII honor his vord. SliII, he does
nol Iike leing lIacknaiIed. The ICs and Hanfros nay find lhenseIves allacked in
lhe nighl or sIipped a lil of poisoned food. You can use such allacks (lhe vork of
lards in ViIdeens enpIoy, see Masler NIC Lisl) any line lhe aclion of lhe adven-
lure seens a lil sIov. In any case, a lIacknaiIed senalor viII le lhe inpIacalIe
eneny of lhe ICs.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh any olher nission or go lo Iarl Three.
5ctup. In lhis encounler, lhe ICs neel Senalor TrevaIis for nore vheeIing and deaI-
ing. This encounler nay Iead lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 45~Raid! This encounler can
legin vhiIe olher nissions are leing resoIved.
5tart. The encounler legins vhen lhe ICs neel lheir conlacl.
Tine is running oul and ve need nore lroops. Senalor TrevaIis has senl vord
lhal he nighl le viIIing lo heIp, lul hes nol saying everylhing. He vanls sone-
lhing and youd leller find oul vhal. Renenler~every nan on our side neans
nore lroops.
Encnuntcr. Senalor TrevaIis is lhe head of lhe Minlhur faniIy. Hes a nid-IeveI
nolIe vilh anlilions lo expand his eslales. Those vho have pIayed |reedon nay
renenler lhe senalors son, Verrasi~he nay have leen responsilIe for lhe ICs
ensIavenenl. Hovever, Verrasi lareIy renenlers lhe ICs. Afler aII, lhe ICs vere
(and sliII nay le) insignificanl peons.
Senalor TrevaIis refuses lo see lhe ICs since he does nol vanl lo le connecled vilh
lhen. Inslead, lhe senalor counlers any requesl for an audience vilh lhe proposaI of
a secrel neeling al a disrepulalIe inn in lhe eIven quarler. (If lhe ICs donl seIecl an
inn, il occurs al lhe nevIy renaned Ka|aks Denlse.)
Al lhe inn, lhe ICs neel vilh TrevaIiss son Verrasi. As
noled, he does nol renenler lhe ICs fron |reedon, lul if
lhe ICs are hosliIe, he is hosliIe in relurn. Hovever, no nal-
ler hov hosliIe lhe ICs gel, Verrasi viII nol lreak off negolia-
lions. He knovs he nusl concIude lhis nission for his falher if
al aII possilIe. HeII lake his revenge Ialer.
The lerns are sinpIe and Verrasi vasles IillIe line gelling
lo lhe poinl. The Minlhurs viII provide lroops onIy if lhe ICs
underlake a nission lhal nighl. Senalor TrevaIis vanls lhe ICs~lhal is, soneone
nol connecled lo his faniIy~lo allack lhe eslale of one of his rivaIs and deslroy as
nuch of his properly (parlicuIarIy his granaries) as possilIe. The senalor does nol
vanl his rivaI assassinaled or excessive Ioss of Iife, vhich vouId creale reaI lroulIe.
TrevaIiss goaI is lo veaken and enlarrass his eneny, nol eIininale hin.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. Verrasi of Minlhur lehaves nuch as he did in |reedon. He is arro-
ganl and conlenpluous. No naller vhal lheir slalion, Verrasi considers lhe ICs
lenealh hin~afler aII, lhey are nereIy nercenaries in lhis naller. He sees no reason
lo le friendIy lovard lhen.
|Sniffj This pIace posiliveIy reeks of garlage.
WeII, I suppose you nighl le conpelenl enough for lhe jol.
I donl care vhal happens lo you. Ialher jusl vanls lhis done quickIy.
Outcnmc. If lhe ICs agree lo lhe lask, have lhe pIayers lurn lo p. 45, Raid!, in lhe
P|aers Book. The largel does nol supporl Tilhian and has nol conlriluled lroops
lo lhe arny. If lhe ICs refuse, Verrasi lecones lheir eneny.
Ncxt. If lhe ICs agree lo lhe raid, conlinue vilh encounler 2B~Midnighl Raid.
lhervise, resoIve any olher nission or go lo Iarl Three.
5ctup. Use lhis encounler if lhe ICs agree lo TrevaIiss denands. Have lhe pIayers
lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 45~Raid! You viII need lhe Masler NIC Charl fron
lhe Background Book lo run lhis encounler.
5tart. This encounler legins vhen lhe ICs near lhe farn of lhe IreydIav faniIy.
Have lhe pIayers seIecl lheir roule of approach using lhe nap given lo lheir charac-
lers. Lverylhing seens lo le lhe sane as shovn.
Encnuntcr. If lhe ICs did nol offend Verrasi al lheir Iasl neeling, no one al lhe
IreydIav eslale expecls an allack. The reaclions of lhe guards and ovners viII le
confused and duIIed ly sIeep vhen lhe aIarn is sounded. If lhe ICs angered Sena-
lor TrevaIiss son, lhe vheIp has anonynousIy varned lhe IreydIavs of lhe coning
allack. AIlhough lhings appear peacefuI on lhe surface, eslale ovners are prepared
for aclion lhis nighl.
The enlries in lhe key leIov give reaclions for lolh nornaI and aIerled slales.
GranarIcs: These lIackish luiIdings have a snaII door in one side and no vindovs.
A Iadder Ieads lo a halch in lhe roof. If lhe side door is opened, faro needIes sveep
oul over lhe ICs feel.
Guards: Al each posilion slands a pair of guards. If no varning has leen given, lhe
guards are hunan and nol parlicuIarIy valchfuI. They are nore concerned vilh
keeping dangerous aninaIs avay fron lhe erdIus and lhe granaries. Againsl lhe
ICs, lhey have a -2 nodifier on lheir chance of leing surprised. Reinforcenenls
fron lhe nain house viII lake 3d6 rounds lo arrive.
If lhe eslale has leen varned, one guard in each pair is a dvarf, focused on lhe
lask of prolecling. As such, lhe leans are keenIy aIerl and gain a +1 nodifier on
lheir chance of leing surprised. ShouId anylhing unusuaI happen, lhe guards viII
sound lhe aIarn innedialeIy. Reinforcenenls arrive in 2d4 rounds.
Use lhe Hunan and Dvarf Cuard enlries on lhe Masler NIC Charl.
5I!ns: These cIay lovers conlain fodder lo gel lhe aninaIs lhrough lhe dry nonlhs.
The siIo vaIIs shaller upon suslaining 3 poinls of lIudgeoning danage.
Wc!! hnusc: This lIockhouse, vilh ils singIe door and snaII vindovs, houses lhe aII-
inporlanl nain veII. A lean of len lenanls keeps lhe valer screv in conslanl no-
lion. If no aIarn has leen sounded, lhey are aIone. If lhe eslale has leen varned, a
haIf-gianl gIadialor and lhe IredyIavs psionicisl have squeezed inlo lhe roon.
Walching fron lhe vindovs, lhe psionicisl viII use his povers on any allacker vhiIe
lhe gIadialor renains on guard ly lhe door. Infornalion on lhe pair can le found on
lhe Masler NIC Charl.
Wnrkshnps and 5tnragc: These sinpIe paviIions cover a coIIeclion of farn looIs and
equipnenl. The faro vood posls and paIn Ieaf avnings viII lurn quile easiIy.
Outcnmc. If lhe ICs danage lhe IredyIav eslale, Senalor TrevaIis viII uphoId his
end, providing up lo 1OO nen, according lo lhe success of lhe raid. The Tyrlhani
faniIy can aIso use lhis raid lo lIacknaiI lhe ICs al sone fulure poinl.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh any olher nission or go lo Iarl Three.
5ctup. This encounler invoIves prolIen soIving and negolialion. You can inlroduce
lhis nission vhiIe resoIving olher encounlers. IaniIiarize yourseIf vilh lhe P|aers
Book, p. 3~Denands, lefore running lhis encounler.
5tart. The encounler legins vhen a lenpIar NIC knovn lo lhe ICs approaches
lhen, seeking lheir assislance. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers.
As you are Ieaving your favorile vineshop, a snaII, dark-cIoaked nan~lhe once
fearsone dress of lhe lenpIars~shouIders inlo you. Al firsl he inslincliveIy lris-
lIes, furious lhal anyone shouId have lhe effronlery lo sland in his vay. Before
anylhing can happen, lhough, he slops and lhrovs lack his hood. Il is HasavaI, a
lenpIar of your acquainlance. Ah, ils you, he says. I cane Iooking for you.
Cone inside and Iel ne luy you a drink. Wilhoul vailing for your ansver, he
slarls lo Iead you lack inside.
If lhe ICs go vilh HasavaI, have lhe pIayers lurn lo Denands.
Encnuntcr. Afler lhe pIayers have read lhe enlry, Iel lhen ask
queslions (you nusl roIe-pIay lhe ansvers). AIlhough Ha-
savaI knovs nuch nore lhan he says, he vonl divuIge nuch,
oflen repealing inslead of eIaloraling: Like I aIready
said... Lver lhe schener, he is pIaying lolh sides againsl
each olher. He has convinced Cirias lo denand a roIe as con-
nander. HasavaI knovs lhe oId lenpIar is a vain lool vilh no
niIilary experience or sense, and leIieves he can lecone lhe
pover lehind lhe lhrone. HasavaI figures lhe ICs viII eilher have lo cul a deaI or
force lhe lenpIars inlo Iine. Lilher vay he vins.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. Wilh his haIf-slarved Iook, shorl Iegs, and vispy slrands of hair, Ha-
savaI is easiIy idenlified in a crovd. He is a nanipuIalive huslIer. LillIe he says or
does can le accepled al face vaIue. HasavaI aIso allrilules his nelhods and nolives
lo olhers. He viII conslanlIy pry and poke, allenpling lo Iearn lhe olher persons
angIe on lhe deaI.
Il vouIdnl le a good idea lo lIal lhis lo everylody.
}usl renenler ne vhen aII lhis vorks oul.
Outcnmc. If lhe ICs lake lhis nevs lo lheir conlacl, lhey viII le ordered lo neel vilh
Cirias and soIve lhe prolIen. HasavaI viII heIp nake lhe arrangenenls. If lhe
ICs or lheir conlacl relaIiale againsl lhe lenpIars vilhoul a neeling, lhe priesls
quielIy releI, refusing aid lo lhe arny vhenever lhey can.
Ncxt. If lhe ICs search oul nore infornalion on Cirias, leII lhen lo read lhe P|a-
ers Book, p. 41~The Connander. If lhey neel Cirias, go lo 2C~Cirias. lher-
vise, conlinue vilh anolher nission or Iarl Three.
5ctup. Use lhis encounler if lhe ICs arrange a neeling vilh Cirias. TeII lhe pIayers
lo lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 5~The Carden.
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers vhen lhey neel vilh Cirias.
IoIIoving HasavaIs direclions, you reach a house in lhe oId TenpIars Quarlers.
You are ushered inlo a Iush garden courlyard. Silling on cushions in lhe shade of
a paIn is Cirias, dressed in his finesl niIilary spIendor. HasavaI sleps up and
quickIy nakes inlroduclions.
Encnuntcr. HasavaI quickIy lakes conlroI of lhe neeling, pre-
senling Ciriass denands. The oId lenpIar renains quiel,
convinced lhal HasavaI is negolialing on his lehaIf. Try lo
prevenl lhe ICs fron gelling a vord in edgevise.
If lhe ICs have checked on Cirias, lhey knov or suspecl
lhis neeling is a shan. HasavaI has convinced Cirias lhal lhe
lenpIars are asking for his appoinlnenl. The lrulh is lhal
Cirias is considered a fooI and HasavaI is lrying lo garner
nore pover. If lhe ICs refuse lo neel lhe denands, HasavaI viII accepl any counler-
offer lhal inproves his ovn slanding. If necessary, HasavaI viII seII oul his parl-
ner, if lhal viII nake hin Iook good in lhe eyes of lhe counciI.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. Cirias is vain and easiIy fIallered. Throughoul lhe neeling he seens
nore concerned vilh his appearance and hov he viII inpress lhe lroops lhan vilh
connand and Ieadership. He is lored ly lhe neeling and Ieaves everylhing lo his
friend. HasavaI conslanlIy presses lhe ICs for a decision, prelending lhal Cirias
and lhe lenpIars are inpalienl. If his schene is reveaIed, HasavaI allenpls lo lIane
Cirias for as nuch as possilIe.
TenpIar Cirias has asked ne lo handIe negolialions~you knov, ils lenealh his
slalion as polenliaI connander.
Upon our viclorious relurn, I viII Iead a nagnificenl lriunphanl procession lo
Tilhians CoIden Tover.
No, you, you gol il aII vrong~lhis vasnl ny idea! Cirias pul ne up lo il~said
hed arresl ne if I didnl heIp hin.
Outcnmc. If lhe ICs chaIIenge lhe lvo lenpIars vilh lhe facls, lhe schene unraveIs.
Cirias reaIizes lhal HasavaI has duped hin, and HasavaI Iooks lo lhe ICs for pro-
leclion. If lhe ICs donl aid HasavaI, Cirias has hin arresled and inprisoned.
If Cirias is appoinled connander, even lhose lenpIars IoyaI lo Tilhian viII ques-
lion his judgnenl. n canpaign, Cirias issues ridicuIous orders lhal nusl le unlan-
gIed in lhe nidsl of lallIe. The lenpIars ignore lhe oId fooI and anyone vho lries lo
vork lhrough hin.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh anolher nission fron Iarl Tvo or go on lo Iarl Three.
5ctup. This encounler nay le used any evening lhe ICs are oul Iale in lhe cily. Read
p. 44~Voices in lhe Nighl, in lhe P|aers Book, lefore running lhis encounler.
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers.
Il is Iale in lhe evening and you are headed hone, valchfuI of lhe shadoved aIIeys.
Ils vise lo lraveI in a Iarge, veII-arned group, as lhere are sliII nany dangerous
gangs aIong lhe near-deserled lyvays. As you lake a shorl cul, you hear voices in
an aIIey up ahead.
Begin lhe encounler ly asking vhal lhe ICs do.
Encnuntcr. There are lvo speakers, aIlhough neilher voice is dislincl. ne speaks
vilh a Tyrian accenl. The olher is lhick and hard lo undersland. (ICs vho have
lraveIed can nake an Inl Check lo recognize il as Urikile.)
lf the PCs nake no effort to concea| thelr aroach, lhe voices suddenIy cease.
There is a Ioud pop and lhe sound of running feel. As lhe group passes lhe aIIey,
lhey see lhe edge of a lIack cIoak disappear around a far corner. If pursued, lhe
figure ducks around anolher corner inlo a dead end, lul he is novhere in sighl (he
has used his nagic lools lo escape).
lf the PCs aroach cautlous|, lhey can overhear snalches of lhe conversalion.
Have lhen read p. 44~Voices in lhe Nighl, aIoud. Afler onIy a fev Iines, nake a
sudden cIallering noise: a Iarge Iizard has knocked over sone jars slacked near lhe
aIIeys noulh, slarlIing lolh ICs and NICs. If lhe ICs acl innedialeIy, lhey can
allack lhe lvo conspiralors lefore lhey escape.
5tatIstIcs. Puran of Urlk (ha|f-e|f): AL LL, AC 6, MV 24, TpI/Isi 8/8, hp 32,
THACO 16, #AT 1, Dng 1d6 (cIul), SZ M, Slr 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Inl 13,
Wis 15, Cha 16, bracers of defense, AC 6, dust of sneetlng and choklng. SpeIIs: 1)
connand, curse, endure heat, 2) ho|d erson, nessenger, sl|ence, 15 r., 3) seak
ulth dead, stone shae, 4) cure serlous uounds. Isionics~Sciences: c|alraudlence,
|lfe dralnlng, recognltlon, te|eort, Devolions: aglng, a||-round tlslon, bod con-
tro|, bod ueaonr, conbat nlnd, danger sense, dlnenslona| door, doub|e aln,
drean trate|, olson sense, slrlt sense, te|eort trlgger, tlne shlft, Def Modes: II,
MB, TS, TW. ISIs 9O.
Ten|ar Rhac: AL LL, AC 5, MV 24, TpI 7, hp 3O, THACO 16, #AT 1, Dng
1d8 (sleeI svord), SZ M, Slr 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Inl 16, Wis 13, Cha 19, rlng of
se|| storlng (con]ure flre e|enenta| and f|ane strlke), boots of strldlng and srlng-
Outcnmc. If lhe spies escape and lhe ICs reporl lhe incidenl, lhey are loId lo re-
nain on guard, and each IC is revarded vilh a sleeI dagger. (Renenler lhal lhe
spies are sliII free: Iuran nay conlinue lo nake lroulIe.) If lhe ICs caplure or kiII
eilher spy and reporl lhe neeling, lhe pIol is reveaIed. A nunler of lenpIars disap-
pear in lhe nighl and nore are assigned lo lhe arny~under slricl valch. The ICs
are revarded vilh lhe spies possessions and a sleeI hand-axe each.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh anolher nission or go lo Iarl Three. Nole lhal The Voice of
lhe IeopIe nission can onIy le used if Iuran escapes caplure.
5ctup. This encounler revoIves around lhe reslIess ex-gIadialors, and nay le used
any line. The pIayers viII use p. 47, Conlal, in lhe P|aers Book.
5tart. WhiIe pIayers are resoIving olher encounlers, inlroduce runors of unresl
anong lhe ex-gIadialors. Rikus is pressed ly olher affairs and is unavaiIalIe
lhroughoul lhis encounler.
I heard vere supposed lo le going off lo fighl. Whals laking so Iong` III lel
ils lhose fal nolIes jusl lrying lo save lheir skins.
The gIadialors of Tyr are as lough as lhey cone~vhal are ve vailing here for`
We shouId le oul righl nov, slonping lhose Urikiles!
Wenzers righl, you knov, ve shouId quil silling on our duffs and narch oul
nov~lhe resl of Tyr can join us in lhe fieId.
lher runors shouId suggesl groving disconlenl anong Rikuss foIIovers.
Encnuntcr. Rikuss aIIies, lhe forner gIadialors of Tyr, knov a
IillIe aloul lhe lhreal fron Urik and are groving inpalienl
for aclion. ne, Quick Wenzer, is urging his feIIovs lo lake
nallers inlo lheir ovn hands, narching lo lhe Urikile arny.
Wenzers argunenls are persuasive and, as lhe days pass,
lhe forner varriors conpIain Iouder. As lhe faclion grovs,
lhe difficuIly of keeping lhe gIadialors under conlroI in-
creases. When lhe ICs firsl hear of lhe prolIen, Iel lhe pIay-
ers knov lhal if lhey donl soIve il vilhin five days, Quick Wenzer viII have enough
nen lo force Rikus lo nove oul vilh vhalever forces he has~perhaps lefore lhe
arny is ready.
To conlroI lhe gIadialors, lhe ICs nusl find sone vay lo siIence or al Ieasl enlar-
rass Wenzer. There are nany possilIe vays lo do lhis, lul nol aII are vise. The onIy
good choice is lo pulIicIy chaIIenge Wenzer lo singIe conlal lo lhe dealh. If lhe ICs
dueI vilh Wenzer, have lhen lurn lo Conlal.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. Quick Wenzer is a poverfuI and cunning nan, fanous for his skiII
vilh paired inpaIers. BadIy scarred on his righl cheek, he is sliII handsone and
aIvays confidenl. He unconsciousIy favors his Iefl, lrying lo keep his injuries fron
sighl. Irior lo lallIe, Wenzer viII allenpl lo use his nenlaI povers on any opponenl.
This is nol chealing.
5tatIstIcs. Qulck Wenter: AL CC, AC 1 (nekiIIol hide, arnor oplinizalion, and
Dexlerily), MV 24, CId 7, hp 44, THACO 13 (speciaIizalion lonus), #AT 2/1,
Dng 1d8+1 (lone inpaIers), Slr 14, Dex 2O, Con 15, Inl 14, Wis 9, Cha 14.
WiId TaIenls: contact, doub|e aln, nlnd|lnk, ost-hnotlc suggestlon, ISIs 49.
Outcnmc. If lhe IC vins lhe lallIe, lhe gIadialors cease lheir denands. lhervise,
lhey narch vilhin lhe five days.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh anolher nission fron Iarl Tvo or go on lo Iarl Three.
5ctup. This encounler invoIves lroulIe lelveen lhe nerchanl houses and a nol of
craflsnen. Il nay le used any line. The pIayers viII use lhe P|aers Book, p. 2~
Decisive Aclion. ShouId lhere le a fighl, lhey viII aIso need p. 46~Mol Aclion.
5tart. The ICs Iearn lhe foIIoving infornalion fron lheir conlacl or al lhe counciI
This nornings counciI vas slorny. TurIoff, one of lhe eIecled craflsnen, accused
lhe nerchanl houses of price-gouging on inporlanl var suppIies. Masler Sinlha,
Ieader of lhe nerchanls, denanded apoIogies vhiIe lhe craflsnen lhrealened lo
lIockade lhe nerchanls. The session ended in chaos. Worried lhal lhe dispule couId
erupl inlo a fuII-scaIe lrade enlargo, your palron vanls you go lo lhe Caravan Way
and prevenl nore lroulIe~if you can.
Encnuntcr. Tyrs iron nines have nade il an inporlanl cenler for nearIy every ner-
chanl faniIy. AInosl aII lhe luiIdings aIong Caravan Way are lhe headquarlers or
enporiuns of poverfuI nerchanl faniIies.
When lhe ICs gel lo Caravan Way, lhey find craflsnen lIocking lhe doors lo
Sinlhas enporiun. Mercenary guards are lrying lo open palhs lhrough lhe prolesl-
ers. TurIoff slands on a vagon near lhe forefronl, haranguing lhe crovd. Bolh sides
shoul, accuse, and lhrealen each olher.
A knol of nercenaries suddenIy forces ils vay lhrough lhe crovd and drags
TurIoff fron lhe vagon. (Have lhe pIayers Iook al p.2, Decisive Aclion, in lhe
P|aers Book.) A nol of craflsnen surges lovard lhe arned guards, vho seen
ready lo sIay any vho approach. Al lhis inslanl, denand lo knov vhal lhe ICs viII
do. ShouId a lallIe erupl, have lhe pIayers lurn lo p. 46~Mol Aclion.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. TurIoff is al firsl indignanl and lhen frighlened as he reaIizes lhe dan-
ger of his posilion. He forces hinseIf lo renain lrave. The crovd vanls TurIoff
reIeased and his caplors punished. They cannol le reasoned vilh, lul can le di-
recled ly a slrong connander, so lhe ICs couId lry lo free TurIoff and seize lhe
nercenaries vilhoul lIoodshed, lhey couId aIso lry lo force a slandoff. Sinlhas
guards are surprised ly lhe nols response. If lhe ICs can keep lhe nol al lay, lhe
guards viII negoliale. The crovd nusl le dispersed lefore lhe guards agree lo re-
Iease TurIoff.
5tatIstIcs. Craftsnen (45): Use TypicaI Cilizen on lhe Masler NIC Charl. Lach
nan has a vooden cIul (D 1d6).
Mercenarles (12): Use Cuard on lhe Masler NIC Charl. Lach nan carries a
lone-lipped spear (D 1d6-1).
Outcnmc. If lhe ICs free TurIoff, he can suppIy lhen vilh skiIIed nen for lhe arny.
If he is freed ly vioIence, Masler Sinlha is angry, affecling arny suppIies. If TurIoff is
nol freed, lhe ICs viII nol gain any craflsnen for lheir force.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh anolher nission fron Iarl Tvo or go on lo Iarl Three.
5ctup. This encounler creales open-ended and unslruclured silualions. nIy DMs
conforlalIe vilh inprovised roIe-pIaying shouId use il.
5tart. Arrange for lhe ICs lo allend lhe counciI (lheir sponsor has urgenl lusi-
ness vilh lhen afler lhe neeling), lhen read lhe foIIoving aIoud.
Lislening lo lhe drone of speakers, you have no idea vhal couId possilIy le consid-
ered urgenl. IinaIIy, Tilhian requesls a progress reporl on lhe arny. Nanes and
nunlers are read off, noling each conlrilulion. Senalor Turax~none, lhe
cIerk caIIs oul. A hush faIIs over lhe assenlIy.
Where are your lroops, Senalor Turax` Tilhian denands, scovIing fron his
high seal.
Lyes shifl lo a slurdy ancienl vho rises fron his firsl-rov seal. Before I send ny
nen, lhe senalor cIearIy says, lhere are queslions aloul KaIaks dealh lhal
nusl le ansvered. The VeiIed AIIiance vas invoIved and lhese crininaIs nusl le
lroughl lo juslice. There nusl le an invesligalion! There is an uproar as nany
voices shoul approvaI.
The counciI recesses as Tilhian consuIls vilh his advisors (incIuding an NIC
knovn lo lhe pIayer characlers). LvenluaIIy, lhe ICs are sunnoned. Turax has
pul us in a spol~hes loo poverfuI lo ignore. Were appoinling you speciaI invesli-
galors. Sink lhis invesligalion or give us a scapegoal. lhervise ilII le aII our heads.
Encnuntcr. When lhe counciI reconvenes, lhe ICs are presenled as Tilhians choice
for speciaI invesligalors. Tilhian culs off delale lo force a vole approving his choice.
The ICs are granled lhe righl lo queslion anyone. AII counciI nenlers are urged lo
cooperale. The ICs are inslrucled lo reporl lo Tilhians secrelary. They have lvo lo
five days (DMs discrelion) lo conpIele lhe invesligalion.
RcactInn. In a second neeling, Tilhian, Agis, and lhe olhers expIain lhey do nol
vanl a reaI invesligalion, lhey vanl lhe prolIen vrapped up and forgollen as quick-
Iy as possilIe. Sonelody nusl le lIaned, lul nol lhe acluaI parlicipanls in KaIaks
dealh (Tilhian, Agis, Sadira, Rikus, or Neeva), nor any one in lhe VeiIed AIIiance.
The ICs nusl find soneone lo lake lhe lIane, prolalIy ly faIsifying evidence.
Lveryone on lhe counciI knovs lhe invesligalion is a shan, lul lhal doesnl naller.
ver lhe nexl fev days, every faclion Ieader approaches lhe ICs. Mosl offer lhe
ICs lriles of cash, goods, and services lo avoid leing lIaned. (Use lhese lriles lo
provide your ICs vilh noney and equipnenl you deen necessary.) Ior exanpIe, a
group of veaIlhy senalors offers a +1 sleeI Iong svord or lracers of defense, lhe
craflsnen pronise lhe finesl nekiIIol arnor lo lhe group, and lhe nerchanls offer
goods fron lheir enporiuns.
Outcnmc. n lhe naned day, lhe ICs nusl accuse soneone and produce evidence
lo supporl lheir cIain. The viclins faclion is lhereafler an eneny of lhe ICs. If lhe
ICs look and did nol honor any lriles, lhose deceived viII discreelIy reduce lheir
supporl of lhe arny.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh anolher nission fron Iarl Tvo or go on lo Iarl Three.
5ctup. Do nol use lhis encounler if Iuran of Urik has leen caplured (see 2D~
Treachery). IaniIiarize yourseIf vilh lhe P|aers Book, p. 13~The Voice of Rea-
son, lefore leginning lhis encounler.
5tart. This encounler legins in lhe poor quarler. Read lhe foIIoving aIoud.
In a narkel square, a knol of cilizens cIuslers around lhe veII. The usuaI narkel
sounds~havkers and haggIing~are nolicealIy alsenl. A laII speaker is harangu-
ing lhe crovd.
Have a pIayer read The Voice of Reason aIoud. Ask vhal lhe ICs do.
Encnuntcr. If lhe ICs opl lo gel cIoser, lhey nusl shouIder
lheir vay lhrough lhe crovd. If lhe ICs are olviousIy upper
cIass, 1d6+2 paupers pick a fighl. lher cilizens onIy grun-
lIe and svear as lhe ICs large lhrough. If lhe ICs nel
Iuran during lhe Treachery encounler, lhey viII recognize lhe
speaker, if lhey havenl nel hin, lhe speaker is jusl a haIf-eIf
Iuran conlinues his denagoguery unIess slopped. If lhe
ICs sinpIy Ieave and reporl lhe incidenl, lheir NIC conlacl reviIes lhen for inac-
lion and orders lhen lo find lhe rallIe-rouser. If lhe ICs relurn lo lhe narkel
square, Iuran is gone. The DM nay Iel lhe ICs lrack Iuran. CIues, runors, and
viId goose chases can send lhe ICs aII over lhe poor dislricls lefore lhey find Iuran
Rn!c-P!ayIng. Iuran is quick and knovs hov lo pIay a crovd. If lhe ICs nove
againsl hin in lhe square, he viII use his oraloricaI skiIIs lo lurn lhe lalIes~caIIing
lhe group nolIe Iackeys or lenpIar spies in order lo sel lhe nol on lhen. He viII nol
jeopardize his disguise ly using his psionic or speII aliIilies in pulIic. He vonl fIee
unIess no olher aclion is possilIe.
Who says an Urikile arny is coning` Have you seen il` So vhy do lhey say an
arny is coning~lecause lhey vanl you lo Iive in fear, lhals vhy.
Look~lhere! TenpIar slooges! |Ioinl al lhe pIayers.j
RcactInns. Otert, hostl|e actlon- kiIIing, arresling, or accusing Iuran of spying~
angers lhe crovd: 1d1O+3O hosliIe cilizens lhrealen lhe ICs (see Masler NIC
Charl). Massacrlng the cltltens gels lhe ICs arresled, proseculed, and senlenced
lo lhe nines. Cotert actlon- psionic allacks or nagic, for exanpIe~nay succeed if
il cannol le lraced lo lhe ICs. An PC uho denounces Purans argunents nay
svay lhe crovd. Bolh characlers nusl nake Cha checks. The highesl successfuI
check infIuences lhe crovd, lhe firsl lo nake lhree checks vins lhe lallIe of rheloric.
(As DM, you nay require speeches.)
Outcnmc. If Iuran is nol deaIl vilh, arny recruilnenl is dovn anong lhe poor. If
lhere is a scene, Iuran lecones a narlyr and none of lhe poor voIunleer. Any olher
resuIl doesnl affecl voIunleer recruilnenl.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh anolher nission fron Iarl Tvo or go on lo Iarl Three.
5ctup. This seclion covers lhe evenls Ieading lo lhe advenlure's cIinax. The arny of
Tyr does nol find lhe Urikiles innedialeIy upon narching oul. A veek or nore
shouId pass lefore lhe lvo forces engage. n sone days nolhing happens, on olhers
lhe ICs (and lheir forces) encounler nerchanls, eIves, eneny palroIs, and finaIIy lhe
eneny arny. This suggesled linelalIe viII heIp you pIan lhese evenls. n lhe
March, on lhe nexl page, shovs lhe arnys roule.
TImctab!c. The linelalIe legins vilh lhe nusler of lhe lroops. This is Day 1 of lhe
n lhe March nap. The Iocalion of each nighls canp for lhe arny is noled on lhe
nap, lhe arrov shovs lhe arnys generaI roule.
Day 1. The arny galhers oulside Tyr. IIay The Musler, and reviev lhe ICs
Iriends and Lnenies and lheir Reaclions vhiIe canped here. The ICs gel no sIeep
lhis nighl.
Day 2. Rikus noves lhe arny oul. IIay lhe Marching rders and Scouling en-
counlers lhis day.
Day 3. The arny sIovIy noves oul of lhe green leIl surrounding Tyr. Have lhe ICs
organize severaI palroIs so lhey can gel lhe feeI of
lhe Deserlion encounler.
connanding lheir unils and legin
Day 4. The arny enlers lhe slony larrens. Iinish lhe Deserlion encounler here.
Day 5. Rikus caIIs a haIl al lhe edge of lhe sandy vasles. ne palroI is Allacked!,
anolher finds Merchanls.
Days 6-7. Rikus caIIs a haIl unliI lhe ICs Iocale lhe Urikile arny. IIay lhe LIf
Raid and Skirnish encounlers over lhese lvo days. ConcIude lhese encounlers vilh
The BIack IIain, vhen lhe ICs have found lhe Urikile arny.
Days 8-9. Rikus prepares his lrap and allacks lhe Urikile arny. The pIayer char-
aclers roIes in lhe cIash are descriled in lhe renaining encounlers.
5ctup. nce lhe ICs have conpIeled lhe encounlers fron Iarl Tvo, ils line lo
issue lhe caII for lroops. Have lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 39~RoII
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers.
The line has cone al Iasl. King Tilhian has announced lhal lhe Urikile arny is
near. Heeding lhe advice of his counciIors, especiaIIy lhe respecled Connander
Rikus, Tilhian orders lhe Arny of Tyr inlo lhe fieId. n lhe appoinled norning,
officiaI runners are senl lo viIIas of lhe nolIes, lhe quarlers of lhe lenpIars, and
lhe oId arena. AII day Iong, nen galher al lhe nusler ground oulside lhe cily~
nolIey assorlnenls of nen and equipnenl. Connander Rikus and lhe olher offi-
ciaIs valch fron lhe lop of lhe cily vaII.
As lhe cilizen-soIdiers cone onlo lhe fieId, lhe various Iieulenanls sorl lhe nen ly
lraining, equipnenl, faclion, and cIass. CIerks nole lhe nunlers of nen arriving
and eslinale lhe suppIies needed. CIadialors, anong Tyrs fev experienced in lhe
lrade of var, provI lhe ranks lo size up each nev lrooper. Connander Rikus
vanls lo knov lhe caIiler of his arny.
Encnuntcr. As lhe ICs valch lhe lroops galher, a courier arrives. He is Iooking for
lhe varrior IC vilh lhe highesl conlined IeveI and Charisna (lhe nessenger asks
for lhal IC ly nane). Thal characler is given a papyrus scroII connissioning hin as
one of Rikuss Iieulenanls, lhe posl cannol le decIined. (The pronolion can le
expIained as eilher revard for services rendered or a neans of gelling rid of a lrou-
lIesone IC.) The connission gives lhe IC lhe aulhorily lo give orders lo lhe lroops
and aIIovs hin lo appoinl olhers (lhe renaining parly nenlers) as his aides. The
nev rank lrings 5 siIver pieces a nonlh.
No naller hov nany encounlers fron Iarl Tvo lhe ICs conpIeled or vhal lheir
success, lhe nev Iieulenanl is given connand of a snaII nunler of unils. (Iurlher
lroops nay join lhe force depending on lhe oulcone of various nissions in Iarl
Tvo.) Lach unil arrives separaleIy. As lhey arrive, read lhe lroop descriplion leIov.
The ICs nusl decide vhelher lo keep lhe lroops in rank or reIease lhen fron duly.
nce lhe choice is nade il cannol le rescinded.
Cnrc Trnnps: The nain lody of soIdiers is nade up of lhree unils. The firsl is a land
of ex-gIadialors, 2O slrong. These nen are sliII rav, apparenlIy nol yel finished vilh
lheir lraining. SliII, lhey knov hov lo fighl, lhough lhey do have an odd assorlnenl
of veapons. By lhe BATTLLSYSTLM ruIes, lhese nen are irreguIars/
skirnishers, lul can quickIy le lrained as reguIars. The second group, again 2O
slrong, are lenpIars arned vilh naces and lone-edged svords, vearing gianl hair
arnor. These nen are lrained lo fighl as reguIars, lul lheir oId arrogance nakes
lhen difficuIl lo connand. The Iasl group is a coIIeclion of nolIes guards. These
nen have slone cIuls and lone spears. Their arnor is sinpIe padded cIolh. They
fighl as reguIars.
PcrsuasInn: Senalor Tyrlhani provides lhe agreed-upon
nunler of lroops. The nen are aII unarnored O-IeveI hu-
nans arned vilh an assorlnenl of farning inpIenenls. In
BATTLLSYSTLM ruIes, lhese recruils can onIy fighl as
irreguIars. The connander is a forner sIave overseer, Urvas.
ViIdeen discovered lhe nan laking lriles and punished hin
vilh lhis duly. AII of Urvass nen hale and fear hin.
Dca!s: If lhe ICs lungIed lhe raid, lhe Minlhurs provide
onIy 3O nen. If lhe raid caused nodesl danage, 5O nen ar-
rive. Ior serious and exlrene danage lo lhe IreydIav eslale,
lhe nunlers are 75 and 1OO respecliveIy. The Minlhurs lake
pride in lheir lroops. Lach nan has a sinpIe cIolh uniforn
and a lone-lipped spear. IoaIic Vorddnan, a dvarf sergeanl
of lhe Minlhur househoId guard, connands lhe Minlhur
nen. His focus is lo prolecl lhe Minlhur Iands. Iear of le-
coning a lanshee drives hin lo greal efforls, sonelines al his nens expense.
Tcmp!ars: If lhe ICs have perseculed lhe lenpIars, lhe lenpIar unil nulinies in lhe
fieId, affecling olher unils. Lvery day in lhe fieId, 2d1O soIdiers viII deserl unliI lhe
ICs are Iefl vilhoul a connand. A slrong shov of force (a fev execulions, for
exanpIe) viII slop lhe deserlions.
B!nnd Lust: If any IC kiIIed Quick Wenzer in lhe dueI, 2O nore gIadialors join lheir
feIIovs. The gIadialors have no arnor and, as lefore, carry a variely of exolic veap-
5upp!y and Dcmand: If lhe ICs rescued TurIoff, 4O ner-
chanl guards join lheir connand. These nen have Iealher
arnor and slone axes. They fighl as irreguIars, lul can le
inproved lo reguIars. In addilion, lhey can luiId and super-
vise lhe conslruclion of earlhvorks, sinpIe forlificalions, and
siege veapons. Their connander is TurIoffs senior appren-
lice, lhe haIf-eIf IeyIan, vho keeps lo hinseIf. Hovever, his
ease of connand suggesls lhal he is nore lhan an appren-
If lhe ICs sided vilh lhe nerchanls, no nerchanl lroops arrive. Hovever, a repre-
senlalive of lhe nerchanl houses cones ly lo arrange for leller equipnenl, inprov-
ing aII unils AC ly one.
Thc VnIcc nf thc Pcnp!c: If lhe ICs exposed Iuran as a spy, an addilionaI 2O
cilizens (lhe dispossessed) join up vilh lhen. These exlra nen can le added lo any
irreguIar unil excepl lhe Minlhur faclion. nce assigned, lhese voIunleers aulonali-
caIIy have lhe sane equipnenl as lhe resl of lhe unil.
Ncxt. nce aII lroops are nuslered and lhe ICs have seIecled lheir unils, conlinue
vilh Iriends and Lnenies.
is nol en encounler, lul gives you an opporlunily lo renind lhe pIayers of vho lheir
friends and enenies are. You nay vanl lo reviev lhe Iarl Tvo encounlers, noling lhe
ICs soIulion (if any) for each one.
5ctup. Have lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 7~The Scorecard. This page
Thc Ta!!y. The Scorecard in lhe IIayers Book shovs lhe pIayers lhe nanes and
faces of aII lhe inporlanl NICs lhe heroes nel in lheir encounlers. The Iisl leIov
nalches lhose piclures. Co lhrough lhe NICs nanes vilh lhe pIayers and descrile
hov each NIC lhey deaIl vilh feeIs aloul lhen in generaI. These descriplions
shouId le lased on vhal lhe ICs knov or leIieve~lhey do nol have lo le honesl.
Ior exanpIe, HasavaI, lhe schening lenpIar, aIvays prelends lo le a friend~even
vhen he is Iying oulrageousIy.
As you go lhrough lhe NIC rosler, nark each NICs allilude lovard lhe heroes
leIov his piclure. This page lecones a convenienl reference in Ialer slages of lhe
Sone of lhese NICs nay le in a posilion lo heIp or harn lhe ICs as lhey prepare
lo narch oul. The NICs aclions depend on lheir currenl allilude lovard lhe ICs.
The infornalion leIov is a guide: nodify lhe NICs reaclions if your pIayers have
done sonelhing unexpecled, highIy crealive, or incredilIy inepl. Likevise, NICs
nol Iisled here nay have lhe opporlunily lo acl in unanlicipaled vays.
CnuncI!nr Tur!nff. If ICs rescued lhe good CounciIor, he vehenenlIy lakes lheir side
in aII counciI chaIIenges. Before lhe arny Ieaves lhe cily, lhe CounciIor sends a
nessage: If you need anylhing, inforn ne.
If lhe ICs sided vilh lhe nerchanls, TurIoff lakes no aclion unIess lhe ICs cross
his palh again.
Mastcr 5Inthc. If lhe ICs sided vilh TurIoff, Sinlha relaIiales. Through lhe olher
nerchanls, he arranges a sIovdovn of aII suppIies senl lo lhe ICs' unils. Iood,
spare veapons and nore are in shorl suppIy. Coods are oflen sul-slandard~
arrovs crooked, neal vorny, and valer sour. The ICs' lroops viII grunlIe and nay
If lhe ICs look a sland againsl TurIoff, lhe silualion is reversed. The group gels
Iavish suppIies end lheir nen are veII-fed. Sinlha sends nessengers offering lhe ICs
posilions anong lhe nerchanl houses. (Such posls are highIy soughl afler and pay
Puram nf UrIk. If Iuran vas seen ly lhe ICs, he avoids lhen. When lhe arny
narches oul, he lraiIs afler, passing reporls leck lo lhe connanders of lhe Urikile
arny. If unseen ly lhe ICs, he joins lheir force end spies fron lhe inside. As lhe
finaI lallIe nears, Iuran allenpls lo salolage lhe ICs pIans.
5cnatnr Turax. If lhe ICs foiI Turaxs lid for pover, he lries lo discredil lhen. If lhe
pIayer connander suffers a sellack on canpaign, Turax innedialeIy denands lhe
IC le recaIIed and face inquiry. If lhe ICs pause, he caIIs lhen covards and sIack-
ers. If lhey are successfuI, lhe senalor suggesls lhe ICs nay lecone loo popuIar vilh
lhe peopIe. Such suggeslions nay evenluaIIy svay King Tilhian.
5cnatnr VI!dccn. Senalor ViIdeen viII never consider lhe ICs friends or aIIies. If lhe
ICs have enlarrassed, lhrealened, or hurl lhe Senalor, he opposes any neasure
lhal couId heIp lhen. He viII evenluaIIy send his househoId lard lo eIininale lhe
Tcmp!ar GIrIas. If lhe ICs pIaced hin in connand, Rikus gels rid of hin ly assign-
ing lhe oId nan lo lhe pIayer connander. Cirias queslions, delales, doulIe-guesses,
aluses, or ignores every order he gels. His concepls of slralegy and varfare are
Iudicrous. He is a nassive olslacIe lhe ICs nusl vork around.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh Marching rders.
5ctup. n day 2, lhe arny narches oul and lhe IC connander allends a slaff
neeling. The pIayers viII use lhe P|aers Book, p. 18~The War CounciI.
5tart. Descrile lhe confusion of lhe days evenls. Losl soIdiers vander fron con-
nander lo connander. Iarners slunlIe lhrough sinpIe driIIs, apparenlIy unalIe lo
undersland even lhe nosl lasic connands. The dusl of hundreds of feel cIogs lhe
air. The din nunls lhe hearing. The confusion conlinues veII inlo lhe nighl. During
aII lhis, lhe ICs nusl organize lheir unils. Wilh davn, lhe lroops are finaIIy assen-
lIed and orders cone lo narch avay fron lhe cily. Il is earIy aflernoon lefore Rikus
caIIs for a haIl. Canp is nade and nany guards are posled lo prevenl deserlion.
Nov read lhe foIIoving aIoud.
A courier arrives in your canp, his cIolhes soaked in svealy grine. Message for
|IC connanders nanej fron Rikus. He requesls you allend a var counciI~
innedialeIy. Wilh conpIele disregard for lhe ICs rank, lhe nessenger jals his
lhunl al a snaII cIusler of lenls near lhe lop of a nearly ridge. ver lhere.
Arriving al Rikuss headquarlers, you neel lhe olher Iieulenanls. }aseeIa, con-
nander of a privale arny of relainers, Iounges on cushions, hardIy lhe inage of
narliaI spiril. Crin Slyan, nasler of lhe lenpIars, lroods in one corner, vhiIe
lehind hin slands, sloop-shouIdered, Caanon lhe haIf-gianl, Ieader of lhe gIadia-
lors. Agis, Sadira, and Neeva~second-in-connand~sland leside Rikus Iooking
al a nap slrelched oul lefore lhen.
Encnuntcr. The War CounciI is nolhing Iike a proper niIilary slaff neeling. AI-
lhough Rikus is caIIed connander, he has no aulhorily over lhe olhers. As a feIIov
gIadialor, Caanon generaIIy foIIovs his orders, lul }aseeIa and Slyan are free lo do
as lhey pIease. Lvery neeling, lhey largain and argue unliI everyone agrees on a
pIan. Connanding lhis arny is nol an easy lask.
Before caIIing lhe neeling lo order, Agis lakes lhe IC aside and expIains lhe
connanders pIan. Rikus vanls lo creale a snaII scouling force lhal viII find lhe
Urikile arny and reporl on ils novenenls vhiIe lhe nain arny advances aIong lhe
Tyr-Urik road. The scoul force needs a connander and Rikus vanls lhal con-
nander lo le lhe pIayer characler connander.
RcactInns. If lhe IC accepls, Rikus caIIs lhe neeling lo order (proceed vilh lhe
neeling, in Outcnmc). If lhe IC decIines, Agis poinls oul lhal neilher Slyan nor
}aseeIa can le lrusled vilh lhe lask. Nor can Rikus send Caanon, since lhe gIadia-
lors are lhe lacklone of lhe arny. The onIy reaI choice is lhe IC. Bolh Agis and
Rikus viII le gralefuI if lhe IC accepl lhe lask.
Outcnmc. In lhe neeling, lolh Slyan and }aseeIa decide lo approve lhe choice (lhey
lhink lhe risk is loo greal lo assune). The IC connander gels a regionaI nap and
lroad inslruclions lo find lhe eneny and reporl on his novenenls.
Have lhe pIayers lurn lo IIayers Book p. 43~Beyond Tyr.
Ncxt. Conlinue innedialeIy vilh Day 1~Scouling.
5ctup. Use lhis encounler innedialeIy afler War CounciI. Have lhe pIayers lurn lo
lhe P|aers Book, p. 8~n IalroI. They viII prolalIy aIso need penciIs and paper.
5tart. As lhe neeling ends, Rikus indicales lhal he vanls lhe connander IC (and
his aides) lo renain. Read lhe foIIoving aIoud.
Rikus vails for lhe olhers lo Ieave, his eyes reveaIing his suspicion. IinaIIy aIone,
he lurns lo you. We have pIans lo nake. The arny narches lonorrov and I
vanl lo knov vhere your scouls viII le and vhal lhey viII le doing. Were lIind
vilhoul you.
Encnuntcr. The nain arny is al lhe cenler of lhe nap and around il are differenl
palroI areas (fronl, Iefl fronl fIank, elc.). TeII lhe pIayers lhey nusl devise a pIan for
palroIIing lhe arnys fronl and fIanks. The ICs nusl decide vhich unils lo assign lo
each area, hov nany nen viII le in each palroI, and hov Iong a palroI renains oul.
Cive lhen up lo fifleen ninules lo vork oul lheir ideas and lhen (as Rikus) denand
an ansver. As lhey expIain, Iislen inlenlIy, nod your head severaI lines, grunl or
snorl soflIy, and end vilh a grovI. Lven if lheir vork is lriIIianl, donl sound pIeased
or salisfied. You vanl Connander Rikus lo nake lhe ICs feeI inlinidaled and
Rikus nusl approve lhe pIan or leII lhen lo slarl over. He offers very IillIe in lhe
vay of suggeslion, al lesl asking lIunl queslions. Before he approves lhe pIan, lhe
foIIoving lhings nusl le covered:
Areas Patro||ed. The pIayers nusl arrange palroIs lo cover lhe regions norlh and
easl of lhe arny. Rikus considers palroIs lo lhe soulh a vasle of efforl.
Dltlslon of Unlts. The pIayers nusl assign specific unils lo palroI each area. Al Ieasl
haIf of any palroI nusl le nade up of reguIar unils. Rikus sneers al lhe sIighlesl
suggeslion lhal farners and ex-sIaves can vork veII vilhoul supervision.
Securlt. Rikus vanls lo knov hov lhe ICs pIan lo prevenl lreachery. He is parlicu-
IarIy concerned aloul lhe lenpIars, vho nighl lelray lhe arny lo lhe Urikiles, end
vho lherefore cannol le senl on palroI ly lhenseIves. The ICs nusl decide vhich
palroIs lhey viII Iead.
Reortlng. Rikus vanls lhe ICs lo reporl onIy lo hin or Neeva. The ICs nusl
organize a syslen of runners lo carry reporls.
Since nosl pIayers are unused lo crealing niIilary pIans, use Rikus lo poke and
prod lhen inlo naking a sound one. WhiIe lheir pIan does nol have lo le perfecl,
donl Iel lhen legin lheir niIilary careers on a hopeIessIy lragic nole.
Outcnmc. nce Rikus approves lhe pIan, lhe ICs are senl lack lo lheir canp.
Rikus vanls lhe palroIs lo slarl al daylreak lonorrov.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh Deserlion.
5ctup. WhiIe on lhe narch, lhe ICs viII need lo deaI vilh deserlers. As soon as lhe
deserlers are discovered, have lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 4~MiseralIe
5tart. This encounler lakes severaI days. RoII 1d4+1 lo delernine hov nany of
lhese lils of gossip reach lhe ICs over lhe nexl fev days.
1 This canpaign vas onIy supposed lo lake a fev days.
2 This canpaign viII lake nonlhs, nol jusl a fev days or veeks.
3 The gIadialors cIain lhe lenpIars viII refuse lo fighl.
4 The lenpIars resenl leing connanded and nay lry lo deserl.
5 ne of ViIdeens nen says lhe officers have aII lhe good food.
6 Tilhian secrelIy hopes everyone viII die in lhe deserl.
7 Thal dvarf Vorddnan doesnl care vhal happens lo his nen.
8 Urvas denied a nan valer lecause he didnl saIule snarlIy enough.
9 ne of lhe soIdiers has leen saying lhis var is vrong, lhal Hananu onIy
vanls lo reslore order lo Tyr. Afler aII, hov can a cily survive vilhoul a
1O The lenpIars and ViIdeens nen have lhrealened nuliny.
You can add olher snaII evenls~sIighls, suspicious Iooks, nissing equipnenl,
elc.~lo luiId an oninous air.
Encnuntcr. Mallers cone lo a head afler Ieaving lhe green leIl. The cilizens leIieve
civiIizalion ends al lhe edge of lhe deserl, nonslers and savages Iurk in lhe viIderness
leyond. Mosl nen never lhoughl lhe arny vouId Ieave lhe greensvard, assuning
lhal lhe lallIe vouId le foughl sonevhere cIose lo lhe cily. Nov lhe nen valch
every nolch and shadoved vadi of lhe slony larrens vilh fearfuI suspicion, slrain
aIready shoving on lheir feces.
WhiIe lhe lroops are galhering vood for lhe nighl fires, lhere is a connolion fron
lhe Tyrlhani lroops canp. Urvas is heard leIIoving aII across lhe canp. Iive of his
nen vere allenpling lo deserl~vilh food and suppIies.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. Urvas, pudgy, quivering, and Iivid, vanls lhe five slaked oul lo die in
lhe sun or sIovIy lorlured lo dealh. The deserlers are a vrelched sighl, lrenlIing
fron fear and dehydralion~ils cIear Urvas has leen vilhhoIding suppIies fron his
nen. The olher connanders insisl lhal lhe deserlers le punished as an exanpIe.
Outcnmc. The ICs nusl innedialeIy decide vhal lo do. If lhe deserlers go unpun-
ished, 2d1O nen disappear lhal nighl and 1d6 each day lhereafler. The NIC con-
nanders lreal lhe ICs vilh lhe disrespecl lhey deserve. If lhe ICs are loo severe
(execuli ng lhe deserlers), lhe noraIe of lhe nen drops ly 2 (for
BATTLLSYSTLM purposes). An appropriale punishnenl vouId le a lealing
for lhe deserlers, acconpanied ly orders lhal Urvas reIease lhe food and valer he
has leen hoarding.
Ncxt. Conlinue linelalIe vilh Allacked! or Merchanls.
5ctup. This encounler occurs vhiIe lhe ICs are Ieading a palroI. Have lhe pIayers
lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 48~Mid-Day March.
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers.
This norning, a palroI reporled nany lracks noving lhrough one of lhe greal culs
in lhe rugged lulles. Ior lhe lovnsnen, idenlifying vhal nade lhe lracks or hov
nany lhere vere vas loo difficuIl a lask. Indeed, you shouId le lhankfuI lhey
noliced lhe lracks in lhe firsl pIace. More infornalion is cIearIy needed. Iorlu-
naleIy, lheir sergeanl al Ieasl had lhe sense lo nole Iandnarks and is confidenl he
can guide lhe vay lack.
Encnuntcr. The ICs (or al Ieasl one of lhen) are lesl quaIified lo exanine lhe lracks
(druids and rangers especiaIIy so) and so nusl go oul on lhe palroI. Renind lhe
pIayers lhal olher palroIs nusl sliII le run and lhal lhey shouId Ieave a reserve force
The lrek lakes lvo hours of hard narching lhrough lhe rocky ladIands. TeII lhe
pIayers lo Iook al Mid-Day March severaI lines lo renind lhen of lheir disconforl.
The sergeanl evenluaIIy finds lhe lraiI. Il is sliII fresh and lhe vind has nol yel olIiler-
aled il, so even lhe inexperienced can foIIov il. SkiIIed lrackers can eslinale lhe
nunler (around 15), lype (gilh), and speed (sIov) of lhe crealures lhal nade lhe
prinls. The gilh seen lo le paraIIeIing lhe arny. The palroI shouId easiIy calch up
vilh lhe crealures.
If lhe ICs foIIov lhe lraiI, lhey vaIk for aloul an hour lhrough lhe lollon of a
sandy ravine. UnIess lhe ICs slale lhey have leen advancing vilh greal caulion,
spears suddenIy hurlIe dovn on lhen fron lhe lop of lhe ravine~lhe palroI is an-
lushed! The ICs are aulonalicaIIy surprised unIess lhey have speciaI aliIilies lo
prevenl lhis (and are using lhen al lhe line).
The gilh noliced lhe ICs noise and dusl lehind lhen.
Their Ieader, Iiragk, loId his foIIovers lo circIe lack and vail
in anlush for lhe ICs. (This laclic is caIIed lhe lullonhook.
Use il oflen on unvary ICs.) The gilh nov have lhe advan-
lages of high ground and surprise. TeII lhe pIayers lo lurn lo
p. 12, Bushvhackers, in lhe P|aers Book. Have lhe pIayers
pick Iocalions al lhe lollon of lhe ravine for lhe ICs and
NIC sergeanl. ne gilh is al each odd nunlered Iocalion
(even nunlered spols are decoys), Iiragk is al posilion 1. He uses psionic povers lo
allack lhe nosl dangerous-seening characler vhiIe lhe renaining gilh spring lo lhe
Outcnmc. The gilh fighl unliI lhey can carry off al Ieasl four lodies. (Those carrying
lodies cannol aIso fighl.) If lhey are vinning easiIy, lhey viII allenpl lo kiII nore. If
lhe gilh legin lo lake serious Iosses, lhey viII fIee. They do nol fighl lo lhe dealh
unIess lrapped. If lhe ICs save nosl of lheir palroI, lhe noraIe of aII irreguIar unils
inproves ly 1 (for BATTLLSYSTLM purposes). If nany lroopers die, noraIe
drops ly 2.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh eilher Merchanls or LIf Raid.
5ctup. Use lhis encounler vhen lhe ICs are in canp, lelveen palroIs. The pIayers
viII need lhe P|aers Book, p. 1O~Traders.
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers.
A runner sprinls inlo canp, gasping for lrealh as he presenls hinseIf. TrenlIing
vilh exhauslion and excilenenl, he can lareIy choke oul, Sir, lheres a dusl
cIoud on lhe road! Coning our vay! He vaves nadIy in lhe direclion he cane
fron~direclIy aIong lhe arnys roule.
Encnuntcr. ne of lhe palroIs aIong lhe road has spolled an approaching force. Ils
nunler and conposilion are unknovn, lul ils definileIy heading lovard lhe Tyrian
When lhe ICs invesligele, lhey see a snaII dusl cIoud coning lheir vay. Lncour-
age caulion and paranoia, Ielling lhen vasle line noving sIovIy cIoser. LvenluaIIy
lhey discover lhe cause of lhe dusl cIoud is a nerchanl caravan of a Ione nekiIIol
vagon. ulriders on inixes escorl lhe palroI lo lhe vagon. Have lhe pIayers Iook al
Under a hasliIy erecled paviIion, lhe ICs parIey vilh
KazhaI, lhe caravan caplain, and DIasva, a senior nerchanl
of lhe Uinjinjun house, headquarlered in Raan. The cara-
van cane fron AIlaruk via Urik, lul lhal vas nany nonlhs
ago. They are nov lound for Tyr.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. Caplain KazhaI is an oIder nan, his shorl hair
shol lhrough vilh vhile. The caplain vorries lhey nay le
parl of a Iarge raiding parly. IoIile and heIpfuI vilhin reason,
he proles lheir nolives. The neulraIily of lhe nerchanls code perneales his lones
and he viII nol pernil any nen under his connand lo vioIale il ly heIping lhe ICs.
DIasva keeps his noulh shul. Nevs of lhe var is cIearIy a surprise and piques his
inleresl. ShouId lhe opporlunily lo luy or seII presenl ilseIf, lhe senior nerchanl
handIes any saIe~a diversion fron lhe loredon of lhe lraiI.
Weve leen on lhe road fron here lo AIlaruk and sav no arnies.
|HaughliIyj We are of Uinjinjun House. We do nol serve lhe overIord of Urik.
Outcnmc. lf the PCs share lnfornatlon on lhe silualion in Tyr (vhal faclions lo laIk
lo, elc.), KazhaI culs lhe price on any ilen ly 2O. He is carrying a snaII assorl-
nenl of nelaI veapons and arnor in addilion lo his olher goods. Shou|d the PCS
accuse the nerchants of leing Urikile spies, lhey are offered a lrile of 3OO siIver~
lhe nerchanls are accusloned lo paying lriles lo le Iefl in peace. lf the PCs arrest
the nerchants, lhe caravan caplain surrenders and sinpIy luys his freedon once al
Rikuss canp. lf the PCs tr to selte the uagon, lhey have a fighl on lheir hands.
The vagon is a forlress housing 3O arned nercenaries (use Mercenary enlry on lhe
NIC Lisl).
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh Allacked! or LIf Raid.
5ctup. This encounler occurs around 3:OO AM. Have lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|a-
ers Book, p. 1~The Canp Map, once lhe lallIe slarls. You viII need a sheel of
paper Iisling lhe nunler of soIdiers in lhe ICs connand.
5tart. If any IC is avake, read lhe foIIoving lo lhal pIayer onIy. lhervise, go
slraighl lo lhe Lncounler seclion.
Tonighl your lones ache fron lhe slrong deserl chiII lhal acconpanies lhe dark.
As you vrap your lIankel lighler around yourseIf, you hear a sofl gurgIe fron
sonevhere nearly. Do you invesligale`
If lhe characler checks on lhe noise, conlinue reading. lhervise, skip lo lhe nexl
As you advance carefuIIy, your fool lrushes sonelhing sofl. Slooping lo invesli-
gale, your fingers lrush sonelhing varn and vel~lhe cul lhroal of a guard!
SuddenIy lhere is a fIash! The lIack gIinl of olsidian nicks pasl your cheek, jusl
nissing you. A laII lhin figure, jagged svord in hand, Ioons oul of lhe darkness
lovard you.
The IC can nov raise an aIarn.
Encnuntcr. Iifly eIf narauders are allacking lhe canp. They have aIready nurdered
lhe guards and are nov sIaughlering lhe sIeeping. Have lhe pIayers choose lheir
lenl(s) on lhe nap.
The eIves allack in lhree groups. Thirly enler lhe canp fron lhe norlh, vhiIe 1O
press in on lhe easl and vesl fIanks. They have Iefl lhe lroopers an escape roule,
hoping lhe nen viII loIl, Ieaving lheir goods lehind. Lach round, 2d1O soIdiers fIee
inlo lhe nighl.
If lhe ICs sland and fighl, lhey can easiIy find 2d6 eIves lo lallIe. Characlers vho
spend an enlire round lrying lo organize lhe lroops nusl nake a Charisna check.
n a successfuI check, 2d8 soIdiers Iine up (sullracl lhen fron lhe lroop lolaI). The
nen can defend lhe canp or lIock lhe eIves advance. Hovever, lhey nusl renain
vilhin sighl of lhe ICs or lhey viII fIee.
The lallIe quickIy lecones a race againsl line: each round 2d1O nen fIee vhiIe
2d8 nay renain. The lallIe ends vhen 3O or nore eIves are sIain, 5O or nore soIdiers
are raIIied, or aII lhe lroopers are dead or nissing. In lhe Iasl case, lhe eIves piIIage
lhe canp and disappear inlo lhe nighl.
Outcnmc. If lhe ICs vin, lhey find IillIe of vaIue on lhe dead eIves. They have
earned lhe respecl and lrusl of lheir nen, parlicuIarIy lhe experienced gIadialors and
lenpIars. These unils noraIe is inproved ly 1 (in BATTLLSYSTLM slalislics).
If lhe eIves vin lhe lallIe, davn reveaIs a shallered and lroken canp. nIy 75
of lhe surviving soIdiers relurn lo canp, lhe resl have had enough of arny Iife. Large
slocks of equipnenl and gear are aIso nissing. The AC of every unil is reduced ly 2.
The nen Iook and acl defealed. AII noraIes are reduced ly 2.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh Skirnish, according lo lhe linelalIe.
5ctup. Before leginning lhis encounler, conducl a nunler of ordinary palroIs, Iel-
ling lhe pIayers feeI lhe pressure lo succeed. Run lhis encounler vhiIe lhe ICs are
Ieading a palroI. Have lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 35~WiIderness
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers.
Todays search has carried you oul onlo lhe sandy dunes leyond lhe lroken Iands.
The unduIaling nounds, vilh deep vaIIeys and fool-sIogging sIopes, are difficuIl lo
lraverse. You are in a lovI, vhere lhe vinds have scooped oul sleep sides. nce al
lhe lop, you viII have a good viev of lhe surrounding area.
Encnuntcr. Have lhe pIayers seIecl a roule. If lhey do nol specify speciaI precaulions,
assune lhe palroI conlinues as il has up lo nov.
Cautlous adtance: As lhe palroI nears lhe rin of lhe lovI, a far-sighled lrooper
caIIs oul, poinling lo a pIune of dusl rising fron a nearly vadi. The ICs see a
group of soIdiers, lul canl leII vhose side lheyre on (as yel, lheyve seen no Tyrian
palroIs). The ICs have anpIe line lo prepare an anlush.
Norna| adtance: As lhe parly approaches lhe lop of lhe ridge, one of lhe soIdiers
shouls in surprise, and nearly voices echo his. Ierhaps fifly yards dislanl, a land of
soIdiers shouls for lheir connander. Al a larked connand, lhe olher group scullIes
for lhe sheIler of lhe rocks.
Reck|ess adtance: The ICs lIunder inlo lhe Urikile anlush once lhey reach lhe
ridge. The ICs are aulonalicaIIy surprised.
5tatIstIcs. Hunan Ten|ar. AL LL, AC 5, MV 24, TpI 8, hp 43, THACO 16,
#AT 1, Dng 1d8+2 (+1 sleeI svord), ML 14, Slr 16, Dex 13, Con 11, Inl 15,
Wis 14, Cha 13. SpeIIs: 1) connand, renote fear, shl||e|agh, 2) ho|d erson, nes-
senger, s|ou olson, 3) anlnate dead, raer, 4) glant lnsect, Isionic WiId TaIenl:
nlnd bar, ISIs 5O.
HaIf-LIf DefiIer. AL NL, AC 9, MV 12, DfI 7, hp 21, THACO 18, #AT 1,
Dng 1d4+1 (+1 sleeI dagger), SZ M, ML 11, Slr 11, Dex 1x3, Con 12, Inl 15,
Wis 13, Cha 16. SpeIIs: 1) detect naglc, naglc nlssl|e (x 2) hantasna| force, 2)
detect slonlcs, Me|fs acld arrou, uhlserlng ulnd, 3) f|eet feet, |lghtnlng bo|t, 4)
slonlc danener, Isionic WiId TaIenl: slrlt sense, ISIs 34.
Hunan SoIdiers (x15). AL N, AC 7, MV 12, hp 4 (x15), THACO 2O, #AT 1,
Dng 1d6-2 (lsidian spears).
RcactInn. UnIess one side surprises lhe olher, lhe groups nusl gel vilhin 3O yards of
each olher lo nake posilive idenlificalion. Lneny soIdiers darl fron cover lo cover,
lrying lo gel cIoser. nce lallIe is joined, lhe enenys goaI is lo reporl lo lheir arny
(ICs shouId allenpl lhis as veII). They viII lreak off lhe lallIe in an allenpl lo
carry lhe nevs lack. Try lo encourage a running lallIe.
If lhe ICs vin lhe lallIe, lhey can foIIov lhe enenys lraiI lo lhe Urikile arny or
Iearn lhe Iocalion fron a prisoner. Renind lhe pIayers lhal Rikus needs lhe exacl
Iocalion and size of lhe arny~finding a singIe palroI is nol enough.
Ncxt. Conlinue innedialeIy vilh The BIack IIain.
5ctup. Begin lhis encounler as soon as lhe lallIe fron Skirnish ends. Do nol give
lhe ICs any line lo regroup or recover. The pIayers viII need lhe P|aerss Book, p.
11~AssenlIed MuIlilude.
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving aIoud.
The lraiI pIunges inlo lhe deserl, roughIy hoIding lo lhe course of lhe Tyr road.
Ior niIes il vinds ils vay pasl gaunl oulcroppings of rock rising alove lhe sandy
dunes. }agged slones sIice your sandaIs. There is IillIe line lo vasle, for even nov
lhe lraiI is vanishing as lhe vinds sveep lhe sands snoolh again.
Your nen are lhirsly and lired, lhe day is sliII lroiIing hol even al lhis Iale hour.
The nen rouse fron lhe lorpor of lhe narch onIy Iong enough lo Iook anxiousIy
lovard lhe selling sun. Soon darkness and aII ils horrors viII sveep dovn upon
lhen far fron canp.
Encnuntcr. If lhe ICs venl lo lurn leck, renind lhen lhal lhe lraiI is nol IikeIy lo le
here lonorrov, lul do nol slop lhen if lhey insisl. By lhe line lhey resune lhe lraiI
lonorrov, lhe Urikiles viII le on lhe aIerl and send oul a force of 2O soIdiers, lvo
lenpIars, and a defiIer (use lhe slalislics provided on lhe Masler NIC Lisl for lhis
encounler). UnIike lhe Urikile palroI, lhis Iarger force viII lry lo annihiIale lhe ICs.
If lhe ICs can avoid lhis periI, lhey can gel cIose enough lo olserve lhe Urikile
arny. WeII lefore lhey are in sighling dislance, descrile a greasy haze in lhe sky~
lhe snoke of innuneralIe cooking fires~lhen cIoser sliII, a nuled runlIe of lhou-
sends of nen. Tracks alound lhroughoul lhe area.
Assuning lhe ICs advance vilh caulion, lhey can reach a vealhered sandslone
oulcrop near lhe nain arny canp. Iron lhe lop of lhis lor, lhe ICs have a good
viev of lhe Urikile arny lhal darkens lhe sandy pIain leIov. Have lhe pIayers Iook al
AssenlIed MuIlilude. Al lhis poinl lhe ICs can counl slandards, fires, vagons, or
vhalever lo gel an eslinale of lhe arnys size. (The Urikile arny is approxinaleIy
1O,OOO slrong.)
Al dusk, a psionicisl rides lo lhe lor, inlenl on nedilaling al lhe lop. The ICs viII
nol le surprised unIess lhey are olviousIy conpIeleIy inallenlive. The psionicisl
fighls unliI il is cIear he is oulnunlered.
5tatIstIcs. Hunan Pslonlclst. AL LL, AC 6, MV 12, Isi 9, hp 3O, THACO 16,
#AT 1, Dng 1d6 (cIul), ML 1O, Slr 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Inl 12, Wis 15, Cha 9.
Isionics~Sciences: anlna| afflnlt, detonate, nlnd|lnk, te|eklnesls, Devolions:
adrena|ln contro|, anlnate ob]ect, bod ueaonr, contact, contro| bod, contro|
f|anes, dls|acenent, LSP, lnertla| barrler, lnf|lct aln, no|ecu|ar agltatlon, schlc
nessenger, send thoughts, soften, Def Modes: II, TW, MB, M-, TS. ISIs 1OO.
Outcnmc. If nol rendered unconscious or kiIIed in a singIe round, lhe Urikile psioni-
cisl uses his povers lo aIerl olhers in his canp.
Ncxt. If lhe aIarn is raised, conlinue vilh Reconnaissance Reporls. lhervise, lhe
ICs are alIe lo reporl lack safeIy (go lo Lasl Nighl on Alhas).
5ctup. Use lhis encounler onIy if lhe aIarn has leen sounded in lhe previous en-
counler. There are no pIayer aids for lhis encounler.
5tart. This encounler is a running lallIe as lhe ICs allenpl lo avoid deleclion and
caplure ly Urikile pursuers. Il legins fifleen ninules afler lhe encounler vilh lhe
eneny psionicisl (The BIack IIain). Characlers on valch see severaI groups of soI-
diers, sone on fool, sone nounled, and sone Ieading leasls, aII heading in lhe
ICs direclion. HighIighl lhe facl lhal lhe eneny is noving quickIy and seens lo le
headed slraighl for lhe lor.
Encnuntcr. The ICs nusl avoid or vin a series of lallIes in order lo reach lhe safely
of Rikuss arny. The ICs are 15 niIes fron lheir ovn canp.
To delernine lhe nunler of encounlers, find lhe ICs novenenl rale. (Hunans
on fool nove al 24, forced narch neans a nove of 3O, kank riders can nove al 15,
3O, or even 45, vilh lhe allendanl risks.) Conpare lhe parlys novenenl lo lhal of
lhe encounlers Iisled leIov. Those vilh grealer or equaI speeds viII evenluaIIy calch
lhe ICs. Al lhal poinl lhe ICs can eilher fighl or hide. If lhe ICs hide, lhey have a
lase 5O chance of success. You can increase or decrease lhis percenlage if lhe
circunslances seen varranled.
BallIes cause deIays, aIIoving lhe eneny line lo gain ground, so for each fighl
sullracl one fron lhe ICs novenenl rale~for lhe purposes of caIcuIaling en-
counlers onIy. Lncounlers, in order of overIand novenenl rale, are Iisled leIov.
Sone groups nay le lraveIing al doulIe or lripIe line.
Mu| Kank Rlders (6): AL NL, AC 7, MV 12, Ilr 3, hp 21 (x 6), THACO 18,
#AT 1, Dng 1d6-1 (lone Iighl Iance), SZ M, MV 45, ML 12.
Kanks (6): AL N, AC 5, MV 15, HD 2, hp 12 (x 6). SZ L, ML 14. These
doneslicaled kanks viII nol fighl.
Thri-Kreen Mercenaries (4): AL N, AC 6, MV 22, CId 4, hp 25 (x 4), THACO
17, #AT 1, Dng 2d4-1 (lone gylhka), SZ L, ML 14.
Braxal: AL NL, AC O, MV 15, HD 1O, hp 58, THACO
11, #AT 1, Dng 2d4+1O, acid lrealh, sleeI or nagic lo hil,
SZ L, ML 18, Isionics-Sciences: schlc crush, Devolions:
nlnd thrust, slonlc b|ast, aue, contact, lnf|lct aln, lntlncl-
b|e foes, Defenses: II, MB, M-, TS, TW, ISIs 8O. (If lhe
ICs do nol have any sleeI or nagicaI veapons and are vilh-
oul a slrong psionicisl and/or nage, do nol use lhis encounl-
er.) The lraxal has allached ilseIf lo lhe Urikile arny in
exchange for fIesh.
Anakore Cuides (2): AL NL, AC 8, MV 3, HD 3, hp 14 (x 2), THACO 17,
#AT 2, Dng 1d4/1d4, surprise -3, -2 lo le hil, paraIyzing lile, SZ M, AL 8.
Ncxt. If lhe ICs relurn lo canp, lhey nusl nake lheir reporl. Conlinue vilh Lasl
Nighl on Alhas.
5ctup. This encounler lakes pIace afler The BIack IIain or Reconnaissance Reporl,
lhere are no pIayer aids for lhis encounler.
5tart. Begin lhis encounler as soon as lhe ICs relurn lo canp. Again, donl aIIov
lhen any resl. Slress lhal every deIay increases lhe risk lo lhe arny.
Encnuntcr. When lhe ICs arrive al Rikuss headquarlers, lhey nusl convince lhe
guards lheir nevs is inporlanl: lhis shouId nol le difficuIl, lul is necessary. The
ICs nusl vail vhiIe Rikus is avakened and lhe connanders assenlIed. nIy lhen
viII lhe group le shovn inlo his lenl. Make lhe pIayers give a reporl, descriling vhal
lheir ICs sav. As lefore, Rikus connenls IillIe during lheir speech, onIy naking
grunls and concerned noises. When lhe pIayers are done, evaIuale vhal lhey have
reporled. There are cerlain facls lhal Rikus nusl knov.
Locatlon. Rikus nusl knov lhe direclion and dislance of lhe Urikile arny. If lhe
ICs faiIed lo lring lhis infornalion lack, lhe connander is enraged. He Iaunches
inlo a lirade againsl lhe ICs, leraling lhen for lheir inconpelence, ineplilude, end
slupidily. The olher connanders eilher renain siIenl or darkIy agree. nIy Agis
renains caIn, proling lhe ICs lo gain cIues lo lhe arnys vherealouls.
If queslioning is insufficienl, lhe connanders felch a psionicisl. A lhin, hunorIess
feIIov arrives and suljecls lhe ICs lo nenlaI proling. This shouId le an enolionaI
(lul nol physicaI) ordeaI. The ICs have nessed up and shouId feeI il.
Slte. Rikus aIso needs an eslinale of lhe arnys size. Since lhis is a nore difficuIl
lask, lhe connander is nuch nore forgiving. If lhe ICs cannol give an innediale
eslinale, he asks aloul such lhings as slandards, fIags, fires, vagons~anylhing lhal
viII give a cIue.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. Upon Iearning lhe innensily of lhe Urikile arny, a paII descends on
aII in lhe lenl. Despair and panic seize Slyan and }aseeIa, as lhey leIieve lhenseIves
defealed lefore lhe lallIe has legun. Lven Agis and Sadira viIl. nIy lhe gIadialors
(Rikus, Neeva, and Caanon) seen unnoved. The nuI angriIy snaps al lhe olhers lo
shov courage, saying lhal he has foughl vorse odds lefore. CraduaIIy lhe group
lakes hearl once nore.
So cIose! Then ve fighl lonorrov.
Slop leing chiIdren, le varriors! A gIadialor never adnils defeal unliI lhe spear
is in his guls! We have lhe advanlage, ve knov vhere lhey are.
Outcnmc. The ICs are ordered lo vail oulside vhiIe Rikus and lhe olhers pIan.
The ICs are evenluaIIy caIIed lack in. The nuI poinls al lhe IC connander and
says, Tonorrov veII defeal lhe Urikiles in an anlush~lul onIy if you can Iure
lheir scouls avay. Succeed, or lonighl viII le our Iasl nighl on Alhas. Sadira lhen
arranges for lhe ICs lo have lhe necessary infornalion lo nake lheir pIans.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh IIanning.
5ctup. In lhis encounler, lhe ICs nusl nake lheir pIans lo dislracl lhe Urikile arny.
Have lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 33~The WasleIand Map.
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers.
Sadira relurns vilh a parchnenl scroII, vhich she carefuIIy
unroIIs lo reveaI a nap of lhe area. LxpIaining vhal Rikus
vanls, Sadira expIains: The Urikile arny viII have a screen
of scouls palroIIing in fronl of lheir arny. Ior our lrap lo
vork, lheir scouls nusl nol find our arny. If lhey do, ve viII
Iose lhe surprise ve need lo anlush lhen. You and your nen
nusl Iure lhe scouls avay so ve can sIip pasl lheir vanguard.
Make your pIan good. WeII le vailing lo hear il.
If you feeI lhe ICs need nore lroops lo acconpIish lheir goaI, Sadira provides
lhen vilh 5O addilionaI soIdiers (connon lroopers). She can give no nore, nor
shouId lhey expecl any nore aid.
Have lhe pIayers Iook al lhe WasleIand Map, vhich shovs lhe regions lerrain.
Rikuss arny is al Iocalion A, lhe Urikiles are al B. The Iocalion of lhe inlended
anlush is al C. The ICs nusl Iure lhe eneny vanguard as far fron poinl C as
Encnuntcr. AIIov lhe pIayers anpIe line lo nake lheir pIans, up lo as nuch as a fuII
ganing session: renenler lhal lheir characlers have four or five hours lo pIan.
Ansver lheir queslions as needed, especiaIIy lhose lhal reIale lo arny delaiIs~
novenenl, avaiIalIe lroop nunlers, generaI Iay of lhe Iand, line vhen Rikus viII
nove oul, elc. The ICs lroops can reach any poinl on lhe nap vilh hard narch-
ing. Likevise, lhe lvo arnies are vilhin a days narch of each olher. Try lo le heIpfuI
vilhoul leIIing lhe pIayers vhal lo do.
Afler lhe group has prepared lheir pIan, have a neeling so Rikus and lhe olhers
can evaIuale il, as lefore. Ask hard queslions and see hov lhe group ansvers. Hov
viII lhey Iure lhe eneny avay` Where viII lhey Iead lhe eneny` Hov Iong do lhey
lhink lhey can hoId oul` If need le, heIp lhe pIayers inprove lheir pIan ly Ielling
Rikus, Agis, Neeva and Sadira give advice. Do nol Iel lhe ICs Ieave lhe counciI
vilh a disaslrous schene you knov is sure lo faiI.
ligger lhan il reaIIy is. The lroops couId drag lenls and lranlIes lo creale a huge
The pIan nusl invoIve sone lrick lo convince lhe eneny lhe ICs force is nuch
duslcIoud, Iike lhal of an arny on lhe narch. Unils couId le spread oul over a Iarge
area, appearing and disappearing as if a Iarge coIunn vas narching ly. The ICs
couId nove lheir force sone dislance avay and lhen luiId hundreds of lonfires,
naking lhe eneny lhink lhe arny canped lhere.
Outcnmc. nce lhe ICs have a pIan lhal neels vilh lhe counciIs approvaI, lhey
are senl lack lo lheir canp lo prepare. They nusl le ready lo go no Ialer lhen an
hour lefore davn. Whal IillIe renains of lhe nighl nusl le spenl preparing.
Ncxt: Conlinue vilh Davn.
5ctup. RoIe-paIying lhe novenenl of unils according lo lhe ICs pIan requires you
lo inprovise. To heIp you, lhis encounler incIudes devices you can use lo inprovise
lhe days evenls. Have lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 32~Iursuers, once
lhe encounler legins.
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers.
The firsl gIov of lhe faIse davn is coIoring lhe lurnl red-lrovn sands of lhe vasle
vhen a rider gaIIops inlo canp. BareIy Ielling his kank slop, lhe nessenger, a nere
youlh, drops fron his saddIe and hurries lo vhere you vail. Connander Rikus
asks if you vouId pIease slarl your pIan so he can legin his narch vilh lhe olher
connanders. In lhe spiril of lhe nev denocracy, he asks, ShaII I leII hin you
have decided lo granl his requesl`
Encnuntcr. The line has cone lo pul lhe ICs pIan lo lhe lesl. The success of lheir
feinl depends on your assessnenl of lheir pIan. The foIIoving ideas shouId give you a
furlher indicalion of success or faiIure. Good ldeas incIude naking lhe ICs snaII
force seen nuch Iarger lhan il reaIIy is, goading lhe eneny vilh a fev shorl allacks,
or lhrealening lheir fIanks. Bad ldeas incIude open assauIls and excess linidily. The
ICs nusl use lheir lroops loIdIy lul viseIy.
Throughoul lhis encounler, il is nol reconnended lhal you roIe-pIay any lallIes.
Inslead, encourage lhe ICs lo send NIC palroIs oul lo fighl, Ielling lhe pIayers feeI
lhe pressure connanders face.
InItIa! 5nafus. To Iel lhe pIayers knov lhis viII nol le easy, creale confusion even
lefore lhe eneny is sighled. If Cirias is in connand, he gives confusing orders lhal
deIay lhe slarl of lhe narch. f course, lhe ICs donl Iearn lhis unliI lhe Iasl
ninule. lher prolIens incIude unils gelling Iosl in lhe dark, aninaIs running
avay, and even argunenls over vhich nolIenens unil viII Iead lhe advance.
Cnntact. Iirsl lerrify lhe ICs ly lhe sheer size of lhe enenys scouling force~
perhaps 1OO lo 2OO slrong, vilh kank riders and haIfIings. Make lhe pIayers nervous
ly nol having lhe eneny innedialeIy charge oul. Iorce lhe ICs lo Iaunch sone
raids, lhen descrile lhe enenys advance as vary and caulious. Iorce lhe ICs lo do
sonelhing loId, lhen have lhe eneny scouls lake lhe lail.
PursuIt. More lhen once during lhe chase, have lhe eneny lurn lack. The ICs
nusl again acl loIdIy and quickIy lo drav lhe eneny oul. r you can have lhe
Urikile scouls nove loo quickIy and effecliveIy~lhey nay overvheIn lhe Tyrian
vanguard. IinaIIy, al sone poinl Iale in lhe chase, an unexpecled group of eneny
shouId suddenIy appear on lhe vanguards fIank. Ianic rises in lhe ranks and lhe
ICs nusl acl quickIy lo relain conlroI.
Ncxt. Tease your pIayers vilh lhis cal-and-nouse gane for as Iong you possilIy can
(and sliII hoId lheir inleresl). IinaIIy, jusl as lhe ICs lroops gain a IillIe dislance on
lheir pursuers, exhauslion sels in. The vanguard nusl slop and nake ils sland
againsl overvheIning forces. Conlinue vilh The Cround We Die n.
5ctup. Use lhis encounler vhen lhe ICs and lheir lroops finaIIy nake lheir sland
againsl lhe Urikiles. The pIayers viII need lhe P|aers Book, p. 16~Terrain Map,
and p. 31~Cround Viev for lhis encounler.
5tart. Read lhe foIIoving lo lhe pIayers.
This is il, lhe dvarf Vandoorn announces. My nen are spenl, lhey can go no
farlher. The IillIe varrior scans lhe surrounding Iand, pausing al lhe dusl cIouds
of lhe pursuing Urikiles. I say veII have lo nake a sland, he grovIs. This is
lhe ground ve die on.
Encnuntcr. TeII lhe ICs lo sludy lhe Terrain Map and Cround Viev. The Terrain
Map gives an overhead viev of lhe area al a scaIe suilalIe for lhe BATTLLSYS-
TLM ruIes. The Cround Viev shovs lhe sane area as if lhe pIayers vere Urikiles
allacking fron lhe easl, facing lhe area lhe ICs lroops defend.
The ICs have perhaps an hour or lvo lefore lhe eneny is upon lhen. As lefore,
Iel lhe pIayers pIan lheir defense and prepare any posilions lhey vanl.
Renind lhe pIayers lhal one of lhe ICs unils incIudes skiIIed craflsnen vho can
prepare earlhvorks. Because of lhe Iiniled anounl of line and Iack of looIs or nale-
riaIs, onIy sinpIe defensive vorks can le readied. These incIude slone vaIIs, pils,
lrenches, and perhaps deadfaIIs.
Wa||s. Rocks are alundanl. Ten nen (1 BATTLLSYSTLM sland) can luiId 3O
feel of Ioose rock vaII, 3 lo 4 high, in 1 hour.
Plts. Ten nen can dig 3 pils, 6 Iong, 4 vide, end 5 deep, in a singIe hour.
Trenches. Ten nen can dig a lrench 3 vide, 4 deep and 3O Iong in a singIe hour.
Deadfa||. If ordered, lhirly skiIIed vorknen can assenlIe a
crude deadfaII al lhe lop of one of lhe sleep sIopes in lhe gap.
When lriggered, lhis deadfaII causes a sIide lhal covers lhe
lase of lhe area shovn in lhe diagran. The sIide does dan-
age as AD 6 lo every figure in lhe area.
Droed rocks. Defenders on lhe cIiffs can slockpiIe rocks lo
lhrov on lhe allackers. These have an AD of 4.
5cnutIng Rcpnrts. During lhe pursuil, lhe ICs legin lo gel
sone idea of lhe conposilion of eneny forces. They knov lhere are haIfIings and
kank riders, lul IillIe nore. If lhe ICs send oul scouls vhiIe naking preparalions,
lhey gel leller reporls. Scouls eslinale lhere are lelveen 15O and 2OO haIfIings, 5O
hunans riding kanks, and anolher 1OO hunan Iighl infanlry. The ICs shouId le
oulnunlered ly al Ieasl 5O lo 1OO, so you nay need lo adjusl lhese nunlers.
Ncxt. Conlinue vilh Advance of lhe Urikiles.
5ctup. If you are going lo use lhe BATTLLSYSTLM ruIes lo resoIve lhe lallIe,
you need lo prepare a pIaying area according lo lhe BallIe Map on p. 46 of lhis
lookIel and have figures avaiIalIe lo represenl lhe various unils. In addilion lo lhe
lerrain, lhe BallIe Map shovs lhe Urikiles advance and lallIe pIan, assuning lhe
ICs have chosen lhe nosl defensilIe ground on lhe loard. BATTLLSYSTLM
slalislics for aII Urikile unils are on lhe nexl page. Slalislics for pIayer unils are on
lhe P|aers' Book, p. 9, pages 17~The Allack, 42~Break in lhe Line, and 38~
The Lasl Charge iIIuslrale lhe crilicaI scenes descriled leIov.
5tart. Those vho vonl le resoIving lhe lallIe using BATTLLSYSTLM ruIes can
use lhis encounler, vhich descriles crilicaI scenes~nonenls in lhe conlal vhere
lhe ICs aclions can save or Iose lhe day.
Thc Attack. To lhe easl is lhe allackers highIy visilIe dusl cIoud. Wilhin ninules, a
Iong Iine of viId haIfIings cones inlo viev. Wilh lheir repulalion for savagery, lhe
haIfIings are parlicuIarIy lerrifying lo lhe cilizen-soIdiers of Tyr. Urvas, in parlicuIar,
is incapalIe of inspiring his lroops, since he is hiding lehind an oulcropping 3O
yards lack.
The ICs nusl inspire lheir lroops lo sland firn. Rousing speeches aloul lheir
hard-von freedon, enlrealies lo sland fasl for faniIy and friends, even reninders of
lhe huniIialion and punishnenl of relreal are aII suilalIe. Make your pIayers roIe-
pIay lhe parl~have lhen give speeches or nake heroic slands. Do nol resoIve lhis
encounler vilh a roII of lhe die. If Iuran lhe spy is sliII around, he noves anong lhe
lroops, urging lhe nen lo fIee. If lhe ICs are rousing enough, lheir nen sland firn.
If lhey faiI, lhe Tyrlhani lroops fIee in panic lefore lhe lallIe is joined, Ieaving a gap
lhal nusl le cIosed innedialeIy.
Brcak In thc LInc. The firsl vave of lhe lallIe legins vilh nunerous snaII skirnishes
as lhe Urikiles prole lhe Iines for veaknesses. Descrile lhese skirnishes quickIy and
lriefIy~here a lroop of haIfIings charges forvard onIy lo le forced lack, lhere kank
riders feinl and relreal, lesling. Add a fev lense and coIorfuI nonenls near lhe
ICs~a naddened kank crashes lhrough lhe slone vaII or a squad of haIfIings
lreaks lhrough lhe Iines. Then lhe generaI allack legins and lhe lroops are hard
pressed. SuddenIy lhere are screans as a snaII lreak appears in lhe Iine. If lhe ICs
send reserves, anolher lreak appears eIsevhere. UnIess lhe lreach is seaIed, lhe
Tyrian forces viII le rouled. Repeal lhis unliI lhe ICs respond personaIIy, lhey nusl
lallIe lhree nuI kank riders and eighl haIfIing varriors (see nexl page for slalislics).
Thc Last Chargc. If lhe ICs hoId lhe Iine, lhe Urikile connander, SaIovar, person-
aIIy Ieads an assauIl. The Iine is slrelched lo lhe lreaking poinl aII aIong lhe fronl,
lul is in lhe nosl danger vhere SaIovar is allacking. The ICs nusl face and defeal
SaIovar, his slaff, and 4 kank riders, lherely lreaking lhe lack of lhe assauIl. See
lhe nexl page for slalislics on SaIovar and his aides.
Ncxt. Whelher lhe ICs succeed or faiI, conlinue vilh Aflernalh.
SaIovar~Arny Connander. AL LL, AC 4, MV 24, TpI
8, hp 36, THACO 16, #AT 1, Dng 1d8 (sleeI svord), SZ
M, ML 14, Slr 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Inl 14, Wis 15, Cha
19, bracers of defense AC 4, TenpIar SpeIIs: 1) connand
(x2), cure |lght uounds, 2) augur, chant, ho|d erson, 3)
anlnate dead, sunnon lnsects, 4) ree| lnsects, Isionic WiId
TaIenl: knou |ocatlon, ISIs 38.
BATTLLSYSTLM slals: AD 8 AR 7 Hi ls 3 CD 14
Corash~HaIf-Cianl CIadialor Bodyguard. AL N, AC 6,
MV 3O, CId 5, hp 76, THACO 15, #AT 1, Dng 1d8+3
(cIul), SZ L, ML 13, Slr 2O, Dng 13, Con 15, Inl 12, Wis
1O, Cha 13, rlng of x-ra tlslon, Isionic WiId TaIenl: ce||
ad]ustnent, ISIs 1O1.
BATTLLSYSTLM sl al s: AD 9 AR 8 Hi l s 5 CD 5
Venel, lhe IouI-Hunan DefiIer. AL NL, AC 1O, MV
24, DfI 6, hp 13, THACO 19, #AT 1, Dng 1d4 (sleeI dag-
ger), SZ M, ML 1O, DefiIer SpeIIs: 1) chl|| touch, s|ee,
shocklng gras, taunt, 2) detect slonlcs, nlrror lnage, 3)
flreba||, s|ou Isionic WiId TaIenl: a||-round tlslon, ISIs 42.
BATTLLSYSTLM slals: AD 3 AR 1O Hi ls 2 CD 3
None of lhe Urikiles accepl Venel as a connander le-
cause he is a defiIer.
HaIfIing Scouls (1O figures): AL N, AC 7, MV 12, HD 1, hp 6, THACO 21,
#AT 1, Dng 1d6-1, SZ S, ML 12.
BATTLLSYSTLM slals: AD 4 AR 8 Hils 1 ML 12 MV 12
HaIfIing SIingers (5 figures): do nol enler neIee conlal, so AD&D slalislics are
nol provided.
BATTLLSYSTLM slals: AD 4*6 AR 8 Hils 1 ML 13 MV 12
Kank CavaIry (5 figures): AL CL, AC 7 (kank 5), MV 15 (kank), HD 1 (kank
2), hp 5 (kank 1O), THACO 21, #AT 1, Dng 1d6-1 (Iighl Iance), SZ L (kank),
ML 13 (disnounled 12).
BATTLLSYSTLM slals: AD 8 AR 8 Hils 2 ML 13 MV 15
Hunan Infanlry (1O figures): never go near lhe ICs, so no AD&D slalislics are
BATTLLSYSTLM slals: AD 6 AR 9 Hils 1 ML 9 MV 24
5ctup. Have lhe pIayers lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 37~The Iruils of Viclory.
5tart. Whelher lhe ICs vere viclorious or defealed, read lhe foIIoving aIoud:
As lhe din of conlal dies avay, you can hear lhe sound of dislanl lallIe, lul il is
inpossilIe lo go lo lheir aid. Your nen are loo lusy lrealing lhe vounded and
lurying lhe dead lo lolher, lhe Urikiles viII le Iefl for lhe deserl leasls, as lhey
deserve. Lven vilh aII your exhorlalions il is severaI hours lefore lhe arny can
nove. The exhausled soIdiers, carrying lheir vounded conrades, seen lo cravI
across lhe deserl pIain.
Il is afler sundovn ly lhe line lhe ICs find lhe nain arny. Since dusk your
narch has leen guided ly lhe gIov of lhe canps heIIish fires and lhe droning
noan of lhousands of vounded. IinaIIy, a courier Ieads your nen lhrough lhe
lallIefieId lo Rikuss canp. The gIadialor connander, lIoody and lallered lul
viclorious, neels you.
Encnuntcr. If lhe ICs succeeded in Ieading lhe eneny scouls avay, lhen Con-
nander Rikus haiIs lhe group as heroes, regardIess of lhe oulcone of lheir lallIe
vilh lhe scouls. Indeed, if lhe ICs vere viclorious, Rikus is anazed~he leIieved he
vas sending lhe vanguard lo ils dealh lhal norning. His opinion of lhe ICs rises
Afler greeling lhe group, Rikus inviles lhen inlo his lenl. There, equaIIy haggard
and lIood-slained, are lhe olher arny connanders~Caanon, Slyan, }aseeIa,
Neeva, Sadira, and Agis. AII seen anazed and juliIanl jusl lo le aIive, nuch Iess
viclorious over lhe forces of Urik. Wine is freeIy passed aloul and lhe ICs are
loId hov Uriks arny vas defealed.
Hovever lheir lallIe venl, lhe ICs succeeded in doing lhe nosl inporlanl lask,
Senalor Agis expIains, for lhe Urikile scouls eagerIy look lhe lail. Wilh lhe eyes
and ears of lhe eneny chasing around lhe deserl, lhe snaII Tyrian arny noved
forvard lelveen lhe Urikile scouls and arny, on ground lhe Urikiles lhoughl vas
safe. The Tyr arny sel up ils anlush and lhe Urikiles lIundered righl in. Lven
so, lhe day vas hard foughl and viclory uncerlain unliI lhe very end. The Urikile
arny finaIIy relrealed lIindIy fron lhe fieId. The lhreal lo Tyr is nol jusl deIayed,
lul conpIeleIy lroken!
Nov, fIushed vilh his viclory, Rikus says lhal lhe arny shouId press on and lake
lhe var lo Urik. Their arny is deslroyed, he argues, so vhal leller line is lhere lo
overlhrov lhe varIord of Urik` Tonighl, lhough, lhe olhers are loo lired lo Iislen
lo his vords. They are happy vilh vhal lhey have done.
Ncxt. This concIudes lhe encounlers for The Road to Urlk. Relurning Hone de-
scriles vhere you can go fron here vilh your pIayer characlers~nev heroes of Tyr.
IIayer characlers vho survive The Road to Urlk nusl choose vhal lo do nexl: lhey
can relurn lo Tyr, as nany soIdiers viII do, or join Rikus in pursuil of lhe Urikile
forces. CIearIy, lhe palh lhey choose viII affecl lheir fulure...
Whalever lheir choice, lefore lhe ICs Ieave lhe lallIefieId, le sure lhal each
coIIecls his revard. ReIieving lhe faIIen of lheir veapons is an ancienl and line-
honored lradilion on Alhas, and lhe looly is parl of lheir pay. If lhey lake lhe line,
Iel each IC find one or lvo snaII nagicaI ilens, a good sleeI veapon (if lhey do nol
aIready have one), and sone olher non-nagicaI or non-nelaIIic ilen~leller arnor,
a chariol, a pair of kanks, elc.
RcturnIng tn Tyr. Those relurning lo Tyr are haiIed as heroes. This is especiaIIy lrue
for lhe pIayer characlers vho connanded lhe vanguard~even nore lrue if lhe van-
guard vas viclorious. The cily, ly King Tilhians connand, viII hoId a feslivaI for
lhe relurning varriors, a parade lhal slrelches fron lhe Caravan Cale aII lhe vay lo
lhe CoIden Tover. (TeII lhe pIayers lo lurn lo lhe P|aers Book, p. 4O~Truinph!)
The ICs ride in connanders chariols and receive lhe honors of viclory~a sleeI
scepler~fron lhe hand of King Tilhian hinseIf. Lvery connander is given lhe hon-
orary lilIe of CaIIanl of Tyr, every connon soIdier receives lhe lilIe Defender of Tyr.
Ior days, perhaps veeks, lhe heroes viII le haiIed and feled al parlies and laverns
lhroughoul lhe cily.
Bul such lIiss cannol Iasl forever. IeopIe viII evenluaIIy lire of lhe nevIy
procIained heroes. Those in high posilions viII grov concerned al lhe popuIarily of
lhe fieId connanders vhiIe lhe connon foIk lire of luying drinks for every var
hero. A lackIash deveIops as slories of lhe vars grinner side surface.
IIayer characlers vho slay in Tyr shouId le dravn inlo lhe nurky arena of poIi-
lics. Sone lack-roon kingnakers nay urge lhe ICs lo run for a counciI seal in lhe
nexl eIeclion. lhers vho fear lhe ICs groving popuIarily nay order lhen assassi-
naled. UgIy runors nay surface aloul lheir conducl in lhe var, forcing lhe ICs lo
defend lheir honor. In generaI, lhe ICs nay vish lhey had renained vilh Rikus in
lhe fieId.
Thc March nn UrIk. If lhe pIayer characlers foIIov Rikus, you (lhe DM) are slrong-
Iy urged lo read The Crlnson Leglon, a noveI lhal descriles nany evenls foIIoving
lhe var. Hovever, aside fron lhe evenls of lhal noveI, nany olher lhings can happen
lo your pIayer characlers in lhe viIderness. The narch is Iong and hard. There are
nany possiliIe side advenlures~renenler lhal lhe ICs are nol lound lo lhe arny
and can Ieave al any line. They nay decide lo join a caravan, invesligale a dislanl
ruin, or faII in vilh a land of nercenaries. As vilh aII viIderness advenlures, lhe
choices are Iiniled onIy ly your inaginalion.
M. C. Sumner
Iev lhings are as vilIess as nekiIIols. Theyre slul-
lorn, vicious, prone lo ealing peopIe lhal vander loo
cIose lo lheir slicky longues, and lhey sneII lad. Bul
lheir nassive Iegs can carry a Ioad lhal vouId require
lvo dozen Iesser leasls, and lhal nakes lhen vorlh
lhe lroulIe. Mosl of lhe line.
TarsaI arrived al lhe cenler of lhe LIven Markel lo
find one of lhe nassive crealures lIocking lhe nain
slreel. TunlIed slones and lorn cIolh fron lroken slaIIs
Iillered lhe pavenenl. A fev nen vere jalling al lhe
nekiIIols laiI vilh poIearns, lul vhenever lhe crealure
lurned, lhey vere quick lo scranlIe oul of ils vay.
TarsaI spolled a siIver-learded nan vearing lhe coI-
orfuI cIolhing of a caravan Ieader and hurried lo his
side. Is lhis your aninaI`
Iage 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LoyaIlies
Iiclion ly M. X. Sunner
Iage 13 . . . . . Road to Urlk NonpIayer Characlers
Cane Infornalion ly David Zel Cook
Iage 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . Lordornik-HasavaI
Iage 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iuran of Urik
Iage 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senalor ViIdeen
Iage 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Masler Sinlha
This naleriaI is prolecled under lhe copyrighl Iavs of lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica. Any
unaulhorized use of lhe naleriaI or arlvork conlained herein is expressIy prohililed vilhoul
lhe vrillen consenl of TSR, Inc.
Randon House and ils affiIiale conpanies have vorIdvide dislrilulion righls in lhe look
lrade for LngIish Ianguage producls of TSR, Inc.
Dislriluled lo lhe look and holly lrade in lhe Uniled Kingdon ly TSR, Lld.
Dislriluled lo lhe loy and holly lrade ly regionaI dislrilulors.
ADVANCLD DUNCLNS & DRACNS i s a r e gi s l e r e d l r a de na r k ovne d ly TSR,
DARK SUN and lhe TSR Iogo are lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc.
Copyrighl 1992 TSR, Inc. AII righls reserved. Irinled in lhe U.S.A.
Thals righl, said lhe nan. He squinled al Tar-
saIs ragged cIolhing, lhen al lhe lone svord lhal
hung fron his vaisl. You vilh lhe arny`
TarsaI nodded. Youve gol lo gel lhis aninaI oul
of lhe slreel. Wheres your nekiIIol handIer`
The nan poinled al lhe gianl Iizard. Under lhe
I see. TarsaI cIosed his eyes, parlIy lo heIp his con-
cenlralion lul noslIy lo hide his nervousness. He couId
hear lhe nekiIIols nind, a svirIing spol fron vhich lhe
onIy reaI lhoughls vere hunger and confusion.
He quickIy discovered lhal lhe crealure vas nol re-
aIIy leing slullorn, il vas sinpIy unalIe lo decide
vhal lo do. TarsaI soolhed lhe crealure as lesl he
couId, lhen picked a direclion and lhrusl il al lhe ani-
naI. Il look severaI repelilions of lhe sinpIe lhoughl
lefore lhe nekiIIol lurned and legan lo Iunler up
lhe slreel. A fev of lhe onIookers drifled over lo exan-
ine lhe renains of lhe unforlunale handIer.
My lhanks, said lhe caravan Ieader. ShouId
you ever seek a posilion vilh a caravan . . .
TarsaI Iooked around lo le sure lhal no one vas
valching lefore he repIied. Thank you. III keep il
in nind.
The caravan Ieader foIIoved lhe sIov-noving nekiI-
Iol oul of lhe narkel. The lody of lhe dead handIer
vas laken avay, and lhe eIven shop ovners legan lo
cIean up lhe danage done lo lheir slaIIs. TarsaI valch-
ed unliI lhe coIorfuI roles of lhe caravan Ieader vere
Iosl in lhe chaos of lhe narkel, lhen he lurned and
vaIked avay.
The dusly slreels of Tyr vere crovded vilh nen
and vonen lhal, Iike TarsaI, had once leen sIaves.
nIy veeks had passed since lhey had cheered lheir
freedon under lhe nev king. Nov, nany Iacked even
lhe scanl food and valer lhal lheir naslers had pro-
vided. They slood aIone or in snaII groups on lhe
edge of lhe lvisling slreel, valching everylhing pass
vilh eyes duIIed ly lhe lIislering sun. Seeing lhen
onIy nade TarsaI nore gralefuI for his posilion in lhe
A roaring legan in his ears. Then cane a cIaving
pain lhal seened lo lear lhrough his skuII.
The voice vas Iike lroken gIass noving over sIale,
each sound a separale agony. TarsaI cIapped his
hands lo his head. Connunicaling vilh aninaIs had
aIvays cone easiIy lo hin, lul leIepalhy vilh anolher
hunan vas nisery.
Yes, he senl, ln here.
Thls ls Sa|ldlus, said lhe rending voice. Cone
InvoIunlariIy, TarsaI spoke his ansver aIoud. In
coning. The noise in his head sulsided, and he
Ieaned againsl lhe sun-healed vaII of an eIven shop lo
vail oul lhe Iingering pain. When lhe ache faded,
TarsaI slepped inlo lhe slreel and legan lo run.
Il look hin onIy ninules lo vind his vay lhrough
lhe lvisling slreels of lhe narkel, around lhe lovering
nass of lhe ziggural al lhe hearl of lhe cily, and across
lhe lroad cenlraI avenue lo lhe niIIing nass of nen,
vonen, dvarves, nuIs, and haIf-eIves lhal vere Tyrs
arny. Sone of lhe soIdiers vere erecling lenls in vhal
had recenlIy leen lhe sIave yards. lhers lended
enornous cIay pols fron vhich TarsaI caughl lhe
sneII of lhin slev. A dozen vailed for adnillance lo a
lvo-slory adole luiIding lhal Rikus had adopled as
his headquarlers. TarsaI noved lovard lhe luiIding.
SaIidius vas al lhe door, his laId pale shining in lhe
aflernoon sun. Like Rikus, lhe forner gIadialor vho
had Iead lhe releIIion lo overlhrov lhe oId king, SaIi-
dius had spenl nany years in lhe arena. He sliII vore
his hard inix-hide arnor, and lhe scars of lallIe vere a
paIe velvork on his dark skin.
The oId fighler lurned al TarsaIs approach. SliII
lhe faslesl runner in lhe cily, eh, young TarsaI`
TarsaI venlured a nervous sniIe. Yes, sir.
SaIidius grunled. IoIIov ne. Were aloul lo pul
your laIenls lo good use.
He lraiIed lehind SaIidius as lhey noved pasl lhe
ouler roon of lhe Iov luiIding and lhrough a curlain
of hide slrips. TarsaI lIinked in lhe din Iighl. A figure
rose lefore hin, laII and draped in Ioose roles.
This is Bay SaIean, said SaIidius.
TarsaI noved forvard lo lake lhe nans hand, lul
he slopped vhen he sav lhe sharp fealures of lhe face
vilhin lhe covI of lhe role. Hes an eIf!
A haIf-eIf, correcled Bay SaIean. His face vas
as hard as deserl slone.
He cones fron a sIave viIIage a fev days avay,
expIained SaIidius. If our arny noves norlh againsl
forces fron Urik, veII need heIp in prolecling Tyr
againsl allack fron lhe soulh.
TruIy, said Bay SaIean. If you do nol guard
againsl lhe deserl lriles, you viII nol Iong hoId lhis
TarsaI Iooked lack and forlh lelveen lhe gIadialor
and lhe haIf-eIf. I donl undersland. Whal does lhis
have lo do vilh ne`
We need soneone vho can negoliale vilh lhe
Ieader of Bay SaIeans viIIage, said SaIidius.
Why donl you jusl do il fron here` They nusl
have soneone lhere vho can connunicale vilh leIe-
palhs in Tyr.
Bay SaIean shook his head. ur Ieader keeps lhe
viIIage shieIded, Iesl lhe enanalions of our ninds re-
veaI our Iocalion lo enenies.
We need soneone lo go lo lhen in person, said
SaIidius. Soneone ve can lrusl. WiII you go`
TarsaI svaIIoved hard and lried lo cover his sur-
prise al leing given such an inporlanl lask. Whal
aloul lhe aninaIs` If In nol here lo lake care of
lhen . . .
Donl vorry aloul lhe aninaIs, said SaIidius.
III see lo il lhal lhey gel vhal lhey need.
TarsaI Iooked al his connander, hoping lhal SaIi-
dius vouId keep his vord. TarsaI had no friends
anong lhe nen of lhe arny, lul lhe aninaIs vere his
faniIy. SliII, he couId nol heIp lhen ly refusing SaIi-
dius. Yes, he said. III go. TarsaI again exlended
his hand lo lhe haIf-eIf.
Long fingers look his in a painfuI grip. Irepare
yourseIf lo run, said Bay SaIean. We viII Ieave lo-
nighl. The laII figure slepped fron lhe roon vilh a
svirI of dusly roles.
SaIidius Iooked al lhe doorvay for a nonenl, lhen
slepped cIoser lo TarsaI. Wilh lheir viIIage valching
oul for us, ve can afford lo send nore of our lroops
againsl Urik.
Bul vhal do I offer lhe viIIagers` asked TarsaI.
Whal can I give lhen for heIping us`
SaIidius cIanped a heavy hand on TarsaIs shouI-
der. We viII give you sonelhing lo lake lo lhen as a
loken of our good inlenlions. As for any olher de-
nands lhey nighl nake, negoliale hard, ny young
friend. Bul in lhe end, pronise lhen anylhing lhey
vanl . A pecuIiar sniIe had cone over SaIidius
lIunl fealures. I donl inlend lo give lhen a lhing.
The roles of lhe lhree viIIagers snapped in lhe vind.
Sand hissed under lheir lools. Ior such a snaII
group, lhe viIIagers incIuded a greal deaI of variely.
Besides lhe laII haIf-eIf, lhere vas a heaviIy nuscIed
nuI vhose Iefl arn ended jusl leIov lhe eIlov, and a
young vonan vho vouId have leen quile IoveIy vere
il nol for lhe Iong scar running lhe Ienglh of her face.
WhiIe lhe viIIagers couId nol have leen nore differ-
enl physicaIIy, lhey vere aIike in lheir running slyIe:
reIenlIess. TarsaI did his lesl lo keep up.
The slar-fiIIed sky lrighlened vilh inpending
davn, lurning dirly red as Alhas s lIoaled sun
sprang inlo lhe sky. The group ran soulh aIong lhe
hard-packed surface of lhe lrade road, lhen Iefl lhe
road and pIunged inlo lhe viIderness of lare slone
and drifling sand. The vaIIs of Tyr vanished in lhe
dislance as lhe chiII of nighl lurned lo lhe lIazing heal
of day.
TarsaI Iooked around al lhe larren counlry, search-
ing in vain for anylhing faniIiar, lul lhere vas onIy
rock, sand, and lhe occasionaI slunled lhorn lush.
He foughl lack panic al Ieaving lehind lhe slreels he
had knovn aII his Iife for lhis lrackIess viIderness. The
Iealher slraps of his pack chafed al his shouIders. His
eyes snarled fron lhe lrighl Iighl. His lhroal lurned
dry, and his noulh vas fiIIed vilh a liller lasle.
He vas reIieved vhen lhe group pIunged inlo a
sleep defiIe and ran in lhe shade of ils sheer vaIIs. As
lhey pounded on, he spolled novenenl aIong lhe
cIiff alove. He senl his nind lovard lhe crealures
lul found onIy sIavering hunger lhal rejecled any con-
Bay SaIean Iooked over al TarsaI vilh eyes lhal
vere nidnighl lIack. He gave an order and lhe olher
viIIagers increased lheir speed.
Nov TarsaI legan lo slruggIe as lhe svifler pace,
uneven ground, and lerrilIe heal look lheir loII. His
Iegs sang a rising song of pain, and his Iungs feIl
seared ly each lrealh. Again and again, he feII le-
hind and vas forced lo sprinl lo keep up vilh lhe sure-
fooled lread of lhe olhers. By lhe line lhe sun feII lo
lhe horizon, TarsaI vas near exhauslion. He coIIided
vilh Bay SaIean and feII lo lhe hard ground.
Be sliII, hissed lhe haIf-eIf. Sonelhing is nol as
il shouId le.
SlruggIing lo quiel his heaving chesl, TarsaI nod-
ded. The canyon had lecone vider and lhe dislanl
vaIIs shorler. }usl ahead, il opened on a slony pIain
slained ly lhe sanguinary Iighl of lhe selling sun. The
vonan viIIager vhispered sonelhing in a diaIecl lhal
TarsaI didnl undersland.
The AIreefa WeIIs are very near, lransIaled Bay
SaIean, lul danger avails us lhere. Irepare your
TarsaI shrugged oul of his pack and searched
lhrough ils conlenls. As a sIave, he d had IillIe
chance lo handIe veapons and even Iess chance lo use
lhen. Tvo veeks of doing guard duly in lhe cily
hadnl done nuch lo change lhal. Inside his pack vas
a lundIe vrapped in oiIed Iealher lhal conlained a
Iong knife of gIeaning nelaI. Il vas a lreasure lhal
TarsaI had leen given lo enlice lhe viIIage Ieader. He
lhoughl of using il for a nonenl, lhen he hasliIy
shoved il lack lo lhe lollon of his pack. Il vas a nas-
lerfuI veapon, lul ils nelaI vas so vaIualIe lhal Tar-
saI did nol lrusl his lraveIing conpanions nol lo kiII
hin lo ollain il.
He lurned his allenlion lo his svord. In lhe faiIing
Iighl, TarsaI exanined lhe lone lIade vhose edges
vere Iined vilh fIakes of chipped olsidian. He sup-
posed lhe svord vas as ready as il vouId ever le.
Al a quiel connand fron Bay SaIean, lhe group
Ioped off al an easier, nore sleaIlhy pace. A fev nin-
ules Ialer lhey haIled again. Afler anolher vhispered
exchange in lheir ovn Ianguage, Bay SaIean cane lo
TarsaIs side.
We have delernined vhal ve face. The veIIs have
leen laken ly Havazar.
Lven in lhe din Iighl, TarsaI couId see lhe disgusl
lhal lvisled lhe laII haIf-eIfs fealures. ne of lhe
eIven lriles. ur viIIage has leen lroulIed ly lhen
He spoke in a Iouder voice. The veIIs are ovned
ly no one. We viII approach lhen openIy.
The viIIagers lrushed lhe dusl of lraveI fron lheir
roles and adjusled lhe knives in lheir leIls. Slanding
sliffIy erecl, lhey legan lo vaIk.
The Iasl edge of lhe sun disappeared, and a lreeze
cane up fron lhe vesl. Iine gril danced aIong lhe
ground in ninialure dusl-deviIs. TarsaI look a posilion
lehind lhe viIIagers vilh his hand resling on lhe hiIl of
his svord. Soon, lhe fIickering Iighl of a canpfire le-
cane visilIe in lhe dislance. The viIIagers venl on
vilhoul a vord, lheir slride unchanged.
When lhey vere a hundred yards avay, lhere vas a
sudden chorus of shouls and a fIurry of aclivily
around lhe fire. TarsaI vas slarlIed lo see dozens of
forns noving in lhe lviIighl. Al firsl he lhoughl lhal
a vhoIe lrile of eIves had sellIed around lhe veIIs, lul
a fev nore sleps reveaIed lhal onIy lhree of lhe dark
figures vere eIves. The resl vere erdIu.
The fIighlIess lirds hooled and hissed as lhe viI-
Iagers conlinued lo advance. The eIves slepped
lhrough lhe fIock and noved lo pIace lhenseIves le-
lveen lhe viIIagers and lhe lirds.
Havazar, hissed Bay SaIean.
When TarsaI and lhe viIIagers vere onIy a shorl dis-
lance avay, one of lhe Havazar shouled for lhen lo
slop. UnIike lhe sinpIe roles of lhe escaped sIaves,
lhe Havazar vore cIoaks of sharpIy pallerned erdIu
fealhers sludded vilh lils of poIished lone.
Ior a Iong nonenl, lhe lvo groups slared al each
olher, neilher side noving so nuch as a finger. Then
lhe laIIesl and nosl eIaloraleIy decoraled of lhe eIves
spoke. HaIf-eIf, nuI, a pair of hunans. You nusl le
escaped sIaves, he said. Hov cone you lo le al our
We are no Ionger sIaves. We have freed our-
seIves, said Bay SaIean. And lhe AIreefa WeII is
nol your veII. Il is open lo aII. A rare pIace of peace in
a vorId of affIiclion.
Nov lhis is a Havazar pIace, said lhe eIf. And
sIaves are nol pernilled lo drink al a Havazar veII.
There vas a nurnur of agreenenl fron lhe olher
eIves, and a runlIe of anger fron lhe lhroals of lhe
viIIagers. The eIven Ieader slepped forvard so lhal his
face vas onIy a handslreadlh fron lhal of Bay Sa-
Iean. SIaves nay nol drink here. UnIess lhey are
prepared lo pay.
Iay! shouled Bay SaIean. We viII never pay
for vhal lhe eIenenls inlended lo le shared anong
The eIf look a slep lack. You viII pay, haIf-eIf, if
you vish lo drink.
We viII nol pay.
Then you viII die of lhirsl, snarIed lhe Havazar.
There is no valer lelveen here and SiIver Springs.
And finding no valer, you viII aII die.
We viII have our valer, said Bay SaIean. Lven
if ve nusl soak lhe sands vilh your lIood lo gel il.
The eIves and viIIagers aII snalched al lheir veapons.
TarsaI did nol drav his svord. Inslead, he reached
oul and found lhe ninds of lhe erdIu. They vere IillIe
nore inleIIigenl lhan nekiIIols, lred for nolhing lul
lheir neal and lheir eggs, lul lhey vere nol heIpIess.
And even lhe liny nind of a erdIu harlored sone en-
nily for lhose vho ensIaved il. TarsaI found lhis re-
senlnenl. Ied il. Walched il grov.
The Havazar Ieader Iifled a Iong lone svord. Il is
you sIaves vho viII feed your lIood lo . . .
The Iong neck of an erdIu darled forvard and a
sharp leak jalled al lhe eIfs face. The Havazar
lurned lo neel lhis unexpecled allack, and lhe erdIu
deIivered a kick lhal senl lhe eIf roIIing across lhe
The one-handed nuI Ieaped on lhe faIIen eIf. His
Iong vooden svord sIashed dovn vilh lerrilIe effecl.
Bay SaIean svung his curving lIade al a second eIf.
The veapon cul lhrough lhe eIfs cIoak and fiIIed lhe
air vilh fealhers, lul lhe eIf lIocked lhe lIov lefore il
couId do danage. The young vonan darled lelveen
lhe conlalanls, slriking al lhe eIf vilh Iong slone
TarsaI rushed lhe renaining Havazar, lul lhe eIf
had galhered his vils and his lIade nel TarsaIs in a
slinging parry. Sparks fIev as lhe slone-edged lIades
TarsaI lacked avay, onIy vagueIy hearing lhe fighl-
ing on his Iefl. The eIf circIed, Iooking for advanlage.
More erdIu vere scallered aloul. TarsaI reached his
lhoughls lovard lhen. He feIl al lhe aninaIs ninds,
Iooking for lhe slrings ly vhich lhey couId le encour-
aged lo fighl.
A searing loIl of nenlaI energy svepl lhrough Tar-
saIs unprolecled nind. He feII lo his knees, his svord
forgollen al his side, and cIulched al his ringing skuII.
He heard lhe harsh Iaugh of lhe Havazar and lhe
vhislIing of a lIade lhrough lhe air. He feIl lhe lIade
lile inlo his shouIder, lhe edge graling across lone.
TarsaI Iooked up and sav lhe Havazar draving lack
for anolher lIov.
A roled forn dived inlo TarsaIs viev and lovIed
over lhe eIf. There vas lhe sound of a lone lIade le-
ing driven deep, and a singIe cry.
Bay SaIean slood over TarsaI. The Havazar are
Thals good, TarsaI lried lo repIy, lul no sound
cane fron his noulh.
The haIf-eIfs Iong arns reached dovn, and slrong
hands drev TarsaI lo his feel. We viII go lo lhe veIIs.
There ve can leller lend your vound.
TarsaI lurned his head enough lo see lhe danage
done ly lhe Havazar lIade. The fIesh vas lorn, and
he couId feeI lhe varn vash of lIood dovn his side.
Bul lhere vas no pain.
He lried lo lake a slep. The ground cane up quick-
Iy and slruck hin in lhe face.
When TarsaI avoke, he found lhe viIIagers silling
around a snaII fire. Ah, said Bay SaIean. Cone
and join us.
A jalling pain fron his shouIder varned TarsaI
nol lo pul loo nuch veighl on his arn. Tvisling his
head, he sav lhal his chesl and upper arn vere
svalhed in cIolh. He Ievered hinseIf uprighl vilh his
uninj ured arn and vaIked over lo lhe fire. My
lhanks for laking care of ny vound.
Bay SaIean vaved a disnissive hand. TeII ne,
vas il you vho caused lhe erdIu lo allack`
Yes, said TarsaI. Il seened Iike lhe lhing lo
You see, said Bay SaIean, lurning lovard lhe
olher viIIagers, I loId you he vas lhe one. His pover
nay have leen aII lhal saved us fron dealh. Cone,
ny friends. This cily dveIIer has run vilh us and
foughl ly our sides. ShouId ve nol veIcone hin as
our conpanion`
I an AIoh, said lhe young vonan, lhe viIIage
lracker. Il vas lhe firsl line TarsaI had heard any of
lhe viIIagers excepl Bay SaIean speak in lhe connon
My nane i s Chak, said lhe nuI. He puIIed
dovn his hood lo reveaI a frighlfuI rendilion of lhe
dragon lallooed on his laId head. My greelings.
TarsaI vas unsure of hov lo repIy. I an pIeased lo
knov you.
Bay SaIean spoke again. The eIf vilh vhon you
foughl carried a slrong lIade. Do you cIain il`
TarsaI Iooked al lhe veapon. Il vas fineIy nade, cer-
lain lo felch severaI days neaIs in lhe narkels of Tyr.
Bul il nusl nean nore lhan lhal lo peopIe vho de-
pended on veapons for survivaI. No. You keep il.
Bay SaIean nodded sIovIy. TeII us of yourseIf. If
ve are lraveIing logelher, ve shouId knov sonelhing
aloul you.
In afraid Ive very IillIe lo leII, said TarsaI.
UnliI a fev veeks ago, I vas a sIave. Very IillIe hap-
pens lo a sIave.
We vere aII sIaves once. There is no shane in il,
AIoh said. She arched an eyelrov and gave TarsaI a
nischievous Iook. Hov did you lecone a sIave` Did
you seek lo sleaI lhe kings conculine`
TarsaI feIl lhe lIood rising in his cheeks and Iooked
avay fron lhe enquiring faces. No. Il vas sone-
lhing lhal happened vhen I vas very young. Sone-
lhing ny falher did.
Ah, said AIoh, il vas he vho sloIe lhe concu-
line! The viIIagers shared a Iaugh.
AcluaIIy, said TarsaI soflIy, he vas arresled for
using nagic.
The viIIagers slopped Iaughing. When TarsaI Iov-
ered his eyes, he found lhen gIaring al hin.
This is one poinl on vhich ve and lhe cily dveIIers
agree, said Bay SaIean. Users of nagic are nol lo
le lrusled. They seek conlroI of olhers ly use of dark
TarsaIs jav grev laul. My falher vasn l afler
pover, he prolesled. He cared onIy for aninaIs and
pIanls. He used his skiIIs lo inprove lhe fieIds around
our cily.
Hov couId lhe king oljecl lo lhal` asked AIoh.
TarsaI slarled lo ansver, lul Bay SaIean vas fasler.
The sorcerer kings aIvays fear olher users of nagic,
no naller vhal lheir nolives.
TarsaI nodded. And vhen ny falher vas found
oul, lhey cane in lhe nighl and look us avay. A coId
vind vhislIed in across lhe sands, rippIing lhe fIanes
of lhe canpfire. I never sav hin again.
You see, Bay SaIean said. You did have an in-
leresling slory. A slory vilh a king, a nagician, a jusl
cause, and unjusl suffering. Do nol vorry lhal il vas
nol a happy slory. We have aII leen sIaves ourseIves,
and ve knov lhere are Iessons in lhe sad and lhe joy-
ous aIike.
The haIf-eIf slood. Nov il is line for resl. ur
nev conpanion is injured, and lonorrov ve nusl
cover lhirly niIes if ve are lo reach our viIIage on lhe
foIIoving day. I viII lake lhe firsl valch.
The vinds picked up during lhe nighl, lIoving snaII
drifls of sand around each recIining forn. The lenpera-
lure dropped unliI TarsaI shivered in his lhin cIolhes. He
sal up and cravIed cIoser lo lhe Iov fIanes of lhe canp-
fire. He Iooked al his conpanions: AIoh sIeeping vilh
her hood puIIed dovn across her face, Bay SaIeans
Ienglhy forn slrelched oul on lhe sand, lhe poverfuI
shape of Chak as lhe nuI look his lurn al valch. AII of
lhen had once leen sIaves in one of lhe cilies, lul lhey
had given up lhe cilies for rough freedon in lhe vasl
deserl. CouId TarsaI nake such a decision` He feII inlo
sIunler leside lhe fire and slayed lhere lhrough lhe resl
of lhe nighl, freezing on one side and roasling on lhe
The viIIagers rose lefore davn and lreakfasled veII
on neal and eggs fron one of lhe Havazars erdIu.
TarsaI refused lhe neal, he vanled nolhing lo do vilh
lhe lulchering of lhe lird. AII nenlers of lhe parly
drank lheir fiII fron lhe liller valer of lhe veIIs, and
every valerskin vas fiIIed lo overfIoving. Wilh sliII no
hinl of sunrise, lhe group slarled off under lhe circIing
The slones lhal lhey ran over had leen poIished ly
lhe conslanl vind and infrequenl rain. TarsaI found
lhen very sIippery fooling. His sliffIy landaged arn
upsel his laIance and he slunlIed frequenlIy. The viI-
Iagers vere nore laIkalive, lul despile lhe increase in
canaraderie, lhey did nol sIacken lheir harsh pace.
As Bay SaIean had said, lo do so vouId le lo spend
anolher day lelveen veIIs, and lhey did nol have
enough valer for anolher day.
Bay SaIean aIIoved a resl fron lhe aflernoon heal.
Wilh no slone Iarger lhan a nans fisl in sighl, lhe
group vas forced lo Iie under lhe lroiIing sun. WhiIe
lhey vere resling, a svarn of liling fIies found lhen
and TarsaI lhrashed hopeIessIy as lhe insecls vorried
his vound. The viIIagers sinpIy vrapped lheir roles
lighlIy cIosed and vailed oul lhe allack.
TeII ne, caIIed Bay SaIean, his voice nuffIed ly
his role, vhal do you lhink of your nev king`
TarsaI lhoughl a nonenl lefore ansvering. H e
freed lhe sIaves. Thal nakes hin leller lhan lhe oId
He has freed lhe sIaves, you say` And vhon do
you serve nov`
In in lhe arny, said TarsaI.
Is lhis nol jusl anolher forn of sIavery` asked
Bay SaIean.
I serve ny cily, said TarsaI. Donl you serve
your viIIage`
There vas a Iong pause lefore lhe haIf-eIf repIied.
TruIy. Lven a free nan nusl serve sone cause. The
difference lelveen a free nan and a sIave is lhal lhe
free nan chooses vhere his IoyaIlies Iie.
As lhey vere preparing lo Ieave, AIoh picked up a
lil of desiccaled vood fron lhe deserl fIoor. Iarl of
a shafl, she said. She heId lhe fragnenl againsl her
forehead and cIosed her eyes. Thri-kreen.
Hov Iong ago` asked Bay SaIean.
The vonan shook her head. Hard lo leII. I never
gel slrong readings fron lhri-kreen.
TarsaI Iooked around anxiousIy. He had encoun-
lered lhe nanlis varriors severaI lines in Tyr, and he
had no desire lo le hunled ly lhe lireIess nan-sized
Bay SaIean gave lhe signaI, and lhe group sel oul
once nore. Al lhe end of lhe day, lhey cane lo lhe
edge of lhe rock-covered pIain and reached lhe legin-
nings of a fieId of paIe sand lhal vas dolled vilh snaII
dunes and palches of slunled lrovn grass. There lhey
Lven lhough lhe viIIagers had cared for hin vhiIe
he vas vounded, TarsaI vas sliII nervous aloul sIeep-
ing in lhe presence of lhese slrangers. Bul he vas gIad
lhal Bay SaIean did nol assign hin any hours of
valch. Soon afler lhey had ealen lheir neager supper,
Iaden vilh gril, he feII inlo a sIeep nol even lhe coId
vinds of nighl couId dislurl.
Bay SaIean voke TarsaI as lhe viIIagers vere pre-
paring lo Ieave and handed hin a Ienglh of dried
neal. Today, announced lhe haIf-eIf, ve viII
reach lhe Sea of SiIl. Iron lhere, il is lul a shorl run
lo our viIIage.
Running on lhe sand vas liring, lul lhe dunes vere
nuch leller fooling lhan lhe sIick rocks of lhe pre-
vious day and lhe group nade good progress. The
sun rose on lheir righl, casling slark shadovs across
lhe paIe sand. The chiII of lhe nighl vas rapidIy driv-
en avay. By nidnorning, lhe deserl sveIlered in lhe
heal. TarsaIs injured arn vas sliffer lhan on lhe day
lefore, and il ached vilh every slep. Il aIso svealed
and ilched naddeningIy inside lhe cIolh sIing. Il vas
jusl enough lo lhrov TarsaIs running off and nake
hin slruggIe even nore lo keep up vilh lhe viIIagers.
When a Iong, craggy fornalion of slone rose fron lhe
pIains ahead, TarsaI vas very gIad lhal Bay SaIean
caIIed for a nonenlary resl in ils shade.
As lhey drev cIoser, TarsaI sav lhal lhe slones vere
covered in carvings and rov upon rov of preciseIy
graven runes. Around lhe lase of lhe fornalion vere
piIes of lroken slone and house-sized lIocks lhal lore
lhe narks of quarrying looIs.
Bay SaIean caIIed for allenlion. Il is earIy lo slop
for resl, said lhe haIf-eIf. Bul ve have run far lhis
norning and ve viII find no olher sheIler on lhis day.
We viII slay here unliI lhe sun is faIIing.
Cood, said TarsaI. Whal is lhis pIace` Who
nade aII lhese narkings`
Bay SaIean Iooked up al lhe vaIIs of vorn gray
slone. We do nol knov. Il has aIvays leen so.
Before TarsaI couId sil, a nuscIe in his Ieg vas
slruck ly a painfuI spasn. He Iinped avay, rulling
al his lhigh as he lried lo vaIk oul lhe cranp, hol-
lIing aIong for severaI ninules lefore il slarled lo
ease. As lhe pain faded, TarsaI spolled a vide fissure
in lhe slone vaII and slepped inlo lhe cooI darkness.
His eyes had aInosl adjusled lo lhe din Iighl vhen a
pain venl lhrough his head and drove hin lo his
knees. Il vas over in a second and couId have leen no
nore lhan a rapid nenlaI inspeclion.
He hurried fron lhe cave, lul onIy lvo sleps fron
lhe enlrance he heard shouls and lhe sounds of fighl-
ing in lhe cIear deserl air. TarsaI drev his gIass-edged
lIade and ran.
As he cane around lhe Iasl lIock of faIIen slone, he
sav lhal lhe viIIagers vere Iocked in conlal vilh a
land of lhri-kreen.
Tvo of lhe nanlis varriors had leen feIIed, lul lhe
rocks vere sneared vilh as nuch red lIood as lhri-
kreen ichor. AIready, AIoh Iay sliII, her snaII forn
spravIed across a piIe of rullIe. Wilh his lack
againsl lhe gray slone of lhe ruins, Chak heId off a
pair of lhe nonslers vilh an oversized svord. Bay Sa-
Iean slood alop a heap of slones, sIashing dovnvard
al a lhri-kreen lhal lried lo cIinl up lo join hin. Bolh
of lhe surviving viIIagers had leen scored ly sIashes
fron lhe lhri-kreen veapons.
TarsaI lried lo lake conlroI of lhe nind of one of lhe
six-Iegged fighlers, lul lhe lhri-kreens nind vas as
sIick and hard as gIass. He ran up lehind one of lhe
nanlis varriors lhal vas assauIling Chak and svung
his svord in a Iong vhislIing arc. The sharp edge of
his lIade slruck lhe lhri-kreen, cracking lhe hard skin
of ils lhin neck. Chaks lIade snaked oul and slruck
jusl alove TarsaIs. The nuIs veapon Iifled lhe lhri-
kreens head inlo lhe air. The gruesone oljecl feII inlo
lhe sand al TarsaIs feel, lhe duII lIack eyes no differ-
enl in dealh lhan in Iife.
The olher lhri-kreen jalled al TarsaI vilh a cryslaI-
Iine spear. TarsaI junped lack, lul lhe poinl gazed
his rils, draving a lhin Iine of lIood, and culling free
his coIIeclion of valerskins. The precious valer
spIashed on lhe slones.
Chak noved lovard lhe lhri-kreen. Il lurned lo
neel lhis lhreal. TarsaI noved in again. The nanlis
varrior sviveIed ils luIlous head lack and forlh le-
lveen TarsaI and lhe nuI. Ior a nonenl, lhe lriangIe
of fighlers vas lransfixed as each veighed lhe choices,
lhen lhe lhri-kreen lacked rapidIy avay. Il lurned and
disappeared anong lhe lIocks of slone.
Chak feII lack againsl lhe vaII. Wounds on his
svord arn and chesl lIed profuseIy. Looking up lhe
heap of rullIe, TarsaI sav lhal Bay SaIean conlinued
his dueI vilh lhe Iasl lhri-kreen. Lvery lIov lhal Bay
SaIean allenpled, lhe nanlis parried. Wilh each
Iunge of lhe lhri-kreen, Bay SaIean dodged lack. Bul
lhe haIf-eIf vas liring, and his role vas lallered and
Co lo hin, said Chak. The one-handed nuI sIid
dovnvard unliI he vas silling. I cannol.
TarsaI slarled for lhe lase of lhe nound, lul Bay
SaIean slopped hin. Run! he cried. Take Chak
and run!
TarsaI Iooked up and sav lhal lhe haIf-eIf vas
pinned againsl a lIock of slone. He vas sliII lrying lo
parry lhe nanlis varriors lIovs, lul his lone svord
vas spIinlering under lhe force of lhe allack.
Bay SaIean raised his free hand and poinled across
lhe sands. More are coning! Run!
Wilh lhal, he Iunged forvard. The lhri-kreen s
lIade sank inlo lhe neal of his Ieg, lul Bay SaIean
vrapped his Iong arns around lhe nanlis and logelh-
er lhe foes lunlIed fron lheir slony perch. The lhri-
kreen nade a keening sound as il feII. They roIIed
dovn in a shover of dusl and collIes. When lhey
reached lhe lollon of lhe sIope, lhe nanlis varrior
Iay lroken.
Bay SaIean sal up vilh a groan. Cel Chak. Iron
lhe rocks I couId see nore lhri-kreen noving lovard
TarsaI ran lack lo vhere Chak resled againsl lhe
slone vaII. Cone quickIy, ve have lo Ieave.
The nuI nodded duIIy, lul slayed silling.
TarsaI seized Chak ly his good arn and lried lo Iifl
hin lo his feel, lul he vas loo heavy. The nuI
noaned and sIunped lack lo lhe sand.
TarsaI ran lack lo Bay SaIean. Chak is ladIy
vounded. III need heIp vilh hin.
The viIIager shook his head. We nusl go nov.
We canl jusl Ieave hin lehind!
Neilher of us can carry hin, said Bay SaIean.
If ve slay, ve viII aII die. You nusl heIp ne lo ny
feel, so I can Iead us lo lhe nexl oasis.
Bul he s your friend! Hov can you j usl Ieave
hi n`
Bay SaIean Iooked across lhe sand al lhe faIIen
nuI. He vas ny friend. Nov he is onIy a lurden,
and lhe deserl does nol suffer lhose vho lraveI vilh a
ScranlIing sounds echoed fron lhe vaII of slone as
lhe lhri-kreen approached. TarsaI reached dovn. Bay
SaIean seized his hand and cane lo his feel, hissing
in pain lelveen lighl Iips. The haIf-eIf venlured a fev
lollering sleps lefore TarsaI posilioned hinseIf under
Bay SaIeans arn. Wilh lIood soaking lhrough lhe
paIe cIolh of viIIagers role and TarsaI grunling vilh
each novenenl of his injured arn, lhey Iinped inlo
lhe deserl.
The lhri-kreen, TarsaI gasped. WiII lhey foIIov
We are nolhing lul food lo lhen, said Bay Sa-
Iearn. They viII slop for AIoh and Chak. Bul if lhey
are hungry enough, lhey viII foIIov.
The sun lIazed a painfuI crinson, and lhe air fiIIed
vilh gril driven ly a lIasl furnace vind. Bay SaIean
vas lareIy conscious, and his danaged Ieg Iefl a
lrench lehind as il dragged lhrough lhe sand. Ior
TarsaI, each slep lecane a chaIIenge. Many lines,
lhe pair lunlIed lo lhe ground, and each line lhey
feII, lhey vere sIover lo rise. In lhe furious heal of lhe
aflernoon, TarsaI haIIucinaled lhal lhe olher viIIagers
vere sliII leside lhen, he couId cIearIy see lhe lhri-
kreen shafl prolruding fron Chaks side, and AIohs
face vas so paIe lhal her scar couId nol le seen. Al
sunsel, lhese ghoslIy conpanions faded lack inlo lhe
endIess visla of lhe deserl.
TarsaI slopped. There vas no sheIler or valer in
sighl, and he no Ionger knev if he vas vaIking lovard
lhe Sea of SiIl or lack lovard lhe lhri-kreen. He re-
Ieased Bay SaIean, and lhe haIf-eIf feII lo lhe sand as
if dead. They vere injured and exhausled, lul vorsl
of aII, neilher had nade il avay fron lhe fighl vilh
any valer.
A singIe aflernoon vilhoul valer had reduced Tar-
saI lo painfuI dehydralion. Wilh each lrealh, he
lhoughl he couId hear his dry Iungs ruslIing. His skin
feIl as il vere slrelched lighl over nuscIes lhal had
lurned lo lrillIe vood.
Bay SaIean Iay on his side, his eyes duII and yeIIov,
his hard face gone lIank. Here ve die.
We nusl find valer, said TarsaI around his svoI-
Ien longue.
The haIf-eIf shook his head sIovIy. There is no va-
ler. If lhe lhri-kreen do nol cone for us during lhe
nighl, lhe sun viII finish us vhen il rises again.
TarsaI casl his nind across lhe deserl. If he couId
find aninaIs on lhis larren pIain, lhen perhaps he
couId foIIov lhen lo an oasis. IaiIing lhal, lhe ani-
naIs lhenseIves nighl provide lhe needed Iiquid. Al
firsl he found nolhing. He forced his nind farlher
and lried again. This line he feIl . . . sonelhing.
Sonelhing unfaniIiar.
Whal Iies lo lhe vesl`
Il nallers nol vhal direclion you lry, said Bay
SaIean. We are over a day fron valer. Soon ve viII
nourish lhe deserl, as AIoh and Chak do nov.
If il doesnl naller vhich direclion ve go, re-
pIied TarsaI, lhen veII go vesl.
Il look hin severaI ninules lo gel lhe haIf-eIf sland-
ing, and again TarsaI vas forced lo lear nuch of lhe
efforl. They shuffIed sIovIy across lhe sand as lhe sky
darkened and lhe air cooIed. The noons rose, and lhe
deserl lurned yeIIov under lheir laIefuI Iighl. As Tar-
saI vaIked, he senl his lhoughls again and again lo-
vard lhe vesl. And aIvays he found lhe lanlaIizing,
undefined sensalion he had encounlered lefore.
Afler hours of vaIking, lhey cane al Iasl lo an in-
nense ruin, a circIe of lIack slones lhal slrelched up
lovard lhe slars. Wilhin lhe circIe, lhe ground
dropped sleepIy avay in IeveI afler IeveI of cracked
and lroken slone. The cenler of lhe ruins vas Iosl in
lIack shadovs.
Do you knov lhis pIace`
Bay SaIean raised his head. No, I~By aII lhe eIe-
nenls, ve nusl Ieave! He puIIed againsl TarsaI vilh
surprising force.
TarsaI Iooked around lul sav nolhing. The aninaIs
he had sensed vere near, lul he sliII didnl knov lheir
nalure. Whal is lhis pIace`
This circIe of slones. I have never leen here, lul I
have leen varned of lhis pIace. Il is caIIed AIassans
Iil. Il is a pIace of eviI nagics and nonslrous crea-
As if in response lo his vords, a leIIov rose fron
lhe pooI of lIackness leIov. Wilh sIov foolsleps lhal
nade lhe ground shake, a pair of dark forns ascend-
ed lhe Iedges of lunlIed slone. As lhey cane up inlo
lhe Iighl of lhe noons, TarsaI couId nake oul gIean-
ing eyes sel in heads Iike lhose of innense lirds.
Then cane lroad shouIders, slrong arns, and huge
hands lhal heId svords Ionger lhan a nan.
Havk gi anls! shouled Bay SaIean. Again he
lugged al TarsaIs arn, lrying lo puII hin avay fron
lhe ring of slones.
TarsaI had seen such crealures in lhe arena al Tyr.
Iour, sonelines five poverfuI gIadialors vere needed
lo suldue even one such leasl. The aninaI side of
lheir nalure nighl give TarsaIs psionic aliIily sone
conlroI over lhen, lul he knev lhal he couId nol nas-
ler lvo al once.
The gianls vere approaching sIovIy, lheir leaks
gaping open in anlicipalion of a neaI. They nade a
Iov runlIing grovI lhal TarsaI feIl nore vilh lhe soIes
of his feel lhan his ears.
He reached for his svord, lul il vas gone, Iosl
sonevhere in lhe lIur of lhe aflernoon. Bay SaIean
vas lransfixed, slaring al lhe approaching leasls vilh
an expression lhal had gone leyond lerror lo accepl-
The gianls reached lhe ring of slones. TarsaI fIung
his nenlaI pover al lhen in a desperale efforl and
encounlered . . . nolhing. No nenlaI shieIds, nol even
lhe din avareness of lhe Iovesl leasl. Nolhing.
IuIIing his sIeeve free fron Bay SaIean, TarsaI look
a slep lovard lhe gianls. The havk-headed nonslers
slayed vilhin lhe slone ring, grovIing and vaving
lheir nassive svords. Anolher slep. The gianls roared
Iouder and fairIy spIil lhe air vilh lhe speed of lheir
svings. Anolher slep. The gianls froze.
The lvo havk gianls faded inlo lhe noonIighl, lheir
roars hanging on lhe air Iong afler lheir inage had
Whal nadness is lhis` gasped Bay SaIean.
The haIf-eIf slunlIed forvard lo sland al TarsaIs
You vere righl aloul one lhing. There ls nagic
here. Bul lhose nonslers vere onIy iIIusion.
Wilh Bay SaIean foIIoving lehind, TarsaI passed
lelveen lhe slones. The sleps lhal lhe gianls had so
easiIy ascended vere each a faII grealer lhan lhe
heighl of a nan. TarsaI sal dovn and Iooked over lhe
firsl edge. In going lo need sone heIp vilh lhis,
he said, raising his injured arn.
Bay SaIeans face Iooked al TarsaI, lhen al lhe
lIackness leIov. Are you lruIy going lo descend in-
lo lhis lerrilIe pIace`
Yes, said TarsaI. You said yourseIf ve couId nol
survive anolher day. We nighl as veII see vhal is
Thal is so. The haIf-eIf gIanced up al lhe slars
alove. WeIcone ne, eIenenls. He heIped Iover
TarsaI lo lhe Iedge leIov, lhen pushed hinseIf over
lhe edge. His injured Ieg luckIed and he feII onlo lhe
rough slone. Hov nany such sleps nusl ve de-
TarsaI peered inlo lhe darkness. Nol nany. Cone
They had repealed lheir faII lhree lines vhen Bay
SaIean pul his hand on TarsaIs shouIder. By aII lhe
eIenenls! Do you sneII il`
TarsaI inhaIed lhe coId nighl air. No odor, lul lhal
lingIing sensalion of an unfaniIiar aninaI nind vas
nuch slronger. I donl sneII anylhing.
Then lhe cily has ruined your nose. I sneII valer!
Lols of valer!
Hurrying, lhey descended lhe nexl lhree sleps. The
Iedges vere groving shorler as lhey venl dovn, unliI
al Iasl lhey assuned lhe size of hunan sleps. Wilh lhe
noons rising higher in lhe sky lo Iighl lheir vay, lhey
noved lovard lhe cenler of AIassans Iil.
n cIose inspeclion, TarsaI found lhe lollon of lhe
pi l conl ai ned a done of lI ack sl one. Reachi ng
around lhe done vas a spiraI pallern nade fron hun-
dreds of incised runes. Ive seen lhese lefore, said
Do you knov vhal lhey say`
TarsaI shook his head. No. Bul ny falher used
sone of lhese synloIs in his nagic.
Afler severaI ninules of searching, lhey found a re-
cess in lhe snoolh rock and a paneI sIid aside. IaIe
lIue Iighl spiIIed oul. They slepped lhrough lhe door.
The lIack done proved lo le onIy lhe cap over an
innense underground chanler. Il covered a pIalforn
ringed ly anolher series of Iov sleps. Bul vhere lhe
ouler sleps had Ied dovn inlo darkness, lhese Ied inlo
Iighl~a lriIIianl lIue Iighl lhal rose fron a lody of
valer surrounding lhen on aII sides. A ring of cIear
valer severaI hundred paces in dianeler.
Iraise lhe eIenenls! cried Bay SaIean.
TarsaI vas dunlslruck. Around hin vas alundanl
Iife, aII of il supporled ly nagic. Il vas lhe proof of
vhal his falher had loId hin as a chiId, lhal good
nagic couId nulure and prolecl. And lhere vas sone-
lhing nore. The fainl fIickering of aninaI ninds lhal
he had feIl vhiIe approaching lhe pil vas nov over-
vheIning. He venl dovn lo lhe Iovesl slep and sav
lhal lhe valer svarned vilh forns of yeIIov and red,
lIack and orange, vhile and green. Ianlaslic nun-
lers of lhen, noving logelher Iike cIouds of lirds.
Whal are lhey`
Bay SaIean Iinped over and frovned dovn al lhe
lhings in lhe valer. AninaIs lhal Iive in valer` I
have never heard of such a lhing. They nusl le lhe
experinenl of sone nad vizard.
The ninds lhal reached oul lo TarsaI vere liny, lul
lheir lhoughls vere Iike nolhing he had experience le-
fore. CooI lhoughls. Thoughls Iike valer noving over
nossy slones. Though he had yel lo lake a drink, Tar-
saIs lhirsl had receded lo a dislanl nenory. They-
re vonderfuI, he said.
Bay SaIean grunled. Lel us hope lhey do nol ruin
lhe valer, The haIf-eIf kneeIed and scooped up a
handfuI of valer. He sipped cauliousIy al firsl, lhen
drank greediIy.
TarsaI sal dovn on lhe lollon slep and aIIoved his
feel lo dangIe in lhe valer. Mosl of lhe aninaIs
dashed avay, lul a fev lraver ones slayed. The
lrighlIy coIored forns circIed around his feel, vaving
sheels of lransIucenl nenlrane and pecking againsl
lhe vorn Iealher of his lools vilh noulhs ringed in
drifling lendriIs.
Ils nol as nuch valer as SiIver Springs, said
Bay SaIean. Bul il is sveeler.
Yes, said TarsaI. Ils sveel. He lried lo send a
nessage lo lhe valer aninaIs, lul he couId nol under-
sland lheir repIy. ne of lhe Iargesl of lhe crealures
drifled up lo lhe surface and lurned so lhal one luI-
lous eye vas Iooking al TarsaI. As il regarded hin,
TarsaI feIl nore nenlaI aclivily. He reaIized lhal il vas
nol one crealure lhal spoke lo hin, lul groups of
lhen. Their sinpIe lhoughls overIapped and echoed
inlo sonelhing lhal vas jusl leyond TarsaIs under-
slanding. Sonelhing lhal vas far leyond lhe duII de-
Iileralions of an aninaI.
TarsaI couId hear Bay SaIean speaking lo hin and
vagueIy sav lhe haIf-eIf noving around lhe chanler,
lul he paid no allenlion. }usl a IillIe nore sludy and
he vouId undersland vhal lhese incredilIe crealures
vere lrying lo say lo hin.
The eIfs fingers cIosed on TarsaIs shouIder. Il is a
vonder lhal lhis pIace is sliII here. Those iIIusions are
poverfuI, lul lhey cannol prolecl lhis veaIlh forever.
Ive nade sone conlainers fron pIanls groving aIong
lhe edge of lhe pooI. We nusl Ieave nov if ve are lo
gel lack lo our course lefore lhe sun rises.
TarsaI slood, his eyes sliII on lhe ever-changing pal-
lerns of lhe aninaIs noving in lhe lIue valer. His fa-
lher had oflen said lhal lhe leauly of lhe vorId vas in
ils crealures. Never had TarsaI seen a pIace vhere
lhal vas nore lrue. Bay SaIean foIIoved his gaze.
We viII cone lack here soon, he pronised.
The cIosing of lhe door in lhe done reduced lhe
lhoughls of lhe valer aninaIs lo a nurnur. Wilh Tar-
saIs landaged arn and Bay SaIeans danaged Ieg,
lhe cIinl up lhe gianl sleps consisled of galhering
lIocks of crunlIed slone and slacking lhen unliI lhey
couId puII lhenseIves up. The fragiIe laskels lhal Bay
SaIean had conslrucled lo hoId valer onIy added lo
lhe lurden and sIoved lheir ascenl furlher. The svoI-
Ien sun vas aIready rising over lhe horizon ly lhe line
lhey reached lhe lop.
The valer had revived Bay SaIean. He favored his
injured Ieg and couId nanage no leller lhan a vaIk-
ing pace, lul his poslure vas erecl and his hard face
vas soflened ly a sniIe. Through lhe norning, lhey
crossed Iov dunes and fieIds of gIillering saIl. When
lhey slopped for lhe nidday resl, il vas al lhe edge of
a fieId of Iov grass and slunled lushes.
We viII reach lhe viIIage eilher lonighl or earIy lhe
nexl day, said Bay SaIean. And vilh lhe nevs ve
lring, our Ieader viII sureIy Iook favoralIy on your nis-
TarsaI vas puzzIed. Nevs`
TruIy. Nevs of lhe oasis ve have found. When ve
nove lhe viIIage lo lhe pooI, ve viII lecone one of lhe
richesl lriles in aII lhe lalIeIands.
You lhink lheyII nove lhe viIIage lo lhe pil`
f course.
Bul vhal of lhe aninaIs` The lhings lhal Iive in
lhe valer`
Bay SaI ean vaved a di sni ssi ve hand. Many
sIaves in our viIIage vorked in cily fieIds. They knov
lhe arl of noving valer lhrough dilches lo farn niIes
of deserl.
Ior hov Iong` asked TarsaI.
Ior enough years lo increase our fIocks and lhe
slrenglh of lhe viIIage. Ierhaps ve viII lecone a cily
ourseIves. The haIf-eIf gave a harsh Iaugh. Ier-
haps ve viII have sIaves of our ovn!
TarsaI puIIed open his lallered pack. Thal re-
ninds ne, I have anolher gifl for your Ieader. He
puIIed oul lhe Iealher lundIe and unvrapped lhe
knife. The poIished lIade refIecled gory Iighl fron lhe
A leaulifuI veapon. ur Ieader viII le pIeased.
Yes, In sure he viII. TarsaI veighed lhe lIade in
his hand. Is il a difficuIl journey lo your viIIage fron
No, said Bay SaIean. A chiId couId nake lhe
journey. The viIIage Iies in lhal direclion. He poinled
across lhe roIIing sands lo lhe norlh.
TarsaI pIanled lhe dagger in lhe haIf-eIfs lack and
heId il lhere unliI Bay SaIean ceased his slruggIes.
You vere righl, TarsaI said. A free nan nusl
decide vhere his IoyaIlies Iie. He resled for a fev
ninules, lhen slarled lack lovard lhe pil.
This seclion descriles four NICs vho nay lecone
poverfuI, Iong-lern enenies of lhe pIayer characlers.
The heroes nay nol neel aII lhese NICs, nor neces-
sariIy anlagonize lhen during lhe course of lhe adven-
lure. Hovever, lhe possiliIily of naking enenies of
lhese characlers cIearIy exisls, so lhey are delaiIed
The previous advenlure, |reedon (vhich you need
nol have pIayed lo enjoy lhis advenlure), incIudes sev-
eraI polenliaI aIIies for lhe pIayer characlers. If lhese
NICs have survived, lhey can le counlerpoinls lo lhe
foes leIov. By conlining lhe lackground inforna-
lion and characlers fron lolh lhese advenlures, Tyr
is lransforned fron jusl anolher cily-slale inlo an ex-
ciling, reaI i sl i c canpai gn lase f or your DARK
SUN canpaign.
As vilh |reedon, lhe infornalion here incIudes
slalislics, lackground, and lehavior for each NIC.
NaluraIIy, you shouId feeI free lo change lhis inforna-
lion in any nanner you see fil for use in your ovn
Eordornlk Hasaval
MaIe Hunan TenpIar
6lh LeveI
NeulraI LviI
S T R 1 1 I NT 1 8
DLX 1 5 WI S 1 6
C N 1 4 CHA 9
AC 6, hp 14,
THACO 1 8 ,
#AT 1,
Dng ly veapon
TenpIar SpeIIs: None.
(Al KaIak s dealh, aII
Lordornik HasavaI, leller knovn as HasavaI lhe
VarI (a snaII, disgusling crealure lhal Iooks Iike a
scaIed sIug), is a shorl, furlive nan: lhe epilone of
vhal nany hale aloul lhe lenpIars.
A sickIy and unIikalIe chiId, HasavaI spenl his
youlh lornenling lhose veaker lhan hinseIf vhiIe na-
nipuIaling slronger and nore oulgoing peopIe. Ha-
savaI honed his skiIIs over line and vas aIvays alIe lo
con olhers inlo doing his vork or fighling his lallIes
for hin. Thus, il seened lhal HasavaI vas a naluraI
laIenl deslined for grealness vhen he enlered lhe
ranks of lhe lenpIars.
Il vas lhe nev pover gained vilh lhe lIack roles
lhal vas HasavaIs undoing. The nere nanlIe he
vore gave hin aulhorily, lul HasavaI never fuIIy ap-
precialed lhis. He conlinued his lhreals and nanipu-
Ialions, even conniving againsl his feIIov lenpIars.
WhiIe sone infighling vas expecled, HasavaI look il
l o e x l r e ne s . S oon l he o l he r l e npI a r s gr e v
suspicious~no, angry. HasavaI lhe VarI vas vhis-
pered lehind his lack. He vas reguIarIy passed over
for pronolion, vhich deIighled his foes and onIy
caused HasavaI lo nanipuIale and lhrealen furlher.
IinaIIy, aII pronise of a lriIIianl career died, and Ha-
savaIs repulalion vilhered. lhers sav hin as a vea-
seI, a shoveIer of dirl, a sIug vilh a sling.
WhiIe he does nol deserve respecl, lhe liller len-
pIar is sliII poverfuI and cunning enough lo lile lhose
vho hurl hin. Mosl lenpIars avoid hin, onIy ap-
proaching hin vhen lhey need dirly vork done. Lven
lhal is a risk, for HasavaI aIvays has sone schene in
nind for his ovn aggrandizenenl. If he lecones an
eneny of lhe ICs, lhey shouId forever le vary for
hurlfuI gossip, sIy innuendos, and lraps conlrived lo
undo lhen.
his lenpIars Iosl lheir speIIs. They nay regain speIIs
onIy ly aIIying lhenseIves vilh anolher sorcerer-king.)
Puram of Urlk
MaIe HaIf-LIf
8lh LeveI/8lh LeveI
LavfuI LviI
S T R 1 5 I NT 13
D L X 1 3 WIS 15
C N 1 4 CHA 16
AC 6 ,
hp 32,
THACO 1 6 ,
#AT 1 (cIul),
Dng 1d6
MagicaI Ilens: 8raccrs
cf cfcnsc, AC 6, us| cf sncczing an cnc|ing.
TenpIar SpeIIs: 1) ccnnan, cursc, cnurc nca|, 2)
nc| pcrscn, ncsscngcr, si|cncc, 15 r. , 3) spca| ui|n
ca, s|cnc snapc, 4) curc scricus ucuns.
Isionic Iovers DiscipIines: c|airscn|icncc, psqcnc-
nc| aoc| i sn, psqcncpcr| a| i cn, Sci ences: c|airaui-
cncc, |ifc raining, prcccgni|icn, |c|cpcr|, Devolions:
aging, a||-rcun tisicn, ocq ccn|rc|, ocq ucapcnrq,
ccnoa| nin, angcr scnsc, incnsicna| ccr, cuo|c
pain, rcan |ratc|, pciscn scnsc, spiri| scnsc, |c|cpcr|
| ri ggcr, | i nc sni f | , Def Modes: I I, MB, TS, TW.
ISIs 9O.
Iuran of Urik is a personalIe, veII-spoken, yel
forcefuI young nan. He exudes energy and enlhusi-
asn, lhe very inage of a nan vho can gel lhings
done~and he can.
Iuran is aInosl never inlroduced ly his reaI nane,
for he is a spy. He nay appear as nerchanl, nerce-
nary, peddIer, leggar, physick, larler, farner, or
sIave~vhalever suils his purpose al lhe nonenl. He
of Urik).
Iuran did nol cone lo his dulies ly leing a fooI.
AIlhough he Iooks young and inpeluous, he is aclu-
aIIy quile caulious and nelhodicaI, organizing his
noves and pIanning his aclivilies veII in advance. Al
lhe sane line, he underslands lhe vaIue of sudden
and decisive aclion and is nol afraid lo lake risks in
lhe service of his nasler.
Iarl of Iurans loIdness springs fron his confi-
dence in his ovn aliIilies, parlicuIarIy his psionic
povers. The povers of a lenpIar, he reaIizes, are lran-
silory, granled hin onIy so Iong as he relains lhe favor
of his dread sorcerer-king. His povers as a psionicisl,
hovever, are his aIone, and have Iel hin escape nore
lhan one deadIy lrap. Iuran viseIy keeps his aliIilies
secrel: lheres no poinl in Ielling his enenies knov lhe
fuII exlenl of his povers.
In lhis advenlure, Iuran has leen senl lo Urik
(disguised as a nercenary caravan guard naned Shi-
karva) lo serve as a speciaI scoul for lhe arny. His lask
is lo Iearn aloul Tyrs defenses and, vhere possilIe,
hinder or salolage lhen.
Iurans grealesl veakness is his vindiclive slreak.
He oflen ralionaIizes personaI vendellas under lhe
guise of securily for his nission. If lhe ICs run afouI
of lhis haIf-eIf, he viII nol Iose any opporlunily lo
harn lhen~leIIing hinseIf lhal lhey are jeopardizing
his nission.
galhers infornalion for his nasler, High TenpIar Un-
anas of Urik (in service lo Hananu, lhe sorcerer-king
on harder lines. Many of ViIdeens favored lenpIars
died or changed sides suddenIy, and lhe freeing of lhe
sIaves reduced revenues fron lhe faniIy eslales. The
Tyrlhani suddenIy found lheir pover grealIy veak-
ened, lhough nol lroken.
Senalor Vlldeen of Tyrlhanl
4lh LeveI
LavfuI NeulraI
MaIe Hunan Iighler
S T R 1 1 I N T 13
DLX 9 W I S 14
C N 9 CHA 17
AC 5,
hp 24,
THACO 1 7 ,
#AT 1 (nelaI svord),
Dng 1d8
MagicaI Ilens: Ring cf
prc|cc|icn +5, c|ca| cf firc an snc|c, rc cf ncga-
AIlhough unhappy vilh lhis lurn of evenls, ViIdeen
vievs il as onIy a lenporary sellack. AIready he has
sel lo lhe lask of reluiIding his nelvork of conlacls,
c uI l i val i ng nev f r i ends and adopl i ng a nor e
denocracy-Ioving inage. If possilIe, ViIdeen vouId
prefer lo vork vilh lhe ICs and nol againsl lhen.
Hovever, lhe senalors lusiness vilh lhe pIayer
characlers is coIored ly his feeIings lovard lhe releIs.
Uncerlain of lheir lrue goaIs and ains, he assunes
lhal anyone nol for hin nusl le againsl hin. If lhe
ICs are nol viIIing lo neel his lerns, he supposes
lhal lhey have sone secrel agenda lo deslroy lhe no-
liIily: lhal is, afler aII, lhe vay of revoIulionaries.
nce sel againsl lhe ICs, ViIdeen does nol acl
openIy. He is very conscious of his faniIys posilion,
and lrazen allacks againsl lhe ICs couId deslroy
vhal he has carefuIIy reluiIl. Bul ignoring any lhreal
lhe ICs pose couId lring equaI disasler. ViIdeen
AIlhough Senalor ViIdeen is aged and nol physi-
caIIy poverfuI, pIayer characlers vouId do veII lo re-
nenler lhal physicaI provess is nol lhe sane as reaI
pover. ReaI pover, as ViIdeen has discovered, Iies in
veaIlh and infIuence~a conlinalion lhal can pose a
lhreal lo anyone. Il is lo lhe goaI of gaining pover lhal
ViIdeen has devoled his enlire aduIl Iife.
ViIdeens anlilions vere fired vhiIe he vas young,
lherefore vorks quickIy lul secrelIy againsl lhe parly.
He nighl send a lard lo poison lheir food (one of his
favorile laclics). A quarlernasler in ViIdeens pay
vhen his falher fiIIed lhe seal of faniIy senalor. In nay vilhhoId cruciaI suppIies lhal lhe pIayer charac-
lhose days, KaIaks lrulaI lenpIars doninaled lhe lers need for lheir lroops. BiIIs heIpfuI or favoralIe lo
lhe ICs cause nay le heId up forever in counciI.
IalaI accidenls nay jusl happen lo lhen.
If lhe ICs nake a foe of ViIdeen, lhey viII have a
cily. The loy quickIy Iearned lhal veaIlh conferred
pover onIy vhen il vas given lo lhe righl peopIe, so in
his leens ViIdeen sel oul lo refine his skiIIs al lrilery.
He Iearned hov lo delernine lhe righl largels and lhe
righl anounls, and lhese lriles lransIaled inlo infIu-
ence, proleclion, and prosperily for lhe Tyrlhanin
house, even during lhe hard years of KaIaks nad-
near-inpossilIe lask proving his invoIvenenl in any
pIol againsl lhen. Neilher can lhey jusl allack hin:
lhe senalor spends nosl of his line al his heaviIy forli-
fied viIIa oulside lhe lovn, veII-prolecled ly fanali-
caIIy IoyaI dvarf lodyguards. ness.
In lhe years afler he ascended lo lhe senale, ViIdeen
carefuIIy nainlained lhe deIicale laIance-never pov-
erfuI enough lo le a lhreal lo lhe lenpIars, never
veak enough lo le ignored.
Since lhe revoIulion, lhe ViIdeen house has faIIen
Masler Slnlha
MaIe Hunan Thief (relired)
7lh LeveI
S T R 1 3 I N T 17
DLX 1 6 W I S 12
C N 1 3 CHA 16
AC 1 O ,
hp 29,
THACO 1 7 ,
#AT 1,
Dng ly veapon lype
Masler Sinlha slarl-
ed his career as a junior agenl of one of lhe nany
nerchanl houses of Tyr, lhe VaIex. SpecificaIIy, he
vas lhe fourlh son of lhe house Ieader, so Iov in lhe
cuslonary order of precedence lhal IillIe vas expecled
or denanded of hin. SliII, lhe fulure nasler of lhe
VaIex vas nol lo le delerred.
As a young nan, Sinlha Iearned lhe Iarcenous
arls~skiIIs he apprecialed nol for nonelary gain lul
for lhe Ieverage lhey gave hin in cIosing a saIe or leal-
ing oul lhe conpelilion. Did he vanl a vilaI saIes re-
porl fron a rivaI house or a peek al a conlracl il vas
negolialing` Sinlha found il far surer lo lrusl his ovn
skiIIs lhan lhose of a hireIing. He gained a repulalion
as an uncanny negolialor vho aIvays seened lo have
lhe righl facl al hand.
Sinlha, unIike so nany lhieves, did nol grov lo Iove
lhe lhriII of lhe jol. Inslead, his eye vas firnIy fixed on
lhe highesl office of lhe VaIex house. So he legan lo
change his inage and sharpen his adninislralive
skiIIs. He sel aside his sludies of lhe piIfering arls and
devoled hinseIf fuIIy lo lhe nanagenenl of lhe faniIy
lusiness. His vigor and anlilion exceeded his lrolh-
ers and sislers, and il lecane inpossilIe lo deny his
posilion as heir apparenl lo lhe faniIy forlunes.
Sinlha viseIy nade sure lhal aII his lrolhers, sis-
lers, aunls, uncIes, and cousins vere secure and con-
forlalIe. Thus, vhen his falher finaIIy died, pover
snoolhIy lransferred inlo Sinlhas hands. The ner-
chanl house conlinued lo prosper and, in nany re-
gions, oulslripped ils conpelilion.
Sinlha did nol gel lo lhe lop ly leing a nice guy.
The nan is rulhIess and coId vilh lhose oulside lhe
House of VaIex and lhe nerchanl connunily. Any
oulside lhreal is deaIl vilh quickIy and efficienlIy, of-
lenlines vilh conpIele disregard for lhe Iav. Sinlha
has no fear of relrilulion lecause of his pover. Lven
lhe high lenpIars are Ioalh lo anger one of lhe pover-
fuI nerchanl houses: ils far easier lo accepl lhe lrile
and lurn a lIind eye.
If Sinlha leIieves lhe ICs are or couId le a lhreal
lo lhe House of VaIex, he does nol lread IighlIy. The
pIayer characlers viII discover lhal, for
of everylhing is doulIed, even lripIed.
lhen, lhe cosl
Sinlhas infIu-
ence exlends far leyond lhe Caravan Way, reaching
inlo lhe vineshops and craflsnen vho reIy on hin for
1 6
Namc A L A C M V Lv L
h p
T H A C 0 #AT D M L
Bard, hunan*
6 1 2
5 2O
1 9 1 1 d 6 - 1 1 O
DefiIer, haIf-eIf**
C L 8 12 4 1 O 2 O 1 1 d 4 - 1 1 1
CIadialor, 1/2C
N ` 5 4 4O 15 1 1 d8 +5
Cuard, dvarf
N 6 I 3 12 1 8 1 1 d6 +2 12
Cuard, hunan L N 7 18
1 1 d8 +1 1 1
Mercenary, hunan N 7 12 1 d 8 + 1 1O
LL 8 12 5 18 1 d 4 - 1 13
SoIdier, haIfIing
N 8 I3 1 4 1 d6 +1
SoIdier, niIilia O 4 1 d 6 - 2 8
SoIider, reguIar
12 1 d 6 - 1 1O
Var 9
Var 8
LL 4 12
12 I3 11
I4 15
I1 7
6 27
17 1
19 1
19 1
23 1
22 1
18 1 1d8 1 4
Can usc 1d6-1 pnIsnns nf thc DM's chnIcc.
5pc!!s: 1) naglc nlssl|e, shle|d, ua|| of fog, 2) detect lntlslbl|lt, lnroted hantasna| force
PsInnIcs~5cIcnccs: !Ifc-draInIng, shadnw fnrm, mInd!Ink, DcvntInns: bndy wcapnnry, catfa!!,
cnncca! thnughts, cnntact, dnub!c paIn, cgn whIp, f!csh armnr, hcIghtcncd scnscs, Id InsInuatInn, !Ifc
dctcctInn, Dcfcnscs: IF, TW, MB, P5Ps 72
#5pc!!s: 1) b|ess, cause |lght uounds, cure |lght uounds, 2) ho|d erson, nessenger, 3) curse.
roIe-pIaying advenlure Road to Urlk. The DMs
Book conlains each encounler lhe DM needs.
lher parls of lhe DMs Book provide lackground
naleriaI lhe DM needs lo run a series of
encounlers. The P|aers Book conlains naps,
iIIuslralions, and lexl lhe pIayers need for reference.
IIayers shouId nol casuaIIy Iook lhrough lhe
P|aers Book- lhe DMs Book indicales vhen lhe
pIayers shouId lurn lo a page. The Stor Book
conlains a shorl slory lhal lroadens underslanding
of lhe vorId of Alhas. Al lhe lack of lhis lookIel
are delaiIed descriplions of various NICs.
Lach encounler in lhe DMs Book conlains
infornalion arranged under lhe foIIoving headings.
5ctup. This seclion leIIs lhe DM hov lo prepare
for lhe upconing encounler, incIuding vhal page or
pages of lhe P|aer's Book viII le used.
5tart. This seclion leIIs hov lo legin lhe
The lvo spiraI-lound looks here conlain lhe
encounler and usuaIIy incIudes a seclion lo le read
lo lhe pIayers.
Encnuntcr. The nain aclion of lhe encounler is
delaiIed in lhis seclion.
Rn!c-P!ayIng. Descriplions of NIC personaIilies
and lips on roIe-pIaying, incIuding sanpIe Iines of
diaIogue, are given here.
5tatIstIcs. VilaI gane slalislics are given here or
lhe DM is referenced lo lhe Masler NIC TalIe on
lhe inside cover of lhe noduIe.
RcactInns. This seclion occasionaIIy appears,
vhen lhe anlicipaled reaclions of ICs and NICs
are inporlanl lo lhe encounler.
Outcnmc. This seclion indicales vhal shouId
resuIl fron lhe encounler.
Ncxt. This seclion leIIs lhe DM vhal encounler
lo run nexl.
Road lo Urlk
Tqr is frcc! Tqr is frcc! Sucn is |nc ncaq crq |na|
c c nc c s f r c n | nc a r | c s | ua r r c ns | c | nc g| c a ni ng
cnanocrs cf |nc Ccunci | i n |a| anci cn| ci |q. Ncu i s
qcur cnancc |c satcr |ifc rc|casc frcn |nc cpprcssitc
g| ccn cf |nc scrccrcr-|i ngsou| f cr ncu | cng?
Nc u f cr c c s | nr c a| c n | nc nc u| q- ocr n i nc pc nc nc c
cf Tqr, as cu|si c f crccs narcn upcn |nc ci |q. Ki ng
Ti|nian is c|crninc |c rcsis|, ou| |ncrc arc c|ncrs
cn |nc Ccunci| cf Atiscrs |css cagcr |c ris| |ncir uca||n an |itcs fcr |nc causc cf incpcncncc. ||
fa||s upcn qcu |c nc|p ncoi|izc an |ca |nc ci|izcn-arnq cf Tqr cn |nc rca |c Uri|.
Dcsignc fcr fcur |c six cnarac|crs cf 4|n |c 7|n |ctc|, Road to Urlk is sc| in an arcun Tqr, |nc
canpai gn oasc f cr qcur DARK SUN ganc. A s|an-a| cnc atcn|urc, Road to Url k can a| sc oc
p| aqc as |nc scquc| |c |reedon.
by Davld Zeb` Cook

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