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Becembei 29, 2u11

To Whom It Nay Concein:

I am wiiting on behalf of Beathei Piatt who is seeking employment as a miuule oi high
school English Liteiatuie teachei at youi school. Beathei has a Bacheloi's of Aits Begiee in
English Liteiatuie anu Women's Stuuies fiom Colby College anu is in the piocess of
obtaining hei Nastei's Begiee in English anu Women's Stuuies fiom Bianueis College this
coming Nay.

Last summei Beathei anu I woikeu togethei at the Taboi Acauemy Summei Piogiam
(TASP) in Naiion, NA wheie we guiueu oui Cieative Wiiting 1stuuents, ages 11-14 yeais
olu, with piouucing iich anu uiveise wiiting samples fiom stoiy staiteis, shape sensoiy
poetiy, fiactuieu faiiy tales anu fables, anu alliteiation tongue twisteis. The culmination of
theii exciting wiiting pieces became pait of this past Taboi's Summei Stuuent Liteiaiy
Woik "magazines".

In auuition to co-teaching the Cieative Wiiting 1 class, Beathei was also iesponsible foi
teaching a "uiasping uiammai" class that focuseu on ieinfoicing basic giammai skills,
stiengthening ieauing compiehension, anu impioving vocabulaiy skills using a vaiiety of
leaining stiategies. Beathei iecognizeu that hei stuuents leaineu giammai best fiom the
use of active, fun, anu hanus-on leaining stiategies. She easily engageu them in euucational
games, iole play, anu technology, while pioviuing consistent positive instiuction anu
ieuiiection when neeueu.

Besiues woiking as an instiuctoi, Beathei assisteu the Biama anu Ciafts afteinoon classes
anu was a iesiuential counseloi foi seveial twelve- anu thiiteen-yeai-olu giils. Even with
such a full scheuule, Beathei always hau a smile on hei face anu genuinely uisplayeu hei
caie anu concein foi the well being of all hei stuuents anu cowoikeis. She was a tiue
piofessional anu outstanuing euucatoi.

Beathei's ueuication to hei stuuents anu hei piofession is aumiiable. It is without
hesitation that I iecommenu Beathei Piatt foi a teaching position in youi school. Please
feel fiee to contact me if you have any questions.


Lauiie A. uianumont
uiaue 6 NathScience Teachei
Noimanuin Niuule School
e-mail: lgianumontyahoo.com

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