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Tapas and More Great Dishes from Spain

By Janet Mendel, John James Wood (lilustraled by)


Paperbali, 82 paes

O!herfnOOn: 43cd,[
Release Date:

01 December 1997

This cookbook is a celbration t4Dle sunnyn3'urs Spain ol 9arti esh tuits and

vegetables, meat and sealool1


Santana Books





Table of Contents
Chapler 1: The T.lpas I:pcricncc

All ;nl,,,d....I;o" to'Sj1I1i"h rooki"!:. .

ThcT"p"s ""pc,i,''''''

... .. ................. .. .. ...... .. .. n. ..

Sp.lnbh l'oMtoOmdcllc.li><'dIo""""""
M<'",b.,lIs in S"fi",nAln",nJ 5,,,,,,.

... .. .. .. .............. 11

_""'_".,""" ... ,y......J_t ...


. ............. .. ... .. .. .. .. 13

Ma, in.lI,,1 P"<'II>h. .:.""' ... AJ,...,

.... 1'

SlId!fbhC.",U."I. ""',.........A"",

Koash'd l'el'l"',$.llad, [......,."'P""...... A_ ....


...... .. ... .....


... .. .. ... .. ... .. .... 1 7


G,lic;,,,, I'mk I'i", f,"J""'(;,oj"'

1'<"1>1"... 5Iu(/,'(\ with FiSh.

n. .. ..

...... ..... .. ... .. ..

CnunlrySlylc 1\.lh,S.,bd. r........ '_,...,.

Crithl 1'''111-''' wilh K"",.,,,,,s,,,,,..,,
1...."''''''','''f'Ioo"'... ,... s.oI,.o ... '''.....
" ......

.. ..... ..... 19




1I.""bl Vhct.,bl,",. 1:"01","",...

.. .25

EI;I\" ,,,Ih M",hnNn" ""d Gn"," (;",iI,',



M""I V,!\,1.,bk C.,,,,,,,,,I. ......

....,., ok'ihl .., . .. ........ ...27

Tom.H" 5.""",. "'"r,' .... To_,..


Spin.1Ch wilh I{.,i,in<and I'i"" NUl

. .. ... ...... ...... 28


. . . . ............. ...28

S<l"id in Bb.k Ink 50,,,,,,. C.....,,"' .. T1",.

.. ........ .. 29

)'1.>ri""I,,,1 I',,-',;h Andmvics.. .. N.t...

.. .. ... ..



.. ......... ...... .J6

llh ..
1 EAA'. 1.,m,nmStyl"."...."'."'IIo_...

F'i,I5.j"id R,nl\<.{....'"
.. ,,,.,.


1 lJroIl>. l"'P.,.J.n"



Chapler3: Main Dishes

A'Jun.,,,Casserole. r_ ....""....



. ............ .....49

Chicken in AlnkH\(1 5o,U<1'.II.&.... ,Il_..


I w
, ll., withS."f,""I.I_".. Mo,,,,;..



1>.'><1""Sly,," 1I",'.""rl.",.,,, -..... . .. .. .. .........................55

'" .. ... ...... ..57

5""1,,,,,1 C.,,,,,,, ,,'l, r
I ...... .... ,.",.-..I.......,..
Sp.",;,,\o lluihl Di,u,L". VC..-... F,/w"",
.... ... .. ... ..5<)

11.I>-M.uin"I<'(\l'urk Loin. L...o> .... Moi<o..

SIMni.h Pot.lto C.sse",I,, Po,,,,.. . '" _ ...... .. .. ...

L"mbBiso.,1 "'ilhSl'c<1I '1'J'p,'rs.C..-.h,,,/{:.\.,ooIns.
B"II"T.,il (iJ'ai",,,1 O"!.\iI \, ,,l,'T...


.. ...61
.. ..

Chaplcr4: Swcl.'ls 31ld I'uddi"gs

I lid"y lIin)';s. --"'4<No...ut

c.... c..-... ..

I l"""I!i)rt.

.".k' .... ,,,,,,, ,..


"I'''Y C.,c".I"'-""""

I'mil ill S"'<'-1 W'"('Syn,p, ,..,.. ...

Ilc.lI,'nly K""OIl.l;.;......Crio ..


. .. 65


Cawi.lnCusIM\l wilh Uu.nl Su)';.uToppin);,

.... .. ... ..


.. . .... ...ffl

. . . . . .71

.. ..... ... .. ... .. ..73


C".,myRkcPuddi"S,N',,,,,_,,,,, ........................ ......77

. ... ......... 71\


......._. . . . . .


Cold WhilL'G,riic5v,,1' "'ilhGr.'I"-,A,."",,,,,,,,,.U,,.,

sv.,nbh st'''nl\,C.l''. " . ......... ."

Or"""!1d Cod 5o,tld. ...



.. ........14

C,,'al.m 1,"'w,T".1>IS. r_r,_,.,.

Chick"" S;"k'd wIth C,,,liC,I'dI..oIA,i11o

Ch3plcr 2: Soups

Cold Andalusian Tom"toS.,op.G.o'l'ri<'..



....... . . . . . . -- ........ ..... ......I

And More Great Dishes
From Spain
An Introduction 10

Spanish Cooking

So, whal Sp.'''ish? 1It",I,k"owtl di,h('S""'I'k'lbJ,

... ffron_";.., with <hik"" "nd St"f",I, Iypical ,,( Ih,

"nt;lly Mcdik.."..lnean
Sp.,in's rooking is q";nk...
the >tinny """""rs <>fo1i\'oH. fn"h fnlll<n",1 ",d.,bl,><;.
.I f,)d ,mJ wm". lIul iIS>lyl." nJ fI,,,",,,,rs Ydry
ronsidrbly by "'gion, for S!",1n i.a brgc rountry.
C","p.'''-I 1(, th.'cui,j,,,-'SofnciJ;hl>oll';ng Fr,,,,,,,,
.,nd lIaly, 51'"".,h l"uJ ",-"m, """"",,>1;", du,' to Ih"
jn Oucncc of lhc M,-">,,,(Mushms Imm Arabia and North

Africa), wooO<'rup;,xl Spain for mny (cn'urk.... right "I'

IInlil lY2. whon Ih" b,;t M"",i,h ..ru" h(,IJ. lh"

Alh.1mb, ofGr.ln>Ja, waS defmht by II", troops of KilOS

Ferdinand "Old Qu,..." I""bell.

tody, you will find ,;n"I,'rihcsbcwL..,nSp""i>h f"od


Hul. ,Isom.,ny ,llfk""ICL"S. Fo,o'l<-.Sp.lIli ,h
rooking includes Ihe wide u,",or pork, ham and """'ge.
which. "f ""'..... is r"midde", In the' Mllslim di(o). M"..,.
in'l",rt.,ntly, "fk-rC"I"mb,1S "d <.,,1 frum 51'<"" and
disc"wn.'<I" New W<>rl d.Sp.'Ii n in Ihe 15th and 161h
"""III,il"; Ix''''m,-,' worl,1 power, L"'l'h"i n g .,nJ
",,,'i,,ng Ihrl"t! "''''l i''''I\I,. 11,., SjMnlSh ("<''''I "i<t'1<I",,-.,;
didn'l just diSC<.>wr g"ld-llI<'y di><c.>vcn.>.! ,...w foods,
,uch ", t<''''IIll'''. l'0I.'loc ond m,li>c.chO<:<)tUt'.beans
.mil "IU_hh, 1"'1'1"'''', 1'''''ll'pl,''''''1 _"<.>(";Id...,.. which

i h a"d Europ'''''' d,el,.
Don'l expectSp.,nish rookin to belil" 1>1<--;';0"" or
Ilispo,nicr",,J Whil, Ihe Ihsp""icn""'I,iL",,,fU,,

Amc";';.lssn.,,,,".,nl<' "r II,., di,h,.,; fm'" ruluni.,1 SI Min.

",,,h'r,, n.1\i(l"s " f SI'i n wh,,,,, ri", is,;"-,wn;"''''''I",,a

mid "'''I,,,f '.\W ingn..lims f"-'I\\ Alld"I"si" in .,,"them
Sp.'Iin:{abad. a h,-artybean ",1d "'''''''gecas"""I.. from
Asl"rios in Ihe n",lh ;",,,",,,",,,.1 f.,bul"",,",,,,,,,, ,,r ",wet

1"'1'1"-'''' ,lIld ,-.."hc<.1 nlll<, "'hKh III<'C.I"I"",ocr\'c w ,lh

grill("j fish; m:ido,a I\\,,,l'in-a'pot. Iypical o/Ihe c.'pildl.
Madrid, b"l, in fMt, ",,,.t in "ery "-,&ill", "f th"')l"'try,
",,,I 1'''lilln, which '" Sj,,",;,; a f,'1 n"",.II"".II".,,,,1 <'gj\
"mcit-tl... Ad,1 10 Ihalli>1 s"p'"\"b "",food ,lishe.. lru", ,,11

Ih" c,"" st.ll "'gio"s-Sp.,in <lm.","t"< mo,e fish oold

,h...1Ifbh Ih.m;ln), otl,.., Eu"'p",lIl "'''"lry 1'1,," .'n
nliCl"g ,,,ray of ''''l''' ,

Sp.1ni.h productsappn><:ial,,,j ab",,'d i""ludefi""

11,,, Moo,i,l> heritase shows "p in 110" uSC ofs"",,,,,t

al"n",,1,; .",d Spice'S such as ""llron, "''''''''11011, ""lnW!;
and ses.,me, even in..,Youry J"hes; in the 10"" ofrice
di,h<.....uch " " p.,ella, (II... Moors introd"n'<l ri,,-gruw;ng
to SI'in); ,md in II", honey<'<I SW""'t,;,,,,d 1''',lriL'>. hen
and Ih<' ",iSine"fni>arby Morocco, ISI across IheS!r,'i l

Spoll"'snwn("<'ki"g is ,>O!hin ;,1 "II hk" "'" indigc"II\"

Indianc.."king ol lhc Am"rks-,,,,rorn lortillas, "" hol
h o I chili.No '",I",!-

oli,'c'!', 1",rliclll"rly Ih St"'illc ",,,,,z;I,,in,,,; cal""';

or,lnj!;,-.;,woc-,,,Io>;s.lffm,,;d rk
1 fig., .",,1 r,li'IIl';
"In,,,,,d> "nd oth,"\" n"I>; cu,,->.! ....rm''''
ham; cann,,,j
Yo" c.m c"'I" ,'''lllcnl",SI'',,,,,h f....
1.. III Y'''Jc",,,,,,
ki(cll<'", wilh ing"-,,ji enlS&lsy lu rilld ill ,,,,,,,1 shops, TI,e
",1.'(00" ofn."ipos in thiS book i nclud, .. "f few "f Sp.,in',

III ilsow" i n k-plus

1,\lS m",.., wh,ch .'''' c'''y t" 1'''-1'''''', c...y It> enjoy. ""Ih
ingn>.!i""ls righl .,( h"nd.AI III<' b.,ck"f Iheboul isa


""'/111 1i'l ofi nI'MIi"..",..,,1 ,MIl,iis,

" ....I,,,f Enjoy.T"kc advanl.geofSp.'Iin's s"-,, t


A nole .boul Ihe ,ip..: "". the ron'

"';"""", 0(<tJoI<5 .....
"'-'r.1 cool"",nt>. "lL"",,,-',,,,,,,t. (0' ".,,'I"'''t; .,'" i\','n in
"...1....,. I\"h,h ;"'1..,... ,1 nw"",u,,-,,. o,oJ I\n""';...." ,t.lIlLI.",!
"lL'"","">, The A",,,ri<-o n ""-",men,,,"" "I'P'''' In 1'",",lh""-,,
W""'" An1<.......n """"noIo);y;" ,J,II,'''",,' (""" British. ,he
"""....... n ",.."I ""'I"",",llL..,.",.I'ur",.,mpk',aubo."'l-\;""


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I ,,

f!,,! ;!

\'"ll ..j'

j Tortilla Espanola


Spanish Potato



A ,,,mil. i.a bil; !;"l d n "k, "'hich .11 ",-,,,,I it"oJ

w<tc",,,r"'I"n= to ""<o.'r'"<'<1 as d lat,., II 1s<> m.'k,....'
nic..''' I'I""j,,h
6 lbk"'I"_ oI,,'e 011
I II; 12th I".,too;.-.. I,
.I. .",J Ihmlysl;.n"
2 .bk...,.....- <"""",...a "n_
1 k""J'O<", ..,1I

Ik:;It theool "u ...

..,;li<OIr ...dl"'-_l"'-.,j ff)""S

",n (22Ii on 19-1(1 ;n<t.e.I, Add lhe <1;'",,<.1 f'"Mto"" nd

turn tho...
. '" !h<,I. '1 t h.:m ....
< '" ,.Lowlv In It... ",t
,..,IIK... ! h""millK-'U"'IIl!; '''-'1",,,t1,- 1"11," ''''-ran'
p",1i"tlyrooeJ. add lho.'(hon""" on"'. Tht' poM!!,..'"
"',1I1.11.20-:1(1 mlnllt,,,I,,,,,,,kjk"j II,..,););, i".l !1",1
.,,1111 ,I". ,.,,11 I'"t" I'I.,' ,wer t1", pot.'I.....".""! dr.li",,!i
c,,,""',,,'lnio."'M....roowLAdd the r'ot,110"S 10 the
b..,.lIL1l .,,><1 ",",bill",,,,d!. Adda 1il!,"II,.. "-,,,,'''',oJ
"'llolll'',)'In): I'" _m.1 po<lr'" I... r"'.01""'- ",hi"",
Cookun """-',,,m hwt untllS<'!. ""thout IdlIng Ih,'
on...k.1o' I:'- I""
"" I"" boUom, boul """1.11(';
Sh.'klh.'I'n I" u.." I"" 1of1,lIa 1"
...... .hel,"1: 1'1.><.,.
ftll lid .,.. pl."" O'C"f Ih< pon, hoIJ il lihhllv, .:",d "',.,
1h.'lonil'" ",,10 1M r"'I. Add a I,ll'" more oil 10 II><! f"'R.
,/ n""'......"', ,od ..JkkI"" 10rhl1a
on 1 0"'''.1. '''' Ih.
""""" ....k, ..boul l mll1ules """"', Sli.k 0,,1 ,,,,to,,
..,..""1: rlale. s"n... hot ".. mid.



Cui inln"'I"'on...,



Iin'tl, IUlIe"".... n Of ""1'I,.,r $,-,,,ings..


Meatballs in
Saffron-Almond Sauce

Alb6ndigas con Salsa

de Almendras
y Azafnin
11u. "",fln."!"'g
.J ",""" Ih,d.,-..,.! w"h cn,""'1

al",o",I, ""'1..... . ,,"ch.mgc .... ,h.''''''',lIl"U 11\<111<'

$d.f!"", i!.l>"'w" in ,."n ."d you c.n buy .1 In <;I'_",,,h
,,, If the ""I I""" L>"' .'3,Lab"'. ",,1111,,10' \o!o
'NSJ""'" cl polp"'" '" <I""" '" ydlow iood rolou,mll
!lOOK/I ',Ibm,,,,,-,,I 1I",,".nd ptlI"l

'iO gil


12 h..
...",) S!.,Io' bn"d, cru>ls ",,,>0..,

I ck.w t;."I ... """"",I

3 I.lbl....I"""'""""",-"t""k)l1
2 l"b..I""Jn<l d'!'I....,J I",<sky

freshly 1>"",,1 "","1'11


6 I.lbk"'poo!
.. "hw,1

40 alnlOrI,h, blanc"",,1 and ...."

.. ...-<1
25!l,/1 ,,;e(l h"""ll""d
1 1.>""-"',
...._ul"... ,"1

(".""h",,, Ih" IItll""oJ b,,,1 .,,,1,,,,,,, "'. II"",!. S."l

,Ioo.."",-,\,od In ""'.... ",rmlll".,,,','t' ,m\,1 soft,

!iol",-""".I 00.11 dnJ ",\illo 110.. n",.. 1 ,,,,10 11>0.'8<'.10".''''101'.

poor3lcy.s.>tl, nuln"'!;aOO <ogg 1("....1.,.,,11 to"'. I...
.. .
SInOI)\h m"'u..... Fonn 'n,,,11 boll5l' on /1 ;",,10). Rull
Ih..",.nllou.aOO fry ....ry "")WI)';" hot IMI .",til bro......-.J
.'Il .,11 ""k"S. RC"fI,,,,,-aOO d .un, n... ,>iI(.1n ""tr",n..!
.,00 "....I fo. Ihe ..,un

ry lho,,lm"n.b, 1><..,,1 .11,,1 11-,,10< ;" Ih,",1 ""ul

1\,,1.1..., R'"10",-. 1,,_. "",01''''''",,10 Ilk' 1"'1'1"'''-''''''''

....fi...,,,. d",'e.",,1 ...,It Add the """,,1 It",.,,,,,- b...,,>1

",,,I ."Ik (0' IH,t it in a pn>c<_or) "','h the ",,,,,,tI, n..t..e
a .nlOOlh past,. Comb;,... ,I", ",,,lun-h. the 1''''' "",I.
",n..,;mng "'l nd \ho".tock. 8n"l\ h"
boil.lho"" add the
il ! n",aib.,II,.. <;'mm". th.-"""th"lIs (,\( 2Om"",\"" III
'he !OIUC'e.add"'I\_' htlle .ldJIIIIH..,ll;' luiJ if ,,,,,,lcJ
I,,"n....!,'dv ",oj"", "'-....''', ",1,1 .....1"'....'" "f k,,,,...
,o<.... S.,w.;pnnt..k-.J "'"h,h.,!""..! p.,N,.)'

y,_pooo :101ft"",


1'iO ml /k< Inl

('>cupl" h'k wi""

250 mil <I n ,)/ (I ,-uri ""'., ,... (h",,n",,,,l




Marinated Fried Fish

Shellfish Cocklail

Caz6n en Adobo

Salpic6n de Mariscos

/>bny"''''' d;.;n.,."aon boopn."",,'tl wocll in ;><I"nn".

"'" l......
,.h"h dnfn..I, lib Ih" ....... ......,1.:1
boo,..... ,OJ
i,,,,,,,-oJlId). Wh,.... m"l""n Ih., ",,,,,,,,"y nJ.>d ,."Ih ..
k",d "r .\hArk..which bo."IIdil. from t.... tnl:y "...no...d,
""y ""loJ.n",ho.'<l f"h. ""h ..,, I1k'nH"h. "'u,lswdl
8OO)I/I. Ib bo....f"'"
fi.h uch sh"'''"rmonkfi;h
. ,,"'"-''''''''..-gar
I t1*spoon "'.'e.

" .....'1
....... lrn
I tC"1'""n<>rq;.>""
"',eas!,,,,,,, ground bL'r 1"1'1""

\'j ''''''1''''' ",II

"Iivoil r", f.ving

L,,""" ii,h ,nl,,4-o,,/I \'j-.""h cubeo.discd"ton!\

any.. and bone. l'ul illn .. j;1.1" or <.'<"ramie bowl. M,

I<,!:<I..-".. t...
t ...
-. !,"IPO!..', ',..",.,00.
'"'. viH<");o''' "'I,'I". )\o
lho.r"h OO "''' "cli.
'''l'I"-''O" ,,,t <;.,11. 1
Md"""I.. lor.1 ....... 6 houn or ",,,",igh1. n.en d"d,n I
Il<h ..dl. ,lmJ);,' il i.. n"",,,oo Iry 1"'-' pi<c<'sA f,'Wal
lon""'n ho. t>il m'lll );"I,ic,. .11..1 <'n<I' Dr"", ,," 1"'1"-"0"
I"w<-"II",!:\;}"J ",-",'e hot.


Thi5isntI"""'''"eJ,5l> lo fora buffet din.......

Try il bo ... . Ii", ...."''''''. In "1",,,I<;h ...,,,, b;I..... lh..
. .'i.>tt
.,60;,. "",Je ""' rh"I'I,,-,1 cuokoJ ortopus ilbl....I.,(
I', l); /1 I "",,,"-Is. ",,,,1>1,,,1 "",I.'c"'n,1 "1"-""
2508/1', ll>p.,d.,J pr.,w,,,, (sh,imp)
!'> 19 /III> 10""""'-'
" . choJ,"-t
I 8""'" 1X1'P"f. dlOrl"-oJ
... ('lOCUm""f. 1"-"
...... .,nd c"''1'1''-'<I ("",100;01)
2 h.ml.rool.oJ <'1:&
I c....

61b"-"'J'OO"'i.""I'" 'I');'n ''w",'

t IC.lSp,,'m ",It

Discard mu..... lihdl. oo any m......,ls ,,'hi<-"do

not ''f''''L If)"", L'J.<.. ..wa I..... on lhe h;tlf""",,I I ..
""m,.;h lho.." piaU"" Cool. I"" 1"-""'''' I"""'n. in both
...It.,.. ..I.". for I ""..",,,"00 drdm. In a bon'l romb"...
!.... rhopped 1....lu.'S.on
...... n'.'" 1"-'Pf"'1.rucum"'"
.",,1 rhoppo.oJ '1\1\ ",hi".... M.",h lho. y"lls w" 110"
rn.,ho.oJ sa,Ii<. WhlS\' i" 11",,,liwuil. vi"'-'g'1r. p.'''''''y
""d ..,II. Add lhel'",,,,noand m"_" lolho.."lo,n;>IO
m"',,,,-", $I" in I""J...",";,,); ,1I\d chi\l.<m'-""1. unlil
,.,,',,"'S Ii"",. s.:.......,on "1'1.,\1,.,. S"rntSl><'tl with k1hlC't'

Catalan Tomato Toasts

Pan amb TOlnat

Ilow co,,1d1\Vlhln \(1) SImple \"or ... del"'....')


M.lv,,", ' "' .....ml'lo.-v'''' n.""J ,..,.lllv );,_><1 ""'JI,lry

"""...J, ..,1"'"'''h.... 'Illd Ih" ftll<'Sl rdW""""" h.,on

And. 1.,.- ....... ,."....."pened 10",",1""" i"""!it""" Wh....
Ih", '" j,,""'k Lol'-' .,11 ,n..".Sp.>,n. ;ts Abt. "'-,",,I

d,'y..,1 !>n,.d. Ihl<lly ,I><>..J




Ihlllly,jical "'-"','''', ....,,'

To.o"j ,II'gnll 11I",h"'$,,1 bn:.J I("h,_'>kl..,j

......h.;lino",lh <UI .01",..,,>( ):",II(',;f do....,"-"J

II..., l<",J."J .....

"'llh .l.t

Then ....b

1"",.,1" "''''k' 1''''1,1'''1.,-

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"'AV 'II' ""01...... ,'" ..."Ill I" ""1"'1:""1. ,ho.I.."I."J

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Cool H.., pot.lt"""in tho.,sk,,,,, in booL,ng ..t<'I'"

.... and iii<
untol ;ust h"od<'I'". Drainand chill them."""" 1"
I..... potato ,,,. C",nb;..... t"' IIo,lt, minn,,1 ""iM. c",,,,....,,1
t",,,,,I,,,-,,. "Iiw"il.li"'''," 'i<'i.""rld d")I'I"1 p.,rsl...y.
C"",bitlC the pot.ltoe< with t..... d"
... . Se".., thepolato
,.,Wsl'"....I ....a pl.ttt.... w,th <li<"1.-<l ''AA- ofh'''''
dnd "'"
. .... {;,om..h lhe ri.>n,,,. ,,ith lo.tolC<." ...... ,

Serv,,", m12 a' I.lpol nr 6 M a ,ide dish.

Grilled Prawns With

Romesco Sauce

Langoslinos ala Plancha

con Sals., de Romesco

K"",.".", i<.l Cal.,I.", ,.,,""" whkh '" t"'ly

""n$.ltk.... I.I'."loruL1r!y ...i th grillo."'<I r,,J, .Hod .hdlf,,J,.
bul i t Can 3('(Ompo.ny any snlled meal orpoullry or.
th'n....\! ..oth a rnl of"-.lt''''.'''''''d.a dn"S.<"'g 10.

V<"gd.,blo.-s.or ,.,,1...1... n.... ,.,Il...... os """'''\! f,,,. typo of

dried ....'....1 ,,"'<I pep.,.". whkh gi' .,;
it neh<Ir...,tcristic
ruddyo,kmr NorthA"......ic.. ns ""'," ..........."1 imil",
.. ..
" ("' I ch'los). ()tho...... lS<
"-"'" .poonful ofl"'pnu

I(,,,,ng 1 ..... ,J....Ip<-"PJ""fS.

"''''''''c'"fll.,.,,,,1 .
and oIOlho-r..".,. and gnnd It....",orrl_k in ""'lon g
\'1.11<... a,1<I l!<Tpe t..... I",lp (n::>m tI""l;"", Do tho.-.."""
' 110 II... chili. W..w l hc 1I"''I{J("; ;1,,,III',,Ii< '" n h"1 "v.on
un,,1 j..... I0"'.1tok"'. "f,IiI.abo,,1 lm,"ul"". Kc"",,.,
S],;in lho.' IOO"M1...... n1l II""" in h<.lf and """,,,..,...-d,
s]';,n II t....p,li<
<tov..... . l'ul t..... 1"1"""<' (UO" 1"1"'1....) in ..
rru.-..;o;or w,lh 1..... 1""""""". ga.lic. , 1 ""'00>. ......d""I>,
b"""I, lll"Skoy'OO P.1r1 oflheoliveni!. 1'roc",""nl;1 you
haw" "",,)Olio 1'''".... II."" in ...""IIlI"):"iI. ...It, """l:'"
dlld 1"1"'<'<. n...,..,...."""'ld
lo.t..... o,n.<i;.!.""'""Y,oi Ihicl
.......m, If too Ihock. Ihm ..,11. a hUI ...1....or
. wh"" ".,....,
n..., ""''''''''''''...... rnn b" n"
ill ."h""",. !!<in!! III"
""'''' /''''1
1''1,,''''''-""''' ,,')\
Grill 'ho.- I"",,'nun a lk>t gn..ldlc which !lastx-.."
bnJ"ho.I ..
'lh,,;1 "d 1"'"iJcd ,,,lh".......,""11 1...."V

. ,,"Iy 23m'""I.... on .-...:h >Odt., d."".od,"!I "" ';;",.,
s.-.v.. ;ocron'l"n..,d by tho.-Sol,,,,,"_nd ftn)l<'<ro..", for
"ft,r po.li" IhtI>I".,,,",,. 10 ,mI.," ,,,,.,1 "f il. 1'''.1'<, .... .,
m"I.1 "Il ,lipr",,"", (,,10 ftllc-1S.d,,,,,,,.,OO m,,_1s

... lOO mil" Inl of....,"". "",.,)\h 10 ....

3-4'"....n praw.....

lf};'' unp",k'd p..a""ns("nb"shri"'l'l

drio.-dswt'CI ...

I r"1"I"'fS
" I"'I'"u
I chil, 1"1'1",1' .... 10 c


I d""'-ll.,I",,I. b/.H",h.-.I.,nd p<io..1

..... ....""1",,1<. Sl;.,nroN
2 doA
II..blc""I"",n IMr,;.lo.oy
ISO ml/\, pinl (I'In'p)ol"c,';1
I ICsl"."'MI'
I lbIo.
....".," '."""&-1'

fn'>ltly 1:""'00 bl.>clI"'

1 ....
1 ..


Sizzling Prawns

Gambas al Pil Pil

I" tpo. 1>.,,,,, thIs", usu.lllv r"1""..J III i",I",;.,h.,1

"'''\t'I.,,'. T.lk '" yr'" don't I>",n ",OJ, t""IIIW' Th.....

I",""'" ",,lIy M,""I"'11
I'M I "><I,,,ld,,1 """,in):
I ""'I\<"h,. ..J;''''1
I pkwufdtllil"1'f'<'<
IOI""",j rA" ["........
,""rh "11'rr'


1\1I1.....I."I., .niI chIlL In d 'n.,IlI"'n"1"'o(

rm,:I.'n. IJt it "" ,.... he.II untIl ,,,I "'l u'h' ..... Add tho>

pr.w".and Ilrmka.nd cool< PU'" "",,11M ,,,,'wn' ",m

I'll'. ,,,,,I ..uri _Io):htly. <;.,........ ,mn...J",dy. whik,t<1I
,kdillj;. ....'"WlllII1".J bv bro.,oJ


",_ w;l ti :L ...

[. tfJ ff J t i!


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Peppers Stuffed
With Fish

Pimientos de Pi quillo
Rellenos con Pescado
ThiS tunIS up in tr.., In'ndi<Sl t,l!h1 bo'r$ in Madrid
n'St.,m;",I<. 1'''I"m" P"I'I',:rsan: " "l"xi,,1 SI\"i.1o MI
pepper, sm" lt ',,"e"! OlnJ .Ii"hlly pi'I"""!. ....ilh 1'<nl,1
tips. 111 Sf',;n, rou can buy them in tins. already skinn,,1
and "-,,,Iy f",shlifinj;' II ri'luill" pcpp.'rs ,,,,, ,101
a,",lilabk "'" "ry >n",11 ,,-,I c"I,,;,eum (b..ll) !"'ppers,
,..IIISlc'<l and pt-"k-d (for howh), see the "",;pc for I...sl>d

and the tI.'5<J,,C""I1I'Y,and a,,,,,, asa S[",'k, in

l'cpp,,,,Sal.,,I I,); 16).

2 tins pi'l,,;lIo PCPI'"rs. c<lh ISS g 16 I'! O

(.,1:>...,1 15.m;\\1 pep\"'''')

200 f; / 7 'w ;.,11 ..I (,..."/lI'h'), .."k,I IM2 hours.
orany"""k'tl white fI,h
3k)""s):arlk. chopp''<I
I I,lbksp"'" ,,,,;"'n, ",inn,!
21" bk-spOUIIs uliwool

I Vt labko:;po""s no",
200 ",1 /7 fI 01 I'. "I' + I
,;"II'II1J l"'I'I",rl"I",le'

t"hle"'I"""') ",il'

1 5 U m l / " ' l'inl(" ""plc"-",,,

1 leaspoon v;ncg."

Me""whi)"' I"''''''' the "-'111,,;,,i,,); I'''PI'''''' in .I

blend,.,. wilh llw c,,-'''''. c,'yen"e ""d
..,u"" onlo 6 dish... and placc

pi'K"h of cay""

Drain It... lin",-.J p''lulllo ""ppc,..;. Allow 6-10 for

slllllill!; ""d """''''C Ihe "'mai"Jr ro' ,Ioc",'"{"<', Sh",,1 (>T
n.1k" Ih"'1h1 co.;]fish ,"cuo,-l whil" r.,h. di,.,,,nli"f;
any sk;n o, bone. I"" saIlNp.,,,. alll 'hcchol'l',-l g."Ik
a"d on;.", ;n tt...oil llntil soflcnc-.J. Add the r.,h, the1 the
flo", .,,,,1 o'o 10,2 mi ,,,,te'S, Then whbk in the milk.
50.'"",-,,, willt ..,11 .101.;] 1"'1'1'"",,,<1 "" tmc,);, Cook, .tir";,,!;
conslantly, IInlil lhe r.sh mi.,lu""is Ihickened. Remo,c
I,,-,m h,,,l. Stuff tl,,' 1';'1",110 peppers wi l h th,' ii.h ",i>tu",
aml )'l.
,,,,, tlo"", ill m
oibl bak;n); <li,h. 1lk,' i t > "
medium"ot ,)\'n for 5 minute"", (Alte,n.'li"c!y, lhc
1><'1'1"'"" m,lY he' du,I,1 wilh flo"r. then d;ppe1 in b.,,'ten
, ""d i,i,1 i" ()Ii"oil, tllmi,,!> lh,'''' I" bmwn 0" .,11

vi",-,);,>r, Spo"" Ihe

) 0' 201 the luff,,j pcp",,"

"" ,-'" eh.

5O'r"",, 6.


Roasted Vegetables

'n", i.a dd,d"". C.",.I.,,, W"Y Wllh v'};d.'blC$. You
can ro.ol ,"'-"" on I ""barbl
...or ul"'.,.l"" 1;,,11

(broiler). s"n.., a'! a taf'". stan, ...L.d. ora """ d,siI ..." h
gnlkd '"'"t.,.clllckL....

2 ",,-odium aubcrgin<.'!l (l'ggplant)

23,,-'<1 and p""" 1"'1'1""'"


1 haJ oig.uhdoplion.ll)

1 1"mln
3lab"-"'i"" \S<>I;,. ,1
] I..Ibk""'" 1,""'-'&0"

1 ,..
asJ"X'l' ...

1 1.,bk'SI'''1I1 01"'1'1"..1 ,,,,.sky

I'ric 'heaubcrg""".U ",'",.. l'\;>ce them I)<l a ra.cl

.. If. oruoo..... ttnll (brook.,.) ...,Ih U.. po.1'1"'''' ""ion,
garlic I"" '0,,>3'0, (1),,,od In 1....<>
. b.1I"'-"', If "'''''r'' yJ
R"".t lh" v''!;ct"b'''s, lumm);, IJnlll ,m, sk",. ,""
b""'h.".",t on allsid<5. Rcrno,.." ho, lomato whc" theskin
... 1.<1 alllh<-W
1... bl"" ..I.""..
-.l. unhl ....""
...g 'I) handle. Tho.... rub or 1'",,1 off th<' ,;lll". T
... the
aui"" n""h inl"tilrip5- Remo\' Si<!m'lar.d .io'OO. fn)m
P"1'1'"rs,,,l lcar ;n',,!\!nI'S' Cul l!", "";'''' 11110 Ihin
..."-'<igos. 51""... ...,.,... .w all oitho: g;orlic
Cut ,""
..-dgeo. Combi
tomato inlo ...
neaIl U... bIo!s. Add IIw
oi vi"'-,...., ..,II .nJ 1"""It.-y.s.-n'.. al room t."""'..,.tu'"




Eggs Scrambled With

Mixed Vegetable Casserole


Mcnestra de Vcrduras

and Green Garlic

I-Iucvos Rcvucltos Con Setas y


L.>p.o"..>l.>"e II
IVluIe tlu> d.... nugh! t.., ....
rnakooa good bgho....1'J'<'<d ..... Gr._garb<ohooIs. whoch
10.0/.. kl..c min"''''''''f'<U'Il;''''....... h.,w "" .'m.vlnly ",,1<1
fLII'II'" If ll>o.'Y' "'...,.. .L,bI.:. "b,.IIlul. Jo.o..-I." ....,y Andy
ctq'V'-.J. In SpJm Ih.. d..h I, In.><ie "'ilha"y 01'" '""''e"-'"
'n"'" '" wild mU>h"..-"., bul Y'''' "",OJ ,..., C\,IIII',,,.J
....h;l n"""mon", I",..."",
'50II/S""mU>h""""" (.uch ... m."'....-I,..".

6-li19'-""'g.orl", """"" ... I> kocl.
3 L.>blc>p<X>R>oI,,eoil
l"<l)\ 15U1. 1"-".-'.1. r..w ,,,,.,"'1" ("hnlnp) ('1""""')

dhlc;p)(KI wale..


ASpJnooj, m.,,1 ,""-y """"""'''' n

...'. f<'I<>,,,,,und
I"" "'II- \',,.,,""'" n.."' ,I>o." '.I1_'',,"", 'n ""ny ..L.d,.

w"h 1"'_ h,.-"'''"y

Tlus ""'''''". good ....".. "CO"
... -" Iot>r<.J
1>0,' d"'idt.J 1><1...."" I".J,,I...( N"'dosh<
""h .....'!:I\.".J bo",->!"""" "",,:g "..-.. fin<"'11_"
di>h. \\

........ """ .,..,.. ,he""'" fI

.. mi>..,,,,, 1!JlWr
I""h.a.-i"ll "'Oi<. 1)'1"""1 >J'fUIS" Y'''' rould
'... g","l".", l"'ml'l.'.... d...nl. ,.'s,(,IlIHl......
'\' ...
"'1>o....,""""'11ng k. ,he So."'''n.
ill ,'....""""""'
&,1.... ."Id ""'....'1

1"0 K I'" Ib _hoi!..>! J"'.'

25011/1> Ib....W
..... "'.""tf", b<an
o;ooll ! l lbln-'Oloan_.'nm....,.J nd
'l..."I......J .,
.....lflh.o. "'l1gh' if",,"g
... drtJ<hole tIN",)
1 CO"'>!, f1'l .1Id.>!i<""
1I.1b"I" ..... ,l\"'1
1 ,"'.1I1,,,",,<,,,,,,,1

1oI.nd l"-'I'I"".

2 <k",... goTlk, "1IoppN

.."'''( ''''-''',

\, k'''puon popnl..l
6.abW<poon> """"'o"", (""" I'" follows)
"' .h" "'>lc

Cut.,,.y .ny ....'OOJ) ,,,,,,,,, .1>< m""",,, """"

urdo...- runnlll)\ ....
.tc...,lkl l", .l>o.rn dryon .. 'I.....",
. ......
.. ..
Slino ,1>0.' m,,>hn>O!"', 1'ri", <.0/1,,><1, '"g.lrl """"" ,III
rholp 11>0...... I
th< IMI in .. fryin;; pan .nd ..lit;' II.!
m">hru....and prl;,- '''ll ...:o1',,''..t. i\<kl '''''1''.'''''''
'" >!, ....''''
'' n
......" "-...y
.J . _ "W--.I>o. lhe
"'_. '1119 and ..I. and 1"'1'1'<'" l'our,_.he m"""""""
and """*-:>hmIIt;. unl '1Q;>.MII ...t <.?<\amy""".5""",
,n.n..>!...,,-y. ,..". "'.... 'i ....
...I.!<'f,I;S-..."'fU"'" ,n<..t



I l.>bko;puon ",Mit

""II .....I I"!"-'

p.o"''Y '" nllnl ,,,&,,,,,,h

1'" "",11, ""'" ..."h ".'!:",.bk II"''''''',,,,lIy III 1,,"lillg

... "'''''''.- ''''.... """"I 1>0....,,'" arlocbol:t.,. ."'(



com:Jt&.Dr"""'-"",,&_"" he"""'-'"Sb'l"'" In.

'a"I>o...."an.I>o..... .""odan;l"""f
'''''ct''1".-.1 """",.nd t;o'rlor Ad" ,herno"'->! '''''
d",ined >'<'81'1.bles.rId .."' 1I'",1y. Spn"kle ,,'I.k ,.....
O""r....II .oo 1"-'1'1"-"- ."" 1'I"il..l. Add lhel"m,,',,""""
",I """...."1 <.",1",,); II",.I ",>1,,,,1., Cum ,,,, 0 ,,,,,I,,,,,,
ho.,,' u"'" wei.'*".I\.' "-''Y 'nd,'1', .bou' 20 m",,,'..,.
5<'1'>'..pm..""" "';Ih choppo.<d po....1ey Of m'n'


h.'y lml

100 nd

/3 ", /I '''' I''<:up) "',!I,", ....h,lt' ",,,'.' or >I(\C

<;',ul,-' Iho.'<"'-1'1"-.J "n.", ,'00 ];"rl", III 1"'-' ,.1 .",,,1


.. .. ",-,lk",_.J. A<.kI 11"--' II"""d"'I I'l' , hoi r.", h..

r."" mInute..Add lhe ...1" ooy, 1"",Iey.oo h"ui,J. I!nng W
ho.lit ih<.", .....m",- 1'>-21) m1nu..... orunu) I",id IS ".JUO-'l
... ,heSdUCt.',... 1"'''-''' in bIo
l, .,.

Ma""" ..oou,7=(Iml/l ',

1''''IS(lcuf'''l "I.:mn'

Spinach with Raisins

and Pine Nuts

Espinacas con Pasas y Piilones

n... belt "''''''' 01 .n"", ,he "W, \Jjl,f:o' mU!llld
11"...."",.-, ),<", mulJ ",.., any 1)'1"-' oi "'""n, Chm\l "m I",
. I.. lhe "'OF"-' "
i "l<....J 01,,,,-, ""'...."'h.
Th;,; m""',,,.1so m.lles. good fill"'i; h"-I,,w pol;"
(I"slry1"""-"",,,,).U"" 1"'-' J"""y ,hlf.l. ""1"-' lu,. Frlo.1
T",, r'."",,-,, (o;o.'-''''(1I''' I'''I\''41)

Tomato Sauce
Sofrito de Tomnte

n"" is" b.l>IC..I",,, ill ,",,,m,.l, "" "'K



p"'nl ior m.'"y dllf,,,,-,,' di;l_ 11 ,J.."';"'I ""I"'''' long

";"'''''''''l,i!.. b''':''''i('" ",,".IIV '''''III'''''flltllll... ....''''''I..,

\,'1>k"" ""'''' IllI'l' ''' ""'I,," " '" 11 '"' I'M''' "" ,lly
>mOOlh """", Ihe "IO"'n ......'<I or 1"'''''''<1 on .


1 """,1I"" """m..,'I"-.J

1 clo....,];,.rlic,ct.orr-'<I

4 L""'-"'f'<'O<t!o
2 1(/4 .... ,
... '-'hl ",I ''''11",1


1 1ea5p)<Jn ",II

I, 1\1:l1"I',,"'h,.. <h,lf't, ",."),,,1, tnlllm,-I ,lI'"



"(ll\/I "vll' Clll')pi"" ",,,

' rli<:. ct.or'I""

1ll 1I!3 <X1.1V, ClIp) raisins, ,,,,oJ

,,l ,
" " 00 1""'''

In. I.:>'b"'f"n.hel lheOllOO try thel'''' nil"'"""

lInhl ln..'V "ro:sokk.... SkIm 11""" ,," "rod "-"""',. Add 1"'-'
<n..,'I"-,J g.orhr ....,1 the 'I"nooct> I" the 1""(,,,lI. I"'-' ,,,...rn
In thew u..h
l ,,-,I,ro Tno."add In..' r.II"'" .",1 ",II a",1
l"-'I'I""'aoo juslo l,'11e "'......_C"'..,,. .oo rook 'he >p....rn
10 mlllUk$. 5101'1"'-' 1""",.,1 1"" ""' InI,' ,"', '1""",h
,.,>d ......,

Squid in Black
Ink Sauce

Calamares en Su Tinta
'n,;. w,1I b,:a "'nsaIKm 31 )'iltlr "'f'l> party Its
...ti<:. bul dclki""",and noI .I.1I diff...,,1t lu 1'''-'1''''''
n..bl.>o:I.. inl.."",,,.. jn,m 1m" "",. I''''kl,,Ik'....uKl---<''

Y"'"c." buy,' ,n _."' t lhojn"<"'-""ol,.c.,nJ I

""" h"" "
Tho. dl$h is <>f 8.,"'.... ongm. bul sq"id
Inl.. ,IL<" "
... Ill'" ell.lldn d I,h "f hI...
1.. ri",


I k"O l!>ssmall "'Iuld

IOU gil "" "7 h,,,,,. ch"n"-I

:1Ogll '" I'. ('Upl bn",.I"umb<,

I do,garli<:.mmn'"
2 I" Wo""'J'<""" ,,IIwo,1
I"U ml/ '. 1'''" 12 ...,.,,) "\(".,I<,>.,,,n
(S<." n.'C1I"'"n 1IIW28)
2 ..bk"'I'""".h,.",dv
,,( c.wnn.

0..""'"short-gr.It" wh," " '''-''-'

chopped 1"'",1.,.

y.,.., fi,b"..,,,):.,,, "',11 prob.,bl. bo- ...,11",): Iudo'"

IhI''''Iuid /0<y"" b,,' "" "un: I" "'S<'1"'" Ilk' In\; s.o<:soJ
I.,.'.... Ilk' "'>(1)' 1""..-1> wh" I,-, I lc"" , I".w l"d,.111 lhe
"'1";.1 y"u....lf.
1',,11 111<' 1",.,.1. ",hl,'h 11.",1"." "'nl..."",
.Hli\Cho'<l 10 il. &I"ly aWdY from I"" body potJeb. This

"'''',,'''... Iho-In"""I... 10 "'hkh istI"dl('d lho,-<it.wy inl..

....... (:ul ,I "W.I ."kl n.

....-,. ,n ,-..".CuI "II Ih.
, tcnI.l<Io
lUst .bo\.., lhe.."..... o;,"" lhe ',"'t.>rIo... ..oJ d",..nl lhe

I Rc'.tCh ,nsiJ lho' ,"""'h and fn.", ''''''1",11, lho1"""'IM",nl c.lfl,L.S'' ",,,I ,I,.....ml ,I W,I,h 11..",..1"

I'''''''h .,,,,l l'ull ',lf ll"''''''I...

. ....,lo''''-,1 ,I..I II '''''''''';'' il
This will (n.'" lho, fi"f,s",-,- Ihcm. You'", noW ,,-,.1Jy 10

,,,,1 "" l h Ih.: """ 1'"

Chop I"" fi,,,, nd "",....10-.

., . Combl..... lhcm w,lh lhe
.... t.-.umt... .loJ m...
d lfh,: U"' lh", m'Iu", 1<>
""m. t>n.
'Iurf lhe l'<>Jy 1"" "-"''' ,IftI","1",,1. l... Ilk' 11'1'" " ,'h
lo." hpo<:l<,;. 1 1,0;}' II,, "II "' fryi"); 1'-1n "r""'hlIw.,,,,

-rok" b,S '...."'gh

I" hold lhe "'Iuo,j '" ""'-' I,,,.,,, and
,,",ulUhesquid &""Ily. n..."don1 ",,,..j Iobrown_ Add
lho, Ion...l",.:mn-,"""",I,, nd ""-"""'", pi... soh nd
l"'I'I"'I" ",'a,;t,-. (",.a.. unl,1 ,h""IUKl d"' ....ry 1>J(1'


,boul 25 n.",," "", \ld,h " '" Ink So""" ...hkh you h,,,,eS<..,
.",de ;" a cul'.",,1 ,hi"... ,'''' ink wi,h .l Ioille while wine
"r "-.11," . I'"", ",I" II... """'.... ....,1 c.-,k .",,,11,,,, f,'w
"';"'u,-., {lly"" Iol.. It,,-, idc ,,( .....,.,,'" I"" wh" e !iqui,j
dlup bl.tck$>Iuct', ,,nlCWC lhem bdo.... ""dm I..... ink 10
lho,"_.a..,-d ""-;nlo. ,,,,,,II ,"""I mould
I""...."""-' 1
...10.1 UnllkJUlJ " ,".. ..n ,nd""'...
,1 """"',ng,I"'" .'!.let.'

orn:,,,, "'-uSojuid 11('" 10 ,I doJ pool l.... ....""'nd

IIk'm Gu"" h w,lh "h" I'I"'" 1"''''10..", To> "-"w ." ,,,,.111
I,ll" l'''rt;,,'',. lh, ...I'',,1 " .'" "'.li,....J ""....wi"' int" bil,L

si/.c pk""""


Pulpo a la Gallega
If Y'''' c.'" fond 1m""". roo,>d ,..-1<",,,, th" ,, ""
""'Y dish I<.> prel"""" Otht:,"'""",octopu. ..... .
< b a" h"ur
0.- "'''''' I" 'i""",'f lObc'COm,

500 gIl Ib fl'",,,,,, cook,"" ""IOPU" lh",,'\t

2 l,u'ge IIOI," o,.'s. boiled, """k-d, and <;tit in <h"n
"hoJ'I"-'<i &,rll('l"flUOfWU

1 !.obi.,,,,,,, papriu
loomll1 '" i1 ,,,.1' '''''1,)01''''' '';1

Use II('1S8Of'li 10 a.ol 1 cooled OCIopus m.o botHUII:

poo. I'...... t ...m "" a dWl(Ivp;.-.lly. WtMlm ""h In

. w,," chunlso( ....
' ''Olahl. SpnnU, "" .h co",....
!'III. chopped g.1rlk. P;>I"';b.. 11>en dnu!eo"".. ,lIe ool
C " ' ruom 1'''''1'''31''""


Clams, Fishermen's Style

Almejas a la Marinera

You will beam.u.<'<l al Ille "ario:ly <.>f8lwlli,.11 lu be

/",m<l i" Sp.",,"" 1"1" 1'''l'! Tcl1 ur m"", .. "I<

en"I..-",,,,, ""d "",II""", pi", """"" "Id ''''''' uch .,.

b.>m.Kh P"-'P""-'<I in ..,,,,,,,,1 di/l,'1>.'nl n'nnC<$.
<;On", <JI lhe bo><l .n IIw !I1<l8t simple. ouch ."OS Ihis ...ay

","h d..n<;-wlIlCh. by lhe ...y.can be"s.;,l "',Ih mu!'60.-'"


U..., .> "y slII" l I .<1<',,<1.'< d,m or ..."d);,shdl d,IIn.

n.., b,S Vcnu.hdl d.un. wilh Ihe", 1".>ulof"I I,,,"I,,oJ

shell" aren'l suu.ble forIhidish. as lhey toughen ...ilh
Cl>f.."'S' Th.'Y a.... m""" 'I""'I,n"lcly ",...,.od raw on lhe
.... U,I"1.

nllS osa 1,,1'" f""I,,,.,l, ly s........e<! ftomd (I_mu",,]

1'1.,11\.,. Go. right al,,.lil, d,1' yo'" cll"o 0I'bn..1d inl" lhe

dchcious. golflKky juICe!

'" g I I Ib .n1.,11 du,,"

I Mbk",r<"'" ct><'I'I"'(I ,lI"on

2o:1m"",chop]x>d garlK
1 tbk...I'0("''' oIi,,, ,..I

6 1,'l>k>poons ...ak'r

I''''' "f chili 1"'1'1"'" "'I'lio".,1)

I l,y Imf

2 l.bk'Si"",n ch0I'''''<1


\\'.,," 11>0::- (1.111'1.' in nmmng .."ter. ["",,nI .nv

Mussels Vinaigrette

Mcjillones a la Vinagrcta
If youmust buy the muSbcl. bdorc the day you
i"t.,,,1 tn s<:r" tlo"",. ,1<:,,,,, lhc'm "1"-" .1".1 "-"''';er,lt.
"'-" 'en,1 ... ,Ih tl>o::-or j",,,,,, (}"w".,lc'<l. II",), l"" for
..,,cral days. 1.o'''''''' ;Uicoo s
i .." x",I1'-""1 S1Jbslll"l for lho!
"j""'l:"r in Ihis "-u",'
2d"""n ' muS5ll.oi.
shrt'ddo.od lettuct'
! 1.,bk"'I"""" m"""I 'M'"'"

2 t.,bk'SI",,,,1< ",,,,,.,1 W..." 1"'1'1""

2 t.1bl",f'O"'" Ali"",;.! n.oJ


''I I''''k'Y
1 l.bbl''''''' e....'I
1.'hk"'pot...... oIi,...,.1
2 Iblpoxms ""''-'1;'"

........ II'poff .,ny "'",,,,,k"'. "",,,"'e

Sen,b lhe, mu"'lhe' he,"'ls (thc s.,,-w,,<,ly lufl ...,lh ...h;".. 11,,y ,HM"h
Ihcms<:lv<'S 10 rocklil. and "; ""'-' in r"nnj,, wkr. ['ul

Ihc1" j" .l d",p I'" "" Ih 1,,,1 " lilll., ",aWr C,"',, ""d put

O,..... a hellfin'_ S/t.,\..c tl"' I"" ""til lhem",...I """IL " I".....
lWOOl'tll"", m'nul
.... l'Ii'nl<Wing Ilwm from hc.>1 aSlJOOn

"Ifwy ''r''-'''' lnl .'''y wh,eh d" no! ''I''.... IVhe." IIw
m,,.."" h.",cruolo.,l, d,,..-,nl
, ""'rty h.,lf.o,hdl Ch,1I the'

....' un a "'-""jnS dish atop " b,-,J of

musscl. Arrani;e tl
h,,-ldcoJ 1c1tuC
.._ C"mrnnc Ih.> ",i"",;.! "nk", g"-,,,n

I"I'I,,-'r. n.,I I"'],I",r. 1,"Iy. "il "",I ",,1<'1:''' <;1'" II",

m;lu"" ontu lhe n,,I. in the" shells

"hi.;h,,,,,,,f""1'<'l ".. er.tCh;'!. In a ...."f')'ng

p.1n. fry lhe

ohol'\"--.I onionand 'r!k in tlwo;l fora ft...... mtnules

unl,1 1M'''''' ,,.s,,ftc,,,-I. A,I,l lhed"ns. On" l"gl, he.lt.

.,.Id the wme. walc,,,, ,hlli ,m.! 1>.1y t.,.,f. C",'' .",,1 h.,\..c

Ih I",n "igoro",ly ""Iii tlw elam shdl ""cn. This tah-s

"iMto! "" mll",I"". R,"",,'c from h.'l ",11<'1\ ",,0>1 ol.h<:U

oJ l'uur mtu. "-......",j: dsh
, a"d 1,'1' with
....W "I

{""rIled JM",k'Y- s.......... ,..'lh chunlsof todunk inlo



Scallop Gratin

Vieiras Gratinadas
5<'dilups Ml' mbkm,'lk of C.,licia. Ix"_.u,,., Ihc

sh<:lb ""ere "n andent Syl1\b. IN th,,,", who m"de the

pilgrim,'ge I() the ..hri,,, _,1 Softli,'go de la ComJX*,da,

Fn'Sh scallops indude the rollop 0/ while m"",,"'. plus

Iht' coral fool. U"" frozon s<;allops if r""h ones a.... not

J I> J"''n S<".,II"p" in Ihe" "lIdl, (UT<I"iv"'cl1l

3 t.'bk"'I" m.()li" .. o;l
I small <)Illon. m;nc.:d
I du"" garlic, minet.'<l

30 gil oz It.'m or b.,con. diu'<l

2 1.bl";l"ms while winc
2 ka'F""-'ns p.lpria
sail ""d 1"'1'1'<'

301\/1 ot ( " ....'1') finc b""...kn",,1>;

34 1 1" I>I"'poon ol,,'"''''

If n""1l I....",h """lIup", "pc" Ihcshclls by inserti"" .,

n;fc bel wt..,,, Ihe shell, and prj.ing them "1"'''. Di"""rd
thc cml'ly n.l1 skll. Lo".cns<:aU<>p' (rom their shells. ell'

001 and discaro lhe ma,,!lcand blacksac. Rinse tho!

scaUups in running walC'1". Clean Ihe shells. PI,,,,, ,,,,,,or
Iwosc" lIol''' in <"",h shdl and sel them on a grill (broilr)
I'n. I lc.lt th oil ina frying pan and ""ut 11", min"",1

onion, !;<"lic an.1 diced ham u"lil 0"1<,,, is,;.)fk"c<l. Add

the wh". I'l'rib. ..,1t and f"-'I'""r. Spoon Ihis mi"nn.
,Wer theSUIllol's in Ihe shdls. Combine Ih< bre."knnnbs
....ith the oil ""d jusl a little w,ller 10 make .. I'<'SI". Sp''"
il on 101' oflhescallops. I'ace Ihe p.ln under Ihegrill
(broilc.,.) until Ihe topsare browned and scallops_",
bubbhlls, aboul 8 minukS

Fresh Anchovies

2 tablespoons p;>rsJey. chopped

2 lt.lo."'1"""" oh.., ..iL


CuI off."" ...,;><1< ,,><1 gUl lhc n.h. Wilh a knife lip.

Boquerones al Natural


. ;"...
""'.lIff...,,,, i:>th.. d"h fl'Ol11 ...

1 n<.....
,lly. h.....
Il" I,>hotold bo.' ","h.-" 1I.."""."hrdy for this hll'"

til.., dr.,;" and pIanoth..... ,". ",..pc Lof... in

"",,,,... .... pLI.hc d,sh Add Mit and ,",,"gh ,.,....'g", h'

I"t., n,., tiny. /n.'Sh anchovie!i are (il!d,"<I and m.>nl'l,1t,1

'" vhl<'):ar tu I'nIII<'" thi ."P.l d".h. whi<'h is 1"",,,1

,","'0'",,,,.,,. '" "'"n. tryou ca,,'t!;d I"""h ",....ho"''S.

...hlut.. lh'n Slnps ol""rdi"",, I",rnng or m.><L.-n:I

" I.g /1 Ib fnh n.'IM"',,-,,,

125 ml N f1 " (\1 c"I') "'"'''''' VI"'-';'"

V, 1.,,'p()un ...11

>I,,,,hhl ldl,,<"C. if d,,,,,,,-I

2 doo'.", garli<, """wly dq't,,->J

lhe hlpu! Ih., 'I';"" ,,,,.I pull it duwn ,,,-"I\>So; Ih.

boolly '0 f,ll.. tho:fi>h,Cul ,! ,M! al lhe lit. "",..inl; 11", ."'''
fil"""aHacMi by It... 'Ml. RII lhe fillets I.. cold "'at.....


runlplddy con.,. l!>(om. C."'.,. and ",,""""e for 2 hours

" . "'''''r Th ",-..1 1 wiil l",n ""lid .,,,<1 whilc.C\,k,t by
II,, "'n." 110;.(".... "'.... ,,,"" .i""" ilw fi,h i" kCk"'"kr,lOlil

dra.n ,,dl. A.","8" 11"-",, Un a pI.>'' "" a b.,.J "'shn-..:ld.t

1o;1U(\". tll<m side do"'n. .n f,,-"'ion. SprInkle wllh

""''1'1,,'lI "'lC and I''''''-'\' and dnu'" w" h,,,t .,nd i">1 a
,,,,,,h ",( lomKKl jll":" Til""...." the ,u",hu" ""',lSrnn"p''''
pl,'ln thl'tn on stril"'ui brc.,,,'


Orange and Cod Salad

'flwrodflSh uS<'<l in this ...Lld is,....""'. dry"'l1 rod,
-hO("h IS imml-nsely popul/lr in Spioin_ If not,iL>b"'.
)'QUcould wbst,tute lin1M'<! tunaor wellnnvd ,i"nod


100& 1 3 oz dry ...llrod

.j..6 utanS''S. I,,-,,--Ied and ,Iiced
I un"",. thlllly slia!d tn'<l ORoon ifpoo.sibld
1 dove &"rh,<T\l.hed
4 tablc-,;pu<m. oli,c oil

I ablespoon
wi"" v""1':ar
" {'ow n..:l f"1'1"" fL:tes (ol>lio"al)
20 S""'" or black oIh..:s

Toast the sal! rod "'.,.,.. fLlme or und.". the gnU

unHi it is lighUy brow"""" and ""'mcod I'UI it in. bo..tol
.. whikp.."...,ng tho-"
..:IiI'II lS.
_Hning Ing...
ArranSO' !heorange nd ""''''' 51"",,,,, a pI.Iw,. IYhis the
g;>r!io< with tkoiJ, "''''-'S''' and "'''l' I"l'p.:r fL:tlws. Drain
Il>c rod and ..,,,,
,,, e31! sin .OO Shnod il andadd
lo lhcs.>bd. <;pnn).I, ''''' dn
ingov'.,.''''' ,.,W and
garnISh with ,heol"",,

Hot Potatoes

Patatas Bravas
These potatoes are hot as in chili peppers, which go

into the sauce.

For the brava sallce:

1 75 111116 fl oz (J cup) tomato sauce

(see recipe, page 28)

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 clove garlic, crushed

For the potatoes:

500 g I l ib potatoes, peeled and cut in

3 cm/] '/i inch cubes

olive oil for frying


Fry the cubed pota toes in deep hot oil u n til they are


tender ( test them by p iercing with a

] tablespoon vinegar

skewer). Drain them on paper towelling and sprinkle

1/2 teaspoon ground cli min

sauce over them.

1 teaspoon paprika

cayenne or red pepper flakes to make the sauce hot


CombLne the tomato saLlce, oil, garlic, vinegar,

paprika, cumin, cayenne and salt.

with salt. Heap the potatoes on


8 tapa servings

platter and pour the

Baked Eggs,
Flamenco Style

Huevos a 10 Flamenco
325ml/ll noz(1 I;CUI>!l)l om"'"""",,,"
(""" n.'<'il'. "np.lcf

100 &/3 \0 ..... h':lrn.Iq'P'-'<l

2 tabk"'f'<"'n."",'k't I"""
strip6oftmno..'\l ,,-'<I 1''''';'11.0
ofchoriro lIOusag
salt nd fX1'I','r

d">ppo!d p;>rsit!y

Oil 10'" (o,.. ,);h!) "'divW ....1 o"" n-I'nJol ra"",lins

and <lIVid<> thet"maIOUCO' b<>t...""" thtom.SVnuUC;&
linl,'chol'p,,1 h.un inM.""h. IJ",. onc o.. ."'''''1:8$;nIO
cacl, ranlelin, SI'"nkk.' ...n a few "'>oh'\I I''-'''. criS/l-<:ros,_
tho> lop "';Ih ",,,.,, 0( pom,.. ",Il)
,;and Sd chona>,;Iin>
""., ." the"AA" Top wilh asp"'"Sus lip'- Sprinklewilh
!<III ond 1"1'1,,.,lnd d"'I'I,,>J p.'''''-'Y- Uk in" ",<,Iium.
hoi 0"'-.... (2OI1'C/ I') unll' wh,.esa",,,,,,, btll yolks
stit! liquod, .bout 8 ,rllnul,.,.,


Fried Squid Rings

Calamares Fritos

Clean lhe ",!uid <- Instructi0n5 in lhe -'""'COf'" for

Sq"ld In Ins..u",). danlin,: lheinn.:lnlsand Ink
Cut tlwbuJy I"",ch c"",""w;... in,o ring'" ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,
con b" ldtin0""P""" (H", if"'rgc, cu, in half. Po,dry on.
dean hchcl\ to"'el. Pl3<e ,he pi<'<'t."S on" bowl of pl.,in

flourand '0$$ ''''-..... 10 ...''' IlJ, ('w"'l ,n. d'-"'-1'"fry

ord..." frymg pan. Theod .no..ld b,>abou,

11!K1'C/ J.-'iO"F. Sroop llwsquid ,n,o. ro/.,nd.........
11.>I-boI_-..i s,e,'e Jnd hJ" t....llm,,,",,.. '''ce!II flour.
Fry lhe",!uid ,n ,heOiI. Kemo>' "''''''' goIden. Drain
on pal""" ,,,,,,eUonlt-'rnnU-,' with ""It s..
,.. "'uh
Ie""", ...<'oJg'"
3 0 , 4 nn&$ make 1 '01'" .."v,ng.

Prawns in Overcoats

Gambas en Gabardinas
"O'.lg/Ilb rnw ",moo I",,,wno (shrimp),
1'.,,,1.1, I...",ing ,h '.,il. jll''''''
I ''AA, tx.." en
.l labk",,,,,,,,, ,w,'I,'"
I'>. 1"d"I",,, ...11
\10 ,....spoon bkamon..'e of oOOa (balng oOOa)
100g/3I'>.(Io:\""p l 1.>"""') pI.'in nou<
01o....oil ford...".frymg
Combi"" ,..., egg. w.....
t , ...11, bic3rbonale and /luu.
h, "",1.." ,1 b.,u,.,. whkh is ihiclc1Iough I" "",,, U",

p.,'WM. If II<'C1::$S.lry. thinwilh W,lI,". " 'ewdrol'" at3

'ime. II,.." the oil 10 I&J'C/ J5O" F. i)il' Ihe p'wn. by
Ih," 1,,,1, 1m" Ihe batl,'r Ihn fry ;n 111." hto! oil. n,., b.'lh."
lk>I,ld puffslightly. Rcn")",, 'he pwno who:..... gold,....
T '" good ....
wi,h spicy tomalosa"", (...., the
n."" I'" for I..., ....... wilh 1 100 1'<>I..,"
... '
Mdl.... .boul lOupa ser," np (allo;:m';ng forJ pra"'1IS

Tuna PasHes

Empalladillas de Atllll

I'or lho.d""'gh

27D g/9 1>0>./2 "' ''''1'"1 pI."n flo",

1 1,.."spoon ...1t
100&13 !;,1M""p 1 1bk-spoon)bul""'" Ian!
100 ml/3 '" fl u" (1-'>""1'1 while "''''',ch,11.-<1

1'IMr ,'''' flour and ..1t in. b"",1 and ""' in Ihe
butte.". L",I w"ha paSlry ,",UI". unl,1 crumbly. Add Ihe
cold wi..... 1'n.'SS ,h"dOl'Sh logelher I" fu.m " 1>,,11. Wr.ll'
in ding IiIm .nd ..".rig.....". c f(>r1 k."" lwo hours. (Yoo
can boly P"'IMn.-d roo'nd{,j " n)",n;,d,11.:o .t.ough in lho.
.....'ill'-...." ,'" .......
' ''nal bog ""1"'.......M'b in Sp,,,n.)

1"" 1"" (ollmg ",,,I


2OOg/io>. linned lun. w1I drnin,-d

1 I"bk.",!"",ns tom,,,o ..,,,,<,
I I\.,nt-bullt.-d ''gg, cl><'I'I,,1
I IiLblespoon minred onIon
1 t.ablo!spoon ct.opp<.o..l ""rsL.-y
'<1 pim"'n'". rl><>PJ'I,d
I """,oJ ...
1 dozen pliled 8""
... oIi\'....
a few fun
..... orcumin -"
...! P'1'P"'"
pll><1I 01 cdy"n"" or d.osh "r hot: I"-'PP'''' ....u"'-'
oli"oil rorfrying
R,k.. Ih,, 'u,, a,\J c"",binc in a bowl ",i,h lhe
Iom."" s.o....... choppetl 'gg. onlOR. parsley, pimi....,o and
01"...",. s.,....,., wilh fe,,,,...... ""II nd J'l'PP'''' nd hot

.. ..UC1'

RoIlou, ,..., doil"'" dough on lightly fIounod boon!

"nd cut il inlonK,nds,,1 a"I""';"'''''-Y IOcm/4 inc"'" In

d>nK" "'. J'l."", " sIII."1 s)""",ful of fl!ling QIl each ")\Ind
"nd fold ""er l"" dough 10 m.1h! llalf-ci.des. Stoal Ihe
,I);", ",iln a ("Tk. 1 1"", Ih" oil in " dc-ep-frycr "r de..,p
frying ,'n 10 l1IO"C/ 35O" E Fry lhe paoliesa few ILl a
'im.. "nlil ''''--y ,,'" gold"" brown. Dr.,in OIl paF"'"

.. hot:. f""liesc..nbe "",,,,,....J in
.. clhng and
;k"'"""and lho:.... f...",...., I'.......,..., lho:..." ona Slnglc 13),<-""
1"'-... """" ,hem ''I I.lyeno in. ro"eroo\ f""""'"""'1,\,....
Du not tllaw. but """",. ff<)nl d",,.f.
minul""b..*"" fryong. fry 1"'-..., w1IhoutJclJOS/ins. but
"Iklw " longer li"", in lho. l><Jtoil.


Ch apter 2

Every nogioll of Sp.l;n bo.'StS sUp"r soups. Some are light and refreshing. likcsummcrtime S"zp.1cho,
made with raw ingredients. Others are heart-wMming potages chock-full of pulses, vegclables, meat

lind s,lusage. Tht'n lllt'TC are dOI.t'ns of fish and shcllfbh soups as well

Cold Andalusian
Tomato Soup

Gazpacho Andaluz
G.,I'....ho, ;"i"'l'l" 1'<""",,1 food. th "'rt of
",;,I,I" y ,10,1> n\de in III<' rodd". "'Ilkh "-Iui"", only raw
,>, br",d, );"rI;"311d ,,11""0,1 1i");ood'>t'Sll

pul lh.,""'....1 I"s", ;n ,-".", h "'.ll" oru...., fo'


mis""" 10 be lipped. On hoi summer', "'y. it really

h'l!! U....poI

10 """uie",. 50.1"".".." ",1 ,''''''''S ,.."1,.,..,,,..1 disrnnl m"I,

1'""" 111., t,m't"." "' .' 1>1"d,'r ,,' 1""'''_'', th.,,, ,i,"'
110" 1',,11' 10 n'nxwe 11 <in ",,,I ......I. I'", ,"" );.,,1... I" "
bf,""...... O< J""I"
""SS' ..noJ "hi' I' HOOp fi....y. Add .....
bnoad, lhen I"" .omalll pulp. (If ry. rnx- in lwo
NIChes.) "''ilh I"" _or running. ,odd the salt, lhen I""

7';,,12 <;w (1-1"",,) <1.,"'bn.....1 u.... '1lnish, Fn'fl<hor

11.,1.", k..f, .... p.><low.I "" ..lwl(h ""'.oJ
I 1\!2 11" ( I"d rip" f(\m.lI,'"

hUk"f .... ..
,,,..... "',,l lr""I.... lo,' ......,,,l\bt,...
I ....
.. \"'''l<'n<y
l" l d......, Add .,Jd'l,,,,,t wk. to,d,,>...
!I"'IM(n., ,.u"".lIy" Ihid, ;os I\\"in (",,1m. Chill ,,,,111

d"'I"'ds,,n big. l"i<y. vi....r;p."...I IO"'.lIOC<. In lap" 1>;,,,,

gaz]Mcho is oi
.... .
.....''<l in lall l\L,lISt"'. wIthout the

2 teasp"""'" ..,It

6 tablt'Sp0<>rt5 ()Iiveoil
5 tabil'Spoons'in<.");.'r

3P1)fflim.,tdy:W mill> pmlll . ""1") w.n.....

",I in <Iown"m, 1...... 1... I"''lt''

' . The m"lu,,", ,,,11
Ih,d"... .
,noJ eM",.,.... nol".., , ..., ",I ,......b;ir...
.,.. Add d


Arrange lhe g.:omishtos in """"""bowlsatld ......,

,...th Ihcg.upacho.. f.ach I"""'''ds I

1001\/1 ... . ..,gl'<.
... P'1'1"" ( I "'.'II P'1'I""). finely

2iXl 'lJ1 '''. ruru",., (v.. ('\le\lln",",).
"""k'll and finelFhopf'\'d
I ",all o";o,,. finely chorP'1

I s",,:IlI lo"" o.fil1dy'''''I''I''..!

o;og/1 '... (2 sllC't.'S) hmkI. ,11"",1 "J

1",,1 <n'l' ill A hllk'ohw .,,1


C astillian Soup

G arnished Broth

Sopa Castellana

Sopa de Picadillo

SpoIl" """&,riICOOUP 'ho! wy h""""""onion

!IOIlp. AI....'.. a cult. S

...t in ""tory rq;ion ofthecountry.
\\\."""..."lIy r<'Storalive. TIlls ....... i. typk..lof M.>drid. l.
IS f'''I",'nUy "'-'f\..,.,1 In i"dlVi<h,1 ,..,,,,,,-,,,w,,, bowls..
."" wIth an '1\S"""cht.'<! In Ihe hoi soup. While """.lUy

nSa fi1 <'<"""

e, with tlw''!o;I\,,,l<ht. il could bola


6 tablespoons ofi,.., .,;1

6don"'l;drhc. p,.'"Wd ,'n<l cho"",'\1

:'100 &/10'" <n (II).Ihl;c.".)Iebn.-...l. "', in strips

I MbIesJ""'" J'lprik.l
pi.",h of c.>ymnetopliorul)

I 'I 111",,/3 pinst (7 t\ <ups) w"',..-orst<xl

2 '","spoo"u.:Ii'


c1"'I"-'<l I"''''Iy
In a ....'1' 1'04 he.lt ,he oil and fry ,,,,,('hopped garlic

aAd oIn,'!' ,,j ""'"J unhl lig/l.ly 1\""....... Ir In ,"" f'lpril...

(.01'1<1 ....y'-""""I. II",,, in
..,,y ;od.d tho! ...a.cror >I,x
..-unlil the
an.h.1I 1In ,he ....p
.. to. boil. Ihcnson

bn.,,", I,: n....lydlS$O'wd

...bo..' 15 minula 1Io:.he
booh"1; soup inh> IndIvidual ""'"1''''''' """I' bowls and
bn-.lk ,'n <'AA inlo ach. 1'1...,., thl>m ,na p"'''''ted hot
"W" "nlit U.., whil'S .", ,
.,' bul yullin li'IUid
Sl" "' kl ".let. wlln htllc(h"l'p..,1 p.....\c".

. n
n.., brulh ..-h",h "-1,.." nsft.." "'.
NOOn'"boiled dut""" Uo"f ,..., "!ciJ"' on pal;<' 59). would
"" t:<"n.......J with cho:>i
....J ....m.nd <rou'''"' I"m,.,.,
tilth! "'w""'11 "..".LC"cld" brulh s
, V'fY rich. "'lIh
<hN:"", I>et,f alld ....m bool,'<I ,n 11. The fresh mini Si-iSoif

Ih.'",um.s b...llI!ifu\ly. If YIK' h.l\"n1 !tn! ,.,.,1 roci,lo

1>.....h. ""'''''Y guuo.l ch"'n >t"'" buihl wi,h " I"""""(

h..111 u' "",,,,,k
, ed baron.
olh a... "
..ed in tpa
li"YOIl"'of,,,,, ,.o'-;d,, b
1>...... Alld il's rool>id.......'<1 h.lIlll"...."CUn' for ,....
n..,..,', ng....fter-.
2 111""'/ rmlS (8cups)micko.... ,..". h.'n' brulh
3 tabk'Sp'''''''' oli ,-" IMI
100 8/3 'l.toz (3.-+ .lIreo) beNd.cu' india.

Uk! !ln v. ,,7. ,,IT.'''', h.ull. 1'1101'1'",1

21Clrdbo.!I"-'1 LW. ch''p'<I

4 labl<'SfOOns dry 51><.'"")'

"",",I eh"'" 1""" Ij;..m,.nws). ,>pIion..1


II....' t.... broil>. (I, ....Y

. . ,f d...
,,-"". be .ldnH"ed of
fat ) 'n f.yml; pan ""at ,,,,,,,,I a,Id fry t....diroJ "n,.Id

unl,l golden, Ro.'rn/)\'alld ','S('fvc. Imn.."J...'dy bo..f,,,.,

!ll'rVing add 1M ....m. <h"l'l'l'<l <ogg. Sh<1"ry and fried

b".....L Ladle ,h... bn>l" in'o .",,1' pl.,,,,, .1ld S.,"',,, .leh

wi!h "sp"Il,,'mi,,!.


Cold White G arlic

G alician SOUp

Soup With Grapes

Caldo Gallego

Ajo Blanco con Uvas

IYI'I<_.I ,,( MI.,g, is made
wnh r,'....ly gf\)Und "Imonds ;",,!ad 0/ lom,1I...." n..
,,..,,,1 ",,,,,,,,.td rap.... rn"" ma,wll""'C'OlInI.'rpoim
10 tI", ,,,,\y, );,,,lkky SOI'I'. U"w;u,ll "",I " " Y
lNs v"ion 01 S"'<p.t<Iw"

200 17.>1; (6-8 <1m) stal.> br,-,.,J, mlSlS ",,,'<'<I

2OOp,J1O>',almonds(l l'>cupo.). bLtnd......J .nd sl.!nned


. '-,<);,n <>1"..,";1
1';0 ".1/' , p,n, ( "' rup) ,,'lr
5 t,.!)10."'I""""; Wme ,ill<-g.>'
2 te.\Spoonii ..It
WOII," "1'1''''' I 111",/2 pi",< (4 C"I") t"dilulc
I bun"h ",,"sckl g"I"''''. ,,-,,-Ic.J If <I,'S,,,,I

So.tl 1M bn in waleruI\I,1 S/.ft.",

"<I. Gril'd the
sl""",d al...""ds ina "" ,II r""g.1rlic. Squeeze

....1 1M bre.>d .old aJd 10 ,"" w,th just """"'gil

'al<'r to "",k.5moo1h pohle Wilh the mot<)f running,
.add ,,,,,,,,I, then 1"'-"'I"'-,&ra...tJ;lh Add a huk<Ji 'he
..1.1". then p"". lho> m"t"", intu ., tUI'\."n or r'tc...... and
add Ct'oO\Igh additional wat... 10 mal;,: tho>soup the
"'''';''.'1<:)' <>( r
.'.' m, Ths<>"I'ho"I,1 b,,'luit, I"""y. so

",1.1 addil;'",.,1 ";'''*'' i( ,,,-,,,1,,1 Chill Ih., """ I'. Stir

be(o"''''''''''g mlo bowls cch g.""i.h,,,, wilh IhrI'<>or

nus pot.>ge IOOuJ.,. a kind of gn.'''''' Iypical of

Galici.o. wrtos. "'hid! a", 1"-' ,"s and k,..". of a sort of
' 8 n.
...... <h.,,,1.
lun"p. y,,,,('t>UkI SI,h>lllutr l"'nil
""U.,I\ls. sp"lach or cabb.'j;C.
2SO !:/v; II> 1.,!'!l "'illk '.",s. ",,h,,1 u\'n'ighl
n",.lIy h.ln' b""e. <>< ....lln"'.'<l pt..-l rib!<
ora off","", pork
"",aly l,'<!f m."row bo_'
I""'....of....11 porl. f
. 1I

dium potatoes
1 19l2 11'5 g"
...... "'dSI>ru And dll.,PI"'lI
1 1''"''''JOt\ P;'prila


Or.'in Ihc"",'h1 be",,,,",j p\ll them 10"",,, in"

L,!'!lc l" in abo",1 3 lil...../$Ii pinls (3 '11Irts) ofw.'I''''

wilh Inc""m boneorpork. II\e t-/boneand ....lt pork
(al W""n I""b,,n" a", I",n'"y<'t.'h'll.dd Ill<'
I"'I"''''' 1',-",,,-,,,and rul in ."",11 ct..",
Ls. In a """F"'rak
pol 01 boihng wa....
..... This
l . bIonch lho!g"- 'orJ m;nlll
"'11\()\"'''' ''''-_ bill""""."" Add I.......
' 10 lhe b"ans ....1
p"I"i"'" and tastc lors.
,It. Do"",,'c I"'l mt." m a 1111100 0'
Ilw:!IOUpand sli.il in. Cool; .,101",-...30 nunules unlil
put.,I<",,, dnd gn,,,,,,, an' I<'"dc. T" "" V<'. cui m,'.,1 ofl
b" ",
... 011,1 d;scard I"""....


Chapter 3
Main Dishes

You cOIn Sl'rvc alnm:;t any dih as a '''po'' For "')["1111'1(', a whole cooked fish would be pK'SCnkd .., a

t<lP.l b.lr. to bo,.scoo,X'd up by spoonfuls in t" p',.sizeser\ing.;. I I0w('\'L'I", most of the following ;lr(' lx!s t
served as main dishes.

Asturian Casserole of
Beans and Sausages

Fabada Asturiana
A!'!u....,. i:i .n ,I>o.north Dl'Sp.:I"
..,n tho: o..yof
", bubbling in
d Y. wil= w,nk"" rnn be "'-'f)' ,11,11. Be,
.I d,y I" .,,'- 1",' llk' lhin!: '0 ....In! off Ih ru\d ""d shc
'" It..: nbs. ""'A,t"n;>n"''''';;''' Ilk plump Iinl ur

"OJ!:!l lb,lm.,! nh" ,-bo:.ans. su,.l.....t ""<'T'rUghl In "'h'r

150 SIS '. o>: st",aky Mmn. in "'... '......,..

2.<,(l /'4 lh '"'lt-'..,n,I I">r h,..- or h;lIl1 lifuinl\ ,lry.
(Un.! lI..m. """ 01 u\",iht)
250,,1" lb n)d rltor, sa""'g" lpr;..,crdbly

Dr,,," tho:b..""",,,1 pul l"'-n onan..." "'-""wan.

","""","" lI"'nch lhe Ncon in bolhng Wlt"I' f"I') mlnuk'S
"nd dr;,i". T....l lhel"'m inlo lhe bi.'"I.II"" <'''v, lI",m

wllh ...."'r. Uring Ina 1-o.,,1 .lIId s"". Add Ihe !I,ll" hoc!.,
d"lI'Uo. mordJ'" and bay ka,..... Bring I". boiland slJm
ajt.lin. Add IoIIff....... d,,,-..l lna littl.-li<Juid. Then """...

3...1 "",, ,..-.y"''''I). .....,OI' 1-2 hours."I' ''nlll "".ns .n.'

very Il'nd.,.. Add roId wI,... do,;"g rooli"lt "" beans a",
.,1w y. '!01 b,,,.:1y ""wml WIth liqukl T",lc f"r lollit and
1"-')'1"-'1'. I)",,'t !oil, 11."1",,,, whirh h.,.."" 11.,'11\ "p. bul
W,I"" ....n
..., Jkln)m lin1('lntim,,_ ld II,,'/ab.>d., "",I
for 15 minulesbe/ore$<'n'ing.

250 .,;!I> Ib hI
...., mllm'''' """"');"
lp,,,,,,,,,bly sm""',,J A>!umn)
2 I>.'y Ic
. "l'"

I , '''''1''>0" "" fln'", (n lll1bl..

....11.nd P'-'PP"" '" l.1SI


Chicken in
Almond Sauce

Pollo en Pepi toria

A'nound 1"-",,, I>I<_n Ilk'po,, '" LlI,' ..."',..... n...

nub. which ,,,,, h.'''"esl<'1 in ,,,,, ,,,,.Iy f.,I "'" wid<'ly

used n
i Sp..nlsh r<:>Oking. Atrn0nd.5", ."" m",n

ill '"m",. """!\-" (.,,\dy. ,'lid ",,,,,ip.,,,, both

p"pul"r.,1 Clln,!""" ,i,,'oI'. Tho.')' also g" Into m.lny

""'_'1 dIShes 5U<:h aslitis(hKkn f..,

I 1.1I);ech"kc.. ur thnl; rowl

(23kg I I'I-t> y; '''''), p"'I-.;l

""hand 1"'1'1...

S labl"""""."' 01'.... ""

40);/1 .... ,,'- (OJ) (up)aln'H)1"ls, bl....d,,-'\! and 4i"",-'<I

bd" ",,.,.'rlirI"-'-hl

'(I g/I '" od2 slkes) b"-",,,I, crus.

t "-''''''''(..1
I onion. ct.oppro

Hl I
"P1' .."..,lS
') 1Sp<.H' ....Ifmn
1 1,'1""m ....ll
I 1dbl,.",,,,,", hopJ".J 1"""-')'
140 mlfYf pon! t'l'> cupl dry Sh<-ny Of white w......
250 ml''I n ," 1 1 ctJp) chick" PnMh

I;"b 'hechork.... ....

''" Wllh ...It ;,00 1"-1'1"". U"'''

.., h",,11 In frying ",'01 nJ

d"... 11K.." wlIh /lour I I
fl)' I.... almonds. 4 ckwl.SoI g.>rlioo a,l<! I"" bn.
'ad .11<8
unlil lI>(,y n",sold"" .111.1 .lln' 11111 I" Il"' ''l11''' 't
OnJWII Ihl.'(hioo"" I " ''''y <1""'ly nn boIh skl<'S.
add;ng I"" hopf""l onion R,'ffi()\'e I"" chioom 10 a
.."""""" '"'""'"
In" "lrn1ar. f;nlld lht: cI"". l"'I'I"-n:om ,,,1
$<'Iffron wilh t.... 5.:>lt. Add Ihclrk-d ll"rlk, the """"Inlng 2
do",,,,01 rw ):<"Ii<', aln,,>n<b3nJ lin...... (thi$.'n ", .1"",,,

in a bI.,,,I..
,,. or ""...)...". . U"'JI 'ho,,,,r.sIo.'Y' OIlu,1.' Ih",
m"lu", wilh 50me 01 1"" wi""and .." il inlO 'he (hk.......
J"<"'..... Ad,1 II",n1min",!; wi"" .",,1 ""')!h. llrin); ,,, ,' boil.
,I",,, .111111"" , """'I\.I. wry gelltly ""IiI II,,,chi<1.'1 i.
'end.,. (12 hours. d'1,,-'1g
1<l,n on .."" 01 ,,,,, chich... )

Mash .he )'OIls w,lh a liUIe ofII>(, liquidand sti,. ;1

1n1"Iht:cA_...>Io. ln lhich... lho ....""'. <;"'1'V '''''chlC'''II
g,..",,"'-,I ...,Ih ,hulv."t"I.I,,<....,1 " 1"",,..1. a,l<!
lria,,"'.,; offri<.-.l lIn"d.

I IlV Ic.lf

2 hard-<.UOk<'<l ''S/l yol

, tablcsr-'" .1;,.."..'<1 .I"'''nd.

r.......t ;IId IIUk,.1 untIl 1\<"'''''''


Paella With Seafood

Paella Con Mariscos

("'til" "f'pears .l tal' bill'S, 10 be,;coop<.'d up by

."mll,"" ";,,);'''!' '!'''''''!u!.

'I"..,., ,,,.' m.my "'-""'lOftS of 1",,Ia, >0"''' of which

ronlin n/J 5(>Ofood '1311. ThI"''r.Iion. with sh<-1r1Sh and
chicL,.... "' ....ry popul>r. Tht- trp!C.I I"--lLl p,m. ,,h...h;"

,,It,... ..,.,,I ,", . wood (,,,, out "'.1<-....,. ;" ,,';'''' .00 fl.ol
qu'l unwil'ldy on IN> LiteM.. h<lI>. You mIght try ...in!\
tt<"'Pl"' I'''_ fL,[b
.J ...'"" wor"" "...I--<>r}'Ollr
Lll);""l ftr"');In.
SjM"'S ric.' isa ""oJi",nsl",'l 'in '-"" dr. ' a
Iv");,!:,.,i,,,,1 pLt..I!>Irk riQ,.

II ..
, ,ls lll' tilt, flavours "',110
which il (001:$, "", 1,'I>Ii. tu be ",icly ,f o.,,,n:<:><.>lcd. I f
Sp.."",h ritt " n't "" y<l<l' 5Up'-'m'I.1r'" shtif. Jook for
1tI1"" ..b".ou m, 1.... ..>11 "".,J lor nsotto.

Soffron ;. an ""pen5" sp;c.. If you c.... buy il in

<;11II.. ...h<-n> "s):.....',,. If you do"', M"" ,,-'I ...ffron

,- st""lIl(uL '" papnLt I.,.. It"".,, plus . ("", drops ""
yello'" food ruloorinS '''gd ,hal WURdo'l"ful sunny
yII"w ('...J"ur. (N", ,1""'1 u"'" I'I ,)lhe'" ydlow spin>,
t"r",,k, I:<">",,
".. it '" slr""f:, ,.II,1rp fl.,,'"'''''' its",,"1I.
,,"hkh d",-",,'I b" wilh Sp.''';5h 1"''''Hl'.)
I d""", mu-+O, ",",bbo."j .",OJ "'dn\("j ''I'"''

I '" lil,..,./l '" pinls (6." CUI>!!) w.,h.'f o<slock

5OOg/l lb (2 I'i UI'")SI,,,i'h sh",I-It"'i" ric

V, k''''I'""n .." fron (,,' n",,,-'. lor. brighl ydkm' ""lou,)

,rromo, <"rUSh,'<I, or
a few I"'pp
f..,...l. y grout><! bl....k ''''I'I''-"'"
2 k,'bp""'" ",It
1 h"....od .."J p,m"'nh>,nll in 'lfil'"
k:""".. for g.m;sh

Di"'';1nl Ih ,'ml'ly h.,lhlwlls <>f Ihe m""""I. Str.,in

II... ]0'1",,1 aoo ..";.,,,.,. il C...., 6-8 Utll'"......,1 p,awtl,; '"
boiling w.I,... for I n,inul. 5<.'1 lho..-'m aside and add U",
Iklnkl l" 1110.. mu"",d h'luod. Sho.'lI lhe""",,;"m); I""""""

al lhe",1 ,na ,
..11 ",,, ot L>rg<'frymg "'''

(aPl-'" Jnn/16 ;"rI"."). Fry It.. (hicL.,

... in lhe
.I. I""n i>dd lho."'IUooJ.(;'llln.,.. 1.,..",1'- ...M,It):'''',I Ih.'
W""" 1"1"''''' '', t""n 11"' 1<",1..:11,,, g.
rli< nd 1"-'., I",.",. '"

C()mbi"" the """-......
. d liquid and .Iock .,..
",..I,'rl" "'.'e

1 1'1 ) ; 1,,-,, / 2 v, 1'''''' (I> h .....\"<;). A,\,I ;,11

"ul I cupful "f lh h'lu;"1 10 Ihe llClI. C",sh I h ""ffn",

In a morlaror in a I,""'p usi,,& I"" butt,rod 01 a knilc,

1)\;60.,I,'e il ill a liule .....11'... or "'h,l" wi"" anJ s.!i. ;nlo lho.'
,"'IL> wi,h I"" IJo.1'1"'''' dOO ..
I! '"loJ I"" po.
'<I I'r"""",,

r,oog f l lb L>q;.-, ul'lCU.Jl",l p.a"""I(Umbu.hrimp)

6tablo.spoon!l oliwoil

WI>.... lhe liquid ru"'''SI() booL.odd I"""""and

2."",11 g"-,,,n I"'ppo...... .....1 m ua.....

2 bO);., I",""I",-s. po."I,1 atld rI"'I'I",1
2ck'w"I\,1rh, mi""..

aboul SolOminules """". Don'l.hr I... rice.butJh.1ke Ihe

1'"".C.1",bh the luI' ....,Ih Ih., """"'00 """,scl<. ",'h,1
I'r,lwns ;lIld slri!","( pi"';nl!', l.d I"" p.ldL1 "-",I I,,,

I 19l2 n", hick<-... or rabbol. "ul in """,II

100 '(,/ 1 0 w. >qUloJ, Cko3r1<od all<! ....1 '" u,,!'.>

100 gf) '" o:z shelled I"'M or bl\Md bo."3ns,

1t"-"'1\ bo."3""".. q''''rt",,-i .''lich''''''''
(",<-boil b"a,,,,or.,,h..:h.,.,,

ronlln""I,,)I>\.;. .... a h'lth I for6-.3minulef. l"IK11

nod,...., 1110.. "".>1 ,....1 """ m,,,, KH'''''' unl>1 no, i!; puSI
b.'ordy lender,add"'g 1ho.'."hhl"",,l h'luiJ J5"'-"-lo..od.

n,i"utosbeiorescrvin& with I"mo" wedg<'5


Basque Style Hake

Merluza a la Vasca
I I ,.I. is .. "die;"", fish. whICh bel'H'gS to II." cod
tlll.ilv, Th, 1"'I '''<lyl" I'n,-,..",I;o" is<o""''''''",,
' 11 ....
..""_" G""'n ...ilh I"Uof
".,Ihl "h.. j" );"-

"'JI""-"! I.....I,'



,,!:!l 1l.. ..lwllt fn

..." h.,I..'.rul i"lu'-"-"k

2 .bl",po<"'" n"",

It.) mIO ''- n ,,' (t 11''111')''''''' 011

bcl."'.'S);-,,I... ,h.-,,-,I en""",,,,.,
l"'O ml' l"'nl \;.""p) ..-h,w ...'.....

., I""'....'" "II

"'0)',/2", 1'''''

'),t:: /5 "t cl",s

a f,... 1"-"'l l'r.'w,,, {,hri"'I'), if d",;,,'d
2 I.,I''''I''"''' 11"1'1"" 1"''''''''
6 ....,,,1.,\1 "rII"",,,! a>I"')'.us '1""'"
<;'.I "" I""h fI,h ,,

b.Hld k1 11><"fll s.1 fur I

min"I,.... Tl," IMI .II)' ..... 1 <I", I><"fll ...,11. 11><' flou' lie",

11><'011 in n",,-rruof ."tl><'Tl...3... ca56<.or fl)'injl

I"" A.I.l lh, ,h",,! );0""': aOO the pk......
. o( h.oc_ L.o.
11><.." ,,.... ",I"'"-,I i>n,,,nonf,. in 1""",1 h,..l ",;",110:5","
"""h .J.:, Then .odd I"" "'''''.' ..II. l""M,. ciamund. if
,, I"" ISh,
...,"-". f.", I".,,,'n... ('..
"nl,lll><'f"h" 1"'1 na." .OO du"
,1."'1: 111..(.,....",1..
'h.'l lhicl.o.....-.l
.hellsop,_1 1'h....un' ohoold b;.
Add 1...m.''t''-'1' ',....1'' "'00 ''''1''''''1:''',


Seafood C asserole

Zarzuela de
Pescados y Mariscos
t," 11,,,,1''''''' (,,.. "'hK'h it" I,"


n"'SIrl""" ,h"","',.. ,' ,h!ic,'I,I .l"dk,,,,,,. Only " ("II

..:,,1., I'roduclion numb.:r will do. S<1 pln to buy Ihn.'t: or

("", .HlI"'V"1 (,,11. ,. """'1 ,hdlnsh. BllC ti"l'tio,,l.

4 ....in
""h 013 or 4 d,II<",,-'<I' kinds of r..h, for

1'.,ml'li nJOr\rr;;h. Snoup<'<, nxkf.,h, ".so;a_.

dm. II.,L,. .. I:o.'.... rongcr; cul ros.h mlo

I :;kaLsor lilku
4 "'1'jt" 1",-wn. (Imbo ""rimpl. I"'k:d. k-.:>'n8
Iho'lIls inla<1

4 Dubio" lJ;,y pr" ,,,.. u.." (rayflSh), ,,-hole,

or """,1I 1er. '1uarlc'n'd

2 d<m..'11 mu_4S.

.... .
"bbrJ and bt.-ards """ 0\"'<1,

.tc.1I1.....I ,'\'.
," ("-""-...."'liq"'d)

ISO mllw pinl CI'J"'l')o!o"coi!

I ",,,h,,,,, "'I"id, ,1....,,,,1

.. ,,,dcui in rin):"

I !)Ilio", ch"l'p,-,(

4 10n..,I","",. 1',,,1, ,\( and d"'pp<<l

I.,bk"p"'''' My 5hrry
1 1.>I"'-";I'S 1Jr.,,>Jy
I b..y l."'(

'" ,""'roon ....1fnm. ......ho...t


10 aln..-is. bla,..-"'.,J. slm",.,J and t"'j.I<.,j

2 r'.'" bIsrolts (cooI<ies MlCh "" gr

....m cr.><:kcro)

w."rl.. M...",,1

l'i() "'I/ . pll't l l'UI'I "'hll.. W"'''



d.l>h "f .ly,m...

tho.'I'I".,j p",lq

y"" will n,-I

" 1" 1);" fry",): 1M" i" ....h,ch 1""'\110<
Ih" fi,lI plllS., he.,I-I,,,,,,f .,,,Il,,nw,,,,,ca,,,,,ml,, to
f<",tin IM sefood in on" l.y....
5.>11 .IIo. r""", r",h li!;hlly .,,,1 .... ,1 Id.. In a fryinS
oIl\.. IIo.". ....II .M <;oil and d 10 It III<! P"'1"'n.od"'luid and
I"" <"hos'l"od onion S.uM IImll o";,,n I !IOi"t."..,J. Iht.-n
..It] tho. I''''I'''....
.,j '',,",,It)I.,," nd iry on a h;.:h 11"'.1 rorS
millllt""- Add I""Shcrty .".. 1 br.",dy. rius jusla lottk

wal...... Cook on a ",,-'<Iium I lIntll 1"""'100'$


,,,lun.,j1>o\11 10 mllllll..... 1....1 1h.""....,nIO



Wil", .",1 .ho..- fryln); 1"'" ",,,I ,,,I" ..,... of lho..

"" "''''''''S oi\' I" II ""u'e II... 1"'''-';''''' "ffosl lun,,,,); 1110.""

." seat both .id"". They '1I..',I"t brow". Rem"",, lhem as

fri,,1 "lltl 1'1""" ""." Ih. ..""'" , , 11..' c........,."I". Add ",I to

11I f'ylll); p" I1 .,S I,,-,-bt. Nt.,'t ..11M tilt' 1" " "'"" Dublin
I'y pr.lwns or I<>bs,..... al") ,>tI,1 t" 11I",a_rol". I)i"""rd

l"ply m"s.;;elshdl and add 'h" m\lls ,,, t""(.'58<""I",

In a mo.-taro, bk."d...., grind 1':>gi!lllo... IIIt' Ny kaf.

... Combine
cru""" s.,flron.p,lic.al""""'. and b,ocuII
Ihe "" ""wlth any "
...'<1 H'I"..I fn"n ....-Is and
d,I\I'" 1110.' CTU:Ih<...! sr""" ..."n,,, in """"-" of 1""I"I"ld
Add salt.OO P"PI""" and c;oy
..."". Add .1 and n.'tn,mung
h'l"kl 10 Iho.'<"MS<-'I'OIe I.K\' I.... C;"".,,,-*' ..,, lop"fl....
tO"" .lnd cool untIl r..... IS jusl lLtly, .11>.>111 I mmut.....
sn,,, lIIo.c._n"". butdon't .IIT. s<-rw pm;sheJ with
clq,p<od 1"'r.;Icy.


Spanish Boiled Dinner

El Cocido Espanol
Sp.lIn'. "'!lo"al dish. hero(iJ<I, is. whok "",,,] in
'.letl w,lh a 'umpluous coast of in);"-<hnl". r.",. feast
'b).... ;t ...,,,.1.1 be funOCr..........'!
w ith a bog """,
dumphng. Lcll..,...... rod.." broth ....n "" u.....J furptaodi/Io

5oUP U- """"" p"&,, 45).

:t'(l g/ .... Ib ell"''' 1"-_. soahoJ """""'Shl

400 1I/ 14,, bt>iling b.iel
IOU ,.:/' '1 '" ""II pork or 1,,.ly IIC<'"
"",.uy h."n "'"
v.. bo,I",,, r"...1 or "',!;e chiden

I I"rnlr' I"k.,J 0,,<1 h.:>lvcoJ
2k;,I.s, 'nrnll"-'<l
I SMI"'''-'ry
' on'o",;!."" wllh 2.-1..
2 1"'"."'''''''' ..'11
6 ""-lium P'I<>e$

I n'I1 .-.,bb.,);c
1"t)!\/'" "-'lI"wri:l,s.l"S.ll>

D.-.lin theehod' I""Mnnd 1'1,10' them in" la'l;<'

('OOi;:.ing pol. Add the boil inll bo.'C'f, lSo1h pork.. ham 1x>nt-.
3,,,I )'O,lonl; fu",L A<kt 4 11tl't'!l/ '1U."b"f"k.,.",,,1 bring
103 hod. SL,m of( ..... fh. ........ l
...r the....
.Itand dd
the am>l5, 'urn,p.cclefy. ""--Q and on"",. Sirrune-r very
h..'Ur.""'-n.'<l. lor 1 hour n...... .>dJ '''''""Und rool

a,,,,,,,,..,. JO m"''''
.... s..,"'r." a"')..' I 1'l Ii'tt'S/1 1'1 pm" 16
CUps) of,hehMh into anolhcr U("O.".n. In it coo!< the
",bb.''" cut into ",,II;''''' wi'll ,he ,w" "''''''1;C'I for 30
",im,h.". Add III<' 1',,,,,1,,,",, ' " U.., n. ,i" 1'''' "nJ c"n'",,,,,
c""i"g it for.noll!<...,.JO mi,,"'' WI!<.." ......,t
and chk
1"" .'" I""Y .en,J,..,..Slr.'lIn nu' .hebmth in'o o"","'-"" pot
IlnnS ,,,. boil"nd "",l lhc "",,,II.,.. in It
lhenoodle!!Otlp . ftf$trou""" gami
with l'np,,' l"'n;Io."y. SlIm "ut,onIo p!.lU,..,.
"" Ih tho> ",-..,. ....-g....abb and ..hlCpo....s. s....,.,. """'

"""II'" and chkkn on thlf\! pLItt.".. If Jesi",d. "'-"1"V a

t"",'" ..." ....., wilh Ik rodd".

150 Kl5 " black ,_dlla sausage

150M (" li""..",1' nood l"

,04 I'N<1'
tomato "'11<'\". if desored, as an acoornp.n.""",'


Herb-Mari nated
Pork Loin

Lomo en Adobo
"K)'II (",,! th" ,."ty p..r k,", ".,.",,1 ,,,.1 1.11'.
",I>...., il is thInly sl",-'<l "OO '1ulckly frio<d. 'M" ,.v'\l

.11"1' 1'i<'",,'ofbr,,,d,r.,U,-1 ".",r,.I"",,,,>hmfl"'. In

Ihlsw...."'n, the "''''.... kKn "v,'...'''I''1. 11k'11 .I""",1 II
m"'''' .l nkd"h fur a t>ufld ,ul'V"t,''''I',..:i.llly "''''-....
i><XOIl'IMnied In' It..: k'''''n)\ l'''I.I"CjI6on*3....1 1''''
Spt"""h " " h ,',,,,, Nu'.,m.1 1(.".,,,,, ("'-;1"'"'' I'-'S" ZII)
1 klf./3 lbs bo.
...... por loin
4< ""
" "I.... """,,,,,t
....I''''''' IMpn.....

2 ,,,,,p00n6 <><>''S'''''

60 J"""h OJ tllV"'"

pin.ch of rosemarv
1 0p"pl"',,'om'
I lc.SI'''.m ....lt
1 t.lbk'Spoon o]Lvc",1

200 ml!7 n '" ('. c"r) wme "n",!,,,

Wnicr"bly Slwrry VIIlL,);"')

Rub the pork loin wIth Ihc cn"h,-t 1;",li<, 1"1";1.. ,

''''');o,,,,,,lhy,,,e,lI\,1 """"'""YO Pl...,., it i" .1 I"\'r""ti",,
",,,t,,,ncr. Sl'rin"-' wilh ,110: I"'I'I',"'''.>nlS. 1';
.11,0,,,1 11,1
! ou, "'..... ,hevin.S.,.. Co'-,,, [he Int.lIn",nd ''''If;'''"<'
.11.,po<k. n:lrig''<,''''-'''' lor 'w",bv Tum II",
,n .Ik
" ", .he m,',,' ,,,l(! 't " dry .",,1
m...i""d ,w"-" dd"y. Dr
plareina ",,"sting f"n. r\lt" ,n. hot "",n
(:!I'C/4OI)'f) rot to mUlu',,,, to 1m,,,'" 1'ho,.., nh.. tlk
.J,um (18IJ'C/ l<oO' A and n.N ,he r..l """I
""d' 'on
...,...., T<">I it aft.,<""" hou..--u, 'nto 'herent..,....th
ro<"'" of "",I. MNlshooklbe juicy. only oIijthtly I"n In
o'lk..- 1<).20 nllnU..
I""",n,.." If still "-"I. ....lSl ...
... AII"w
'''' _
... ''0 rest for tO m,nu'''' ''.'- fonoolianll


Spanish Potato

Patatas a 10 Pobre
Tt...Svani,h n,u"". a

I""""", "..,.Ins p<l<".",ns

styl<'-ll m,.;n dish ,,/ j"! poi" !""

'\!' No",ad"ys. this
C.I"-"'"-,,,, "",k...,." g"',lt " <I,,di,1o wi.h meat "'" fhh.

2 /4 1bs po4.,t"'-
2 onion,
2 m.,11 !In"". 1"'1'1""'"
I ''''''''' 0. sh<l'd

10;0 ml/., )"", t ""'l') ,",,,oil

1 don.,. "lk,ch()I'1"1
3 t" bkspll""s h()I'JXI Il,."IL'Y

2 b.oy Icd'U

" "'>sP'k'" thyme

11 h."'I"'" 1'l'n.., (o,,,,llron)

100",//1 y,f1ol. (l/1ctlp) whit wi""

100 ",1/3 " n ",,(1 f1 ""p) w.II...,

",,11 ",.d 1''-1'1'''"'-


I'.,,- U.., pol,,,...,,. "",I "J,,,, ,""rn (..i,ly thinly. 1'..

anil slice the en;ot\,. Cut peppers in strip6. ['ou, " li,lI.. ,,/
tl oil inlo the 1xtom 0/ a f1a"'....I'''lC)f ,"'th,,,,w",,,

'f'I"" or o'"'!lilf.. p.1n. Arranl;" alt......''''!; 1..)".", of

po4H""'. onions. 8"-""" f"'1'P<"'$ and tom.110 6liC6,
\,'y...,. wilh "'C of lhcchol'l"-..J ga,fk
_",(\ 1",,.,;I<-y. t!n;,,, II,,, b"y I,.w..... into l'ic
. ..nd tuck
t"'-n amons 1/", potatoes with th" thy....'.
.. SprinlJe with

sp"nklin); e .ch

tlK' l'''pri!<.1and pour",'<'f tlK' n.'mlliningoil. l'LKe 11K'

"__'nlk,,n a n..tll"n "'-"'I i"ol unt,l .lt"'-'S start to

siul, Add Ih" w",,,,,nd w" I"r. s.,!O:'" with",,11 l1d

pepper. When tlK' liquid rollll'S to. bQil, ro"er 11K'

<'i1SI><"""' a....t put in a """'inm 0'''''' (18O'C/J500 F) until

1 1.......__""1.'

.lt""""n.' t'1<k'l'. about 4<; 1111nllhS 1


.- 10 minutes bd,,"'5<:...il1l1.


Lamb Braised With

Sweet Peppers

Cordero al Chilindr6n
Thos ,lIsh Is from Arag6n whi<h gmw' wond..../"Uy
w"'-1 1"-1'1""' n..' u ...'in""l""-".n<... tsl.>ml>rul ,n
chunM..,; /or....,... 1" lh"''"ion. lenJL.. llttl'' LIIn'b
1 !l.f2 lbsLmv.ch"f'., Inm"""l or ....
"'S f.,

..Uaoo pepper

4 swed ....'d (';Irs""m (bo.l) !,<'pper<;

3 t.,blo."'t""",s,,,e .)Ot
) <'I""oS So>rlk'. (1101'1"-'<1

150 1\15 <; ..,,,.,'" han', ru. '" " rip!!

I s",,,Il ,,,,jo,,,d"'PI,,-,,,i

3 1,,'"1;" 10"''''''''''. I',,,k'(\ .Hld ,-hop!"..!

Kub tr...,h<>f "'ilto ""It "",I P"PI"-'T R",,' II..

1"1'1''I'!i "",I,.,.tho:!lnU Ibn,il..r) or (lV,'... 11'" fla",.,

tum",s ,""'" unllL blist(!t'('d aRJ cham.'<l. Rm"''eand I,,,
11\0..... "'
..... ro'..
1 ,......., pt'd 1"'-"", a"d ('UI ..... o.....h inb)
..,J in .. Ib......,....,.,r ca.
wid.. tnl"" I k"" II
"',I. ..nd
brow" the lamb thopion both sKks. Add til<' <!"

1\........ "'rips 01 Mm. onionand <lnps of""1'1'
Add U... (1"'1'1"-'<1 1..,t<
'S nd cool< brbllv for
m,,'u'''', Til...., ......:1""" h<:.ltand simmer unhl Lm,b is
. . .l>oul20 mlnut<S.

"' 4


Bull's Tail
(Braised Oxtail)

Rabo de Toro
"nleb.,IIr;ghtcrwl>o)So. "f' is ",.,.,. highly rat<.J in the
,"u lk ,,,,,
.. is I......ded lrophfurhis periQnn;H

then ."" ta,l too fur H." most profound

,...... "'" ",,,'I h,n.., to br:...., any fightong bulls 10 en"",
...... H', two ",.-s,

IhosdlSh. forbuthcr'sO'LlIl wurbjoal fine. Thisslow

",,,,,",,'ft'd dl$h prod""",. dCo'f'. nch 8r' with
pvt,'I",-", or """ on tho.'soJc
I whol"xl.';I. ""tint""""<'IlIw;M:
3 1.,bk"I"""'""li\"';1
I ''i"".<""')I"-"1
I lcek, ..""pp<'"

' ..s.J"1
2 do..." &"Iie. chopJ>N

5tabJ.Sf"""", britndy
l20ml/4 1l=drySho.",ryorn.'<l wi""

Ulan"h the I';c,<,,.. <>( ,,'tail in boiling ...,11,.,. for 5

minutesand drain. In "'rge I'an or casserole, ",,,t the 011
and addtheonlOR. ""'-ok, camilli, So"lic.nd ru.m and so"I,'
",,.J. Add thcpoo.,--"s o( ota,I.",1
"""I ortion issof
bn::>wn them on a lUSh heat. Add ,,,*, brandy. S< il .lighl,
and ..11. until the /Ia""", die dQWn. ",.", add t"" SIwrry
1>1' ,,-oJ wine,d!opp<oJ ."""'.\). ...."fhI. 0;011 ."d PC)'I""'.
ck....,.,S;mm<'O'unmtm, ""'dl i:J wt"y tend..... aOOot 2
hou.... adding addi!ional ilquid a5 ....ed
...d . "..., saoce
should be r.irly thkl. If n.'
fi...."y. lhkkll with " 101l1e
ilour whis"'-'" into tl.., R"'vy. If d"';rro. thi.dbh edn be
p"'p"fI'd n
i ad"ance. chilk"<l,a,1d ex<'eSII ra! sl:imm...-d ofl.
TIlts.lo" .llows /la,',,,>,,, h., n",I)w. Scne!l"mis....-d with

"'''I",,--d I"'rskoy.

1 1(","11<,. 1'.,,,10:<1 300 ..


1 I>.'y l",,/
spri"( Ilrsl,y

",II a,\d 1rt.'Shly-ground bl....k pepper
I" ",h of t:n,u,w <".,'S

d'I'I"od pa""'-'Y


Chapter 4
Sweets and Puddings
Many tap'l brs double <IS Glfes, where you cn take coffee and sweet rolls in the mornings,

bt!forc the hour for tpas arrives. And nowadays, many b.lrS have Il'Slaurilnts where YOli (.111 it at a
tablt' <lnd omt'f a full Illl'ill-induding a pudding. I kn:, Ihen, is a s.1mpling of Sp<mish s",...ts.

Holiday Rings

Roscos de Navidad
<;p."nsn"';', ,,( U"'dOl'ghnul, .(\'1>,,,,1 wIth ,In''''

,,,,<I onn.lI"n". i. ",,... "f tllto f.lV""" le 'We"'" ,II Chro>tma,

tin'", Typi,ally. in "hi\J"S whiCh produce huge '1""nlllle'>

of "''''.. ",1. they would 1>0.- fri,.J in th,soil. y,,,, C.m

subititute ",he< '-egd<\blc oiL

200 mIn 0 '" ('.ml' , I t"tolo."'J'O)O" oI"N)l1

1 t.,.......poun>
"" ,0( .1 >n,11 .",,,. "'''k",,,1 In I 1"'-"'"
IHlJIl/6 t!'''1(I c"pl\lIl'"

21-'l nll{7f]o.lI" 'up t I lalJ.lt"'poon)whll "'i1\t

2 lspoons on""mon
1 kjj/ 2lbs3o.z (71/2ruf"t plain /lour
2 <1:j:-<, "-1"'.31...:1

1 1"I'''ol\S bK;Irbon.u., 0(<Otw (b"... ,.,.Ia)


l'ul 1""200 ml/70 o( ud in a Irv'n!: .....n " nod h31

p;... 'C<' o(.....non "
il ""Ih 1...
. '<l3nod ruol

.. I," m'n"I"'''' ''nlll l''''l''''' is f''''gr;onl Itcn..,...nd

CU<JI I.... "il. Sl,muul I.... 10..""", .,,-'('1, I"" bo,,,,,, ",,,,,b,,1<'
lho.' )lIOg/& '
. "" "I'''I''" ''',lh 1.... "'i".'. CllII"'.."' ."',1
OIl. Add 20'f'S nf lh., (I"". 11,,'n 1><\11 '" Ih,' '')l.!;y,,11.s ""d
b"-MOOn.1I"0( so"., 110-'.11 .1",'1;& whi...,; ,,,,.,1 .;ft Iho.'1\

loki I"""" ;1110 l""b.:Ilter_ C......

. ,"y
.dd I .... n.'lIn'ng
n."".u""'I"" h.:",d 10 ,,'011< it in. Tlw-'duu ,,-ill t...
''''''Y "",l)'_ C""lm"", ...kl' fIouru"'" ,I I.orms <uft
,'nu):" "'hKh "",-",,,', ,,,'l I" 1""fmS'...... T
" l .. ....,11
... b.:IlI
"I 1I", d')I,);h,oo ,,I 'I ml",>( ,..-J "bo,ul U)(",!4 ioc"'...
1011):. I'i""h I .... '''I. I,,!\d"''' 10 fonn a d"'k. (""I",lIe
f!)rmlll!: Ihe nil!:" ) I"" !),I I"" .1,-",1' fry,,,, unl,l h, bllt
nlll o"",k"'galld fry Ih "n!;S. a fewal a "",,'. unlll
II"ld"" on both >ides. )t,,'II\OI'Clhem w,lh a ...."'''''.

<I...in bridly. and, "'hile",11 hot,d""'/;"t""'" in the


Catalan Custard
with Burnt Sugar

Crema Catalana
10;0K/ ,'I ,"(V, cupls,,!!"

ml ml/ ! I'int II n ,.zt" , CU,,,) ",il

,'Sl ,1I 1 k.",,,n
6cm12 ,,,,,ht$ci,,""""'" stiel<
100 ",10 "> 1 1,,, \" ""1' . 1 I,.b!.."'I'"onl ",;I

"\ tbk'SI''''M1S ffinI/Iour (run"'In:h)

50jtli '.oz (,' cup) ....g.o.

I n .I b"",\ beat lhoo L'!;K yolb "III. \"" 1<;(l gl5 1. Oil

5"1:"". f'ul lhc750 ",111 pmt 6 n ();< n,ilk in" f"'n with the
I"",,, "..., .,,,d ;in".,,,,,,,, stick nri" 1< 1 be,;I, then
....''''w I,,,,,, h",.1. $Ir.lI" ,I .",.1 wln,l lll'" the k"t"
yot"'-. Stir the nn"in"'K null "nd runtf\our t"SoU",. in "
"'111 1>",,\ unlll """-",,h. 51,. il 'nln th.:<'I'!'I.,ru "'''''''''
C,.>l. 11... <'1.,,(,"\1 .... . k,w "'"I.;.4"""II",";I...llv. untIl
,I just "'-I'" tobubbl.,. Ik,,,,,,'c frum tho, ho...11 .nd,lIn.!.'
b.1..c..... />,;.n.,llow puoidinj;dL40.'S. C""I I.... cu't.1nl
><11)' Ix"-"", "".. ,n!;. "mnlle 'he !oi>s o{ t""

cuota"t. with tho: ,,''''I.li,n''Il Suj;ou. U.., . sal.mandL'I'.

he. ,,,1 ,,,, ,I g... n....",. \n "''''wille the 1,,1' of ",..-h

",,1,..,1. Or, ""I Uwsug.,,"I('Pf,,-,1 cu"I,ml, "'''kra &,,11 10'

1><0",'" II..., .ugar.


Santiago Almond Torte

Torta de Santiago
ThIS torte rom..," {rom S.miago de CompostcL, in
north."" s."". wt.."", U", sh,i"., ,i 51. J.'''"", (S"nti,,):,,)
i:; ",tC\l. s.."",in",< the '.mc h.JS If.., outline ,,( the CJ'O>Ij
oI'S!.J"""' '''' lIS top
SUO,./ I Ibdl"IOI><I. b"'""h<o.l.skon",-.J dnd r.""iv gn,urJd
1"'llg/.'i \ "'(
Olp) buu....

500 gil II> 2 (2 ', rul'lll) sugar


lSOK/S I, (I I, <'1'1"" pia", flour

I labl.spooo "'""'" ''!it
"""t; (<<N'/l""t"M\.'r)""l\<lr

Spn'ad the ro"nd almonds In an o....on

. tin and 1<;.,,1
II"" " i n " n"..l"'a!c "....". >tom,,!: fn'lU<'ntly. nnl\l ll",y
""-' Iih!ly "Id" n T.l, ..al\! Ihl'Y do nc>! brow"" CO",
C",.lIll tho.. buner _",d O"!?' unlil light "n<! Auf/y. I.ll ill

thel'5 .'.... ,It a tln, tho." >1.. on the flour, j:""-.,,d

.Imon,b",.d 1\"" "1 1"",,., LL"1 I'"". onl" . buuen\!
spri"X.form nk,ukl.,IJ 1>.,1.." ".1 preheat,,( muo1cr.>'"
0\...... (l8(J'CI J'\I}' ') unhl askewt>t" Insert,..:! in theC<1l!'"
rom..... "..' ('\0....". .."".11 1 hou. C..
"I tho.-'tOfl. IO m;nul,".
lho.'tI "-'''''',' r""" lho. "......loJ '''I rooI .,.. ';K\.. I!...>("'"
sen-Ing dust t"" top ,,>th ...."11 sugar. Ifde,,"'''1. p""",,,
lm'I>!..>I.. "I I""s.,nt;"!:" 1'.Inms cros5on I"" tort(',
"I"'nI,' wIth '''1;<''. hru.h >tll;<" off t"'-' 1''''''''' '1(' n.d

s.....- <"I 10. cul;n Ih'" ",,1);,.,. This t"rt 'S);"'.J "'.....,,J

wilh Inlll p\l"-'!i


Spanish Sponge Cake

Tipsy Cakes



8<'l)I:" ""I',,.lI,t

5IXl gil Ib2,, (2' ''''I'.) sug.1r

i le.'Spoon gr" lc'(! 1"""",, Zt'St

Z50 g/ ', M, (2",,1"'- + 2 table"""ons) rlain no",. siftt"!

I''''f'd",a cake tin (28<m / 1 1 inchesl.Oil lhc

bi>l.tol11 and <id,'S "nd IirIC the 1x>I1"'" with an "ile,1 pi"",

, mcnl (I"""'g) 1"'1""

PI,K,- the .,&; wnitS'L in a bowl amI w,'n an ,,"-"trk

mi>,1". Ix:.,l lh"m "'Hil sl,!'. In a ""1"""11. bo.)lVi. bm! Ih"
yoll-< unti l lil>ht, Ih,'I\ "'-'" , in Ihc sus.u "nd conti"u.,

b.."tin "ntil yolks arc 1,lc""d eTCamy. Add the lemo"


lit,." Ihe Y',IL "",I",, ml" Ihe whit,,,

, Ity ffi,.,.I, ("ld

Ihe ilollrlightly into 11I",ponl\<. I'"ur thcrullt1" il'tn Ihe

I''''p.,rod c.k tin and b.lke in" pn:hc.,t('d mcoJ,um

(18O"e 1 35(7' 1 ,w,'n lIntil .1 ,"'-'""cr ;""",I,,,1 ,n II",a'nl",

<"On"", o"t dea", .1>0,,, 4;

"'''''''L'S. 1..",,,,,-,,, the,,,I,,,, wilh

a knife.
,,,d ;""Nt thecaeonto. r3ck to rool

Th,".,ec;\n l><'sl'l't "1(1 fm,>! I\',th fruit I'lL

" '"',

p-try ".."m 0' whil'pro c",am, Dr. """ it for

'tipsy (.lk..
e ".

I spongecake (recipe 1'"""",1<.,.). b.,ked in ., "'1"."''' 0.

"",t.111):,,!a' I"1n
2001',17UI.('. cup),"g.,.

200 ml/7 II oz(". Cllp + l lablcpoon) ,,.Ier

zest of I o"'ne

200 ml/7 11 '" ('> ''''1' + 1

1.,blcsp'Km) ",,,li"(11 Or

amontillado Sh,']'ry

3I" bk"'I>o<",,, b.'ndy

almond n".,". c,,,,,H,,,1 dw""...

whipp'-I cream. if ,I<."i","

Clll lh" 'I",g" I"t" "'1"" n,S. 1'1."", them ,,,, . tray
.111.1 prkk Ihe,po"gc 1I O,'e' with ." leWL"-, 1,, "
';"U(el'<,n ",mbine the sug.... ".lte' ond onge7"",1.

Bri,,!> 10 1>0"1 .,,,.1 C\lk for 5 mimll'

.... "em,we fru", h"1
"nd add Ihe Sherry .111d br;",dy. Spo"n II"'syrup "''''' the

ckeSllu"""" Ld the syrupso.:lk in. then odd ""y

,in",); syrup. Stl";'"'' of the ""e can l><' ""I into

tluh>! 1'I'"rcul\S "nd d"C(""I>! wilh lmo,,,t n.h... . 'n,1

"and;"'" cherries, Or, on" d,-'SSC,t pla1e. serve them w,lh a

dollop ofwhiPl"-",1 ere,lm and a fL"" f""h be']',i.....


Fruit in Sw eet
Win e Syrup

Traditk>n" lIy, this wa. a "'or'o
fnlllSdlld "C'!:,1"b"--s in ,I hc\'Y
svrup_ Od;.,iolIs ",nil
ny n'ml';'llk'" 01 lll....
...mnk'" (,,"lssw:h as m<'lon.
fo&". f"""'. "I'l'k... ,,,,,I "-'!;dbIe<
too, UnuStlaJ Iho"gll II
""",><I.., h"",,-, "' I",,,,,"'i" ,,,,d
.,be'S"... !!" h'ry "'II
.n U.. '11K)' II),,,,,,

I kg/2 Jb finn p<'.lF!i (11"'10)

JOO&/10 w pumpLn or ",,,,-,,. ....
.... d"

" h')IIdfu/ "{,;",,,,,,


,,/ I ""'>n. rut (Ilto,he"

100nl1 1/2 u, I I. n,l' ' I Ibl'
'''p"on) '"!;>"
1m/l in,:h CII"'tn"" >II'


... t"SI'''U'' .,II'I',m

500 ml/' I'ml (2 I. (IlI"'I Ulaga

mu>cold ",in,.o,


,1i,',,,,..:1 ,II"""...,

l'l" Ih.' ,,,,...

, _

'l''f1'''' ''''-'m.",d "."",,'erons. l''''i

,ho.. p" "'F>lm _II'" ..." , 1 m'o ('/>unk-.Combone
.." in .,
""'l>o:\,,..n ""Ih 'ho.. flll, ...
1 'dlS"'S,

s!h"fl'\'d lemon USI,

suga'.... " ""n">n.c""..,,. allsp;c., and "';""'01"

Hring 10 bolt thm 'mmer- until

fruits ... t."""-... abol,t
JO n"""I
.". So.T\.... hut Ol'rold.sprinkk'<l w'lhsl"'


"Heavenly Bacon"

Tocino de Cielo

" ,L,o ,,/ n".dn"'-', ""' ctl>l"r<l, wilh its dMk

c,,,om,,1 lop. 1oo1.s "'",>r""bly lik .Lb"(baron


1'<>< I"" caran"'!;

200&17<: (t cup.

Creamy Rice Pudding

With Cinnamon
Arroz Con Leche
lUther lIdlc. lhan ,.... nursery pudd,n,, ),<Ju
"'I1...,mbo...-. tl' 1.. .
'Junl,d'-"'SCrt ,, ..
,l:.. SflIn.

I Mbksp<>;>nlsug.r

1'iO mIll,; I"nl (5 fI",J W.,I",


:!5(lg/9C>.l. ( I ..., cup.hug...

JOmt/14f1o.z0 \o)CUp<)W31e<
1 pK'tt of,-amlL.> 1",,1 (b."n)
Firsl 1'''1'''''' Ih"car"m,,!. II,,,.., "",dy all O""n-proof

11"",1.1 measurin):arl,,,-,xim,'leiy 16, 16cn'/ 7 , 7 ;nch"".

In a l",a,'Y !<
' '''''I'''' bo.,il llk!,uf;3,alld "",k' ''''I,1

g.,IJ..,_ W,'lch,nJ; ;1 wtyca,,"'uUy.ruul.. hlll,-.\ong,... 10.

c.",melroIou. Imnlt'diol....y f""'r l""ca.a"",1 ;ntol""
""",,10.1. TIp Ih<' ",ouk! to(O.,t it ",'.""Iv. Set .,Ilk "hile
pn.1,nng Ihc<'U>I.,,,1 ",hlu,,'

1),'"1 1"" y"lh 1',);<1)"... "nHl lighl and 1'ss Ihem

11I"",!;h ,1 fi,"'S;" "" I"" I""...y !<lU"'l','", ),(',1l lh,.. "'g'"

wilh Ih., wal"r."d ".'lill.1 pod. eo....... fora fcw n,inul"",

lhen un"'
......and "'l lho.'Syrup Itllhe Ih...""" .I"ge, 10-15

. .I',n " Ih,,-..d

nllnul,,,, A .1"'1' "f lho. wrur. rooIo.od
. . .,II
....f the IIpof. sl'oon. It,'JTlI"c t""""niILo .,,-.. M,d ...h

YUI'l';";and l",hh,,,S. I...."""" '0.''''',,,,,,,,,,, .-JI....

20;),,/7 'W II CUI')ho."'I);r.'i" (puct.t;n);) .in'

2....) ",l/'I fI ," (I Clip) w.\I,'r

I pi,..., cinnamon.tlck

strip of "'1TIon

lOOK/3 "'cu 1"'''''I')''''g.''


1 ', ),I"",{
, 2 P'''IJ (5 '. ct"",,) m,lk

,..f,III1011oII "")(,,,

g""''''' <i""" ",,,,,

1'''1 th., ";",'all.l w" !<'r l"",,,"- ,n a S;1II'\1'1\ I}n"l;
10. bool, (0."\'1' ,md l\nm"1' just "nhl ll..., w.lIc'r ..
.b8orbod. about 6 mlnul,.,.. Add 111<' on....""'" 5Id
k"""" ,'SI.""g.... ..11 .,nd m,lIL Ilnng lo ....
l I, lho.... tum
thc"'-"l lo wry 10.".. J,,,f n>Ol.. ron"'-...t, ,,"1,1 the""" IS
1<'11<1,.,., ".......".
20 "'"lUl itCITlO"C thcdn"amonSlick
,,,..f lc"'o,, I"-'I. Whil.' lho., 1""lding ;,; Iill h,, poon it

1"1",, "'-''''ing ),,,,,'1 ," in.l"',.1""I I",,,I,I ;1I)1 11,,1,,,,.

Spnnkk wilh "dd,I....11

""!l<'r.,ld .Ill>! Ihklly w,lh

nn""""",. 0",1. """ pllddi,,!:,houltl 5,11

1 bt'C1't'.l"''", .....
. Ioofi""

I""hotsyrup inln lhe""at.., '-1;S Flo.. J'our Ihe mi,tu,,'

i"I,) Ihe "M,lOlIei""''''c",I ",",uld, Cm"'" ",Ih 1,,;I .u,d 1'1" ""
I)'c ",ould ,,' an ,"'cll'P"">/ I""" 1'."li.,lIy iiI! Ihe p"n

w,lh boiling wte., Sc1 1n a mediumlow 05O"C 1 3(X1' F)

own ""Iil lh,'nlst""t is o)h...t. 1><",1 25 nl'n"I<"SO'

",hen. Ihmlc""''''''''''''''' UOJI d".n.(:", IheCU>ldrd.
lho.... chill it. Tum thecusurd oul ofllw """,Idand rul il

inl" """,II "'I"""" '" "-'CI,'ngk$


Sweet Fritters


Tik-;c l'"rr,,1 (ml,"" h.wto""<'I1;,>y.'\I f,,-'SIlly

"">ok. Th.:)' "'" '111i,,, ,j"hciou. acco"'panio.'<i by fruit "n.
...ISl orbd.

240 ml/$ '" f1 ",-0 cul'l n"lor "'ICf


"'OJ' ("' ''''p' i buller

'101./1 ", (2 t.oI...

....".n_/ sllp.
pn,m .,( ... ll

125 s{4 \'I n.>. (I cup) pI.;n flour

4 <'W. """"k"'I",' I"",

"tiH uil (". ,k'CI' fry;"!: Ih" lritlers

I" ,,,,' Ih., n"l or w,.I.,., hult..... s".,, ,,,,,I .,,11 111 ,.
"u"'1ln .",d l>ring lua botL Add ,""Hour .II .1I 0"0.'.

t..o.lonj\ it kJnl with a woodn <poon. Ayuucuntin....

bo.'IIIlJ;. it w,li ,u,m a <"..><>I" Nil oi du""h.


lrom tho, ho...., ,.nod 1>0.", m 'h<-<'ggS. """' al a 10""" unl,l

NCh Is inc<>rpor,'lro. Conlin"" ""'ling the NU....unhl

ruoI. (11;011,'1""''' b"I"'-'J""'lI ,,, aoh""",,') I L"al ,""u,1 ;,,
d''<1'"i<Vl'l" ur ho."vy "}"'I; Iln. Drop ,..., b.mr ,"IU,h<
oil byfu"" Theb.ln.... will puffaJil frio$. Tum
tho.' Intt.."" 10 1><.,...." iloilo ...
.... Rl""".e, drain ""

l'n""L. 'h. lnlt.-r;, w,th s,,;.._

78 \1.l",, 2 <I",."n lrill,...,.,

Aboul Spanish Ingredients and Utensils
And"wi5 ("-'1',..",""'. ...("'....) 1''''S1t .",,,,.,\"0<$3..., ....,11
s;ln-ry f",h- \"Cory d,i,,,,,'nl l..,,,, ...,lIy 1""""( 01"-'S
whicltcan "" 1'''1''''''<1 in ""'''y "'"Y" If nol a,'aiL1b1e in
m.1rh" a\>n);.d, SIr;!'" "I 1...",11 So,nti",
.., h,-mn;; '"
"hIck,,,,,, ",,)\1>1 be ,,,I,,,I,,",c'\(

C...s..rol (rlIrlQ). FA,nh<'"'''''''' r-.,,;sefllk .. with "nglaz<'<!

1>.>llu",sc.,,, be ,,'"-I I"r,u"';";;""" *' h.>b ,,.,. In ,he

. ''"Y nan,,1"'>Oi ca_....

0\'<"'. If nol a'-ail,blo.-, u.
, k or
frying ""n. Eanhenwal\' h<>Id 1M ....31 aft,... it has b-n

,, ftvrn A.m. S<'I fo.>J con,,,
..,.. .,,

Chorizo. Sp.:"n5m<)6.1dlsti_''' &a h .. coIou.....

,,-'<I wilh p.>pn
od o..,oun'<l "',lhW..hc. tnen,aA' two
Ifl"" 01 chonw--.o "".....run..J "'""';;", " I(h il sli...!
.nd "''f\'00 ""rokI NI_Ad ..,(IJallwse. usually !Jed '"
links, "-I\;,,h <'iIIn be 1,,,-oJ or ...
I,t, ...! '''I'uil3),'"
Co<tdry ..,It .;oJ,..h I"',"'), A f.I""unl lgn..tlcnt

everywhc", in Sp.,in. n... ..,lt<od ",,,,I I>o>"""klld for36

100"" in ""vcr,, 1 ,ho,,,):,.,, "f w.h1' I>o>f",,' !,..;"I\ I""I",L
(A" "" ('1,.1>11<,n i< In.- "" I", ;n Ihi' "'>O for l-,I."t "" Ih

(lranS"'. ". Irod 15 nwn:ll l"'I""t.)

II'" (,..l6ot). I"!it"'" I."" u,,,II\' ""..,"''''-.........

. .. 1\;"".

n". !Sa ..II-<'Un'<.l hom ("'" 5m<lL.<d1. "'hich is "'-"""<'<I raw.

,.<"'" Ihinlyslid. asa 1"1" urI"""lor It I$alwu!'tl<l i"
<U(lkJ dr.;ho.... I'roo,nutl...... I'",,,,,, ,,"'m "" Iho.'tos..""
<ubslolul<" lhough UtlS"",k<.J g,l"'''k>n urNci: Mrun

rould beuscd in rool:I!d dishes. s",Jilnoh.,1n, if """"" from

lhe""'lt b","'n I-n.a" 1"1: whICh r.llk""'un .....,...,.., is

,t>c"'d ihn'1lV.a,..l lS ...mct....,. I>u"'Ik.1 ,.., ""S",

which "",aIlS bL>ck hoof. II .s<onormously popuI3'. thus

"<""' "'p"'IS"' Ordill.'''' <U(I..I I.'m, Ihe"""l Y"" nl;ghl

liS<: {"r.l ,,",m s,'II<twich. i'JIIIt"1 "nl"


Mordll. Ablack $;>""ge m.,d" from pig's blood a,\CI

",-'.,sm''<1 wl.h rim"unon, rI",c.,;, ",,'m,'!;. f"",,<'I,

1"-",,,-'<1 and ea"",-'<I; liny green 1'."lron 1"'1'1"-.,.,. 10. fry"'

drk'<d sw,-"" ""'] I"'I'I",rs,."ch as ,1Qf'USand rhvr..-..,..
whoeh an" USl'<d 10 fLlVourthoriw"'''g
' c. sO>\...
. ,;or1S
01 chili GIn be fOllnd 100. m<l8' fir1y mild. Chili

,;omdimcs pi"" m"s oro",on.', It ISstewc-.J w;lh 1'"1..,,.

and "eg<'lables in .ypcial I"""&"'01'''''0,1 (,om'dr()I".).OI"'eoil isgooJ IQrfO".

Spanish oho.1 is."peTt>--lhcn1i1 lIavoo, In many

dishes. ""'rt!are .h"-,,, ')'1,,-," ,,1 "I",,"oil. Th" lirs' ""d

IinL,.;! isIT;' vll);in, II.., ..,;1 ,." '....,<') from "-",,,nlly

poccd oli'.... which h.1", "'...

.. cru"h..
'<1 and roIoJp...:ssOO

8eaouse it isC,'\:pe1!Si'' il forib''OUr-in""Lld

dresslngsand n1TIn.xt.s.ln uibull"" f<>,..Jns<mg


"'..... gTlll,,) r"'h. Nxl is "'I');i" oI,,'
Dil l! has a highe' lev'" of Dick acid and is usually
II"",,, Ih.m Ihcclr" 'i'l!i". l! i.


.-rf,'(1 f"" d""1,-frymg-putal""". rh, frill,.".1'", Ihin!

Iypeis$lmply Llb.-lOOoIi,..,oil nusisoi] which tw been
".-n""" (as all ho.'1' oil. '''-' ,,-,"oc"'). lhen m.x.'" wllh

'"""" ,irg." ",I 'O "", 'Iw ,i""oil lbv""r, It is .1",

),,,st 'p" ""i"e'IIId can be u...oJ a" yw wo,,1<1 uSC any
oIhe" '<'gdablc oil.

P..,ll'. I",dLo ]><,n (fWrl"')' Thi. rimdi,h isn._,,1 I"" .....

pan n
i which il rooI<s,. a "idc. ibl pon which al"""" all
lhe ingMi".... 10""",,, in "slng"')"ye,,,,,,,. f,...
burning Ii",,,., ,""waday"

"" .1 "'rg. g,'" ,;n,o;, A l'clla

pdn I,'rge cllo",o;h 'o ser.e 8 1"-'<>1'1" (4O cIII/I$o16 i,lCII
is h"'''' 10 ""mage on a hob, Iho..gh you"n Iry rl.lCing il

"",... tWQ bunlo."TS. FlSio..... n... IW<I p."'-l>s'" ,>kc ,,..,

do!..'P"" I"'n. Th"'I",nsa... ..,1d ,n h.1nlwa",si""cund

"'l"-'f1'I.lrs all "",... Spain. They re usually """'" 01

roIl.'<lsl,-",I. "'hich n,.h.AfM' """. !!<'OUT .h" I'" ".,,1 <lTV
"C'y ,oo.oughly 1>L.j"nI",;'.g. If yo" wish 10 ""'V Idl
\We' poella, store il
.....ed in a ro"o>red Ct)l1'al"",
nd "....
... in mlCfUW"'.


Ricel-rro;:;). Uoo! m",hum",hort grain rim, not pillff fino,

f<>,.Spanish ....,di...". It does not _-.I ...shing "'--fon'

rooL"'g. SJ''''sI, rin- "",'<ds cd"-'ful ",,",iloTlng whik il

cuoh.. o"-c"o" I, il .urns mushy. II.C11'I/)\c fmm hea,

il i. still slightlyal dC11lc""d allow lu n.,>'

ro"" m..,u."" 10 finish "",.king from I\SI<h,1 hcl. Mual

SOl'''':': whcn

ro"".,ng lime .'an....run;.id......bly.

d,'\"-.....ing on whal
.yl'" 01 1"''' and quan"'ie$ oIliquid u.So, f<>,. "",mpk>,

ric.: m 1'""11.. I'nrools mof\"quicly '''',n In an


&Offron "':Jtfnl). 1111$ CI>SIly op;c.: Is S........n .n so.....,.-.>I

n1;"'T1SQfSpa,n. n...>f>'Ct'. "'ISI')' Ihn....dsui ado"."

U'""S" roIoo., sI>ouId be crushfod (wilh a mona.and
Ik,o.in ., Io...r
..:o' wilh lhebull..,nd 01 a lnild. lhen

({._,I",'<d in" ionic h'!"i,l lxofon",,,ld..,S 10 ,he f"od I" I

CI)l,od. If ",I ...fln)n is 1101 ",'ailable, u"" ins!c.,d .
poonful of Ilpri"-l .nd/ora lw dn>pS oi Y"llow f",,,1

Vln.g.. I"''''g'''), Wine vinegar Is u!;d inSpdnish

""'.ng. Th",, "' '''-'''' "1"-"" ,,) OI,,-_MI "'11'" ,.h"-l;...
Imm lI.ioi'" Sherry vlll,-";''' f.....'" )e.w" and cam vi.,,'8'"

from Calaloni.

I'tr..., "'I"'icums; I"'poii<& (pom....,'...; p'rMrII61o).

Sp;>nish m.,,.... I'''>ffer a "u",be. ui dilf"",n' sorts "f
"" I"iCt"" 1"" I",no--hugc 1",11 1"'1'1""" in 6n.",",
y,'II"I\'; cTlnly, .i"ny gn.",n 01".. wl.l<. crisp I''''e; s"...
r"I,,ml"""' n.'<d p;quillo 1"'Pf'L""". which.", usu;.lIy



is "' "'oddy _'<I onSJ"'nish (QOing. I'.pn"-', aS11lCt'

m. I" by gri"'hng ....-.1 1"-1'1"-...... Cdn be ........" 00' I" qll.

The fin<'51Spd"i.h P;>lmk. i.made by <lrying P"I'P"'" in


\\M(r".,,). Wi""" u5<'d in cool.ng ind"",, Mi (1""0),

,,'hile (bUnro). (), sl"'r1<hng (n".), dry SIx...ry
(f".,{i'" dr /,.,.
;), m..h"m She,ry (" "k' <II"""", or
",,,,,,,,i/l.,/v d" lm':) aud w,-"" MI,'!:\<' win" h'''k' m.,,,:,,,d

Index of Recipes

Ajo IJIIII/co COli lIms, 46

AI/>6.,digilS COil Salsa de Almemlras y AUI/rd." 13

Cord",,) ill Chi/illi/rol', 63

AllIICjaSlI l1I Mllrillml, 33

Country-Style I'otalo 5o,];,d, 16

Cre;nny Rice [,udding With Cinnolmon, 77

Anchovil.'S, Marinated Fresh, 35

Cust<lrd, Cat<llan, 69

Almond Torle, 71

C,,,mll Ca/alarm, 69

"ni",-"'Sa-ntxl Holiday Rings, 67


Eggs Scrambled With Mushrooms and GI"L'en


Eggs, Fiamenco Style,39

Afroz CO<I /.J.'cilf. 77

IJoqU('rolIfS III Na/ural, 35

Bormcil(ls. 73

Garlic, 27
EmpmUldll GaIlQ(II, 21

f.mptlHlI(lillas II,' AIliH, 41

Broth, Garnished, 45

ErlS<!lllda Call1l,,'m, 16

Bull's Tnil (Br.liscd Ox-Tail), 65

'151110<10 d,' Pill/in/lo,; A5I11105, 16

IJm/ur/IIS. 78


Cakes, Tipsy. 73

EapiHIlCII. COH I'a"". Y I'ilion,'s, 28

O,/am"no; ,'or .II Till/a. 29

Faba<la AS/llriana, 49

Gllmwln'S Fri/os, 40

Fish, Marinatl-d Fril-d, 14

Casserole, Asturian ofBeans nnd $.lUS.1Ses, 49

CaR'rol(', Sea(ood, 57

Fritters, SWl'Ct, 78

Fruit in Sweet Wine Syrup, 75

Cat"I<l1l Custard, 69
Cal<11,111 Tomat() Toast, 15

Galician Pork Pic, 21

O,z,lu <'ll AtI(JI). 14

GmJ!/'s ll/ Pill'il, 19

Cazj,dll ,Ie I'alalas u 10 l'oiJrr, 61

Chicken in Almond 5.1l1CC, 51

Gam bas rr1 Gabari/iHIlS, 41

Garlic Soup, Cold White, With Grapl'S, 47

Chick<'l1 Sizzled with Garlic, ]6

GaZpi/cilO Arlilalllz, 43

Cociil<! r..'IlIjol. 59

Hake, BaS<]\,c Style, 55

Clams Fishermen's Style, 33


Ht',lI't'nly B.lcon, n
HI/"" 10 flmll(IICO, 39

HI/n.us RI'VIlr//os COli /IIS Y I\/C" , 27

Lamb BrJiSl,.'(1 W,th Sw"Ct 1't'ppt'rs, 63

1."",I:,,,,lmO$ " I" I'll/lid", {"(III So'/,,' ,/,< ROlllt'SCI!, 17

1'01.110, Spanish C.lSl>t>rolc, 61

l'OIi1loOmdctlc, II

1'00ato, Country-Style S.,I1Id, 16

l'ut.ltOt."'S, 1-101, J7

I'rawns in Q\'t'rco.lt, 4 1

/,01110 " " Ad,,!, 60

I'r;l\vlls,Crilb:l, With Rum'SCOS.ll1ce, 17

Me,ltb"lls in S"ffron-AlmOlld S,lUU', 13

I'ulpv Il ia Galll'gll, 31

M<'lwslm ,II' Wrdu1l1S, 27

Rallo lie Tom, 65

1o.luS!>Cls Vi";1ign.:Ue, 33

RiO' I'udding. CR',lIllY, With Cinnamon, n

Mrjillollf'S a la Villl/grell/, 33
M<'rlll::Jili/1l VIISCIl, 55

o.:tt)pu GlIici.ln Stylt>, 31

Omt>lcttc, Sp.lnish Potato, II
Orange nd Cod s.,l"d, 36
I'/It'/I" Com M"ri5ro:1, 53

1',1('11.1 WlthSmfood, 53

I'ml AlllbT",,,,,/. 15
l'allllllS Umms, 37

I't>Pp"T, lo:o.,stcd 5.,llId, 16

[ :Ppt'rs Slufk>d With Fish, 23
l'i"';" I1II);; de 1';'1"il/o Rodkll/)<; (II!! 1',-,;cl/do,23
I'"I/",,/Iljillo. t6

1'" 1/0,,, l'q'ilorill,sl


Pork Pic, C.,lician, 2 1

!'urk Luin, I [",b-M,lrinakd, 60

l'r;l\\'ns, Si/.zling. 19


Rice, I'"ell" . 53

R,rsoos ,II' NaJ'idad, 67

S.,III(\. Country-Style 1'0t1l10, 16
5.,llId, Or,'llge nd Cod, 36

S"I;1<1, R(I.,stcd I'cppo:r, 16

g.",food CaSS<-'T'OIt', 'i'i

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