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1. Which of the following statements about U.S. youths is true?

The Hispanic high school drop-out rate is almost five times the European American rate. 2. Which of the following statements about children in the Middle Ages is false? The parent-child relationship was particularly close and loving. 3. Which of the following best describes the operating philosophy of the juvenile court under parens patriae? Best interests of the child. 4. According to Erik Erikson, role diffusion occurs when youths: place themselves at the mercy of leaders who promise to give them a sense of identity they cannot develop for themselves. 5. Which of the following is not one of the three housing problems mentioned in the text that is experienced by one-third of all households with children? Housing without nearby recreational facilities. 6. According to the text, which of the following is not a key predicative factor for future chronic offending? Failure to bond with peers. 7. Which of the following is a Part I offense? Arson 8. Which of the following statements about age and delinquency is false? As juvenile delinquents mature, they become less aware of the risks that accompany crime. 9. For which of the following acts are females more likely than males to be taken into custody? Running away 10. What does a UCR-reported murder rate of 9.0 mean? About nine people in every 100,000 were murdered. 11. According to trait theory, delinquency is a function of personal predispositions such as temperament, personality, hormones, or genetics. 12. Social learning theorists hold that children will model their behavior according to the reactions they receive from others. 13. Which of the following theories best reflects the branch of psychology that holds that the human personality is controlled by unconscious mental processes developed in early childhood? Psychodynamic theory 14. A guiding principle of general deterrence is that the more sever, certain, and swift the punishment, the greater its effect will be. 15. People commit crime when they model their behavior after others they see being rewarded for the same acts; behavior is reinforced by rewards and extinguished by punishment. Which of the following theories does this best illustrate? Behavioral. 16. Which of the following is not one of the critical social factors believed to affect delinquent behaviors presented in the text? Gender disparity 17. Which of the following theories centers around a view of society in which an elite class uses the law as a means of meeting threats to its status? Critical theory 18. Which of the following best describes social disorganization theory principles? Communities no longer have the capability of regulating the conduct of residents. 19. Which of the following theorists is most likely to assert that criminal behavior is learned primarily in interpersonal groups? Differential association theorist 20. Oscar Lewis coined the term culture of poverty to describe feelings of apathy, helplessness, and mistrust of institutions experienced by the urban poor. 21. Problem behavior syndrome refers to a cluster of antisocial behaviors which include family dysfunction, substance abuse, smoking, precocious sexuality and early pregnancy.

22. Which of the following theories attributes delinquent behavior patterns to childhood socialization and pro- or antisocial attachments over the life course? Social development model 23. Moffitts concept of adolescent-limiteds describes a situation where anti-social behavior peaks in adolescence and then diminishes for most offenders. 24. Policy-based initiatives based on premises of developmental theory typically feature multisystematic treatment efforts designed to provide at-risk kids with personal, social, education, and family services. 25. T general theory of crime is a developmental theory that modifies social control theory by integrating concepts from biosocial, psychological, routine activities, and rational choice theories. 26. Liberal feminists see increasing female offending patterns caused by: an environment in which the roles of girls and boys converge. 27. According to the masculinity hypothesis, women who commit crimes have biological and psychological traits similar to men. 28. There are some neurological differences between males and females; females are left-brain oriented while males are right-brain oriented. 29. According to some biosocial theorists, gender differences in the delinquency rate can be explained by inborn differences in aggression. 30. Which of the following best describes Lombrosos view of female criminality? In appearance, delinquent females appeared closer to men than to other women. 31. States have relaxed their laws of evidence to allow out-of-court statements by the child to a social worker, teacher, or police officer to be used as evidence, such statements would otherwise be considered: hearsay 32. Psychologists suggest that maltreatment encourages children to use aggression as a means of solving problems and prevents them from feeling empathy for others. 33. At the pretrial conference, the attorney for the social service agency presents an overview of the case and evidence; matters such as admissibility of photos and written reports are settled. The attorneys can negotiate a settlement of the case, in which the parents accept a treatment plan. 34. A broken home is one in which: one or both parents are absent due to divorce or separation 35. Which of the following best describes a blended family? nuclear families that are the produce of divorce and remarriage 36. A clique is defined as small groups of friends who share activities and confidences. 37. When gang members toss or flash signs to proclaim their gang membership, this is called: representing. 38. According to the social injury view, female members are still sexually exploited by male gang boys and are sometimes forced to exploit other females. 39. According to the text, controversial status youth are aggressive kids who are either highly liked or intensely disliked by their peers. 40. Which of the following best describes the most common reason for gang member migration in the United States? Social, the gang members family moves. 41. According to the profile developed by the U.S. Secret Service, school shootings: involve shooters with a history of being bullied. 42. In Marvin Wolfgangs Philadelphia cohort study, those who were more likely to become involved in chronic delinquency: left school without a diploma

43. Most researchers have looked at academic tracking, dividing students into groups according to ability and achievement level, as a contributor to student delinquency. 44. Which of the following explanations best fits the view that the school experience is a direct cause of delinquent behavior? School problems produce frustration, rejection, and negative attachments 45. Which of the following groups is reported to have the highest percentage of dropouts in 2005? Hispanics 46. A great effort has been made to cut off supplies of drugs by destroying overseas crops and arresting members of drug cartels; this approach is known as: source control 47. According to the text, which of the following may be the most significant influence on long-term substance abuse? Peer networks 48. Just over sixty percent of all admissions treatment facilities in the United States involved marijuana as the primary drug of abuse. 49. Results from the most recent PRIDE survey (for the 2004-2005 school year) indicate: little to no change in drug activity over the previous school year 50. Which of the following is the most powerful natural stimulant? Cocaine 51. Which of the following was noted as a problem of school-based adolescent drug surveys? The exclusion of the most drug prone users 52. At the pretrial conference, the attorney for the social service agency presents an overview of the case and evidence; matters such as admissibility of photos of the case, in which the parents accept a treatment plan. 53. Natural or synthetic substances that produce vivid distortions of the sense without greatly disturbing consciousness are known as: hallucinogens 54. Derived from opium, heroin is the most used narcotic in the United States. 55. Results from the most recent PRIDE survey (for the 2004-2005 school year) indicate: Little to no change in drug activity over the previous school year 56. Most researchers have looked at academic tracking, dividing students into groups according to ability and achievement level, as a contributor to student delinquency 57. Which of the following groups is reported to have the highest percentage of dropouts in 2005? Hispanics 58. States have relaxed their laws of evidence to allow out-of-court statements by the child to a social worker, teacher, or police officer to be used as evidence, such statements would otherwise be considered: hearsay 59. Which of the following causes of truancy is illustrated by drug and alcohol abuse, lack of understanding of attendance laws, lack of social competence, mental health difficulties, and poor physical health? Student variables 60. Which of the following families is most likely to produce daughters whose law-violating behaviors mirror those of their brothers? Egalitarian families 61. According to the text, the association between drug use, race, and poverty has been linked to: high level of mistrust and defiance found in lower socioeconomic areas 62. Which of the following statements about the abuse-delinquency link is false? Kids who are only abused during early childhood may be more likely to engage in chronic delinquency 63. According to liberal feminists, females are less delinquent than males because their social roles provide fewer opportunities to commit crimes.

64. Which of the following statements about gender differences and delinquency is false? Females view aggression as an appropriate means to gain status 65. According to control theory, delinquents are as detached from their peers as they are from other elements of society; although they appear to have friends, delinquents actually lack the social skills to make their peer relations rewarding or fulfilling. 66. Which of the following explanations best fits the view that the school experience is a direct cause of delinquent behavior? School problems produce frustration, rejection, and negative attachments 67. Psychologists suggest that maltreatment encourages children to use aggression as a means of solving problems and prevents them from feeling empathy for others. 68. According to the text, schools with fewer behavioral problems in the student body are characterized by high achieving students 69. Which of the following best describes the most common reason for gang member migration in the United States? Social; the gang members family moves 70. Which of the following statements about gender and the juvenile justice system is false? Once in the system, girls received more benefits and services than their male counterparts 71. Which of the following best describes Lombrosos view of female criminality? In appearance, delinquent females appeared closer to men than to other women 72. A school-based prevention program based on behavioral strategies involves: treating youths who have already manifested problems 73. When gang members toss or flash signs to proclaim their gang membership, this is called: representing 74. The multisystemic treatment technique developed by Scott Henggelder directs attention to family, peer, and psychological problems by focusing on problem solving and communication skills. 75. Freud contends that females suffer from penis envy, which produces an inferiority complex in girls, forcing them to compensate for their defect. 76. According to the social theory view, female members are still sexually exploited by male gang boys and are sometimes forced to exploit other females. 77. The main active ingredient in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). 78. According to power control theory, female criminality is overlooked or forgiven by males in the criminal justice system. 79. A broken home is one in which one or both parents are absent due to divorce or separation. 80. According to the masculinity hypothesis, women who commit crimes have biological psychological traits similar to men. 81. Some contend that the school experience is a direct cause of delinquent behavior; children who fail at school soon feel frustrated and seek out like-minded companions and together engage in antisocial behaviors. 82. Which of the following statements about the psychological view of gang formation is true? Kids with personality problems form gangs and become leaders. 83. There are some neurological differences between males and females; females are left-brain oriented while males are right-brain oriented. 84. Which of the following best describes a blended family? Nuclear families that are the produce of divorce and remarriage.

85. A guardian ad litem is a lawyer appointed by the court to look after the interests of those who do not have the capacity to assert their own rights. 86. Which one of the following statements about gender-specific effects of divorce is false? Boys are more affected by post-divorce parental conflict 87. According to the text, alcohol may be a factor in nearly half of all murders, suicides, and accidental deaths. 88. According to the profile developed by the U.S. Secret Service, school shootings involve shooters with a history of being bullied. 89. According to definitions by Klein and others, gang delinquency includes each of the following points except: short-lived alliances 90. The most widely used designer drug is ecstasy, which is derived from: methamphetamines and speed 91. Which of the following statements is true concerning gender socializing and aggression? Females display relational aggression 92. A zero tolerance policy mandates specific consequences or punishments for delinquent acts and not allowing anyone to avoid these consequences. 93. Fagan described this type of gang as being involved in few delinquent activities and little drug use other than alcohol and marijuana. Social 94. Which of the following statements about the impact of peer relations is true? Delinquent friends cause law-abiding youth to get in trouble 95. According to some biosocial theorists, gender differences in the delinquency rate can be explained by inborn differences in aggression. 96. Problem-oriented policing refers to a style of law enforcement that focuses on addressing the problems underlying incidents of juvenile delinquency rather than the incidents alone. 97. Probable cause refers to facts, circumstances, and evidence which would lead a reasonable person to believe that a crime was committed and a specific person did it. 98. The FBI estimates that 70 percent of all juvenile arrests are: referred to juvenile court. 99. The watch was the organization of men in early English society who patrolled areas at night to protect against disturbances and breaches of peace. 100. Handling juvenile offenders can produce major role conflicts for police; that is, they may experience a tension between their desire to perform what they consider their primary duty, law enforcement, and the need to aid in rehabilitation of youthful offenders. 101.

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