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Film Study (Harry Potter) | Stage 4

A comparative study, spread over five weeks. Includes chapter analysis, scene analysis - overview of film techniques

Term 1 5 weeks

Unit overview
y the completion of this unit students shall !e a!le to perform a comparative study !etween te"t and film

Indicators of Learning
#tudents complete task activities in relation to te"t and film techniques #tudents create a story!oard$script usin% the techniques and skills they have learnt throu%h the completion of activities on the we!quest tool #elf and &eer Assessment

Board of Studies !eac"ing and #ducational Standards $S% & Program Builder & '()(os)nsw)edu)au
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. *

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,ssessment overview
At the movies -avid and .ar%aret /A , 0ilm ,ritics1 have 2ust finished their review of 3arry &otter and the &hilosopher4s stone. They have raised that the film4s openin% chapter consists of several distinct differences with the !ook. As a result it has !een decided that the openin% scenes will !e reshot for a directors cut of the film, that would closely follow the !ook, and satisfy !oth fans and critcs of the movie. #tudents are tasked to either create a story!oard, takin% advanta%e of all the techniques you have 2ust e"plored, or you can create a script, includin% sta%e directions, camera an%les, etc., of how you think the openin% scene of 53arry &otter and the &hilosophers #tone5 should have %one.

' '

()*-+A effectively uses a widenin% ran%e of processes, skills, strate%ies

and knowled%e for respondin% to and composin% te"ts in different media and technolo%ies
()*-5, thinks ima%inatively, creatively, interpretively and critically a!out

information, ideas and ar%uments to respond to and compose te"ts

#ta%e * - 6utcome + #tudents7 (n%a%e personally with te"ts
reco%nise the different processes required

!eac"ing learning and assessment

&rovide comprehensive list of film and written techniques - analyse !oth film and te"t e"cerpt to perform comparison !etween their presentation #timulate class discussion on similarities and differences !etween the te"t and film and the effect this has on the audience -evelops own script$story!oard usin% a com!ination of ?e! +.: tools - paired activity.

yr=en%lish+:1*.wee!ly.com classroom we!site /contains complete overview of student task and teacher resources1 http7$$%enerator.acmi.net.au$story!oard story !oard$script !uilder - final assessment for this task 3arry &otter and the &hilosopher4s stone /0ilm$)ovel1

for respondin% and composin% in a ran%e of forms and media

reflect on ideas and opinions a!out

characters, settin%s and events in literary te"ts, identifyin% areas of a%reement and difference with others and 2ustifyin% a point of view /A,(8T19+:1 ;nderstand and apply knowled%e of lan%ua%e forms and features
use a ran%e of software, includin% word

processin% pro%rams, to create, edit and pu!lish te"ts ima%inatively /A,(8<1=+>,

Board of Studies !eac"ing and #ducational Standards $S% & Program Builder & '()(os)nsw)edu)au
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. 1


!eac"ing learning and assessment


Aespond to and compose te"ts

analyse and e"plain the effect of

technolo%ical innovations on te"ts, particularly media te"ts /A,(8<1=951

use colla!orative processes, e%

play!uildin%, performances and di%ital compositions to construct te"ts #ta%e * - 6utcome 5 (n%a%e personally with te"ts
share, reflect on, clarify and evaluate

#tudents develop own opinions concernin% te"t throu%h colla!orative discussion -evelops own script$story!oard usin% a com!ination of ?e! +.: tools - paired activity. ("plore throu%h discussion why the te"t$film is so appealin% to pre-teen audience

yr=en%lish+:1*.wee!ly.com classroom we!site /contains complete overview of student task and teacher resources1 http7$$%enerator.acmi.net.au$story!oard story !oard$script !uilder - final assessment for this task 3arry &otter and the &hilosopher4s stone /0ilm$)ovel1

opinions and ar%uments a!out aspects of literary te"ts /A,(8T19+=1 ;nderstand and apply knowled%e of lan%ua%e forms and features
understand and use conventions of

storytellin% in a ran%e of modes and media, e% di%ital storytellin% Aespond to and compose te"ts
discuss aspects of te"ts, for e"ample their

aesthetic and social value, usin% relevant and appropriate metalan%ua%e /A,(8T1>:@1

Start and Finis" Dates

#tart7 BBB$BBB$BBB

?ere the 6utcomes of this ;nit metC

Board of Studies !eac"ing and #ducational Standards $S% & Program Builder & '()(os)nsw)edu)au
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. 2

Start and Finis" Dates

0inish7 BBB$BBB$BBB

-id you have the nessassary skills to teach this unitC -id you have the nessassary knowled%e to teach this unitC ?ere the learnin% tasks authenticC ?ere the learnin% resources adequate and acessi!leC ?ere the assessment strate%ies appropriate to the outcomesC -id the assessment type and level of difficulty cater for the learnin% needs of the studentsC ?as the len%th of time for this unit satisfactoryC ?hat recommendations do you have to improve the quality of this unitC

Board of Studies !eac"ing and #ducational Standards $S% & Program Builder & '()(os)nsw)edu)au
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. 4

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