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Question One Use trigonometry to answer the following problems. a ) Teresa took the ski lift 4000 metres to the top of Mount Herbert, at an angle of 40

[ ot !rawn to s"ale# $al"ulate x, the height of Mount Herbert. %how all your working in your "al"ulation.

) &a'i!(s toy boat tra'elle! ) metres !ownstream at an angle of ))* before it rea"he! the other si!e of the ri'er.

[ ot !rawn to s"ale# $al"ulate y the wi!th of the ri'er. %how all your working in your "al"ulation. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +

") , penguin sli! -) metres !own an i"eberg at an angle of .0 until it rea"he! the water. [ ot !rawn to s"ale# $al"ulate z the height of the i"eberg abo'e the water. %how all your working in your "al"ulation.

Question Two

[ ot !rawn to s"ale# Margaret is !rawing a pattern so she "an make two sails for her ya"ht. %he "al"ulates the lengths of si!es x an! y using the measurements abo'e an! trigonometry. a) $al"ulate the length of si!e x. Use the spa"e pro'i!e! to show your working. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + /ength of si!e x 0 ++++++++++ metres. b i) Use trigonometry to show two different ways Margaret "oul! fin! the length of si!e y. ) Use the numbers in the !iagram abo'e. 2: 1:

ii) Use one of your metho!s to "al"ulate the length of si!e y. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /ength of si!e y 0 ++++++++ metres. Question T ree

a) , 1et plane "limbs at an angle of 20* an! tra'els a !istan"e of .000 metres.

[ ot !rawn to s"ale# How far has the plane tra'elle! in the hori3ontal !ire"tion, shown by (w(4 ++++++++++ metres b) , submarine !i'es at an angle of 40* for 5.) metres.

[ ot !rawn to s"ale# $al"ulate the !epth the submarine will be at after the !i'e, shown by (6(. ++++++++++ metres Question !our

[ 7T &8,9 T7 %$,/:# ;eter, $olin, <oan, an! /eah are stan!ing in a pa!!o"k. 9hat is the !istan"e between a) $olin an! <oan4 ++++++++++ metres b) ;eter an! <oan4 ++++++++++ metres ") $olin an! /eah4 ++++++++++ metres

") ;aul an! <ohn are playing golf. ;aul is ==0 metres away from the hole. <ohn is stan!ing at an angle of =>* from ;aul an! the hole.

[ ot !rawn to s"ale# How far is <ohn from the hole, shown by (y(4 ++++++++++ metres !) <osh wat"he! a spa"e shuttle laun"h. 9hen the spa"e shuttle was =) km abo'e the :arth, there was an angle of 20* between where <osh was stan!ing, the spa"e shuttle, an! the laun"h site.

[ ot !rawn to s"ale# $al"ulate how far <osh was from the laun"h site, shown by (3(. ++++++++++ km

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