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Assignment 10: Using Raster Data for Site Selection

This exercise was an ESRI Module that taught the usefulness of several tools with ArcGIS for site selection. The tools explored were Reclassify, Weighted Overlay, Raster Calculator, Fuzzy membership, and Fuzzy Overlay tools. This module had us find the most suitable land for a vineyard based on different requirements that were weighted by suitability. Next we used fuzzy logic to help determine where Eagles may be nesting within Big Bear Lake Park.

Analysis Procedures:
To find eligible land for a vineyard near San Diego we ran a suitability analysis of the geography to find land that met all of our requirements. We used the Reclassify tool to give values to the aspects we were weighing, ex. Distance from highways, slope, and aspect. The reclassify tool allows us to give each property a weight we see fit for our determining procedures. Once everything was reclassified we used the weighted overlay tool to rank all of our weighted values by a percent of value we determine. If we value one aspect over another we can give it more weight, in this case it was aspect over the other two categories. Next we used the Raster Calculator to isolate properties that only met all of our requirements, instead of showing a ranking system with 5 different values. Next we went through an exercise to demonstrate the use of fuzzy logic when determining where Eagles may build nest within a State park. Fuzzy logic is not cut or dry and gives a grey area value from 0-1. We used the Fuzzy membership tool to define our distance from different requirements of bald eagle habitat Once this is done we can run the Fuzzy overlay tool to combine all the fuzzy membership layers and show the areas that are best for eagle habitat and the areas that may be ok for eagle habitat. Since you cannot be 100 percent certain where an eagle will choose to build a nest this method gives you the most logical answer with the other areas that could have nests in yellow and the areas that should not have nests in red.

Below is the screenshot of ArcGIS once the reclassify tool was used on the aspect of the geography when looking for vineyard properties.

Below is a screenshot of the after the weighted overlay is run showing all of the suitable properties around San Diego for a vineyard.

Application and Reflection:

Problem Description: The tools that were discussed in this assignment are very useful when weighing the suitability of different aspects. We can use the weighted overlay and fuzzy logic to determine many things. Real Estate comes to mind when thinking of uses for these tools. If a customer has a list of requirements for a home or site; the agent can use these tools to find properties that line up with what their customers wanted. Data Needed: You would need the map of the area you are evaluating along with a list of requirements, like school districts, proximity to shopping, proximity to work, distance from interstates, tax rates, etc.. Analysis Procedures: To do this you would need to know what your customer prefers to weight your analysis. You would need to add all of your layers to ArcMap and reclassify the values to meet your customers requirements. Next you would run the weighted overlay to find the areas that match their requirements. From there you can narrow your search results for properties to those locations. Fuzzy logic could also be used in this determination if many of the requirements are not deal breakers, just preferences. This way you can find properties in the green zone and if there arent any winners from that list you can move outward into the yellow areas on the map.

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