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Assignment Detail

Order Id: Assignment Title: Assignment Status: Deadline: Price ( ): PPa230214_26182_568 A 1500 word report on a budget information problem New Assignment Feb 24, 2014 04:00 PM My Proposed Deadline(s) 900 My Proposed Price(s) [ Penalty = 0.00(0) ] A 1500 word report on a budget information problem. This will be based directly on the content of Week 12, Activity 2 outputsuitably revised and provided in report format. WEEK TWELVE, ACTIVITY TWO, ONE OUTPUTCOMPLETE B629 TABLE 12.3 RESOLVING A BUDGET INFORMATION PROBLEM Problem identification: Analysis (investigation): Conclusion to the analysis (results of the investigation): The solution, listed as a set of SMART recommendations: Strengths and weaknesses of the recommendations: The implications of the solution, if implemented: India (India Standard Time) Finance Corporate Finance Capital Budgeting University Apply


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