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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date David Vander Haak 4/15/2014 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Bacteria & Viru e !rade 10

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

Thi i the "ir t #e on in the unit p#an$ %t &ive a meanin&"u# back&round e'perience (ith bacteria on (hich to ba e content) (hich come at the end o" thi #e on) a (e## a in the ne't$

Learners will be able to#

%denti"1 (here bacteria can be "ound$ %denti"1 that there are both &ood and bad bacteria$ De cribe the tructure o" bacteria$ De cribe the mean b1 (hich bacteria reproduce 2binar1 "i ion3$ De cribe the condition in (hich bacteria can urvive) and u e that kno(#ed&e to predict #ocation (ith more or #e bacteria$

co&nitive* + , -p -n . /0

ph1 ica# deve#opment

ocio* emotiona#

+ , + + +),)-p

0 0

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed# '(.(' .va#uate the uncertaintie or va#idit1 o" cienti"ic conc#u ion u in& an under tandin& o" ource o" mea urement error) the cha##en&e o" contro##in& variab#e ) accurac1 o" data ana#1 i ) #o&ic o" ar&ument) #o&ic o" e'perimenta# de i&n) and/or the dependence on under#1in& a umption $ ').* De cribe the tructure o" viru e and bacteria$
24ote# 5rite a man1 a needed$ %ndicate ta'onom1 #eve# and connection to app#icab#e nationa# or tate tandard $ %" an objective app#ie to particu#ar #earner (rite the name2 3 o" the #earner2 3 to (hom it app#ie $3 0remember) under tand) app#1) ana#16e) eva#uate) create

II. 'efore +ou start Identif+ !rere,uisite -nowledge and s-ills.

* 7u t have ome conception o" dirtine $ * 8no(#ed&e o" c#a i"ication o" #ivin& thin& $
Pre-assessment (for learning): 9rete t 2"orma#3) and brain torm o" (hat tudent kno( about bacteria 2in"orma#3$

Outline assessment activities 2app#icab#e to thi #e on3

Formative (for learning): - kin& :ue tion about connection bet(een the #ab activit1 and the content in the concept deve#opment$ Formative (as learning): 5orkin& throu&h the #ab activit1 (ith a partner or in a &roup o" three$ 9a&e ; o"

chapter 4 tud1 &uide 2on bacteria3 "or home(ork$ Summative (of learning3<
Provide 2ulti!le 2eans of 3e!resentation 9rovide option "or perception* making information perceptible Student are provided (ith a "i##*in* the*b#ank note heet to &uide note takin& in the #ecture$ Student or&ani6e in"ormation in the !oo&#e Doc #ab$ 9rovide option "or #an&ua&e) mathematica# e'pre ion ) and 1mbo# * clarify & connect language Provide 2ulti!le 2eans of Action and E1!ression 9rovide option "or ph1 ica# action* increase options for interaction Student move throu&hout the bui#din& to obtain amp#e $ Student (ab and p#ace their p#ate in the incubator in the bio#o&1 toreroom$ 9rovide option "or e'pre ion and communication* increase me ium of e!pression Provide 2ulti!le 2eans of Engagement 9rovide option "or recruitin& intere t* choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats Student (i## choo e (here to obtain their bacteria amp#e ) o that= ba ed on (here the1=re intere ted in kno(in& the amount o" bacteria$ 9rovide option "or u tainin& e""ort and per i tence* optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

. at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" . at will it ta-e / neurodevelo!mentall+0 e1!erientiall+0 emotionall+0 etc.0 for +our students to do t is lesson"

Student (rite prediction and ob ervation in the #ab$

5ritten e'pre ion in the #ab$ Verba# e'pre ion in c#a di cu ion

The !oo&#e Doc &oe t throu&h the #ab one ection at a time) o tho e are mana&eab#e chunk $ -# o) tudent co##aborate in #ab &roup $


9rovide option "or comprehen ion* activate, apply & highlight

Student #earn about bacteria tructure and #i"e c1c#e) and are then a ked to app#1 that to the #ab activit1 the1 had ju t done$

9rovide option "or e'ecutive "unction * coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

9rovide option "or e#"*re&u#ation* e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

5e take the #ab a coup#e ection at a time (ith in truction bet(een 2 hort*term &oa# 3$ Student are a(are o" the #on&*term &oa# o" the t(o* part #ab$

Student mu t make prediction and ju ti"1 them$ -"ter #earnin& more about bacteria and viru e ) tudent re"#ect on their ori&ina# prediction $ Student have rubric "or the #ab$

2aterials4w at materials $boo-s0 andouts0 etc& do +ou need for t is lesson and are t e+ read+ to use"

How will +our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 5 e Plan 5ime 0<00* 0<0B 0<0B* 0<15 Com!onents

9etri di he (ith a&ar 2prepared b1 ?ori3 ' 1@ ?aptop 2one*to*one3 Student note handout ' ;A Stud1 &uide ' ;A 9ermanent marker +u#er Si' tab#e $ %n 2nd hour) tudent (i## be in &roup o" "our at the tab#e ) and (i## (ork in partner $ %n 4th hour) tudent (i## be in &roup o" three and (i## (ork in tho e &roup $

6escribe teacher activities A76 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in-ing ,uestions and8or !rom!ts. % ue prete t 2more #ike a urve1 than a te t3$ Student take the prete t$ Teacher (rite a## idea on the board) identi"1in& 2to him e#"3 (hat tudent kno( and their mi conception $ Student brain torm an1thin& the1 kno( or think the1 kno( about bacteria$

2otivation 2openin&/ introduction/ en&a&ement3

0<15* 0<25

0<25* 0<;0 0<;0* 0<45

6evelo!ment 2the #ar&e t component or main bod1 o" the #e on3

Teacher (i## e'p#ain to tudent ho( to open and hare their !oo&#e Doc C9D. #ab$ Sho( video about bacteria on ce## phone 2on 7r $ 5ri&ht= computer3$ Teacher (i## te## tudent to open up their !oo&#e Doc #ab 2&radin& &uide in the C9D.2 E#ipbook) (hich i avai#ab#e to the tudent 3 and (ork (ith their &roup up to the point (here the1 actua##1 co##ect bacteria$ Teacher (i## demon trate ho( to co##ect amp#e o" bacteria on a cotton (ab 2re"errin& to the video a a &ood e'amp#e3) and ho( to treak a p#ate$ Teacher (i## a i t (ith p#ate* treakin&$

Student (i## (ork throu&h 8no(#ed&e probe and prediction$

0<45* 0<5>

Student (i## co##ect amp#e and continue (ith the #ab up unti# p#acin& the p#ate in the incubator) (here the1 (i## need to ta1 unti# ne't #e on$


Teacher (i## be&in deve#opin& concept on bacteria) u in& the 9o(er9oint) up unti# #ide A$ 5hen on the endo pore #ide) te## the tor1 o" the cur e o" 8in& Tut= tomb 29eop#e (ho e'p#ored 8in& Tut= tomb a## died (ithin three (eek $ Thi (a becau e there (ere bacteria) that peop#e o" our time are not u ed to bein& e'po ed to) that (ere urvivin& in the tomb in endo pore ) and (hen the1 (ere e'po ed to air and moi ture) the1 (ere rejuvenated3$ %n addition to di eminatin& the in"ormation on the #ide ) the e :ue tion are to be a ked throu&hout #ecture< %" there are bacteria ever1(here) and the1 reproduce :uick#1) (h1 are (e not in a &iant poo# o" bacteriaF 5hat (ere 1our prediction "rom the #ab o" (here (e (ou#d "ind the mo t bacteriaF Ba ed on the characteri tic o" the be t* uited environment "or bacteria (e ju t #earned) (ou#d 1our prediction chan&eF %n our #ab) (here do the bacteria &et their nutrient F 5hat a pect o" our e'perimenta# etup &ave bacteria the be t chance to &ro(F 5here are ome p#ace (e cou#d have put the p#ate that (ou#d have prevented &ro(thF 0<5>* 1<00 Closure 2conc#u ion) cu#mination) (rap*up3 Teacher te## tudent to do pa&e ; o" the tud1 &uide "or home(ork) and te## tudent that on Thur da1 the1 (i## be ana#16in& their re u#t "rom toda1= #ab) and then doin& part t(o$

Student (i## take note u in& their &uided note heet$ Student an (er teacher= :ue tion $

9our reflection about t e lesson0 including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement0 as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne1t time. 25rite thi a"ter teachin& the #e on) i" 1ou had a chance to teach it$ %" 1ou did not teach thi #e on) "ocu on the proce o" preparin& the #e on$3 Thi #e on (a one that % did have the opportunit1 to teach 2e'c#udin& the prete t) and the brain torm came a"ter tudent be&an the #ab) durin& the 8no(#ed&e 9robe ection3$ Student (ere de"inite#1 en&a&ed in the #ab) and ri&ht a(a1 had man1 idea o" #ocation the1 (anted to te t that the1 "e#t the1 cou#d "ind a #ot o" bacteria$ %n the kno(#ed&e probe ection) there (ere man1 in tance o" tudent a1in& that bacteria cau e di ea e) but nobod1 ta#ked about harm#e or he#p"u# bacteriaG#ack o" prior kno(#ed&e in thi area make me &#ad that (e do have portion o" thi unit that addre that i ue) and % (i## be ure to empha i6e that mo t bacteria i not bad$ Student #earned omethin& "rom the #ab and the concept deve#opment) evident b1 them bein& ab#e to make connection bet(een the concept and ho( the1 had et up the #ab$ There (ere ome troub#e (ith ettin& up the e'periment) uch a touchin& the contro# :uadrant (ith a "in&er 2 o much bacteria on thereH3) or not #eavin& a contro#) o "or ne't time) % (ou#d empha i6e more about the contro# and the idea o" "air te tin&) (here 1ou need to contro# a## variab#e but one) and 1ou need omethin& (ith (hich to make a compari on$


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