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Importers & Distributors: Electrical, Mec a!ical Spares, I!"ustrial C emicals

& Mi!i!# E$uipme!t Supplies P.O. Box 23191 R.G. Holdings Building Plot No. 5 840 off Nye e e !ig"t #ndust i$l % e$ &it'e( )$*+i$ ,ell- . 2/0 955 882 499 . 2/0 9// 882 499 . 2/0 905 882 499 Authorized Distributor for Pall Corporation 12*$il- $3it


Mopani Copper Mines P.O box 2000 KITW 2!th "o#e$ber % 20&' Attention( Mr Musiali)e Musi*a +a)ala Dear +ir% +ub,e-t( C.A"/ O0 1 MAI2 ADD3 ++

We refer to 4our e $ail dated 25th "o#e$ber 20&' in *hi-h 4ou ad#ised that the inti$ation re6ardin6 the -han6e of the e $ail be done on the -o$pan4 letter head. In -o$plian-e to 4our ad#i-e% *e *ish to ad#ise the -han6e of our e $ail address usin6 the -o$pan4 letter head. The ne* e $ail address is( apitradin6s76$ail.-o$. We hope 4ou *ill no* a$end 4our re-ords and effe-t the use of the ne* e $ail address. 8ours 0aithfull4% Cha)*an6asha +i)az*e% DI3 CTO3. AP2 T3ADI"/ + 39IC 2TD

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