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Challenge Week 2nd Hour Ms. Hopkins Bulls: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Heat: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

. Teams Shawnee Semb Georgia Stanfield Cassie Stach Christian Widler Steve Thao Austin Sommerfeldt Sandy Moua Audra Waite Kaely Roeck Savannah Madison Ger Moua Nick Yang Chase Rose Paige Jordan Spurs 1. Kindra Drake 2. Chumani Davis 3. Mai Vang 4. Charlie Yang 5. Tou Lee 6. Wyatt Engelhart 7. Kody Conniff Pacers 1. Chelsea Thao 2. Der Her 3. Sara Hartley 4. Tyler Moua 5. Austin Shultz 6. Brian Kosir Rockets 1. Cheyenne Jacquet 2. LaCresha Tillman 3. Jenna Lee 4. Yong Vue 5. Chase Gerken 6. Maverick Lo 7. Peter Xiong OKC 1. Abby Wuensch 2. Suneesa Hansakda 3. Sarrah Jones 4. Kou Thao 5. Ben Johnson 6. YuePheng Vang

Wizards: 1. Zoua Her 2. Autumn Wooden 3. Savannah Olson 4. Tsutu Xiong 5. Dalton Shear 6. David Witt 7. Fernando Garcia Nets: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PaDee Xiong Mai Chang Chee Xiong James Boyle Darric Wiblin Kou Her Sarah Schwabenbauer

General Rules 1. Objective Win as many games as possible 2. Team(s) with the most points (wins) at the end of the week wins CW 3. 2 points are awarded for a victory 4. if a game ends in a tie, 1 point is awarded to each team 5. Hustle between games we need to stay on schedule in order to complete all games! 6. All games will be played for 10 minutes Kickball Rules 1. Hit the lights automatic out 2. Everyone must kick No changing up the batting order mid game 3. 3 outs each inning 4. No automatic homeruns 5. Must tag up 6. No lead offs 7. Can catch off walls/bleachers/curtains/ceiling for an out 8. If time expires, finish the full inning before rotating to next game unless the outcome of that inning does not matter for the win Volleyball Rules 1. 3 hits per side 2. Game played for time score as many points as possible in the given time period 3. 6 VS. 6 if you have 7 people on your team, you will rotate clockwise every time there is a new server for your team 4. rock/paper/scissors for serve 5. If ball hits wall/ceiling and goes over the net, it is a dead ball and the other team receives a point 6. Rally scoring a point is rewarded each serve Basketball Rules 1. 5 VS. 5 everyone on your team must play 2. subs will be rotated in every 2 minutes 3. 1 point = free-throw; 2 points = inside three point line; 3 points = behind three point line 4. A teacher will referee each game fouls will be called 5. Rock/paper/scissors for ball 6. Boundaries are the full length basketball court 7. A womens ball (28.5) will be used 8. Work on your skills- do your best to avoid traveling, double dribbling, carrying, etc. 9. Your team may not press 10. Highest point total at the end of the time period wins 11. 2nd team listed on the game schedule wears jerseys


Timeline Monday 9:10-9:20 Introduction Attendance Explain all rules/games (demonstrations if necessary) Importance of hustle and knowing where you are suppose to be 9:20-9:30 Game 1 9:35-9:45 Game 2 9:45-9:50 Change and dismiss students to third hour Tuesday 9:10-9:20 Game 3 9:23-9:33 Game 4 9:35-9:45 Game 5 9:45-9:50 Change and dismiss students to third hour Thursday 8:20-8:30 Game 6 8:35-8:45 Game 7 8:50-9:00 Game 8 9:05-9:15 Game 9 9:20-9:30 Game 10 9:35-9:40 Change and dismiss students to third hour Friday Award winners Big class activity/Choice PE

Game 1 (M)

Time 9:20-9:30

Kickball Bulls/Heat VS. Wizards/Nets Spurs/Pacers VS. Rockets/OKC Bulls/Spurs VS. Heat/Pacers Wizards/Rockets VS. Nets/OKC Rockets/Pacers VS. Wizards/Heat OKC/Spurs VS. Nets/Bulls Bulls/Wizards VS. Heat/Nets Spurs/Rockets VS. Pacers/OKC Spurs/Nets VS. Pacers/Wizards OKC/Bulls VS. Rockets/Heat

Volleyball Spurs VS. OKC Bulls VS. Nets Wizards VS. Rockets Heat VS. Pacers Nets VS. Spurs Wizards VS. Pacers Rockets VS. OKC Bulls VS. Heat Rockets VS. Bulls Wizards VS. Spurs

Basketball Rockets VS. Pacers Heat VS. Wizards Nets VS. OKC Bulls VS. Spurs OKC VS. Bulls Heat VS. Rockets Pacers VS. Spurs Wizards VS. Nets OKC VS. Heat Pacers VS. Nets

Game 2 (M)


Game 3 (T)


Game 4 (T)


Game 5 (T)


Game 6 (Th)


Game 7 (Th)


Game 8 (Th)


Game 9 (Th)


Game 10 (Th)


Basketball will be played in the MPR (Multiple Purpose Room)

Volleyball will take place on the far right court in the field house. The curtain will be dropped (black line below indicates curtain) to ensure that the kickball game will not disrupt the volleyball game.

Kick ball will take place on the middle and far left court in the field house.

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