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Standard 2 Standard 2 focuses heavily on the critical influence of family and community throughout early childhood education.

This standard highlights the importance of building positive and respectful relationships with families, as well as, other professionals in the surrounding community. This standard stresses the importance of including families during the educational process to ensure the healthy learning and development of children. Educators have the responsibility of exploring the culture, dynamics, patterns, and diversity of families, so they may effectively support the growth of each child in the classroom. I decided to include a weekly newsletter I completed while taking CHD 216: Early Childhood Programs, Schools, and Social Change, to display that I can effectively communicate with parents about the classroom environment. I have included upcoming events and themes in the classroom, as well as helpful tips for parents about supporting the creative development of their children. CHD 216 has provided me with the appropriate tools to create respectful and supportive relationships with families, while acknowledging diversity characteristics within the classroom. In the future, I will regard the diverse needs, opinions, and abilities of each family, as well as other educators within the field to create respectful and reciprocal relationships. These relationships will give me the opportunity to view the whole child; this includes family culture, needs, home life, interests, etc. I will recognize the importance of parent involvement in the classroom so children can ultimately succeed socially and academically. I believe the strategies I learn in CHD 216 will assist me in developing constructive and sustainable relationships with families, so students can thrive in the classroom. I will gather information through effective communication with families to develop an appropriate music program that caters to each childs needs, abilities, and developmental level.


News from Ms. Lee
April 30th - Pajama Day May 2nd - Bring Your Favorite Book Day May 5th- Music classes begin May 23rd- Preschool Concert May 26th Memorial Day

IT IS FINALLY SPRING! This month we will be honoring SPRING and its beauty! The children will be doing various arts and crafts that reveal the wonders of spring! We will be reading books like I See Spring by Charles Ghigna and My Spring Robin by Anne Rockwell. This week we will be focusing on spring flowers. We will be planting flowers in the school garden, while painting and singing about the beautiful foliage that comes with Spring.

Key Developmental Indicators: VISUAL ARTS DEVELOPMENT We will be using the arts throughout this month to support the healthy development of each child within the classroom. Here are some developmental indicators to show that your child is developing an awareness for the arts: - They use a variety of materials, textures, and tools, for producing visual arts. - They understand that visual arts take many forms (paintings, sculptures, drawings, etc.) - Use fine motor skills to produce two and three dimensional works of art.
Taken from the Virginias Foundation Blocks for Early Learning

Helpful Tips for Parents: Supporting your childs Creative Development: -Provide your children countless opportunities to express creativity (art projects, dramatic play, etc.) -Provide your children with various materials during art projects. - Demonstrate how art materials and tools are used.

by Jenny Owen

Wake up, flowers. Wake up, weeds. Wake up, frogs. Wake up, seeds. Wake up, bears. Wake up, bees. Wake up, Spring. Wont you please.

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