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Unit Plan Template

Note: Type in the gray areas. Click on any descriptive text, then type your own.

Unit Author

First and Last Name &uthor's E(mail &ddress Course Name-s. Course Num!er-s. Course "ection-s. /nstructor-s. Name-s.
Unit Overview Unit Plan Title

Erin e!ert, "ari #ipes, $eghna %opal Ehe!e)*+lsu.edu mgopal,+lsu.edu spipes,+lsu.edu /ntroduction to technology in the classroom -EL0C. )123 4 5e!orah eroman

&round the Earth in 6 5ays 7hat are the Earth's layers, land8orms, and continents9 "cience (7hat are the layers o8 the Earth9 (7hat are the elements that make up the layers9 (7hat is the order o8 the layers9

Curriculum-Framing Questions

Content :uestions

"ocial "tudies (7hat are the di88erent types o8 land8orms on the Earth9 (7hat animals live in the di88erent land8orms9 Language &rts ( 7hat are the 3 continents that make up the Earth9 (7hat are some di88erent languages around the world9

Unit Summary

"tudents will !e learning the !asic in8ormation a!out the Earth including layers, land8orms, and continents.
Subject Area(s -List all su!;ects that apply.

"ocial "tudies, "cience, Language &rts

!ra"e #evel <Click !ox-es. o8 all grade level-s. that your =nit targets>

?() @(A E"L %i8ted and Talented

6(2 *(,) 0esource Bther:


/NTELC TE&C TB T E F=T=0E with support 8rom $icroso8t D)111 /ntel Corporation. &ll 0ights 0eserved

Targete" State Framewor$s%Content Stan"ar"s%&enchmar$s

G-1B-E1: Describing and comparing the physical characteristics of places, including landforms, bodies of water, soils, vegetation, and climate (1, , !"#
Stu"ent Objectives%#earning Outcomes

Eour o!;ectives should !e listed on your daily plan.


Link your daily plan here F link in your group unit 8older. Lesson ,( "cience( Layers o8 the Earth( Erin e!ert Lesson )( "ocial "tudies( Land8orms( $eghna %opal Lesson 6( Language &rts( Continents( "ari #ipes
A''ro(imate Time )ee"e"

6 class periods
Prere*uisite S$ills +aterials an" ,esources

Technology F ardware -Click !oxes o8 all eGuipment needed. Camera Laser 5isk Computer-s. #rinter 5igital Camera #ro;ection "ystem 5H5 #layer "canner /nternet Connection Television Technology F "o8tware -Click !oxes o8 all so8tware needed.. 5ata!aseI"preadsheet /mage #rocessing 5esktop #u!lishing /nternet 7e! Jrowser E(mail "o8tware $ultimedia Encyclopedia on C5(0B$ #rinted $aterials "upplies /nternet 0esources Bthers
Accommo"ations -or .i--erentiate" /nstruction

HC0 Hideo Camera Hideo Con8erencing EGuip. Bther:

7e! #age 5evelopment 7ord #rocessing Bther:

K"even Continents o8 the 7orldL !y Menni8er $appin #encils, #aper, Card!oard, 8ood, clay, plastic cups, construction paper Jrain#op

0esource "tudent Non(Native English "peaker

Coloring in the layers instead o8 doing it on the computer. 5iscuss instead o8 a #ower#oint and do it on paper. "uppy the in8ormation translated in their native language.

/NTELC TE&C TB T E F=T=0E with support 8rom $icroso8t D)111 /ntel Corporation. &ll 0ights 0eserved

%i8ted "tudent
Stu"ent Assessment

&llow them to more in depth 8or di88erent in8ormation.

ow are you going to assess the whole unit9 / am including a unit plan ru!ric 8or you to use.

/NTELC TE&C TB T E F=T=0E with support 8rom $icroso8t D)111 /ntel Corporation. &ll 0ights 0eserved

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