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UNSTRUCTURED Field Experience Log & Reflection

Instructional Technology Depart ent Candidate! Elizabeth Winslett Course! "entor#Title! Cheryl Youse/ Media Specialist School#District! Colquitt County High School/ Colquitt County $rofessor#Se ester! &r' (razier/ Spring )$*"

Internet Tools in the Classroom ITEC !"#$%

$art I! Log
%This log contains space for up to & different field experiences for your & hours' It ight (e that you co plete one field experience totaling & hours) If you ha*e fe+er field experiences, -ust delete the extra ro+s' Than. you)/
Date%s/ ),#- ),*$- ), *.- ),)"- #,##,*$- #,*!- #, )"- ",!- ",*" 0st Field Experience 1cti*ity#Ti e I /or0ed /ith E11 students to learn math in my classroom' 234 Hours5 $SC#ISTE Standard%s/ "'# and 6'# Reflection
Minimum o+ #," sentences per question%

0' 2riefly descri(e the field experience' 3hat did you learn a(out technology facilitation and leadership fro co pleting this field experience4

:lace an ; in the bo7 representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups in8ol8ed in this +ield e7perience'%

In this +ield e7perience- I learned and e7perienced ho/ to use technology to better understand and teach E11 students' Technology greatly in able our ability to understand each other and our cultures /e come +rom' It allo/s us to connect in /ays /e pre8iously couldn9t' <,*) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 7
5' 6o+ did this learning relate to the .no+ledge %+hat ust you .no+/, s.ills %+hat ust you (e a(le to do/ and dispositions %attitudes, (eliefs, enthusias / re7uired of a technology facilitator or technology leader4 %Refer to the standards you selected in $art I' Use the language of the $SC standards in your ans+er and reflect on all 89.no+ledge, s.ills, and dispositions'/ This e7perience related to a +ield e7perience I did in my undergraduate degree in an E11 History classroom' You must 0no/ ho/ to ha8e patience /ith someone learning both a ne/ s0ill and a ne/ language' Teaching a

:,) Race#Ethnicity! =sian >lac0 Hispanic
?ati8e =merican/=las0an ?ati8e

$<05 Faculty#Staff
#,3 6,. <,*) :,)

$<05 Students
#,3 6,.

White Multiracial Su(groups! Students /ith &isabilities 1imited English :ro+iciency Eligible +or (ree/@educed Meals

; ;

classroom /ith di++erent cultures really enables us to use technology to learn about each other' Technology helped us create global a/areness o+ the people in the room that /e are learning /ith' 8' Descri(e ho+ this field experience i pacted school i pro*e ent, faculty de*elop ent or student learning at your school' 6o+ can the i pact (e assessed4

I +eel li0e this e7perience helped impact my classroom and the school in a positi8e manner' I taught both English s0ills and math s0ills in one room at the same time' The learning can be assess to see o+ the students WI&= score impro8es and i+ their course grade is passin'

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