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Teacher : Structure: Guideli#e$ for Succe$$: Do your best work for each assig !e t" #e accou tab$e for your ow actio s" Co!e %re%are& to each c$ass" Res%ect yourse$f' your teacher' a & your fe$$ow stu&e ts" Paige Needham Level of Low Po$ted %ule$: Do ot ta$k whe the teacher is ta$ki g" Liste a & fo$$ow &irectio s" Co!e to c$ass %re%are&" (ork )uiet$y a & &o ot &isturb others" Discuss gra&es or a y other %erso a$ i for!atio after c$ass" Show res%ect for e*eryo e' schoo$ %ro%erty' a & others %erso a$ %ro%erty" edium ! "igh School Year: 2014 Grade Level: 9-12

&tte#tio# Sig#al: To get stu&e t+s atte tio I wi$$ tur the $ights off a & kee% the! off u ti$ e*eryo e is )uiet a & rea&y to $ear "

'()ectatio#$ for *la$$room &ctivitie$ a#d Tra#$itio#$:

Adapted from CHAMPS CD Reproducible Form 5.1 Sprick, R. (2 !". CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management . #u$e%e, &R' Pacific (ort)*e+t Publi+)i%$, ,%c.

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Co *ersatio 3e$% Stu&e ts ca ask for he$% by raisi g their ha & &uri g a $ecture or ho!ework ti!e" Duri g ho!ework ti!e stu&e ts ca a$so a%%roach !y &esk to ask for he$%" Stu&e ts ca a$so ask each other for he$% o $y &uri g ho!ework ti!e" If stu&e ts ha*e to wait for he$% they shou$& either wait )uiet$y by !y &esk or retur to their ow &esk a & wait )uiet$y for !e their" Stu&e ts are a$$owe& to ask each other )uestio s &uri g ho!ework ti!e but !ust &o it )uiet$y" No !ore tha ./0 stu&e ts shou$& be worki g together o a %rob$e!" The grou% effort o a ho!ework %rob$e! shou$& $ast o $o ger tha about ./1 !i utes a & the they shou$& retur to worki g )uiet$y or ask !e for further e2%$a atio "

Acti*ity Stu&e ts are e2%ecte& to take effecti*e otes &uri g the $esso " Stu&e ts are e2%ecte& to work har& a & )uiet$y &uri g their ho!ework ti!e" Stu&e ts are e2%ecte& to ha*e their ho!ework assig !e t co!%$ete& by the fo$$owi g c$ass" Stu&e ts shou$& fee$ co!fortab$e taki g a )ui4 o*er the %er*ious c$ass $esso "

Mo*e!e tAdapted from CHAMPS CD Reproducible Form 5.1 Sprick, R. (2 !". CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management . #u$e%e, &R' Pacific (ort)*e+t Publi+)i%$, ,%c.

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Stu&e ts shou$& &o thi gs $ike shar%e %e ci$s' ha & i their ho!ework' a & get otebook rea&y for c$ass otes before the $ecture takes %$ace" Duri g !y $ecture there shou$& be o !o*e!e t" After $ecture stu&e ts ca &o thi gs $ike getti g a &ri k' usi g the restroo!' or goi g to their $ocker with !y %er!issio " Stu&e ts &o ot ee& %er!issio to !o*e a & ask a other stu&e t or !yse$f for he$% as $o g as the $ecture is o*er"

Partici%atio Stu&e ts %artici%ate by aski g a & a sweri g )uestio s &uri g $ecture' worki g har& &uri g ho!ework ti!e' a & tur i g i their ho!ework" Not %artici%ati g i c$u&es s$ee%i g' te2ti g' ta$ki g &uri g $ecture or about o /!ath sub5ects' ot worki g &uri g ho!ework ti!e' a & ot tur i g i ho!ework"

'#courageme#t Procedure$ + otivatio#,:

Adapted from CHAMPS CD Reproducible Form 5.1 Sprick, R. (2 !". CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management . #u$e%e, &R' Pacific (ort)*e+t Publi+)i%$, ,%c.

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Estab$ishi g a safe a & frie &$y e *iro !e t each ti!e the stu&e ts e ter the c$assroo!" Gi*i g stu&e ts %raise a & e courage!e t as !uch as %ossib$e" Offeri g rewar&s for e tire c$ass test scores" (rite !ea i gfu$ a&*ice a & e courage!e t o stu&e t+s ho!ework assig !e ts before ha &i g the! back"

*orrectio# Procedure$ for

i$-ehavior +-oth earl.-$tage correctio#$ a#d rule violatio# co#$e/ue#ce$,:

No *erba$ cues such as gi*i g 6the $ook7' fi ger o*er the !outh to hush' %ausi g to gras% atte tio ' a & raisi g ha &" 8erba$ re!i &ers" 3a*i g a &iscussio about their beha*ior" Dete tio " Meeti g with %ri ci%a$" Meeti g with %are ts"

Adapted from CHAMPS CD Reproducible Form 5.1 Sprick, R. (2 !". CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management . #u$e%e, &R' Pacific (ort)*e+t Publi+)i%$, ,%c.

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Adapted from CHAMPS CD Reproducible Form 5.1 Sprick, R. (2 !". CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management . #u$e%e, &R' Pacific (ort)*e+t Publi+)i%$, ,%c.

Pa$e 9


0egi##i#g a#d '#di#g %outi#e$:
," Routi e for how stu&e ts wi$$ e ter the roo!I wi$$ greet the stu&e ts at the &oor a & re!i & the! that they ee& to ha*e a$$ of the ecessary !ateria$s for c$ass" Stu&e ts shou$& &o thi gs $ike shar%e their %e ci$s' tur i ho!ework' a & get !ateria$s rea&y for c$ass"

." Routi e for how stu&e ts wi$$ be i structio a$$y e gage& whi$e atte &a ce is take a & for how o%e i g busi ess is co &ucte&Stu&e ts wi$$ be i structio a$$y e gage& whi$e atte &a ce is take by &oi g be$$ work" This wi$$ co sist of o e %rob$e! of each co ce%t we co*ere& i the %re*ious c$ass" Stu&e ts wi$$ work these %rob$e!s a & ha & the! u% to the fro t of their rows for !e to co$$ect"

1" Routi e for &ea$i g with tar&y stu&e tsA stu&e t who co!es i tar&y wi$$ be !arke& &ow as tar&y" After 1 ti!es of bei g tar&y stu&e t wi$$ ha*e to ser*e a &ete tio "

0" Routi e for &ea$i g with stu&e ts who co!e to c$ass without ecessary !ateria$sA stu&e t !ay borrow !ateria$s fro! !yse$f or other stu&e ts if they co!e to c$ass without ecessary !ateria$s" They ha*e u ti$ !y $ecture begi s to &o so as to ot &isru%t the c$ass"

9" Routi e for &ea$i g with stu&e ts retur i g after a abse ceIf a stu&e t has bee abse t it is u% to the! to figure out what they !isse& by either aski g !e or aski g their c$ass!ates" I wi$$ gi*e the! a %acket of e*erythi g they !isse& a & wi$$ ha*e to ha*e it tur e& i at a certai &ate for fu$$ cre&it"

Adapted from CHAMPS CD Reproducible Form 5.1 Sprick, R. (2 !". CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management . #u$e%e, &R' Pacific (ort)*e+t Publi+)i%$, ,%c.

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:" Routi e for wra%%i g u% at e & of &ay;c$assAt the e & of c$ass stu&e ts shou$& be aski g a y fi a$ )uestio s that they !ay ha*e o*er their ho!ework so that they ca co!%$ete it a & be %re%are& for the )ui4 they wi$$ ha*e the fo$$owi g c$ass %erio&" They a$so wi$$ ee& to !ake sure the area arou & their &esk is %icke& u% with o trash o the grou & a & o !ateria$s $eft behi &"

<" Routi e for &is!issa$I &is!iss the c$ass ot the be$$" After I &is!iss the stu&e ts they are free to gather their thi gs a & $ea*e"

Adapted from CHAMPS CD Reproducible Form 5.1 Sprick, R. (2 !". CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management . #u$e%e, &R' Pacific (ort)*e+t Publi+)i%$, ,%c.

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Procedure$ for a#agi#g Stude#t 1or2:
," Proce&ures for assig i g c$asswork a & ho!eworkStu&e ts wi$$ ha*e ho!ework e*ery c$ass e2ce%t whe they ha*e a test" I wi$$ teach the $esso a & the assig their ho!ework" ." Proce&ures for co$$ecti g co!%$ete& workI wi$$ ha*e the stu&e ts tur i their ho!ework at the begi i g of each %erio&" They ha*e u ti$ the begi e$se it wi$$ be cou te& as $ate a & %oi ts wi$$ be take away fro! the fi a$ score" 1" Proce&ures for kee%i g recor&s a & %ro*i&i g fee&back to stu&e tsI wi$$ kee% a recor& of stu&e t %erfor!a ce by gra&i g the ho!ework a & )ui44es as soo as I get the!" #y recor&i g the gra&es I ca see what stu&e t was strugg$i g where" To %ro*i&e the stu&e ts with fee&back I wi$$ write o their ho!ework a & )ui44es a & retur the! as soo as %ossib$e" 0" Proce&ures a & %o$icies for &ea$i g with $ate a & !issi g assig !e tsI wi$$ acce%t $ate work but there wi$$ be a &e&uctio of ,=> for ot tur i g it i o ti!e" The ,=> &e&uctio a%%$ies u ti$ the cha%ter we are worki g o i o*er" I a$so wi$$ acce%t !issi g work for a .=> &e&uctio " i g of !y $ecture to tur it i or

Procedure$ for

a#agi#g 3#de)e#de#t 1or2 Period$:

Stu&e ts wi$$ be e2%ecte& to work )uiet$y &uri g their ho!ework ti!e" 3ow har& they work is o the!" I e2%ect the! to work har& but ca ot !ake the!" (hate*er is ot co!%$ete& i c$ass wi$$ be take ho!e for ho!ework a & wi$$ be e2%ecte& to tur it i the fo$$owi g c$ass" I wi$$ !ake sure that e*eryo e is )uiet a & at $east tryi g to &o so!e of their ho!ework" If a stu&e t chooses to ask a other stu&e t for he$% I wi$$ watch it to see if it stays o task a & if ot I wi$$ se%arate the!"

Adapted from CHAMPS CD Reproducible Form 5.1 Sprick, R. (2 !". CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management . #u$e%e, &R' Pacific (ort)*e+t Publi+)i%$, ,%c.

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Adapted from CHAMPS CD Reproducible Form 5.1 Sprick, R. (2 !". CHAMPS: A proactive and positive approach to classroom management . #u$e%e, &R' Pacific (ort)*e+t Publi+)i%$, ,%c.

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