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1. Carey, Benedict. Evidence that little touches do mean so much. The New York Times, 22 feb. 2 1 . 2! a"r. 2 1#.

$etrieved from %htt"&''www.nytimes.com'2 1 ' 2'2!'health'2!mind.html(.

The main "ur"ose of the )ournal is to discuss the "hysiolo*ic benefits of "hysical touch. +hysical touchin* is not all se,ual some "hysical touchin* is innocent and mental beneficial. -riendly innocent touches such as hi*h fives can hel" students bond and make them feel belon*in*. The )ournal shows that touchin* is im"ortant to mental health. The )ournal is hel"ful in linkin* "sycholo*ical benefits to touchin*.

2. .fer /ur +h.0. To touch or not to touch& e,"lorin* the myth of "rohibition on touch in. +sychothera"y and counselin*. 2# a"r. 2 1#. $etrieved from %htt"&''www.1urinstitute.com'touchinthera"y.html(. The main "ur"ose of the )ournal is to discuss the fear of touchin* and talk about the benefits of "hysical contact. The article discusses "hysical touch and the im"ortance of "hysical contact. +hysical touches can hel" "eo"le feel cared about and acce"ted. The article also discusses the history of se,uali1in* touchin*. +hysical touch as always been seen as se,ual. There has always been social rules about touchin*. Those social rules have chan*ed over the years. The social rules hel" create the "olicies such as touchin* "olicies in schools. +hysical contact has shown a link to relationshi" bondin* and feelin* of acce"tance. +hysical touch has more benefits and uses then se,ual benefits. The )ournal was effective in showin* that not every "hysical touch is bad. 2ome "hysical

contact is needed even in order for "eo"le to feel loved and care about. The article was useful for e,"lainin* the history behind the myth of touchin* bein* bad.

!.The 3ashin*ton +ost. 4a. school5s no6contact rule is a touchy sub)ect. 3ashin*ton "ost. 17 )une 2 8. 22 9"r. 2 1#. $etrieved from %htt"&''www.washin*ton"ost.com'w"6 dyn'content'article'2 8' :'18'9$2 8 :18 118;.html(.

The main "ur"ose of the )ournal is to discuss a school that has "ut into effect a harsh no touch "olicy. The middle school in 4ir*inia has a no tolerance "olicy for touchin* that does not even allow a hi*h6five between students. 4ir*inia resorted to a no touchin* "olicy, which included sendin* "arents a letter home to "arents. +arents reaction was most likely not what the school e,"ected. The "arents who were talked to for the )ournal were not su""ortive of the "olicy and thou*ht it was a little e,treme. The )ournal was effective at showin* that schools fear touchin* so much that they have resorted to tryin* to eliminate touchin* all to*ether. The )ournal hel"ed show that schools can use fear to create "olicy and "ractice.

#. <assey62tokes, <. =ealthy child care library of articles 6 safety first. =ealthy child care library of articles 6 safety first. $etrieved a"ril 17, 2 1# from htt"&''www.healthychild.net'2afety-irst."h">article?id@A12 The article e,"lains ways to teach children that there are different ty"es of touchin*. The article shows that touchin* can be tau*ht and *ives an e,am"le how. The three ty"es of touchin* is a""ro"riate, unsafe, and unwanted. The focus

is to teach children to focus on healthy, wanted touchin*. The students would be able to learn about unacce"table touchin*. The article was hel"ful in showin* an alternative ways of dealin* with touchin* instead of a harsh or *eneral touchin* "olicy. A. 9ssociated +ress. 2chool "enali1es students for hu*s, hi*h6fives. msnbc. $etrieved a"ril 1;, 2 1#, from htt"&''www.nbcnews.com'id'1;2;!782'ns'us?news6 education't'school6"enali1es6students6hu*s6hi*h6fives'B.C2BD1El7.id

The article discusses a school that has "ut into effect a harsh no touch "olicy. The school in 3ashin*ton has a no tolerance "olicy for touchin* that does not allow any "hysical contact. 3ashin*ton resorted to a no touchin* "olicy, which similar to 4ir*inia included sendin* "arents a letter home to "arents. +arents reaction was also most likely not what the school e,"ected. The "arents understood there was a "roblem with rou*h housin*, but saw it as ina""ro"riate. The )ournal was effective at showin* that schools fear bein* sued that they take harsh measures. The )ournal hel"ed show that schools can use fear to create "olicy and "ractice.

:. <ccFeod, 2. <aslow5s hierarchy of needs. 2im"ly "sycholo*y. $etrieved a"ril 17, 2 1#, from htt"&''www.sim"ly"sycholo*y.or*'maslow.html

The article is about 9braham <aslow5s hierarchy of needs. <aslow5s hierarchy of needs reGuires each ste" to be meet in order to be a hi*h level thinker. <aslow5s hierarchy of needs includes love and belon*in*. $elationshi"s are a ma)or "art of

fulfillin* the students needs to feel a "art of the community. 2tudents can not effectively learn in less they feel like they belon*. The article was hel"ful in showin* that student5s needs includin* relationshi"s and belon*in* a "art of the classroom. 8. Bauer, <. H2 1#, Danuary 27I. Jm"ortance of human touch. $etrieved from livestron* The article is about "hysical touches im"act on healin* and "hysical *rowth. The article discusses infant to adult develo"ment does *et im"acted by "hysical contact with others. Jnfants who did received very little "hysical touch did not develo" as well as children who received "hysical contact re*ularly. This article was useful in showin* the link between *ood "hysical contact and healthy develo"ment. 7. Kane, E. The "hysical touch, a lan*ua*e of love. women5s health issues. $etrieved a"ril ! , 2 1#, from htt"&''www.lifescri"t.com'wellbein*'articles't'the?"hysical?touch?a?lan*ua*e?o f?love.as", The )ournal article discusses how "hysical touch is a way to show love. +hysical touch does not )ust have to be se,ual. 2ome "eo"le receive and communicate feelin*s of love better throu*h touch best. The article was hel"ful in showin* the link of touch and communicatin* care in a nonse,ual way. ;.Kni*ht, K. The conseGuences of sensory de"rivation in early childhood. the art of health. $etrieved 9"ril 2A, 2 1#, from htt"&''kimkni*ht1 1.word"ress.com'2 1 ' 8'1#'the6conseGuences6of6sensory6 de"rivation6in6early6childhood' The )ournal touches on the im"acts of losin* "hysical contact durin* childhood. Children need "hysical contact in order to develo" "ro"erly both mentally and "hysically. Children can end u" with sensory and social issues if they do not

receive healthy "hysical contact in early childhood. 1 . Newman, F. The im"ortance of "hysical contact in a relationshi". the classroom. $etrieved a"ril 2:, 2 1#, from htt"&''classroom.synonym.com'im"ortance6 "hysical6contact6relationshi"621:2A.html The main "ur"ose of the )ournal is to discuss the fear of touchin* and talk about the benefits of "hysical contact. The article discusses "hysical touch and the im"ortance of "hysical contact. +hysical touches can hel" "eo"le feel cared for and acce"tance. The article discusses relationshi"s such as marria*es needin* more then )ust se,ual touchin*, but also carin* touches. The article is hel"ful in e,"lainin* how crucial "hysical contact is in buildin* trustin* and carin* relationshi"s.

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