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ScreenName GreenRewards Screen

Basic Functionality Get all 3 type of Green reward information (Product/ Offers/ Business). rewardID will be using to identify specific Product/ Offers/ Business information. Id is static and should be the same - using to idetify category type.

GreenRewards Screen

To Submit (Apply) for green partner.

GreenRewards Screen

To get/browse all Products/ Business . (BrowseAllBusiness and BrowseAllProducts) id=1 (means get me all product information) id=2 (means get me all business information)

To get/browse all offers as per the filter (offerType/onlineORinstore/distance)option s user selected. isRedeemed and is Flagged used to disable/enable button options in iOS side. Important : I have used this same Webservice to populate different Offers (browseAll/getRedeemedOffers/getFlagged Offers) info into different screens.

OfferDetailInfo (There should be 2 buttons 1. remove from falgged list 2. flag for later)

Remove offers from flagged list

get specific offer information - here its good to get specific offer detail from different ws call since offer info might change in later versions.

Add offers to flagged list

To remove particular flagged offer information

validate the pin, do the redeem, save the offer and send required offer information back in response

Get other offers related to newly redemed Offer.

Send coupn for email - not confirm yet to sending it from backend or ios. -Basically you have to implement email fucntionality to send email from your end, I will send required details to process it. Hope you can give information for that!



Update API Doc

Webservice Name (Request Type) getGreenRewards (GET)

Request Body

applyForGreenPartner (POST) name=Kani2&businesstName=Don&em

ail=au@gmail.coma&contactNumber=12 1331&prefferedContactTime=2.30&desc ription=description

browseAllRewards (GET)


getOffersList (POST)

offerType=1&onlineORinstore=1&distan ce=1100&percentageOff=25&valueOff= 1200&userID=34&getRedeemedOffers= 1&getFlaggedOffers=0

removeOfferFromFlagList (GET)


getOfferDetailInfo (GET)


addOfferToFlagList (POST)


removeOfferFromFlagList (POST)


askForPinCode (POST)

offerID=2&userID=32&pinCode=123311 131

getOtherOffers (POST) done in offerID=2&userID=32 getAllOffers WS

getProductDetailInfo (POST)

productID=2322&userID=4&categoryID= "1233"

getBusinessDetailInfo (POST)

businessID=2322&userID=4&categoryID =1213

Success Response { "code": 200, "status": 1, "data": [ { "id": 3, title: Offer of the Day rewardID: 123 "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description }, { "id": 1, title: Product of the Day rewardID: 123 "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description }, { "id": 2, title: Business of the Day rewardID: 123 "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description } ],

{ "code": 1108, "status": 1, "message": Success message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 200, "status": 1, "data": [ { "categoryID": 1, "categoryTitle": category 1, categoryList: [ { "id": 2, title: Product of the Day "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description }, { "id": 1, title: Product of the Day "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description } ] }, { "categoryID": 2, "categoryTitle": category 2, categoryList: [

{ "code": 200, "status": 1, "data": [ { "id": 123, title: offer title isRedeemed: 1 isFlagged: 0 "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description }, { "id": 121, title: offer title isRedeemed: 0 isFlagged: 0 "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description }, { "id": 1232, title: offer title isRedeemed: 1 isFlagged: 0 "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260"

{ "code": 1108, "status": 1, "message": Success message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 200, "status": 1, "data": [ { "id": 123, title: offer title isRedeemed: 1 isFlagged: 0 "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description } ], "server_time": "2013-12-18 06:39:15" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 1, "message": Success message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 1, "message": Success message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 1, "message": Success message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 200, "status": 1, "data": [ { "id": 123, title: offer title isRedeemed: 1 isFlagged: 0 "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description }, { "id": 121, title: offer title isRedeemed: 0 isFlagged: 0 "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description }, { "id": 1232, title: offer title isRedeemed: 1 isFlagged: 0 "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260"

{ "code": 200, "status": 1, "data": [ { "id": 123, tags: {tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, tag6} name: product Name "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" description: content description weblink: web link categoryInfo: {content description as an array} } ], "server_time": "2013-12-18 06:39:15" }

{ "code": 200, "status": 1, "data": [ { "id": 123, name: product Name founded : Founder Name "thumbnailURL": "http://media.getchute.com/media/1QVWktfra/w/260" shortDescription: content description companyOverview: content description contactDetail: send them in a preferred way description: content description coordinates: [ { longitude: 12322.4343}, { lattitude: 11231.433} ] sustainability: 1 tags: {tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, tag6} weblink: web link ecoCommitments: [ { organicProducts: 1}, { degradableProducts: 1}, { solarPowered: 0} ] ecoCommitmentsOtherInfo: Other info about eco-commitments communityCommitments: [ { charityContribution: 1}, { supportCommunity: 1}, { supportArtists: 0}

Error Response { "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

{ "code": 1108, "status": 0, "message": "Error message.", "server_time": "2013-12-18 04:21:35" }

Sample Screen

Time Estimation(in hours) 24

cannot do an estimation



cannot do an estimation



24 Requriement not much clear but I have estimated roughly


cannot do an estimation

cannot do an estimation

cannot do an estimation



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