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Discussion Questions for Ancient Greek City-States—15 points. You get the other half later. NOTE:
Each answer is worth only one point, so to get the point you must thoroughly and accurately answer.
Use your own paper and attach this page to the top of your answers.

1. Discuss the role of geography in determining the political structure, economy, culture and
interactions of the Greek people in city-states.
2. Discuss the origin of the word barbarian. What role does language play in prejudice? Explain
using real examples.
3. How many English words can you think of that come from the word ? What do they mean?
4. Define all of the following and describe;
5. How is the democracy of ancient Greece different then our democracy today? Why has it
changed? Is it possible today to have a pure democracy?
6. The Greek people believed that it was better to be ruled by a local government than by one far
away. Do you agree with this? Why? What benefits are there to having a more powerful
government farther away?
7. What was ostracism? What does this term mean today? Do you agree with this practice as it was
done in Ancient Greece? What problems did it solve?
8. Discuss the differences in the Greek juries and the ones we use today. Which do you think
works better? Why?
9. To what extent were the Greeks actually NOT very democratic?
10. Discuss the idea of hubris in your own words. Do you agree with what the Greeks were saying
about people and their pride?
11. Describe the way the Spartans treated children? Was this something you think was a valuable
12. Compare the different requirements for military service between Spartans and Athenians. Do
you think the United States should require military service for a few years?
13. How was Sparta both an oligarchy and a monarchy? Include definitions in your answer.
14. Which culture do you admire more, Sparta or Athens? Explain.
15. Give a detailed description of the Olympic games. How did these change? Why are games a
healthy thing?

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