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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Unit Plan Template

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Unit Author First and Last Name School Name "rade level#su$%ect Unit Overview Unit Title Ma nets Unit Summary Students will investi ate ma nets#ma netic 'orce throu h hands(on materials. Approximate Time Nee e )* minutes each. Unit !oun ation Targete Content Stan ar s an SC.+.&.&.,"enchmar#s Jessyka McCormick Brid eview !lementary &nd

compare the e''ects o' 'orce on the motion o' an o$%ect.

SC.+.&.,.* manipulate scienti'ic instruments and everyday materials to investi ate the natural world .e. ., hand lens, $alance, thermometer, metric ruler, ma nets, weather instruments, or calculators/. SC.+.&.&.0 demonstrate that a ma net can attract or repel o$%ects. SC.+.&.,.1 desi n and conduct simple investi ations2 o$serve, collect and record in'ormation usin a variety o' classi'ication systems2 descri$e trends o' data2 and make predictions $ased on that data .e. ., seasonal chan es and plants or temperature and weather/. Stu ent O$%ectives&'earning Outcomes Students will demonstrate that a ma net will cause motion o' an o$%ect that is attracted to a ma net. Students will classi'y items in their world that are attracted or repelled $y a ma net. Students will demonstrate the stren th o' ma netic 'orce $y usin a ma net and other o$%ects. Students will predict that some o$%ects will attract or repel a ma net. Students will compare the e''ects o' 'orce on the motion o' an o$%ect $y usin a $alance $eam. Three 'essons 'esson One 3ow ma nets work( students will have a $a o' o$%ects and a ma net and will predict what o$%ects will stick to the ma net. 4hey then will test each o$%ect and see i' they are correct. Ma netic 'orce and motion( students will see that ma netism can work throu h materials and do a couple other experiments. 4his is the technolo y lesson where 5 will show my 'lip lesson. 5nvesti atin ma netic 'orce( students will measure and compare the 'orce o' attraction $etween ma nets usin a $alance.

'esson Two 'esson Three

6 &--1 5ntel Corporation. 7ll 8i hts 8eserved.

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline "e(ore pro%ect wor# $egins :ia nostic "ive pre(test at $e innin o' lessons2 written, askin ;uestions, etc. Stu ents wor# on pro%ects an complete tas#s Formative <alk around and monitor students. 7sk ;uestions. A(ter pro%ect wor# is complete Summative Students will answer 'ocus ;uestions a'ter lesson. 7t the very end o' the unit ive a post test, which will $e the same as the pre(test that was iven at the $e innin .

Assessment Summary Students will $e iven a dia nostic pre(test and summative post(test at the $e innin and end o' the unit. 7t the $e innin o' the other two lessons, 5 will ask ;uestions to tap into their prior knowled e a$out the material we will $e learnin that day. :urin all o' these lessons 5 will monitor students to make sure they all are participatin and writin down thin s when they should $e. 5 will also ask ;uestions. 7t the end o' the 'irst two lessons, they will answer a 'ocus ;uestion. 7t the end o' the third lesson they will take a post(test which will $e the same as the pre(test iven at the $e innin . Unit )etails Prere*uisite S#ills 4o $e determined Instructional Proce ures 4o $e determined Accommo ations (or )i((erentiate
Special Nee s Stu ents


4o $e determined

6 &--1 5ntel Corporation. 7ll 8i hts 8eserved.

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course


4o $e determined

+i(te &Talente Stu ents

4o $e determined

6 &--1 5ntel Corporation. 7ll 8i hts 8eserved.

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

,aterials an Camera Computer.s/

-esources -e*uire

!or Unit =C8 =ideo Camera =ideo Con'erencin !;uip. +ther

Technology . /ar ware .Click $oxes o' all e;uipment needed/ Laser :isk 9rinter 9ro%ection System Scanner 4elevision 5ma e 9rocessin 5nternet <e$ Browser Multimedia <e$ 9a e :evelopment <ord 9rocessin +ther

:i ital Camera :=: 9layer 5nternet Connection :ata$ase#Spreadsheet :esktop 9u$lishin !(mail So'tware !ncyclopedia on C:(8+M Printe ,aterials Lesson ,>

Technology . So(tware .Click $oxes o' all so'tware needed./

& Ma nets per roup , Ba o' test o$%ects with the inventory list per roup Ma netic +$servations 'or each student Stick or No(Stick 3andout 'or each student Lesson &> & Ma nets per roup , Ba o' test o$%ects per roup +$servation sheet 'or everyone & paper clips per roup Supplies & pieces o' paper per roup Strin tied to each paper clip Lesson ?> For each pair> , $alance & plastic cups , pencil ) Ma nets ) spacers .small plastic countin chips/ &* lar e washers Ma netic 'orce procedure Ma netic 'orce raph Internet -esources Other -esources Flip lesson> http>##www.youtu$e.com#watch@vA%sB?rdhwo(o

Copyri ht 6 &--1 5ntel Corporation. 7ll ri hts reserved. 5ntel, the 5ntel lo o, 5ntel !ducation 5nitiative, and 5ntel 4each 9ro ram are trademarks o' 5ntel Corporation in the C.S. and other countries. D+ther names and $rands may $e claimed as the property o' others.

6 &--1 5ntel Corporation. 7ll 8i hts 8eserved.

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