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Hayley Stout

ENGL 1102
Professor Adam Padgett
February 21, 2013

Annotated Bibliography
Inquiry: What are the long term effects of children prematurely exposed to social media?
Proposed Thesis: Premature exposure to social media has a negative affect towards a childs
social skills, self-esteem and self-respect.
Buckingham, David. Youth, Identity, and Digital Media. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2008.
In the beginning of this work, Buckingham is focused on discussing different identities
and how one develops said identities. We are all very different. Every event in our lives,
big or small, plays a role in defining and developing who we are. Buckingham then goes
on to quote Erik Erikson in saying, it also occurs through interaction with peers and
care givers. Identity is developed by the individual, but it has to be recognized and
confirmed by others. The it that Erikson and Buckingham are both referring to is
cognitive development. To fully grow as an individual the unique everyday interactions
with others are essential. When a child spends too much time on the internet before they
have these key interactions they cheat themselves out of natural social development.
These everyday conversations are molding and expanding ones social skills.
McBride, D.L. "Risks and Benefits of Social Media for Children and Adolescents." Journal of
Pediatric Nursing. 26.5 (2011): 498-499. Print.
Comment [AP1]: This is really good and detailed
Hayley Stout
ENGL 1102
Professor Adam Padgett
February 21, 2013

In this article by D.L. McBride the author focuses on cyber bullying in the beginning of
the text. Though the numbers arent as high as you would think it is still said that on
average 19% of children experience cyber bullying. McBride goes on to say, This can
lead to anxiety, depression, and suicide. The consequences can be life altering, both for
the victim and the bully. These children may require treatment for mental health issues.
Amongst other things read in this article I think this quote shows the double sided sword
of cyber bullying. Not only are the targets of the ridicule exposed to long term suffering
from self esteem issues and depression,. bBut the bullies themselves are also conflicting
psychological damage on themselves without even realizing it.
Wilson, Barbara J. "Media and Children's Aggression, Fear, and Altruism." The Future of
Children. 18.1 (2008): 87-118. Print.
This article talks about the medias effect on emotional development for children.
Wilson first says that preschoolers are able to recognize simple emotions, like happiness,
sadness, and anger. She then goes on to say that younger children have more trouble with
these basic emotions. Although eventually they may be able to understand the actions or
feelings portrayed in a television show, the emotions experienced from human
interactions are more recognizable and memorable for the childs development.
Although the kids may be able to eventually grasp the emotions through technology, the
face to face interactions are what theyre inner-self identifies with.
Comment [AP2]: Interesting. Id like to read
more about how this is possible.
Hayley Stout
ENGL 1102
Professor Adam Padgett
February 21, 2013

Roberts, Donald F, and Ulla G. Foehr. Kids and Media in America. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, 2004. Print.
The beginning of this piece has a large focus on what little the country as a whole really
knows about the effects of social media; besides the obvious overuse. The authors also
talk about the vast difference between technology today verse technologies in the 1950s.
One of the main focuses for this piece of work seems to be the growth of privacy when
concerning the internet. Growing up with only one computer in the house is much easier
to monitor than say having a smart phone. The privacy that comes behind closed doors is
sometimes more responsibility than one is ready for. Kids growing up today are exposed
to a lot more over-aged content. Since the internet is so much easier to access behind
clothes doors this also makes it that much harder to monitor.
Strasburger, VC. "Media and Children: What Needs to Happen Now?" Jama : the Journal of the
American Medical Association. 301.21 (2009): 2265-6. Print.
This article focuses individually on the possible effects the internet can have on the
different emotions experienced daily. When talking about violence the author states,
Research on media violence and its relationship to real-life aggression is substantial and
convincing. The mMajority of people develop and learn from the stimuli they are
exposed to. Your attitudes and emotions are learned at a very young age and once youve
development certain mannerisms it is often very hard to charge them. When you replace
Comment [AP3]: Too dated, do you think?
Comment [AP4]: Sure, but smart phones didnt
exist when this book was written (at least not in the
form we now see them).
Hayley Stout
ENGL 1102
Professor Adam Padgett
February 21, 2013

the anger a child might experience from being scolded, with say the anger a rap star may
exert through a Ttwitter rant the child is learning different values. Rather than learning to
compress your resentment for being punished quietly, the new mind now resorts to
venting about their problems on the internet.
I think you have compiled some interesting sources here, and I think youve done a great
job articulating these ideas. Your thesis is really sharp and clear and will serve your
research paper well. I do think some of these annotation could use more explanation
though. For example, the last sentence here leave much to be discussed or, at the very
least, explained. I really wan to you to engage these sources more so, be an active
participant in the conversation as opposed to a passive reporter. When an interesting or
unusual claim is make, youll need to thoroughly explain either what you mean by it or
what you think your source means by it.
Comment [AP5]: This seems counterintuitive. It
seems you are suggesting that we suppress our
emotions as opposed to expressing them. why is
expressing them online a bad thing?

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