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So I have several goals to what I want to do these four weeks for personal

fitness. The first goal I have is to stay in shape and maintain fitness and
health. I want to be able to do my max bench or whatever more than one
time. I want to work on my arms and my legs for this program. For my
arms I want to do things like benching, I want to be able to bench. For my
legs I like to make my legs stronger by doing hammer press. I would also
like to improve my endurance and make it better so I would run more or bike
more or jump rope more. This is what I want to do for my fitness program.
! dress days.
I will probably for no dress days be doing homework for that hour.
%ap pull down
&urls#"iceps "rachii$
'eck peck flys#(ectoralis )ajor$
%ateral raises#deltoids$
*ammer press#+uadriceps group ,lutenus maximus$
-nee flexion
*ip .xtension#,luteus max/medus 0bductor longus$
S1uats#0buductor longus *amstring group +uadriceps group$
%unges#hamstring group ,luteus maximus$
3ump rope
%ine drills
jump to box
"reak down of day
456784569 dress
:;5;;8:;5:6 cardio and warm up
:;5:<8:;57< weight train
:;5798:;5== plyometryics
:;5=68:;56> get dressed

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