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Grade Health and P.E.
Group Project
Nathan Patterson
Case Jackson
Tyler Atteberry
Cole Cabe
The Purpose of this unit is to give students a good idea of the importance of a balanced
work out schedule with a good diet to match. If the student is an athlete, he or she will learn
different exercises as well as stretches and different diets to partake in to remain healthy. By
taking the students through many different stations it allows them to get a full idea of why
that section is important for health and exercise.

}GPS/QCC #1 - PEHS.2: Demonstrates understanding of movement
concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
}GPS/QCC #2 - PEHE.5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior
that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
}GPS/QCC #3 - PEHS.4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level
of physical fitness.

The students will be allowed to choose their own groups but will only be
allowed 3 in which each group will designate a scribe and the other two will
complete the task and relay the information collected into the type of format
designated for that center. However, each time the group changes stations
the scribe changes as well, this way each student has the chance to use the
technology designated for that center as well as participate in the other
Movement to Centers
All of the different centers will be sectioned off within the class to keep from distracting
other groups in their progress. The 6 centers will work on a rotation basis, meaning, if
group 1 starts at the first center on day one, then they will move to the second center on day
2 and so on. There will be a computer at each station for the students to use in order to
answer any questions or follow video instructions depending on the center that they are on.
Center Descriptions
This project will be focused around individual health and its importance in our lives. For several days
you will transfer as a group between different centers, each with their own tasks. The work will be done
as a group but each student will be required to have his or her own health plan. At the end of the
project period each student will have his or her own individual work out plan that he or she can follow
if they so choose to.
Center 1: Critiquing a work out book
Center 2: (Online) Follow assigned links and read about nutrition
Center 3: Stretch Sequence
Center 4: Creating a Nutritional plan
Center 5: Creating Work Out schedule and stretch plan
Center 6: Create Blog

Center 1
Center 1:
The students will go through a work book critiquing which stretches are
good and bad for the body. They will be given a list of several different
stretching exercises and determine which ones are good and bad. Once they
have come to a consensus on that stretch, in one paragraph they then have to
explain why that specific stretch is bad or good for the body.

Center 2
Center 2:
The students will Follow links and read about the nutritional value of a good
diet and a balanced work out. Links will be provided and the students will
have to follow these links and research at least 3 types of healthy foods and
two exercises that lead to a healthy lifestyle. They will present this
information in a one paragraph paper, through Word.

Center 3
Center 3:
Students will go through a stretch sequence learning how to properly stretch
and for how long. At this station an instructional video will be provided for
the students to play and learn how to properly stretch, depending on the
activity they are performing, and how long to stretch. For instance, a baseball
player will focus more of his stretching on his arms while a track runner will
focus his stretching on his legs.

Center 4
Center 4:
Students will create a nutritional plan for a week using excel. Students will
research already existing plans in order to get an idea of what one looks like
and then will create their own plan including their breakfast and lunch meal
that they receive from the school.

Center 5
Center 5:
Students will create a workout schedule along with a stretching plan for every
day of the week using power point. This center will be more individually
based. Each student will create their own work out plan but with the help of
their group members. It should contain a workout schedule for each day
along with a stretching plan that is focused on that particular days workout.

Center 6
Center 6:
Student will create a blog about the difference they see in their health and
day to day lives. This will be the last and final station and will be a collective
center of the activities and information learned and collected from the five
other stations. The blog will be uploaded and accessible to the students if
they wish to later use it as well and continue tracking their progress.

Unit 2 Activity Sheet
Participation Sheet for Unit 4
Group Members:
Group Members Absent:
Group members assignments: Your group will create a nutritional plan for a week using excel.
Directions: Students will research already existing plans in order to get an idea of what one looks like and then will create their own plan including their breakfast and
lunch meal that they receive from the school.
Did all of your group members put in effort to complete this assignment? If not, explain who did what and who did not participate.

How the students will present their results
Students will present their results by using excel. They will use the table and label it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. They will include the breakfast they ate in the
morning and the lunch meal they receive from school or a lunch they brought.

Unit 4 Activity Sheet
Participation Sheet for Unit 2
Group Members:
Group Members Absent:
Group members assignments: You will Follow links and read about the nutritional value of a good diet and a balanced work out.
http://www.pelinks4u.org http://www.eatright.org/Public/content.aspx?id=2347
http://www.kidshealth.org/ http://www.nutrition.gov/
http://www.strong4life.com/ http://www.health.com/health/
Directions: Each group member will pick two of the six websites and read the information on the site and take notes. Then your group will have to
make a PowerPoint about the information you took notes on about having a good diet and balanced workout.
Did all of your group members put in effort to complete this assignment? If not, explain who did what and who did not participate.

How the students will present their results
The students will present their results in a PowerPoint. They will have to have a minimum of 7 slides. They need to also have at least four
bullet points on each slide which consist of the notes they took from each website.

Peer Evaluation Sheet
Peer Evaluation Sheet

Student Name Evaluated:___________________
Student Conducting Evaluation:_________________
Group Members:_______________________________________________________________________
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1being least involved, 10 being most), please rate the individuals efforts in the group project.
Participated in group discussion:______
Participated in group research:______
Participated in extra individual research:______
Participated in develop of presentations:______
Participated in actual preparation of presentation:______

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