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To work as an Elementary Educator where I can use my educaton!
sklls! and lan"ua"e to enhance the students academc #er$ormance! and
create a sa$e and o#en communty wthn the classroom and student
home en%ronment.
Au"ust )*+, - .ay )*+/ .a""e Cordo%a Elem. 0chool
Student Teacher, 2
Re"ularly attend 0ta$$ .eetn"s! CTT colla1oraton team #lannn"
meetn"s! 0AT meetn"s! and a$ter school e%ents! such as scence
n"ht and $all carn%al.
're#are lessons and currculum n accordance wth Common Core
Took o%er )
"rade class $or .entor teacher $or $%e weeks nstead o$
the re2ured three weeks whch conssted o$ #lannn" and #re#arn"
lessons! #ro%dn" $ormal and n$ormal assessments! and "radn".
Attend sta$$ trann"s $ a%ala1le! such as 0mart1oard trann"! Run!
Hde! 3"ht Back trann"! (.'E4 E%aluaton Trann"s! and
(.0BA testn" securty.
Or"an5ed a %st 1etween local 4entst and )
"rade classes to hear
more a1out our teeth durn" our Human Body and Teeth 6nt.
0u1sttued $or .entor teacher $or sck days and trann"s throu"hout
the whole school year.
Au"ust )**7 - Au"ust )*+, 8rtland 3ederal Credt 6non
Mortgage Servicer
'ayn" a##ro#rate escrow 1uckets throu"h out the month.
're#are escrow analyss and end o$ year +*9: and +*99
Re%ew #ost closn" ttle #olcy and recorded mort"a"e.
Backn" u# the Consumer loan ser%cers! and edtn" #rocedures.
Order out ttle 1nders and a##rasals $or .ort"a"e 'rocessors
July )**/ - Au"ust )**7 8rtland 3ederal Credt 6non
Consumer Loan Servicer
're#arn" documents and $undn" Home E2utes.
3undn" consumer loans .e. %ehcle! cert$cate! share secured etc.
Trann" $ellow co;workers.
'ayn" o$$ %ehcles and releasn" ttles.
Im#lementn" #rocedures $or the #oston.
June )**, - July )**/ 8rtland 3ederal Credt 6non
Bank Teller
Customer 0er%ce.
Cash handln"! closn" accounts! 1ank 1y mal! and AT. 4e#osts.
<res! Casher Checks! and .oney Orders.
Au"ust )**+ - .ay )**, Hawa (atonal Bank
Bank Teller
3ore"n Currency! <res! and ACH 'ayments.
Customer 0er%ce.
Cash handln"! closn" accounts! 1ank 1y mal! and AT. 4e#osts.
Casher Checks and .oney Orders.
)**9;'resent 6n%ersty o$ (ew .e=co Al1u2uer2ue! (.
.aster>s n Elementary Educaton?Alternat%e Route 8;: Lcensure
Tesol Endorsement
'ursun" Bln"ual Endorsement
+99@-)*** 6n%ersty o$ (ew .e=co Al1u2uer2ue! (.
Bachelor o$ Arts
.aAor n Latn Amercan 0tudes.
.nor n Bolo"y.
January )**+ C'R Al1u2uer2ue 3re Academy
June )**@ 0tar Class Core .odules 8rtland 3ederal Credt
.ay )*+/ (. Teachn" Lcense Ter +?Tesol Endorsement (ew
0em;3luent n 0#ansh. 8nowled"e o$ the $ollown" com#uter so$twareB
.croso$t <ord! E=cel! Access and .rada! 'remer II and 'remer II
Teller! Teller (a%"ator! .C com#uter! and 3IC0 so$tware.
8nowled"ea1le o$ 'C and .acntosh Com#uters! 0mart1oard.
.onca .aestas C7*7D )E*;*E+7
0yl%a <ert C7*7D @*/;E,E:
.chelle 3ord C7*7D),7;)///
Au"ust )**E - 4ecem1er )**E C1ola H"h 0chool Ron La%andosk
January )**: - .ay )**: .are Hu"hes Elementary .. 8athleen
Au"ust )**9 - .ay )*+* 0hnn" 0tars 'reschool Thala Bonahoom
Au"ust )*+* ; .ay )*++ 0hnn" 0tars 'reschool 0andra Estala
Au"ust )*++ ; .ay )*+) Colnas 4el (orte Elementary 0u5anne
Au"ust )*+) - .ay )*+, Colnas 4el (orte Elementary (atale Como
+ , @ @ 3 I RE <E E 4 4R (E ! RI O RA(CHO! (. C 7 * 7 D ) ) E ; * : , *

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