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Week Two: Lesson Four

Lesson: Finish writing of persuasive essay

Objective: Students will be able to write a persuasive essay using information from the previous
days research! Students will know how write an effective research paper!
Common Core Standards/Content Standards:
"ommon "ore standards: #istory$Social Science
%!& Students demonstrate an understanding of the physical and human geographic features that
define places and regions in "alifornia
"ontent Standards: Science
Life Science
'! Living organisms depend on one another and on their environment for survival! (s a basis
for understanding this concept:
'!a! Students know ecosystems can be characteri)ed by their living and nonliving components!
'!b! Students know that in any particular environment* some kinds of plants and animals survive
well* some survive less well* and some cannot survive at all!
"ommon "ore Standards: Language (rts
Writing Standards
Te+t Types and ,urposes $Write opinion pieces on topics or te+ts* supporting a point of view with reasons
and information!
a! -ntroduce a topic or te+t clearly* state an opinion* and create an organi)ational structure
in which related ideas are grouped to support the writers purpose!
b! ,rovide reasons that are supported by facts and details!
c! Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases .e!g!* for instance* in order to* in addition/!
d! ,rovide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented
,roduction and 0istribution of Writing
1! With some guidance and support from adults* use technology* including the -nternet* to produce and
publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others2 demonstrate sufficient command of
keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single sitting!
3esearch to 4uild and ,resent 5nowledge
6! "onduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a
7! 3ecall relevant information from e+periences or gather relevant information from print and digital
sources2 take notes* paraphrase* and categori)e information* and provide a list of sources!
8! 0raw evidence from literary or informational te+ts to support analysis* reflection* and research!
Technology Standards
&! "reativity and innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking* construct knowledge* and develop innovative products and
processes using technology!
a! apply e+isting knowledge to generate new ideas* products* or processes
b! create original works as a means of personal or group e+pression
'! 3esearch and information fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather* evaluate* and use information!
a! plan strategies to guide in9uiry
b! locate* organi)e* analy)e* evaluate* synthesi)e* and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media
c! evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks
d! process data and report results
%! "ritical thinking* problem solving* and decision making
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research* manage projects* solve problems* and
make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources!
:! 0igital citi)enship
Students understand human* cultural* and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior!
a! advocate and practice safe* legal* and responsible use of information and technology
b! e+hibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration* learning* and
6. Technology operations and concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts* systems* and operations!
a! understand and use technology systems
b! select and use applications effectively and productively
< ;icrosoft Word
< "omputer
< i,ad
< ,roofreaders mark handout
Lesson ,reparation: ,lease be sure and turn all i,ads on .can be found at the back of class in the
crate/* and place them on to each students desk .according to the number on the back and the
students name tag number/! ,lease also review the proofreaders mark paper because you will be
going over this handout with students before they can start typing up their paper!
(nticipatory Set: Today you will finish writing your persuasive essay rough draft! =ou will
finish your rough draft and begin working on editing and correcting all grammar* punctuation
and misspellings! #ere is a paper that will help you when going through your paper and trying to
find the correct markings for each type of correction .please hand out one paper to each student/!
,lease go over each type of marking with the students so that they will know how to edit and
make corrections!
>uided -nstruction: 4efore students can start typing their paper up* they must first finish their
rough draft and get it approved by you! "heck and make sure students have made corrections in
red .you do not need to read through the whole thing* just glance over it and be sure students
have included five paragraphs and 7$8 sentences/! "heck and make sure students essays include:
a topic sentence* three main points* and a conclusion! Students will start typing their essay either
on their i,ad* the two computers in class or in the computer lab .please allow students to chose
what they are most comfortable using/! For the two computers in class* please draw numbers and
pick students at random and ask them first if they would like to use the computers in class or
something else .this way there is no fighting/* continuing drawing numbers until the two
computers have been occupied!
-ndependent (ctivity: Students will either go to the computer lab to write their essay or stay in
class and use their i,ad or one of two computers .if a student would like to go to the computer
lab* have them walk over with another student* not alone/! ,lease allow students to write their
essay for ':$:? minutes* depending on the time! Once students have finished writing their paper*
they need to print their paper out and attach it to the top of their rough draft and graphic
organi)er! -f students do not finish typing or have not even started typing* they will need to finish
typing their paper up at home/! Final drafts are due tomorrow along with a copy of the rough
draft and persuasive graphic organi)er outline!
Student Work/Outcome: Students will be assessed on how well they can create a persuasive
essay! - am looking for signs that students know how to correctly cite resources* include research
information and write using all correct grammar and punctuation! Students will be graded on:
essay focus .stay on topic/* organi)ation* grammar* and complete assignment re9uirements
.include introduction* three body paragraphs and a conclusion/! Students will also be graded on
whether or not they have completed their graphic organi)er and a rough draft! (t the end of this
lesson students will know how to effectively write a persuasive essay and how to go through a
paper and make grammar corrections!
Rubric: Persuasie !ssay Total Points: "#
Category !$cellent % Satis&actory " 'erage ( )nsatis&actory *+,
-ocus+*# points @ssay has a focus
@ssay mostly has a
focus throughout!
@ssay sometimes
loses focus on the
@ssay does not
have a focus!
@ssay has a clear
introduction* body
and conclusion!
@ssay has a clear
introduction* body
and conclusion*
though not always
@ssay is missing
an introduction*
body or
@ssay is missing
two of the
following: an
introduction* body
or conclusion!
/rammar @ssay has not
@ssay has &$A
@ssay has '$%
@ssay has more
than % grammatical
@ssay has more
than two reasons
to support its
@ssay has two
reasons to support
its position!
@ssay has one
reason to support
its position!
@ssay has no
reason to support
its position!
Persuasie !ssay /uidelines:
=ou have just traveled to one of the distinct biomes that can be found here on ,lanet @arth! =ou
notice on your journey that there are fewer animals* less plants and it is not what you had
envisioned! =ou come to reali)e that your biome has been subject to e+tinction!
=ou will be writing a A$' paper .: paragraphs/ essay e+pressing your concern for your biome*
being sure to cite specific animals and plants that are in your biome* as well as writing specific
reasons as to why you think the biome is becoming e+tinct and how people can help preserve the
,aragraph one: -ntroduction
B"ontains at least 7$8 sentences
B >rab the readers attention
B-ntroduce your biome: location* name* climate* and what you thought when you visited the
B;ention three topics you are going to discuss .e+amples: animals and plants found in the
biome* e+amples of biome e+tinction* and e+amples as to how people can preserve the biome/
,aragraph two$four: 4ody
B One paragraph for each of the three topics mentioned above .citing e+amples from your notes/
B @ach paragraph must be 7$8 sentences in length
,aragraph five: "onclusion
B @nd with summari)ing your whole e+perience at the biome .referring back to your body
B Should be 7$8 sentences in length
$Works cited will also need to be added at the end of the essay
3ough draft is due on: CCCCCCCCCCCCC
Final draft is due on: CCCCCCCCCCCCCC .this is worth %? points/

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