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Dumais EdTech 597

What was the most impressive paper to read? Explain what makes you think so.(
The paper that impressed me most was Lloyd Riebers paper seriously Consider Play. I liked
this paper because the concepts and ideas covered were based upon an overview of learning
through play and is a perspective based upon a constructivist point of view. I certainly feel more
drawn to the constructivist point of view as I teach using an inquiry based approach to teaching
and learning. I also liked this paper because of the overview of Piagets flow theory, I believe
that this concept is a very powerful idea that for those of us that have played games (sports)
when youre in the game and things are fun the game flows and brings the player along. I also
liked this paper because of the concept of a microworld, the idea is to recreate an aspect of a real
world on a miniature scale in order to make sense of the world and learn from it.
The constructivist approach to learning is a well-documented learning theory, one supported by
many years of research and implementation, Rieber states that play is a source of rich and
meaningful learning through multimedia learning environments (Rieber 1996). He embeds this
concept of play at the beginning of his paper within the constructivist theory by calling it
pragmatic constructivism. Rieber states that play is an important mediator for learning and
socializing through life (Rieber 1996). The concepts behind constructivism clearly lay in the
idea that students can and do learn best when they are provided with a problem or series of
problems in which they must solve the challenge. Students are encouraged to do it
collaboratively drawing upon various group members to solve aspects where they have a special
skill, or understanding. In an inquiry based approach to learning students follow a very similar
pattern to those students that play on-line games such as World of Warcraft. This game requires
collaboration, team work with people that have specialty skills and they must overcome
challenges that cannot be solved individually. Rieber gets it right when he states that the purpose
of play is to learn something useful (Rieber 1996).
I also liked this paper because Rieber connects play in with Piagets flow theory. I certainly can
attest to understanding this concept as a player of athletic sports. I have been in the flow or the
zone when playing sports, the outside world fades away, time stops and the mind is singularly
focused upon the game. Reiber states that the theory creates a particular state of extreme
happiness and satisfaction (Rieber 1996). Often people discuss how exhilarating they felt during
an activity, like they are on adrenalin high. Reiber states that this flow is an important
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component and a framework for an adults motivation for learning (Rieber 1996). People will go
to extreme lengths to get back into the flow and experience the sensations and feelings, we call
them adrenaline junkies and YouTube is full of people showing the extremes they will go to get
a natural high. Reiber discusses how this desire to get into the flow can be a powerful tool to
help people learn, if we as teachers can get students so excited about learning that they get into a
zone, great things could be accomplished. By Reiber connecting this flow theory to games is
makes it clear that gamification of education could become a very powerful tool to propel
mankind to great things.
I also liked this paper because of Reibers exploration of the microworld concept. First of all he
makes a very simple and easy to understand analogy of a microworld being like a sand box
where the child can recreate a small aspect of the world around them. First of all as a young
child I remember playing in a pile of sand in the back yard and my brother and I used toys and
props to make little towns and roads and we would play cops and robbers and construction
people, so the analogy worked for me. Secondly I believe he used this analogy because
microworld like Call of Duty (COD) or World of Warcraft (WOW) didnt exist as an example
for him at the time of his writing his paper. |Certainly now we can understand the concept of a
microworld when we discuss WOW or COD. Reiber discusses in his paper that these
microworlds create ideal learning scenarios, he states that there are three main components of
these world that facilitate learning. One, learners find the environment intrinsically motivating,
that the game itself is fun and the game keeps them coming back. Certainly if you follow any
statistics regarding COD or WOW players will spend multiple hours on-line to complete raids or
quests. Secondly the player must engage in planning, goal setting monitoring their own success.
WOW is all about setting up raiding parties, having the right people and equipment in order to
accomplish the task. Thirdly learners must structure the environment to best support their
learning. In games like COD or WOW players can only move up levels by completing certain
tasks and acquiring skills, the player will struggle if they attempt to accomplish tasks that they
have not prepared for. Rieber states that micro world games helps the learner become self-
regulated and thus becoming effective learners. (Rieber 1996).

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In conclusion Riebers paper on play and learning covers the core concepts and ideas behind
play, he embeds it clearly in constructivist theory and uses examples of the flow theory to show
the power of learners being self-regulated and self-motivated and it ensures that students and
players become the best they can become.

Rieber, L (1996). Seriously considering play: Designing interactive learning environments
basedon the blending of microworlds, simulations, and games. Education technology
research and development, 44 (2), 43-58

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