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Loretta Jacob, Certified Health Coach

Abundant Health
As of 2013, The American Heart Association states that
154.7 million people age 20+ are considered overweight
and/or obese in the United States
As of 2013, The American Heart Association states that
23.9 million children ages 2-19 are considered
overweight and/or obese in the United States
We are getting sicker, and spending billions of dollars to
harm ourselves further
An abundance of stress
Life on the go - too busy to slow down and care for ourselves
Turning to prepackaged, processed foods for convenience
Environmental toxins bombarding us daily and building up in our
Lack of exercise
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Health Coaches are Certified and
Professionally trained to assist you in
making the best choices for your health
and happiness
Trained in over 100 dietary theories,
Health Coaches base their work on bio-
individuality to find what works best for
your unique body
Accountability is key in your success
Having someone who has been there,
done that to assist you on your journey
creates a partnership for success
Aside from focusing on the food you fuel your body with,
Health Coaches assist in evaluating all areas of your life
During this evaluation, key areas that are unbalanced are
An approach to create balance in these areas are determined
by us, together, to create sustainable harmony in all areas of
This leads to a healthier, happier you!
Together, we will create a plan
based on your unique and
individual body to help you
We will implement new foods
into your diet slowly
I will share fun and delicious
new recipes to try throughout
our journey together and
Are you ready to feel better
than you have in ages?
Are you ready to shed some
pounds and fit into those jeans
Are you ready to improve your
quality of life?
During our program, you will:
Lose weight
Learn about clean eating
Reduce stress
Eliminate sugar
Increase energy naturally
Beat those cravings
Create long term goals for optimal health
Bi-weekly sessions by Skype, phone or in
Each session, we will discuss a new health
and lifestyle topic
Each session, we will create new goals for
the coming weeks
Endless email support throughout the duration
of your program
Loads of new recipes for you to try
Free gifts to help you in your healthy
Accountability to help you stay on track and get
your best results
Sign up for your Free Health Breakthrough
Session today
We will go over your goals for yourself and map out your personalized program together
Ready to jump right in?
Contact me to discuss what Health Coaching Program is right for you!
I can't wait to join you on your journey to the new, healthy you!

Loretta Jacob, Certified Health Coach
Abundant Health

Go AS, Mozaffarian D, Roger VL, Benjamin EJ, Berry JD, Borden WB,
Bravata DM, Dai S, Ford ES, Fox CS, Franco S, FullertonHJ, Gillespie C,
Hailpern SM, Heit JA, Howard VJ, Huffman MD, Kissela BM, Kittner SJ,
Lackland DT, Lichtman JH, Lisabeth LD,Magid D, Marcus GM, Marelli A,
Matchar DB, McGuire DK, Mohler ER, Moy CS, Mussolino ME, Nichol G,
Paynter NP, SchreinerPJ, Sorlie PD, Stein J, Turan TN, Virani SS, Wong
ND, Woo D, Turner MB; on behalf of the American Heart Association
StatisticsCommittee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Heart disease and
stroke statistics2013 update: a report from the AmericanHeart

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