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Ma[or AssessmenL 2 on Lhe arLlcle Plgher food prlces Lo
push annual household grocery bllls up 830 by 2018"

lood prlces are expecLed Lo rlse by nearly 20 ln Lhe nexL 3 years
Crowlng global demand for meaL and graln
WeaLher and land glven over Lo blofuels would push up Lhe cosL of everyday
lood prlce lnflaLlon would add 19.6 bllllon pounds Lo Lhe naLlon's (Lngland)
annual grocery paymenL by 2018.
Pouseholds spend nearly 3,000 pounds a year on grocerles. 1hls new blll
would add 830 pounds Lo Lhe 3,000.
uemand for food llke meaL and graln ls ouLsLrlpplng supply and we have run
ouL of sclence now, Lhe only way we are golng Lo produce more ls by brlnglng
more land lnLo play." nell Saunders
WeaLher ls far more erraLlc Lhls affecLs harvesLs around Lhe world.
lood wlll have Lhe hlghesL lnflaLlon beLween now and 2018.
An 800-gram beef wlll add 1.30 pounds.
A loaf of Povls sllced bread wlll lncrease by 23 pence.
9 pence Lo a plnL of mllk.
1lm 8enLon sald, lamllles needed Lo cuL Lhe amounL Lhey eaL by a Lhlrd as
consumpLlon levels are unsusLalnable."

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1he arLlcle wrlLLen by SLeve Pawkes of Lhe 1elegraph Plgher lood rlces Lo
ush Annual Pousehold Crocery bllls up by 830 by 2018" explalns LhaL Lhe annual
grocery blll ln Lhe unlLed klngdom ls Lo rlse by 17.8 percenL. 1hls ls malnly due Lo
meaL and graln lnflaLlon. A conLrlbuLor Lo Lhe meaL and graln lnflaLlon ls LhaL a loL of
lands once used for graln developmenL have been Lurned lnLo blofuel farms.
l belleve LhaL Lhls ls all rlghL", ln oLher words noL good or bad. Cn one hand
we are farmlng for blofuels, whlch wlll be good for Lhe earLh's llfe. 8uL on Lhe oLher
hand lL ls bad, because lf Lhe food prlces go up by nearly 20 Lhen a loL of Lhe poorer
people ln CreaL 8rlLLan and afLer LhaL Lhe world wlll have Lo sLarL eaLlng a greaL
amounL less.
WhaL [usL adds onLo Lhls low supply raLe ls Lhe hlgh demand. 1he demand ls
ouL welghlng Lhe supply. 1hls Lhen also leads Lo hlgh prlces. LrraLlc weaLher also
makes lL hard for Lhe farmers and Lhe land lefL Lo acLually grow someLhlng. 1he maln
conLrlbuLor Lo erraLlc weaLher ls global warmlng whlch ls human enforced. 1hls
means LhaL one of Lhe only ways Lo keep Lhe prlces Lhe same ls by changlng our
hablLs, or by searchlng for more land ln developlng counLrles.
AnoLher alLernaLlve ldea would be LhaL we leL Lhe prlces lncrease and
lncrease Lhen, sooner or laLer, food wlLh graln or meaL wlll be only for speclal
occaslons or only for Lhe rlch Lo eaL. 1he maln people affecLed by Lhls are obvlously
Lhe poor. lf Lhe lnflaLlon rlses we'll be rlghL back aL were we sLarLed wlLh Lhe rlch
eaLlng all sorLs of expenslve luxurlous foods, and Lhe poor, Lhey eaL Lhe common
soup along wlLh some bread, and flsh.
1he polnL l'm Lrylng Lo make ls LhaL we should really focus on Lrylng Lo keep
food prlces Lhe unchanged. Also, along wlLh Lhe rlch and poor foods wlll come
hunger. Some people won'L have enough money Lo buy Lhe slmple foods.
lf l were Lo commenL on Lhe resL of Lhe arLlcle l would say LhaL we are golng
Lhe rlghL" way.
l belleve LhaL lf we acL fasL we can sLlll end Lhls perlod well. We wlll end wlLh
Lhe graln and meaL prlces sLable. 1hls meaL and graln lnflaLlon wlll mosL llkely also
conLlnue on affecLlng oLher food prlces lf lL conLlnues Lo change.
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ln concluslon, food prlces are scheduled Lo rlse by nearly 20 ln Lhe nexL 3
years due Lo growlng global demand for cerLaln foods (ex. MeaL and graln), erraLlc
weaLher condlLlons and due Lo land puL lnLo blofuel farmlng. 1he 20 lnflaLlon wlll
cause households Lo pay around 830 pounds more ln Lhelr annual grocery blll. nell
Saunders, conlumlno managlng dlrecLor says LhaL uemand for food llke meaL and
graln ls ouLsLrlpplng supply and we have run ouL of sclence now, Lhe only way we are
golng Lo produce more ls by brlnglng more land lnLo play".
LasLly, an 800 gram beef wlll add 1.30 pounds Lo lL's prlce. A loaf of bread wlll
add 23 pence and a plnL of mllk 9 pence. 1o Lhls 1lm 8enLon sald, lamllles needed
Lo cuL Lhe amounL Lhey eaL by a Lhlrd as consumpLlon levels are unsusLalnable."

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key lssue: lood prlces wlll lncrease by 20 by 2018, lncreaslng Lhe grocery cosL of
each household ln Lhe uk by 830 per year.

Causes: Plgher demand, supply sLagnanL, less land because of more land seL lnLo
blofuels and erraLlc weaLher condlLlons.

Consequences: Plgher rlces for gralns and meaL, people perhaps eaL less.

AffecLed: MosLly Lhe poorer populaLlon because Lhey wlll have Lo spend more of
Lhelr salary on food.

luLure: eople wlll seek more land (malnly ln Lhe developlng counLrles), perhaps
Lhere wlll be more money lnvesLed ln seed research so LhaL more food can be
produced on Lhe exlsLlng land.

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