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Alex Wisner

Henry Ford 10 Facts

1. The average pay for workers in the 1920s was $1-3 a day.
2. The average pay for auto workers working for Henry Ford during the 1920s was $5 a day.
3. That pay is equal to about $120 a day. Yes, I would work for that wage.
4. The Model T cost about $300 in the 1920s.
5. The average price for cars that were not the Model T, in the 1920s was about $575.
6. The working conditions in a Ford plant in the 1920s were dirty, crowded, and dangerous not
only for adults but for children as well.
7. Ford gave the combination of mass production and better wages, which let the employees have
enough money to afford to buy their own car.
8. The Model T was a great idea because it made automobiles affordable to the masses.
9. One benefit of the assembly line for the automobile industry is that its cheaper to make things
and the businesses can up their prices and charge more. One downside is that lots of job
opportunities are lost.
10. 10 Facts about Henry Ford:
1. Henry Ford was born on a prosperous farm.
2. Henry Ford was born and died in Michigan.
3. Henry Ford had created his own airplane business during WWII, called the Ford Airplane
4. Henry Ford was the person who named Kingsford Charcoal, named after his brother-in-
law, E G Kingsford.
5. Henry Ford repaired watches, as a young man, for his family and friends.
6. Henry Ford ran for a seat in the Senate at the urging of the president.
7. Thomas Edison, the man who made the light bulb famous, worked with Henry Ford.
8. Henry Ford worked with George Washington Carver.
9. Henry Ford invented the assembly line.
10. Henry Ford died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

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