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Describe what you consider to be the attributes of good parenting. Be as specific as possible.

Do you ever plan on becoming a parent? Why or why not? Is there only one right way to raise

children? Explain.

When the term “parents” appears in typical teenagers’ brains today, the adjectives that

may follow are mostly likely annoying, old school, too many restrictions, old, or un-cool. There

is never a definite way to good parenting, because the strategy to be used is based on the child’s

personality and needs. In my opinion of the society today, most parents often want to be “cool”

and allow their children to do whatever they want and buy whatever they desire. However, there

are many basic guidelines that responsible parents must follow in order for their child to grow up

and develop into a successful and contributive individual in society. These principles include

laying down basic family rules, teaching the child to respect their elders, guide them in setting

the long and short term goals that they want to achieve in life, being supportive to their children,

giving them a secured feeling, teach them to be honest and moral, praise them from time to time

to ensure their self-confidence and show a great amount of affection.

A responsible parent as referred to earlier in the essay—must at the least—be

responsible! Many parents try to be the “cool mom (or dad)” by satisfying all their children’s

needs and buying them whatever they want, as long as their salary can support it. In numerous

cases, this is proved damaging to the child’s emotional development because the child becomes

increasingly dependable on his or her parents and takes everything for granted. If one has been

used to getting their ways through the entire life or receiving whatever they ask for without hard

work, then one can never survive in this world alone, because everything all privileges that one
can gain is form one’s duty. Moreover, parents do not usually see themselves as spoiling their

young by giving them “certain freedom” such as going out whenever they want as long as they

are “back by ten o’clock”.

Chances are, some parents do not think that it is dangerous at all to let their teenagers out

at night just so they can “have a life” or maybe their neighborhood is safe whatsoever, but being

lenient is negative in many cases because it gives the teenager a false belief that his or her life

belongs only to himself or herself so there is no restriction posted over what they can or cannot

do. Then when sudden event erupts or when the teenager gets into serious trouble, for example:

teenage pregnancy; the parents grow furious and the teenager, never used to have so many

comments and restrictions over his or her life, rebels and runaway. Therefore, responsible

parents should be good examples for their child beginning as early as the stage of infancy, and

later as the child develops, the parents must exert some form of democratic authoritative power

over the children until the child is close to his or her teens. As the child enters his teens, his

parents should allow the teenager to have some freedom over what he wants to do, but still

firmly laying down basic principles such as respect and consideration for others in the family

that everyone in the family must be subjected under. This will ensure for the child’s

developments because having a close family that really cares for the child (even if it maybe quite

strict) really means a whole lot to the child because knowing that there is always somebody there

to lean on for support keeps the child away from joining gangs or being easily lured away.

For me, I love children and I have always enjoyed playing with my cousins’ three babies

and toddlers. When I see them laugh, it makes me really happy and I enjoy being around them

because they are so simple and innocent living in their own mini-worlds where there is only

themselves, what they wish to see and what they want. The fact that they must grow up and
there are so much to deal with once a child grows up keeps me from wanting my own child

because I tend to expect perfection from myself on something that I have determined to do.

Aside from troubles of parenting, there are chances that a child born can have the Down

syndrome or various other disorders, and having a child with any disorder can be a burden to

one’s life forever. Thus, knowing that perfection in a family is not possible, I think maintaining

the cherished relationship with my future husband without any ties is the best way to live and not

worry too much about my budget or being the “perfect mom.” I have heard, however, that many

people do not consider themselves fit to be mothers until they reach a certain age when their

brains release some chemicals that cause them to change their views on being parents, so I can

never be sure what I would want by then. As for now, I only intend to lead a life that is as simple

and happy as possible, with my immediate family now healthy and living an even more joyful

life than me.

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