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Cassandra Toussaint


UDL Lesson Plan 2 SPED 245

English Language Arts: All about Me Book Making Inferences/Drawing Conclusions

CC Standard - RL.6.7Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem
to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what
they "see" and "hear" when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.

Behavioral Objective: Student will learn how to draw conclusions and make inferences through
power point presentations. Students will then use prior knowledge form one of two texts; the
story More than anything else by Marie Bandby, and the history of Booker-T Washington to
identify inference and conclusions are in a story; determining how to look for evidence or clues
in the passage to draw conclusions. Future more, student will continue to identify inference and
conclusions through study zone Test prep.

Facebook all about me template
Power point presentation
Flash card (example of Inferences and conclusion)
IPad/Computer website activity studyzone.org
Worksheet (extra assignment) only in paper and pencil format?
Activating Prior Knowledge: The teacher will remind students about last weeks assignment;
which they will add Facebook current statue sheet to their all about me memory book.
Students will continue to briefly express whats on their mind, what mood their currently in, and
answer the focus question of the day on the statue sheet. This weeks question is when you see
the words Inferences or Conclusions, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? What
do you think making Inferences or drawing conclusions mean? Student will answer the
question, and then have a group discussion, sharing their thoughts on the question.

The teacher will also go over last weeks lesson where students compared and contrasted Booker
T. Washings past life to their present privilege life. The teacher will state to the class, think about
the ending of the story More Than Anything Else by Marie Bradby. The last phase in the text;
the character Booker said I linger over that picture. I know I can hold it forever based on what
they remember from the short story, what steps or predictions they believe Booker T.
Washington took to be become the Famous African American educator as we know him today.
For example: do they think him ever when to a regular elementary school with other students; or
did he ever graduate? Creating another short class discussion, getting everyones thoughts; the
teacher will go into the lesson of the day which is Making Inferences/Drawing Conclusions of a
Modeling: The teacher will use power point presentation to give clear definitions of Inferences
and Conclusions. In the power point the teacher will give several examples of made-up scenarios
of each with multiple choices questions; Playing a detective as the theme illustration for the
specific questions to ask in order to make inferences and draw conclusions. For example, the
passage suggests that? Or What can you conclude happen next? The teacher will read aloud
scenarios to demonstrate how this works.

Guided Practices: After presenting the power point , the students will play a game called flash
card shards one side of the card contain image of a story line and on the other side are the
response to what is happening in the images. The teacher will first demonstrate this game to
show student the proper way to play.

Independent Practice: Students will then go to studyzone.org on the computer to individually
practice identifying inferences and conclusions with multiple choice questions using the same
strategy as the detective scenario approach. The teacher will walk around the room observing
students on the computer helping any student whenever needed. Once Students have done the
practice assignment, they will be given a drawing conclusion worksheet to complete with short
response questions; along with multiple choice questions that the teacher will collect.

Assessment: students will be observed during all interactive activity with the teacher; examining
assignments to determine if learners fully understood the content area of inferences and drawing
conclusions with the two texts More than anything else by Marie Bandby, and the history of
Booker-T Washington. The teacher will collect multiple choices questions worksheet to grade.

Multiple means of representation:
1.1 Provided customize display of information- Teacher displayed examples of inferences and
conclusions on power point slides, flash cards, computer website, and worksheet.
2.1 define vocabulary and symbol- The Teacher clearly define the two main terms in this lesson,
inferences and conclusions giving two different definitions, examples, and also using visual

Multiple mean of engagement:
4.3 Accessing tools and assistive technologies- Students were given extra accommodations to
use technology device, like the computer. Students were given headphones to listen to the sound
effects from the study zone website. Different sound effects were made every time students
answered the question correctly or incorrectly.
6.1 Provided guide effective goal-setting- Teacher provide guided practice examples using flash
card shard to complete together as a class. Teacher also modeled examples of inferences and
conclusion in power point presentations with scenarios and open ended questions.

Multiple means of expression:
8.4 Increase mastery-oriented feedback-Teacher observe student during independent practice on
the computer; giving students feedback on errors and wrong answers, and modeling positive
strategies to help find correct answers. Students can develop and elimination process, narrowing
down to find the correct answer.
9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection- The teacher will develop a self-assessment for
student to determine themselves whether they understand the strategy they learn or not by
incorporating computer test prep activities that reveals scores. Students self assess through
study zone given student the correct and incorrect answer to the questions at hand; giving
students clues, and another opportunity to and the answer correct if incorrect.

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