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Lesson Preparation Worksheet

(Thinking about the lesson)

Teacher Candidate: Hillary Enyert
Title of Lesson: Mathematics: Addition
Grade Level: First Grade
Subject Area: Mathematics

Lesson Topic (What is the big idea?):
The student will learn how to do basic, one-digit addition with the use of Touch Math.

What standard(s) and/or IEP goal(s) will it address?
Prepared graduates:
The P-12 concepts and skills that all students who complete the Colorado education system must master to
ensure their success in a postsecondary and workforce setting

Content area: Mathematics
Standard 1: Number Sense, Properties, and Operations
2. Number relationships can be used to solve addition and subtraction problems.

Main Objective of Instruction (What do you want the student(s) to learn?):
The student will complete basic, one-digit addition problems with the use of Touch Math with 95% accuracy as
measured by a progress-monitoring chart three times a week for four weeks.

Supporting Objectives:
1. The student will know how to apply Touch Points from Touch Math when completing addition
2. The student will count out loud while completing addition problems.

Specific Strategies to be taught/modeled:
1. The student will be taught that the bigger number goes on-top.
2. The student will be taught how to count forwards, using Touch Points.
3. The student will be taught that manipulative are readily available.

Planning for individual differences (mediated scaffolding): What are the accommodations/modifications you
need to prepare?
The use of a colored pen or marker when applying Touch Points on numbers
The use of bigger manipulative, if necessary
Sitting at a table where he can spread out his materials
Sitting at a table that his wheel chair will fit under
In ILC classroom

What background knowledge do the students have? How will you assess students learning pre, during and
The student has the background knowledge of Touch Math, number sense, and how to count from 0-100.
Pre: independent student work
During: observation of students understanding; progress monitoring chart
Post: independent student work

What management/grouping issues do you need to consider?
Student will be in ILC classroom with one other student seated at a kidney table with the teacher

Materials and Resources:
Touch Math

How/where will students be able to integrate (generalize) this learning?
During the lesson, the student will be taught how to integrate learning outside of a school environment. He will
be told addition can be used at any point during the day including telling time (how much time until? )

How will you evaluate student learning from this lesson and build review into ongoing instruction (judicious
A progress-monitoring chart will be used to evaluate student learning. The chart will be completed three times a

Lesson Plan
(What will actually be done)

Lesson Title: Mathematics: Addition

Main Objective of this lesson: The student will complete basic, one-digit addition
problems with the use of Touch Math with 95% accuracy as measured by a progress-
monitoring chart three times a week for four weeks.

Anticipatory Set How will you get the student(s) attention?) Relate lesson to prior learning.
The teacher will have the student do a few basic addition problems without telling him he is completing a math
problem. One question will be If a family has two parents and three children, how many people are in the
family? as well as If I have four BeyBlades (a game he likes to play) and you have five, how many do we
have altogether?

Teaching: (Is this an informal presentation, direct instruction, or structured discovery?) What strategies will
you be using? Be sure to include differentiation.
Direct Instruction/Structured discovery
o Strategies (I Do/ how will you guide students to construct meaning for themselves):
The teacher will gather a few worksheets from the Touch Math Addition Set to work with the
student. During the first part of the lesson, the teacher will complete one of the worksheets
independently using self-talk and making sure to count out loud. The teacher will demonstrate
how to use the Touch Points on the numbers to help when solving an addition problem. If one of
the numbers does not have the Touch Point already printed on, the teacher will use a colored
marker or pen to draw on the Touch Points while referencing the Touch Math posters. With one
problem, the teacher will use teddy bear manipulatives to help with the addition problem so the
student realizes that manipulatives are readily available if he would like to use them.

o Differentiation: The student will be able to use manipulatives if necessary.

Check for Understanding- What questions will you ask your students?
The student will be asked if he counts up or down when doing an addition problem? He will also be asked
If I cannot solve a problem using the Touch Points, what other resources could I use?

Guided Practice or Discovery:
The process will be the same as the teaching section of the lesson, but solving the problems with the student.
They will complete a four problem worksheet as a team.

Closure: Student(s) summarize, demonstrate learning of lesson.
A finalizing discussion will occur between student and teacher about using Touch Math and Touch Points to
help when solving basic addition problems.
The student will be given a PAW for working hard and free time (math related) on the iPad for ten minutes once
he has finished the independent practice.

I ndependent Practice: What will this look like? Is it homework? Completion of a product independently?
The student will be given a four-problem worksheet to do independently after the lesson has been taught. The
student has mini posters of the Touch Math at home to work on with his parents. If it appears that the student
needs more practice with the Touch Math, he will receive two pages, or eight problems, to complete at home for

(Formally END the lesson)

EDSE 444/bal/spr10

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