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CAST 2011 UDL Guidelines Educator Checklist Version 2

Project Reflection Sheet for UDL Educators Checklist

How did you use technology to implement the 9 UDL guidelines? Explain in the nine boxes below.
Resave the file as Group # UDL checklist
I Provide !ultiple !eans of Representation"
#our notes
$ Provide options for perception
We will display the information and activities on
an ActivInspire Flipchart.
he students will ha!e a strong !erb or wea"
!erb card gi!en to them.
he students will !iew a !ideo on strong !erbs
and wea" !erbs.
he teacher will explicitly explain the acti!ity and
examples of strong !erbs and wea" !erbs to the
he students will ha!e an opportunity to wor"
together and discuss examples of strong !erbs
and wea" !erbs.
he teacher will act out the !erb for the class.
#Ex. Wal" or $ump%
$$ &ffer ways of customi'ing the display of
$% &ffer alternati!es for auditory information
$& &ffer alternati!es for !isual information
% Provide options for lan'ua'e( )athe)atical
e*pressions( and s+),ols
he teacher will go o!er !erbs on the word wall.
he teacher will show and explain the strong
!erb symbols using the hamburger toppings.
he teacher will show the toppings on the
Each group of students will create their own
sentence using a strong !erb and draw a
representation of their strong !erb using the
(lipchart or Paint to share with the rest of the
%$ )larify !ocabulary and symbols
%% )larify syntax and structure
%& *upport decoding of text+ and mathematical
notation+ and symbols
%- ,romote understanding across language
%. -llustrate through multiple media
& Provide options for co)prehension
he students will ha!e an opportunity to acti!ate
bac"ground "nowledge of what a !erb is.
he teacher will show the relationship between
sentence structure and dictation.
he teacher will scaffold the students through all
of the acti!ities throughout the entire lesson.
&$ .cti!ate or supply bac"ground "nowledge
&% Highlight patterns+ critical features+ big ideas+
and relationships
&& /uide information processing+ !isuali'ation+
and manipulation
&- 0aximi'e transfer and generali'ation
II Provide !ultiple !eans for /ction and
#our notes
4. Provide options for ph+sical action
he students will ha!e an opportunity to get out
of their seat and find their match. #. person with
their strong !erb or wea" !erb.%
he students will draw their illustrations on the
Doodle 1uddy .pp.
-$ 2ary the methods for response and
-% &ptimi'e access to tools and assisti!e
5. Provide options for e*pression and
he students will use .cti! 2otes to !ote on
whether the example !erb is a strong !erb or a
wea" !erb.
he students will draw their illustrations on the
Doodle 1uddy .pp.
*tudents will be gi!en the opportunity to share
their illustrations on the ,romethean 1oard.
.$ Use multiple media for communication
.% Use multiple tools for construction and
.& 1uild fluencies with graduated labels of
support for practice and performance
6. Provide options for e*ecutive functions
he teacher will "eep trac" of the answers that
the students gi!e using the .cti! 2ote de!ices.
he teacher will pro!ide a clear and attainable
0$ /uide appropriate goal setting
CAST 2011 UDL Guidelines Educator Checklist Version 2

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