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($)*+, Baviu Ciockett; visual Tall Tales "#$%&' (%))*+

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Bavy Ciockett viueo - Biscoveiy Euucation
Bavy Ciockett song (http:www.youtube.comwatch.v=QAvN_nuPljQ)
visual Tall Tales PoweiPoint
Facts anu Exaggeiations Woiksheet foi each stuuent
Blank pieces of papei foi each stuuent
Coloieu PencilsNaikeisCiayons


;<=(<>?<>' analyze the stiuctuie, elements, style, anu puipose of naiiative genie incluuing
histoiical fiction, tall tales, science fiction, fantasy, anu mysteiy.

;<=(<>?<>@ analyze how chaiacteis' tiaits anu setting uefine plot, climax, the iole of
uialogue, anu how pioblems aie iesolveu.

;<=(<>?<>A explain how authois use liteiaiy uevices incluuing exaggeiation anu metaphois
to uevelop chaiacteis, themes, plot, anu functions of heioes, anti-heioes, anu naiiatois.


Stuuents will be able to state thiee facts anu thiee exaggeiations that have been
maue in histoiy about Baviu Ciockett.
Stuuents will be able to explain how a histoiical event can be exaggeiateu anu
become a tall tale.
Stuuents will be able to uepict theii own exaggeiateu postcaiu aftei seeing multiple
examples fiom histoiy.


The puipose is to expose stuuents to the histoiy of tall tales. They will leain that
many of the tall tale chaiacteis that we have anu will ieau about weie famous histoiical
chaiacteis. They will watch a viueo to unueistanu the tiue peison anu then ieau the text to
see how a tall tale often exaggeiates the life that the peison liveu. They will be able to see
how tiue stoiies have tuineu into tall tales. They will also leain about how visual tall tale
stoiies weie tolu in the 2u
centuiy. The PoweiPoint is a visual way foi stuuents to leain
some of the histoiical pait of tall tales anu to see what the visual tall tales lookeu like.

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I will begin the lesson by having stuuents watch a viueo about Baviu Ciockett. In this
viueo, stuuents will leain about Baviu Ciockett anu why he is a famous histoiical peison.
They will leain about wheie he tiaveleu anu events in his life. I will also have stuuents listen
to "The Ballau of Bavy Ciockett" to ieinfoice theii leaining.

I will uisplay the viueo anu PoweiPoint on the boaiu using the piojectoi anu the
computei. I will oially state any auuitional infoimation as neeueu. I will uisplay the giaphic
oiganizei on the boaiu using the ELN0. I will wiite in examples as neeueu. Stuuents will
view these fiom theii seats anu will wiite in examples on theii inuiviuual giaphic
oiganizeis. Foi the postcaiu, stuuents will cieate theii own using papei anu coloieu

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Following the viueo, I will ask stuuents multiple compiehension questions to make
suie they unueistoou the viueo. These questions may incluue: Wheie was Bavy Ciockett
boin. Wheie uiu he tiavel. Why is he famous. 0sing a giaphic oiganizei, stuuents will
wiite uown thiee facts that they leain about Bavy Ciockett fiom the viueo.

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Aftei uiscussing the viueo, I will ieau the stuuents a tall tale veision of Bavy
Ciockett. Thioughout the stoiy, we will uiscuss some of the exaggeiations that weie tolu
anu whethei these things weie tiue. Stuuents will wiite uown these exaggeiations, then
compaie them to the facts that they wiote uown fiom the viueo.


Following the guiueu piactice, I will show stuuents a shoit powei point about visual
tall tales that weie populai in the late 19
anu eaily 2u
centuiy. I will show stuuents how
these visual images weie tuineu into postcaius anu ways in which they weie exaggeiateu.

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Inuepenuently, stuuents will wiite uown facts that they leaineu about Bavy Ciockett
fiom the viueo anu some exaggeiations they heaiu in the tall tale stoiy. They will also
explain how tiue events have tuineu into tall tales.
Stuuents will also make theii own visual tall tale postcaiu aftei leaining about how
they weie useu in histoiy. Stuuents will take an event that has happeneu to them oi that
they know has happeneu in histoiy anu exaggeiates it thiough uiawing a pictuie.

We will close this lesson by having a few stuuents shaie theii postcaius. They will
explain what tiue event is being uepicteu anu what they uiu to make it exaggeiateu. This
will wiap up the uiscussion about visual exaggeiations anu give a quick summaiy of
stuuents unueistanuing of the lesson.


I will assess stuuents by ieviewing theii shoit explanation of how tiue stoiies may
tuin into tall tales. I will also ieview theii postcaius to make suie they unueistoou that tiue
events coulu be exaggeiateu thiough the use of a visual. Buiing the entiie lesson, I will
infoimally assess stuuents by asking questions anu monitoiing theii woik.

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All stuuents will paiticipate in this lesson. Foi stuuents who a visual impaiiment,
they shoulu be placeu in the fiont of the ioom so that they can see the viueo anu
PoweiPoint. Stuuents may also neeu fuithei explanation; theiefoie, things shoulu be
ieiteiateu to inuiviuual stuuents as neeueu. If a stuuent is unable to wiite, have them oially
state the facts anu exaggeiations about Bavy Ciockett. They may also wiite fewei woius oi
list the uiffeiences between both viueos. All stuuents will be able to uiaw a postcaiu anu
shoulu be given fuithei examples if neeueu.

This lesson is uiveise because it shows stuuents a vaiiety of tall tales. It shows
stuuents a viueo about the histoiy of tall tales foi visual leaineis. They will also be able to
heai the facts anu I will make suie to ieview them aftei the viueo. In auuition, stuuents will
be able to listen to a stoiy about Bavy Ciockett. Last, stuuents will see a PoweiPoint of
postcaius so that they can see examples of the visual tall tales while they heai them being

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