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Driving Question : How Do Plants And Animals Work Together To

Sustain Lie !
Animals need plants to provide energy and oxygen so that they can survive, and plants need CO2 (made by animals), H2O and light to make energy
and oxygen. his cycle is called the carbon cycle, and it is a very important cycle that, i! interrupted, can destroy the environment, atmosphere and
li!e altogether. "ost cities and countries around the #orld have grave concerns about air $uality and the ability to take care o! its ecosystems. and
ho# they #ork together to make sure that there is enough !ood and oxygen to sustain li!e in your city.
%our task is to create an addition onto your #ebsite that #ould be a go&to tool !or anyone trying to learn the processes o! 'hotosynthesis and
(espiration and #hy it is important. %ou #ill also research an animal and explain ho# animals and plants depend on each other . )astly, you #ill
address an environmental concern that exists in the #orld today (ideally one that a!!ects your animal*plant) and possible solutions to it. his #ill all
be place on your #ebsite and must include the !ollo#ing sections+
"#Photos$nthesis: %&'(oints
& ,hat is it in a brie! -&. sentence summary (purpose*products, type o! organisms that do it, organelle etc.) ////// 0
1 he (eaction 2$uation !or 'hotosynthesis
& 2xplain #hat happens in the 2 phases o! photosynthesis+ (#here, products)
1 )ight 3ependant (eactions //////
1 )ight 4ndependent (eactions //////

%# )es(iration: %&'(oints
& ,hat is it in a brie! -&. sentence summary (purpose*products, type o! organisms that do it, organelle etc.) ////// 0
& he (eaction 2$uation !or (espiration //////
& 2xplain #hat happens in the - phases o! respiration+ (#here, products)
& 5lycolysis /////
& 6ermentation /////
& Aerobic (espiration //////
& "uscle 6atigue )ab (data table, graph and re!lection)
*# +,olog$ and Animal )esear,h: *-'(oints
Please have inormation on the ollowing:
& common name(s) and scienti!ic name o! your animal /////
& its classi!ication+ 7ingdom, 'hylum, Class, Order, 6amily, 5enus, 8pecies //////
& i! it is a heterotroph, autotroph, herbivore, omnivore, carnivore ////0
& #here it exists in its local !ood chain and !ood #eb (and example o! both is needed) /////0
& #here it #ould be !ound+ country, continent, biome, habitat ////// 0
& - animals that it has symbiosis #ith+ mutualism, parasitism, commensalism /////0
& biotic*abiotic !actors A93 independent*dependent !actors that a!!ect your organism and HO, it a!!ects your organism /////
& #hat is :94;:2 about your animal< this is #here to talk about interesting !acts and in!ormation /////0
& the animals ,,6 classi!ication (i! possible). Along #ith #hat is contributing to that status and #hat can be done to help /////
.# The /arbon012$gen /$,le: +2(lain 3with images4 how Photos$nthesis5 )es(iration and $our animal work together to sustain lie ////// 0
P6/T7)+5 +Q7AT61NS o PH1T10)+SP5 +8PLANAT61N
.'9 senten,es "&'(oints
-# +nvironmental To(i, 3ideall$ one that ae,ts $our animal0organism4 and: %-'(oints
& outline the problem in =&> sentences /////0
& provide a visual on the topic (video, animation, pictures etc.)0
& give a speci!ic action that people can do to help in !ighting the problem
9# /itations: you must cite every resource properly using sites such as easybib.com or knightcite.com. %ou may use either ")A or A'A style.
///// "&'(oints
:should in,lude a visual 3(i,ture5 video et,4
otal 'oints ? @2A&points
4n order to meet the above re$uirements, you must also include at least - items !rom the ic&ac&oe grid belo#. ,hat this means is that you must
pick any - items in a ro# to produce #hat #ould be considered a B#inB in ic&ac&oe. %ou may include more than -, and !or each added one #ill be
@A extra credit points.
;ideo Slideshow 3(re<i5 (ower(oint et,#4 Animation0S,reen,ast
Poster Stor$book 3ele,troni,0hard ,over4 Pod,ast
1nline Qui<5 Poll5 Surve$ 3taken b$ ,lass4 )a(0Poem0Song =ro,hure0Pam(hlet
AT Te,hnologies 0tools
5raphic OrganiCers (7idspiration*4nspiration !rom 4nspiration 8o!t#are)
8peech&to&text so!t#are ("icroso!t 8peech (ecognition)
ext )arge print keyboard
8mart Doards
Web %#& Websites :
& mindmeister !rame*bubbl.us*gli!!y.com*creately.com*mind.2.com (mind maps)
& visu#ords.com*$uintura.com (visual #ords association)
& knightcite, easybib (citations)
& Eing, screencast&o&matic (video capture)
& #ordle.net*#ordsi!t.com*tagxedo.com (vocab)
& ho#stu!!#orks.com (discovery)
& audacity, source!orge.net, sound recorder (podcast)
& scribblar.com (online collaboration #ith audio*video etc. great !or distant tutoring)
& glogster, > poster board #ebsites . (poster board)
& photos o! endangered animals
& touchcast.com
Animals to /hoose >rom 3or suggest $our own4
,hite urtle Alpaca Angler 6ish Angora (abbit
8un 8pider he ,hip 8corpion 5iant 5renadier ,ol! 6ish
Australian 'eacock 8pider 5iant 4sopod "atamata urtle 'atagonian Cavy
8tauroteuthis 8yrtensis Axolotl Aye&Aye Deluga ,hale
Colobus "onkey Cteno phora 3uck Dilled 'latypus 3umbo Octopus
2lephant 8hre# 5iant 'ig 5lass 6rog Aardvark
'angolin 8umatran (hino asmanian 3evil
horny 3evil he 5reater 5alagos Ocean 8un!ish Fampire 8$uid
5ray ree 6rog 5uinea 6o#l 'u!!er Hag 6ish Helicoprion
Hooded 8eal 6rilled 8hark )ea!y 8ea3ragon )ong&2ared Gerboa
9aked "ole (at 'roboscis "onkey 'ygmy "armoset 'urple 6rog
(osey&lipped Dat!ish (ed 'anda 8aiga 8ea 'ig
ardigrade 8tar 9osed "ole 6rilled 9ecked )iCard apir
3ugong Cotton op amarin 8ilvery "armoset 4ndian 5harial
8lender )oris 8hoebill 8loth 8ucker 6ooted Dat
:kari "onkey Fampire 6ish ,etas %eti Crab
Climbing 6ish 5iant 8o!t 8helled urtle 5iant Coconut Crab
9orthern Hairy 9osed ,ombat Okapi 'ina 4sland ortoise (ed ,ol!
8ao ome 8hre# 9ar#hal Camel 8pider Dlob!ish
8un Dear 8loaneHs Fiper 6ish arsier Chinese 5iant 8alamander
Ankole*,atusi A!rican Civet

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