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Centre: Maplehurst SACC Date: April 28 May 9, 2014

Domain: Skills: Indicator of the Skill:
1. Social 1.1 Friendships Interest in pleasing adults
2. Emotional 2.6 Positive attitudes towards learning
Increasing pride in work and interest in
learning new things
3. Communication, Language, and Literacy 3.3 Conversing with peers and adults
Adapting messages to the needs of
4. Cognitive 4.2 Problem Solving Planning to achieve goals

LEARNING STORY (tell a story of what happened):
For Mothers Day, we chose to paint flower pots and begin to grow flowers in them to give as a gift. The children were so excited
about this project, and they knew it would take time to let them grow. So, we began painting the pots on Monday, April 28. The
children used their manners while sharing the paints and paint brushes, and got very creative with their painting! They mixed
different colours together. Elika said her moms favourite colour was turquoise, but we didnt have that colour. When asked what
she should do, Elika said she could mix colours together. I asked her what colours she should mix, Elika already knew she should use
blue, but she wasnt sure of what other colours to use. Emma said, Maybe yellow? So, Elika tried it but it made green! She
decided to add more blue and she eventually got to turquoise with the help of her friends. All of the pots ended up looking beautiful
and we knew their moms would love them!
On Friday, May 2, we planted all of the seeds. Alia, Ashia, Ella, Rachel, and Tom helped me plant the seeds. There was a choice
between Zinnias and Cosmos. Both types of flowers had different instructions on how to plant them. I asked Ashia and Ella to read
us the instructions and explain to us what we need to do. First, you need to fill the pot with soil, but not all the way, Ella told us.
Ashia said, Then you have to plant the seed 3 centimetres down. Ashia thought we should use a ruler to see how much that is, so
she got hers and showed us. So, after that we need to cover them, Ashia said. We should water them too, Ella told me. I asked
the children what else would help the flowers grow, Rachel answered, Sunlight! After we planted and watered the seeds we took
them to the school staff room so they could get sunlight. Tom gave me the brilliant idea of putting plastic cups over them like a
greenhouse to help them grow. We left them over the weekend and saw on Monday morning that some had already sprouted! We
visited the pots every morning and afternoon to water them and see their growth. On Friday, May 9, some of the sprouts were too
tall for the cups! The children were so happy to see that their flowers were a success, and they couldnt wait to give it to their
mothers as a gift. We are very proud of their hard work and creativity throughout this project!

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