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Disney Films

Gender & Racial Stereotypes

Julia MacLean
Gender Stereotypes
Although animated, women are often sexualized in Disney
films. Whether there are any actual sexual references or not,
they're still only noticed by the men because of how beautiful
they are. This often sends a message to young girls and plants
a seed in their mind that they need to be beautiful to be noticed
by anyone in life. This also teaches young boys that beauty is
the most important thing about a woman and that that's the first
thing they should be looking for in a potential partner.
Gender Stereotypes
Women are also portrayed in Disney films as property to
some extent. They are often the possession of their father,
until their prince or some male figure comes along and takes
possession of them. This represents them as not being
capable of living independently without a man to take care of
them and teaches young girls to depend on male figures in
their life for support.
Racial Stereotypes
Aladdin and Lion King are two of Disneys more controversial
movies involving race. Many of the characters reinforce
white superiority over other races and other races are
portrayed as poor, uneducated, and aggressive.
Walt Disney
Researchers have looked into Walt
Disneys views on race and gender
to get some background on these
movies. They have found that Walt
Disney was often slightly racist and
sexist himself. Granted, many
people were during the 20th century,
but that does give some context as
to why these movies represent
women and other races in this way.
In conclusion, there is no doubt that there are many
questionable and controversial things involving race and
gender and classic Disney Films. It is important, however, to
look at the context of the time period that they were created
in. Yes they are controversial in our society today and we
may not want our children having these sexist and racist
values planted in their head, but they were simply social
norms back when they were made.
Allodi, K., Gries, E., Mumy, C., & Shea, D. (2014, March 11). Disney's View Of The World.Disney's View
Of The World. Retrieved May 13, 2014, from http://www.units.miamioh.edu/psybersite/disney/

Dobbins, A. (2013, December 11). Fact-Checking the Age-Old Rumors of Walt Disney's Dark Side. Vulture.
Retrieved May 16, 2014, from http://www.vulture.com/2013/12/walt-disney-anti-semitism-racism-sexism-

Joseph, B. (2007, November 16). The 9 Most Racist Disney Characters. . Retrieved , from

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