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Supporting Documents for I 129 Form (Step 3)

Current letter of offer (title, salary, duties, dates specified)

Current resume/CV
Diploma/degree (translations if not in English, including Latin, and
transcript if field not listed). Note that the degree must be in the
specific field reuired for the position.
!ublications (title page of one or t"o) or t"o reference letters if no
#f person currently holds an $%& from outside '(, payroll
statements for the past couple of months
#mmigration documents (if in the ')*) (non+clinical positions)
Copy of both sides of the #+,- that are in the passport
Copy of .isa
Copy of passport
If currently H-1 all forms #+/,/
If F-1 all forms #+01, Employment *uthori2ation Document
(E*D) if practical training
If F-2 all forms %01 of spouse
#f J-1 all forms Ds+01%, (formerly #*! %33), "ai.er of 0 yr.
home residence reuirement (if sub4ect), employment
authori2ed by sponsor (i.e. 5+% student academic training)
#f J-2 all forms D)+01%, (formerly #*!+33) of spouse, E*D (if
"or6 authori2ation pre.iously granted), "ai.er (if spouse is
#f indi.idual is outside the ')* need a copy of the passport and
indi.idual must indicate the port of entry or ') consulate
address "here the indi.idual "ill apply for .isa. (see # %0, !art

#mmigration documents (if in the ')*) for clinical positions.
#n addition to all of the abo.e reuired license to practice the
occupation. (')7LE, (isconsin license to practice, EC879,
unrestricted license to practice medicine in a foreign country or
ha.e graduated from a medical school in a foreign country.

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