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7.1 Academic Word List Sublist 1B

Match these words to their denitions.
1 indicate ..... a an answer or reaction to a question or statement
2 individual ..... b in proportion to a hundred
3 interpretation ..... c noticeable, meaningful or important
4 involved ..... d to happen, often naturally or unexpectedly
5 issues ..... e a geographic or economic area
6 labor ..... f to show, point out, or make clear
7 legal ..... g a single person or thing when compared to a group
8 legislation ..... h almost but not exactly the same
9 major ..... i more important than others of the same type
10 method ..... j the way parts of a system or object are arranged
11 occur ..... k an organized system of accepted knowledge
12 percent ..... l relating to one thing and not others
13 period ..... m a function or part performed in a specic process
14 policy ..... n a series of actions taken to achieve a result
15 principle ..... o the cause of something or place it comes from
16 procedure ..... p practical work which involves physical effort
17 process ..... q related to or allowed by law
18 required ..... r a basic generalization that is accepted as true
19 research ..... s a course of action intended to achieve a result
20 response ..... t any length of time
21 role ..... u an established practice or plan of what to do
22 section ..... v a way of doing something
23 sector ..... w a law or laws created by a government
24 signicant ..... x a detailed study of a subject
25 similar ..... y needed or made necessary
26 source ..... z problems that people are thinking or talking about
27 specic ..... an explanation or opinion of what something means
28 structure ..... one among a group of things which may change
29 theory ..... complicated or difcult to understand
30 variable ..... a distinct part of something

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