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Converter - Stones to Lbs

Height Weight BMI Indication
(Metres) (Kg) Enter your weight in stones and lbs
1.73 70 23.4 Normal putting stones in one cell and lbs in the next
Imperial Result
Stones Lbs Lbs
Height Weight BMI
(Inches) (lbs) 15 0 210
62.5 217 39.1 Super Obese
Body Mass Index Calculator (BMI)
A J Hedges
Note: the BMI value is only a guide to give you an idea of
your weight in relation to your height. If you are muscular
then the value may overestimate body fat; elderly people who
have lost muscle mass will cause it to be underestimated.
A J Hedges 2006 This spreadsheet can be downloaded and
shared free of charge on condition that it is
unedited except with respect to weight or
height data and carries my website and
copyright details with it.
To use this calculator you will need to know your height and weight, enter the
information in the grey areas,. To convert Stones and Lbs to lbs use the
Your Weight
Converter - Stones to Lbs
Enter your weight in stones and lbs
putting stones in one cell and lbs in the next

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