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Cierra Lewis

May 28th, 2014

Senior English 1.B:
#6 e!le"tion #n $o%r Blog&
1.' (! a stranger "o)es a"ross )y *log while s%r!ing the internet, ( ho+e that they will learn the
i)+ortan"e o! the n%rsing +ro!ession to o%r so"iety, how *e"o)ing a n%rse "an "hange a
+erson,s li!e, an- the essential ste+s that )%st *e ta.en to *e"o)e a n%rse. My Mission !or )y
*log was to in!or) )y +eers a*o%t )y "areer "hoi"e, in ho+es to ins+ire so)e +otential n%rses
that with a +%sh they "an -o it.
2.' /he gra+hi"s on )y site s%++ort )y to+i" *y showing what a n%rse loo.s li.e, gi0ing
a--itional in!or)ation a*o%t )y "areer "hoi"e, an- entertaining the a%-ien"e with relate-
i)ages. 1or e2a)+le )y "areer in!or)ational +ie"e shows 0ario%s +i"t%res o! n%rses.
/hro%gho%t the *log ( also a--e- so)e i)ages that )ay *e state- a statisti" or a !a"t, an- )ost
o! the +i"t%res ( +%*lishe- 3%st *a".e-4%+ )y +ie"es o! wor..
5.' /he "o))ents )a-e *y )y "lass)ates assiste- )e with !%rther -e0elo+ing )y *log *y
gi0ing )e +ossi*le +ers+e"ti0es o! rea-ers. /he "o))ents were !ro) st%-ents in -i!!erent
+ro!essions an- who !o%n- no interest in )y *log, whi"h was +er!e"t !or !ig%ring o%t ways to
*etter ins+ire )y rea-ers.
4.' So)e -i!!i"%lties relating to resear"hing )y to+i" that ( en"o%ntere- were: -%e to the *roa-
"areer "hoi"es with *eing a n%rse, !in-ing a set -es"ri+tion o! the wor.loa- *e"a)e nearly
i)+ossi*le an- "lari!ying the -i!!eren"e *etween a -o"tor an- n%rse was e0en )ore "hallenging
!or the sa)e reason.
6.' So)e things ( learne- a*o%t -oing online resear"h that allowe- )e to o0er"o)e )y
-i!!i"%lties were: so)eti)es rewar-ing 7%estions hel+s the sear"h engine narrow sites an-
+rinting arti"les "o%l- *etter hel+ yo% %n-erstan- its "ontent. 1in-ing or %n-erstan-ing )aterial
on the internet "an *e stress!%l *%t i! yo% !in- the way it wor.s !or yo% it "an *e easy as +ie.
6.' /wo new an- interesting things that ( learne- a*o%t )y to+i" as a res%lt o! )y resear"h was
that ho)e "are is *e"o)ing the )ost rewar-ing "areers in the n%rsing +ro!ession, an- hos+ital
te"hni"al training +rogra)s in health s"ien"es are *e"o)ing )ore +o+%lar in the 8.S. Many
n%rses to-ay are wanting to *e"o)e )ore han-s on -%e to new -iseases an-9or non4"%ra*le
:.' /wo things that ( learne- as a res%lt o! )y resear"h that will hel+ )e )a.e a )ore in!or)e-
"areer "hoi"e are that n%rse instr%"tors o!ten ha0ing *etter wor. ho%rs, an- n%rse instr%"tors
ha0e )ore !ree-o) with their -ress "o-e. Being +ai- on salary o+ens the -oors !or *etter
sa0ing an- s+en-ing ha*its, an- a non stri"t -ress "o-e is +er!e"t !or so)eone who -oes not
li.e a tra-itional %ni!or) loo..
8.' /wo "areer relate- 7%estions that ( still ha0e a!ter -oing )y resear"h are: ;hy -oes
anesthesia n%rses an- anesthesia -o"tors ha0e nearly the sa)e 3o* res+onsi*ilities tho%gh one
ta.es longer to a"7%ire< an- ;hy -o )en get +ai- )ore than wo)en<
=.' /wo ways that ( a) i)agine %sing a *log in the !%t%re are to +ro)ote a *%siness or start a
10.' $es> ( !eel that ( %n-erstan- how to a0oi- +lagiari?ing while still getting )y )essage a"ross
*y "iting all so%r"es, %sing ML@ !or)at or stating the so%r"es while %sing the *orrowe- "onte2t.
11.' Ao> ( -o not !eel "o)!orta*le in )y a*ility to !in- i)ages that are royalty !ree, !or i a)
ignorant with -eter)ining to -i!!eren"e *etween gra+hi"s with royalties an- royalty !ree
12.' (! ( ha- to s%*)it )y *log9we*site to +ro0e )y te"hnology s.ills as +art o! )y a++li"ation !or
a s"holarshi+B so)ethings ( wo%l- "hange a*o%t it to enhan"e )y "han"es o! ha0ing the *est
+ro-%"t are to "hange to the *a".gro%n-9-esign to a n%rsing the)e to *etter s%++ort )y "areer
"hoi"e, a-- )ore real li!e +ie"e Cnews+a+er arti"les or hos+ital *rea.thro%ghs' to -eli0er a )ore
serio%s9+ro!essional i)age.

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